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Do you want to know a Secret?

You’re indifferent, you say?

What if I told you that the secret has to do with everyone’s favorite hot cereal, oatmeal? I’ve got your attention now, huh?

I know that a lot of you are like me in that there are few things you enjoy more than a creamy bowl of oatmeal—the creamier the better. Sure, other grains are great too—bulgur, wheatberries, spelt, barley, etc. But these grains are just too chewy to yield that creamy comfort I often crave…

…Or are they?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

To Be Continued.

Published on September 22, 2008

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. vegannurse says

    Oooo!! The suspense is killing me Katie.. I must know!

    Haha, my roomie says she found me first, so she’s got dibs on me, lol.. but you can totally come on over and I’ll whip you up some crepes and waffles if you spill the beans on your secret!


  2. Ricki says

    Hmmmnnnn. . . I’m thinking of another favorite grain of mine, too, that can cook up just as creamy as the ol’ oatmeal. . . can’t wait to see if I’m right about what you’ll reveal! 😉

  3. Camille says

    Hi there,
    Really like your blog! However, I read in a past entry that you have tried to gain weight? Maybe you aren’t tyring hard enough. As crazy as it sounds, the human body WILL gain weight. I was in a similar situation as yours and got advice from a trainer who suggested that I eat around 4000-5000 calories per day which may SEEM like a lot, but you really have to focus on eating calorie DENSE foods such as nuts, nut butters, fried fruit!, starchy vegetables, healthy oils etc… and try to work out and maybe even start with 3 lb or 4 lb weights! It really is a matter of willpower when wanting to gain weight and I’m sorry if this advice comes off as rude.. you are VERY pretty anyway and ofcourse, as I have learned, it is important to accept your body. I am still NOT up to the ideal weight I want to be at (100 at 5’2″), but I have been able to atleast maintain the 10 lbs I gained by constantly choosing more calorie dense foods, eating frequently, and doing light weights, push ups etc….

  4. VeganCowGirl says

    i am excited….sitting on the edge of my chair!!!

    Really, I love oatmeal and I love your recipes…don’t keep me waiting too long!

  5. Joanna says

    katie, the bread was amazing! i ended up eating about 6 slices a day. haha. it’s all gone now, so i’ll be making more eventually.

    and about the oatmeal… what grain is better than oatmeal? you’ve got me puzzled.

  6. Vegan_Noodle says

    Can’t wait for oatmeal season again (I just can’t eat it in the summer)… and can’t wait for your post!

    Also, thanks for all your kind words after the storm here! We still have no power, but hopefully someday soon!

  7. ChocolateCoveredVegan says


    Thanks for the comment. Yeah, I know it is possible for the human body to gain weight, but as I wrote in a post about a month ago, I got seriously sick when I tried to stuff my face with as much fried/sugary food as I could get and eat 4000 calories a day. I would eat so much at one meal that I could barely choke down anything at the next. So now I just eat a healthy, but still high-calorie, diet. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I was not meant to be curvy.

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