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I’m going on a blind date!

Lazy Sunday.

The weather was beautiful this morning, so I took my breakfast outside:

voluminous oatmeal

A big bowl of oatmeal with the Voluminous Oatmeal Trick.

One of my favorite things about the voluminous oatmeal trick (aside from how fluffy and creamy it makes the oats) is how easy it is. You do all the preparation the night before. So breakfast comes together in a snap, allowing you to be lazy.

(There’s nothing I like more than being lazy.)

voluminous oatmeal

However, at some point today, I’ll need to stop being lazy, because…

I have a blind date tonight! 😕

I’m really nervous and am wondering why I allowed my friends to talk me into this. Apparently they think there’s a problem with the fact that I haven’t had a serious boyfriend in almost a year. And apparently, these guys don’t count as “serious boyfriend” material:


Raw Gingerbread Men

I’m kind of excited, too. In all honesty, it’s not completely a blind date because I looked him up on facebook. (What did we do before facebook?) I just couldn’t resist.

Question of the Day:

Blind dates: scary or exciting?

And would you look up your date on facebook first? Or do you have more self-restraint than me?

Published on October 9, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. C2 says

    I absolutely would too! How could you not?? : ) I hope you have an awesome time! Let us know how it goes! Btw, I LOVE your recipes!!

  2. katie @KatieDid says

    ahhhh that’s so exciting! I can’t wait to hear about it! I know I would be incredibly nervous too but you’ll be fine. I definitely would have done the same about facebook, it would help ease some stress at least.

  3. Ericka Andersen says

    Oooh that’s fun! I’ve gone on a ton of blind dates from (basically, blind). Of course you do the Facebook thing, how COULDN’T you? THey are fun. I basically learned to just not put pressure on yourself or them and consider it just a new person to get to know. If you don’t click, you still meet someone new that could be a friend. Hope you give us an update!

  4. Patricia says

    Are you kidding?! I’d have hired a private eye before now! Joking (sort of)… lol Have a lovely evening and remember, you’re just meeting a new and interesting person, no pressure. You already know you’re a fabulous person!

  5. Sarena (The Non Dairy Queen) says

    I think you should be surprised! If you trust your friends, then this could be fun! You should definitely look at it as an adventure with NO expectations. I think the best things in life happen that way. I’m trying to live my life a little more in the now and just enjoy everything more. Expectations of any kind seem to always let me down. Have fun tonight! I can’t wait to hear about it!

  6. Kirsten says

    So funny that you posted this today, Katie, as I just had my first blind date less than 24 hrs ago! Definitely outside of my comfort zone but I felt so amazing just to have done it. Whatever the outcome, you will feel so good about yourself afterwards – just for having a go! Enjoy it! xo

  7. Heather says

    Ooo that’s exciting, Katie! Blind dates are slightly nerve-wracking but also so fun! Nothing beats butterflies of anticipation! You must have your speed dial ready in case it goes poorly. 😉

  8. Tricia says

    Have fun on your blind date! I’ve never gone on a date before (besides homecoming), so i think I would be a bit scared to go on a blind date.

  9. Veggie V! @Veggie V's Vegan Adventure says

    I used to date as a hobby. I loved it. But that was before Facebook. Heck, that might have been before Mark Zucherberg was even in college. LOL It was, however, during the MySpace heyday, so I used that to check people out 😉 You can’t be too careful. A friend of a friend can still be a weirdo.

    One thing I did run into a lot was guys being weirded out by my being a (then) vegetarian. My husband was one of the few people who wasn’t bothered by it. After he got to know me a little better, he naturally assumed I’d become a vegan, which I did, and now he assumes I’ll eventually become a raw vegan, which I may – or may not – but I do eat high raw more than not.

    So, my question to YOU is do you/have you experienced this? I supposed in a bigger city like yours, people, even men (they’re people – kind of *wink*), are more accepting of alternative diets.

    Have fun!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh yeah, guys like to crack jokes about vegetarianism. I just roll my eyes and tell them they’d better be nice to me because when they’re old and sick from all the crap they’ve eaten, I’ll be the one taking care of them ;). They joke about me, so I joke right back… I try to keep it light and not get offended (even if I’m annoyed by their dumb jokes inside).

