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Enjoying the sun, Enjoying the food

Another lovely day here in Texas– in the 70s and sunny; great for being outdoors.
(Have you noticed that I like to start my posts with commentary about the weather?)

Today was definitely a perfect day for a smoothie, so that’s exactly what I made. Except… I put a little too much ice in the smoothie, and it ended up like an icee. But I ate it in a bowl and it was delicious all the same!

You all should know by now how much I looooove my Mr. Food Processor ;o)

Nothing beats a cool banana icee on a warm day.

Dinner was also perfecto– pasta with broccoli, sprinkled with vegan cheese.


So that’s what I’ve been up to. I’ll be back soon with more food, and I promise to try NOT to mention the weather!

Published on March 13, 2008

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Vaishali says

    The banana icee sounds delicious. Glad you have good weather- we’ve been quite lucky here in Maryland too. Not the 70s, but almost 60. Can’t complain!

  2. Romina says

    I’m super jealous! My thermostat isn’t even at 70.. it’s constantly at 65… brrr…

    Mmm. Pasta, can’t get enough pasta!

  3. Theresa says

    I like hearing about the weather around the world! And, weather really dictates what I eat, so I think it makes sense… it explains why an icee was a good idea.

  4. Leng says

    You must have had a nice day today. Here in California today was around the 60s.
    I can’t wait until Summer time rolls around.

  5. Liz² says

    haha, I love how you always manage to turn your mistakes into awesome unique dishes with cute names! I would totally eat a bowl of icee on a sunny texan day. 😀

  6. Jennifer says

    I think anyone who lives someplace with weird weather SHOULD start their posts that way. When I read about how it was 70 one day and 30 and snowing the next in Texas, I know that we Missourians are not alone. 🙂

    Yum! A banana icee!

    Oh and that pasta and broccoli, so simple, so yummy.

  7. Lizzy says

    That icee sounds wonderful!!!

    And your dinner… yumm!! Nothing beats pasta & broccoli. I had spinach tortellini with broccoli last night 😉

    Enjoy the weather!

  8. Rural Vegan says

    70’s and sunny??? Are you trying to rub it in? =) Well, I’m glad you are enjoying it to the fullest with banana icees! Your pasta looks delicious too, btw.

  9. Virgo Girl says

    My turn, The 70’s! You lucky duck. I’m trying to soak up some stubbron Nyc sun. The icee looks yum 🙂

  10. Vegan_Noodle says

    Texas weather is definitely something worth mentioning these days… this is one of my favorite times of year! All the azaleas are starting to bloom, so beautiful.
    I haven’t had a smoothie in like two weeks!! High time. And your dinner sounds very appetizing right now!

  11. Bianca says

    Isn’t it lovely out right now?! It’s finally spring! Well, not yet…but close enough. It’s 74 here. One of the advantages to living in the South, I guess.

    And nothing beats whole wheat pasta and broccoli! So healthy! So tasty!

  12. Ruby Red Vegan says

    Yum, broccoli has never looked better! AND your icee really puts me in the mood for a coffee icee (I am proud to say that I am decaf-ing it every day now). I should figure out how to make one. 7-11 (the convenience store) came out with a new coffee slurpee but I definitely won’t be putting that in my body.

  13. Ashasarala says

    I’d get all mad and tell you how jealous I am that you are having great weather, but spring is just around the corner from me, so I’ll be happy for you instead. 😉

    I am in love with my food processor too. It works incredible wonders!!!

    Smoothies are great even in cold weather. I’ve been having fun with my new juicer too…

  14. Garden Freak says

    the funny thing about that is you could grab snow that looks exactly like that icee, off my back deck about 3 weeks ago… 8 and 9 inches of it at a time…. so when i see your wonderful refreshing drink, it makes me cold… but now seeing that you have FANTASTIC weather where you are, i can see why you’re making them… i am very jealous of the warmness.. it was about 50 today i believe.. which is NOT beach weather, and what is not beach weather is not good weather in my opinion… ha ha .. anywho, as you can see, i changed my blog address… just had to… keep up the great food blogs..

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