  10. Jenny says

    Only problem with the raw gingerbread men… is that they don’t stick around very long. Or, maybe they would. If that didn’t get consumed so quickly. o_o

    I wouldn’t mind going on a blind date if my friends actually hooked me up with a guy, and thought we’d get along… but going on a blind date when someone I don’t know has set it up, or set up on the internet or something – that I’m not sure I’d be gutsy enough to try. I think I prefer knowing them beforehand either way!

    Best of luck! I’m sure you’ll stun him with your charming personality and wit.And if you doubt that… bring him any of your baked goods and he’s sure to adore you, haha. 🙂

  11. gaby says

    1 year, try almost 4!!! Yes, it’s a little sad, I’m a bit too picky/ workaholic/ ?? So lately I’ve gone on about a billion blind or almost blind dates. I’ve taken on the policy of saying yes to almost everything. I mean, I love meeting new people anyways, and I love making friends. So no matter what happens, I don’t have any expectations for the outcome, it’s just fun. I used to hate dating, but it gets easier (I also do tons of PR for our company so I’m kinda used to small talk) Just have fun and be your awesome self! It will either be great, be someone you really like, turn into a good friendship, or make for a funny story later on lol. Plus, free meals are always a plus in my book, order some chocolate cake 😉

  12. Erin says

    I met my hubs through…so I guess you could say it was pretty close to a blind date. But you better believe I facebooked him first 🙂 Hope you have a great time!

  13. Julie H. of Spinach and Sprinkles says

    It totally depends on how much you trust your friends….. My first date was a blind date: he was in college and I was in highschool. Red Flag #1- he wanted to date a senior in high school while he was in college. He was one weird duck- talked about himself THE WHOLE NIGHT!!!!! Then ended up crying because he could tell I wasn’t into him. He was right- I wasn’t into him!

  14. bitt says

    i’ve had a few and none turned out that great but i have heard of lots of people having tons of luck on and the like. well, i’d say just enjoy it for what it is and don’t expect too much.

  15. Michelle says

    Well who wouldn’t adore you! 10 years friends encouraged me to sign up with match
    I signed up for on a whim…talked to one guy for 2 months went out on a date….now 10 years later were married and have a 4yo . So it was a blind date …pre facebook, myspace days …

    Hope you have a great date

  16. Lucy says

    Facebook helps a lot;) now you will know what he looks like. As for the oatmeal I just tried it yesterday and you’re right it is so fluffy and easy. I blended some frozen blubberies into and it was devine and became a gorgeous purple. Good luck hope he is the one!

  17. Michaela says

    oh Katie, have fun! Hope you will have a good time!
    And seriously, who WOULDN`T look up a date on fb?? I mean, hello?? Whenever I or my girlfriends start seeing a potential boyfriend, we will exchange fb details so we can all have a look (yes, sometimes, there even are skype conference calls involved) 😉

  18. Colleen says

    I met my husband on a blind date!!! It took friends 9 months to go on that date, but once we met we never looked back!!

  19. T says

    Yummy looking oatmeal!

    I say, why not go for it? You only live once. And its never a waste of time to meet new people and ‘re practice your social skills. I’ve been on tons and I think they’re totally fun, even if nothing comes of it.

  20. Megan says

    I have never been on a blind date before, but I am pretty sure I would facebook him. I would also be scared! I haven’t really dated and so one-on-one with a guy is intimidating. I wonder if he has read your blog!

  21. Amy says

    Well since I have never been on a blind date before, I’d have to say scary..? Maybe a tad exciting? Haha, I’m not sure but I do wish you luck girl! Facebooking him before is a definite yes.
    Hopefully he doesn’t tell you he loves you on the first date though…… 😐 yeah, that’s happened to me before.

  22. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

    Aww yaaay that is so sweet!! I’ve never been on a blind date, but I would Facebook check the guy for sure first! You’d better tell all tomorrow! 🙂 And HEY I think gingerbread men definitely count as ‘serious boyfriend material’! 😛

    • Kate says

      I had a boyfriend and then he cheated on me…. But now I have a amazing fiance and were getting married soon!!!!!!!

  23. nicole says

    I met my husband on a blind date and we;ve been married 7 years. My brother met his wife on a blind date and they’ve been married 12 years!

  24. Lenna says

    Good luck with the date! Well, I would probably look him up on facebook too, just to be sure I have no reasons to be scared 😀

  25. Rachel (tea and chocolate) says

    Good luck with the date! I’d probably forget to Facebook-stalk (since I don’t use Facebook that much), but I’m sure one of my friends would do it for me. 🙂

  26. Amber K says

    I married my “blind date” five years ago yesterday. We met online before there were dating sites, before there were pictures of our entire lives online. Definitely scary and exciting all mixed into one. And always was done in a very public place for safety.

    Have a great time!!

  27. Krystina (Organically Me) says

    You’re the only one I know who is excited over a blind date. 😛 Good luck! Hope he’s a cutie 😉

  28. Shannon says

    You’re doing better than me if it’s *just* been a year since your last serious boyfriend. Technically speaking, I’ve never had a serious boyfriend.

    And, I would so look up a blind date on facebook, and curse the world if he had all of his info set to private.

    And scary, for sure. I seriously lack in social skills.

    • Kristi says

      Lol! So true!! I do the same thing when the info is set to private whilst trying to get info on a prospective blind date!

  29. Jen says

    The only blind date I’ve ever been on was not successful, to say the least. I won’t tell you that story, because I want you to stay excited about yours. (You know what he looks like, so you’re already a step above my situation.) Have fun! If it doesn’t work out, just know that in my opinion, gingerbread men totally count as boyfriends.

  30. Karen Lynne says

    I met my husband on a blind date 22 years ago next week–on a Friday the 13th! We celebrated our 20th anniversary this year. Hard to believe that was pre-facebook, pre-cell phone, pre-email… I guess it was truly a “blind” date!

  31. Cathy Bandy says

    I went on a series of horrific (screwy and funny…but still horrific…like the guy (first and last I let pick ,e up at my home..he asked to used the bath room and came out wearing nothing but fishnets, high heels and a pink garter…asked what do you think…I said, “we’re going casual, but not that casual”… and sent him out the door throwing his clothes behind him)…About two years ago I went on my last blind date…September 26, 1011 was our 1st Wedding Anniversary…

    True stories…

    Have Fun… Be Safe… Relax and take notes…


    • Jenny says

      I think I might beat that one. LOL!

      Funny story. I went on a date – okay, it wasn’t a first date, but it did start off with a blind date – where the guy told me that he’d been in an accident and didn’t have testicles! I know I shouldn’t say this was funny, but he did seem pretty okay with it and he is able to ‘perform’. Up until then, I didn’t even know a guy who’d had his balls cut off could even have sex!

      Heh. Glad he had “the balls” to tell me before I found out later!

  32. Michele says

    So I met my wonderful, amazing husband on a blind date. Technically speaking it was online. 😉 True story: I had never ever been on a dating site, but I moved to a new city and I wanted to shake it up. I hid my profile because I’m kind of shy, and wrote to three guys. One didn’t respond, one didn’t thrill [although he was quite attractive], and my husband was the third. I was only online for a week and a half. My friends were like, wha? How did you meet someone so fast!

  33. Moni'sMeals says

    Have fun! looking forward to the report back . 🙂 Just bring him something/anything you make and he will get down on one knee!!

  34. Marianne says

    Is there even such a thing as a blind date anymore? I mean, sure, you may have never met the person before, but chances are you have at least seen them on facebook or a dating site. I know very few people who get set up with people they have never seen – I would think those friends would at least share a picture 😉

  35. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    Have fun on your date! I have been married over 10 years, together about 12, so dating is a distant memory 🙂 I dated in the pre-facebook era. That’s interesting you mentioned that option. Wasn’t even an option back for me. It was show up and hope he’s not a total weirdo. But your friends wouldn’t do that to you so you’re safe. Have fun!

  36. Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel says

    Actually thats amazing that you’re going on a blind date, i seriously wish my friends were able to set me up. only once one of my friends tried, and of course i facebooked him, and turns out he was one of my friends’ EX BOYFRIEND! lol.. YEA no sloppy seconds 😉

    Time to get those heels on and hair primped, our CCK is going on a date 🙂 Hope you have fun!!! He’s one lucky guy 🙂

    xoxo <3

  37. Emily says

    Blind dates are nerve-racking, but they usually end up being super fun! Just be open-minded and confident and you’ll have an amazing time. (:
    Your oats look delicious, as usual!

  38. Bethany says

    I’ve been out on a couple of blind dates with guys from MySpace, back when it was the thing. They were both really nice guys, just not for me. But I would think you’d have better luck if it was something a friend set up…at least they know you and it’s not just some random person from the Internet! That being said, I’m not above a little Facebook stalking beforehand. He’s probably doing it too….

    Hope it goes well! Enjoy yourself!

  39. Stephanie says

    I’ve never been on a blind date before. In fact, I’ve only ever been on one “first date” in my life. He ended up being my husband! Any of the boys who I dated before him started out as friends. I think a blind date sounds both exciting and scary. I think actually going on one might have made me throw up.

  40. Melissa @ Hot Chokolate Girl says

    I’ve never been on a blind date, but I would imagine it’s both scary + exciting. I would absolutely look him up on Facebook too! Good luck and have a great time 🙂

  41. Karen @ She Flies With Her Own Wings says

    That is so exciting! I’ve had a handful of blind dates in the past year, and I got so nervous before each of them! I got so nervous hoping that I would make a good impression and that it wouldn’t be awkward. Hope your date went well! You should tell us all about it!!

  42. Molly@This Life Is Sparkling says

    I would definitely look him up on Facebook too! I would at least want to know a teeny bit about him before!

  43. Jillian says

    I hope that your blind date went well! And yes, definately would look him up on facebook first! I have heard from friends who have done blind dates that they usually go fairly well; sometimes our friends know us better than we know ourselves! 🙂 Hope you had fun!

  44. Lisa@ChocolatePBCups says

    lol.. i went on a blind date a year ago and it was miserable (but hilarious to look back on!) we went to the cheesecake factory and he ordered a salad (no idea what guy does that?) and then when the waitress brought bread to the table, he wouldn’t eat it!! it made me SO uncomfortable. and plus he was wearing flip flops and that was weird to me lol. he was such a “pretty” boy, and I go for more of the sporty guys! but anyways, blind dates are usually a fun/good experience!! I hope you had fun!

    and by the way, i thought of you today because my friends birthday was yesterday and she had a vegan birthday cake and vegan cheesecake! SOO good!

  45. Shelley says

    I think blind dates are scary AND exciting. There’s always the fear of the unknown, but I’m really optimistic by nature, so I usually* think, “oh maybe we’ll really hit it off!” And I totally would look him up on Facebook. B/c I’m impatient.

    *usually being the two times I’ve ever gone on a blind date

  46. Brittany *Sparkles* says

    haha too funny!!! I stalk my friends new love interests on fb and then report back to them 😉

    Oh and your gingerbread men remind me of a Christmas themed girls night we always have when my friends are back in town for the Holidays – we make Ginger-JERKS and then we eat them mwahaha 😀

  47. Rebecca says

    Don’t feel bad—I am almost 30 (!) and have only been on one date.ever.seriously. And, it was a blind date. It was horrible—can you say “cocky?” Blech. The guy was very accomplished (created a very successful *organic* company..woo hoo!) but he clearly thought very little of everyone else. Hopefully yours went WAY better.

    As for the facebook thing, I think it is sort of finding out the sex of your baby (is that a weird parallel? Hey, I’m 29, babies are on the brain!). As difficult as it is, the surprise is always so much better (IMHO). I was NEVER a present snooper—I think I enjoy the anticipation even more than an awesome gift!

  48. Lou says

    I met my fiance on a BLIND DATE, and now we have a 10 month old son! Stranger things have happened I suppose. Just relax and enjoy yourself, and remember, you can always escape out of the bathroom window!

  49. Angela says

    Do we get to hear about it?!

    I met my bf on a blind date and it was the best thing I have ever done. And we’ve been together for almost a year. Scary though!

  50. Rene says

    Hi Kate,

    You are so young! Enjoy being single for awhile. I got married at 38 – I know it seems old to you but it worked out really well for me. Good Luck and I enjoy your site.

  51. Hungry Heather says

    I met my fiancé/soul mate through a blind date. Didn’t Facebook him as I didn’t even use FB at that point!

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