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Published on August 31, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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    • Rana says

      Katie, could you create a coconut cream pie version? I’ve been using your recipes for my kids’ snacks and they are de-vou-ring them! Even the boyfriend likes a few of the flavours. Finally using my small food processor.

  1. Amy says

    I would like the chocolate chip brownie flavor please ๐Ÿ™‚

    The new Chocolate-Chip Cherry Torte flavor looks really good too! I am already subscribed to your emails and I like CCK on FB.

  2. Joanna Buleje says

    I really like your blog and want to try all of your recipes! Is Chocolat Chip Cherry Torte one of the options ’cause I would love to receive that one! I already “like” your FB page! Thanks and keep up the creativity!

  3. Amy says

    I love every larabar flavor! But my favorite is definitely ginger snap… I could definitely use the entire case ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Annie @ Naturally Sweet Recipes says

    HI! I LOVE the peanut butter cookie larabars. So I would like those please!

    I follow you on my google reader and I already like you on facebook! I’m planning on linking you on my blog as well, but that post isn’t quite ready yet. ๐Ÿ™‚

    And if your serious, I would VERY much appreciate it if you liked my site on facebook as well!

    Thanks so much! And love your blog! Hope I win!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. krickit6 says

    I know this will sound ludicrous to you, but I can’t eat chocolate..! I would love to try a Larabar flavor that does not contain chocolate, maybe carrot cake or something like that? ๐Ÿ™‚

    I already “like” CCK on fb and I subscribed to email a while ago ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for everything, Katie! Love your blog so much!

  6. Amy says

    Is each entry supposed to be a separate entry? (Most blog giveaways have specified this…just wondering.)

    Anyway…I wish they had a variety pack, so I didn’t have to choose! I don’t like to make any flavor feel left out. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Since I have to pick, though, I’ll go for Chocolate Chip Brownie. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Rhiannon W. says

    Is the chocolate-chip cherry torte an option? That sounds heavenly! If that’s not an option, then peanut butter and jelly! You have the best giveaways.
    Thank you so much for having such a great blog!

  8. Danielle says

    I’ve liked all the flavors I’ve tried, so I’m anxious to try the new Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte! Let’s get crazy and try a whole box of them! Yum, thanks.

  9. melanie says

    i love larabars! my favorite has been the peanut butter chocolate chip, but i’m really interested to try the new chocolate-chip cherry torte! love cherries!

  10. Jen says

    Oh, this would be so awesome to win. I would love any flavor that has chocolate in it. Such as, peanut butter chocolate chip, chocolate coconut, cookie dough,etc.!! I make them myself as well. I like to make up new flavors and bars like you, but when you are a busy grad student convenience and saving time is key!

  11. Emily says

    I would love to try the new chocolate-chip cherry torte! I imagine it tasting like Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia Ice Cream!

  12. Rachel says

    Hi Katie! I ove love lvoe your blog and have tried many of your recipes, tried the pizzert yesterday and love it!! Also I love the chocolate chip cookie dough balls but I add blueberries instead and theyre delicous!
    I have never actually tried a larabar but if i was to chose a flavour i would say anything cherry or chocolate!:D
    I also followed you on twitter and tweeted this page, not just for the competition but because the world needs to know about your recipes!!!

  13. Elise says

    I left a comment and it didn’t show up for some reason ๐Ÿ™ Well I’ve never had any larabar but I’d really love to try the chocolate chip peanut butter one ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. sonia says

    Hi Katie, I’ve never tried the chocolate chip brownie but they sound amazing… larabars are the best, and I had no idea they’re now owned by General Mills.

  15. Julia says

    So, I’ve liked you on facebook ๐Ÿ™‚
    I love the chocolate chip brownie larabars. It’s true chocolate makes everything better!

  16. Ashley says

    I think I’d love to try the chocolate chip brownie! Since I fist made your Girl Scout ones, I went ahead and my boyfriend and I tried the peanut butter one, and I can say– I love my coconut! I love the Girl Scout ones. I do however, enjoy chocolate– so choco chip brownie sounds amazing!

  17. Bryant says

    I would love a case of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Larabars! But, if I win (!!), make sure I haven’t changed my mind to another amazing flavor! ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Heather Mashiter says

    I have never :O tried a Larabar – but reeeeeeally want to change this ASAP!
    Hard decision, I LOVE peanut butter but I would like to try the carrot cake one aswell. I’ll go carrot cake, though would be happy with any!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have subscribed, liked you on facebook and tweeted. ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Kate says

    chocolate mint. I think.
    but I’ve not tried a large variety…don’t you think they should package a case with 2 of every flavor? ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. datingdiva (Toni) says

    I follow you here already. I tweeted, I followed you in twitter, I submitted this on stumble upon and on digg and on my blog as well (no longer on fb due to a stalker)
    fingers crossed to win as I would love to try the carrot cake ones!!

  21. Rachel says

    Leaving this comment as a second entry, i only left my comment a minute and theyre have been so many more already! I cant imagine the amount of notifications you must get in your inbox!!

  22. Cat says

    I’ve never had a Larabar, but I recently printed your recipe to make them so winning a case would certainly make me a lazy butt too! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I have no idea which flavor to try first, chocolate chip cookie dough or the chocolate chip cherry torte or the carrot cake?!

  23. Caroline says

    I super want to win! I’d be happy with case of ANY of the following flavors: Cashew Cookie. Choc Chip Cookie Dough, or Carrot Cake! ๐Ÿ™‚ YUM.

  24. Rachel says

    PECAN PIE. ๐Ÿ˜€ Or Ginger Snap. Those are my favorites…in fact, a case of Larabars is on my grocery list for Whole Foods today and I’m going to have to decide between them, as usual. So difficult. ๐Ÿ˜›

  25. kate says

    aah the peanut butter and jelly ones sound amazing. I’ve had the mint chocolate chip ones before and they were swell.

  26. Megan says

    I haven’t seen chocolate chip cherry torte yet! I hope it comes into stores soon because chocolate and cherry together are absolute bliss! Speaking of bliss…artisana should make a cocoa bliss WITH cherries! Anyways, I already like you on facebook and just subscribed to this post. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!!

  27. Christina Holzberger says

    Well, I’ve only ever tried the cashew cookie larabars, and they were AMAZING… definitely would love to try the new Chocolate chip cherry torte flavor… I’m not sure if the choices of flavor are only the ones pictured in the photo you posted, so if that’s not a choice, I’d also love to try the carrot cake flavor, mainly because I’ve yet to see any other bar with such a flavor, and I LOVEEE carrot cake!

    I’ve subscribed to you via email, and I already “like” you on FB, but I’ll leave a second comment anyway, like you said.

  28. Jerica says

    I would LOVE to try the Chocolate Coconut Chew. The combo of chocolate and coconut is my all time favorite and I can’t find this flavor at any of the stores near me that sell Larabars!

  29. Ashley says

    I haven’t seen the Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte flavor in stores yet, but that would be my choice! It sounds delicious.

  30. Marilu says

    Hey Katie, thanks for having so many different Larabar recipes. I Googled recipes for Larabars once and that is how I came across your website and have been hooked since. Thanks for making delicious healthy desserts! If I won I would love the blueberry muffin Larabars. Also, I liked you on fb and am already subscribed via email.

  31. Whitney says

    My favorite is the chocolate coconut chew, but I would probably need to share with my husband so I guess I would go with the peanut butter chocolate chip to make everyone happy ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. kate says

    mm chocolate chip brownie…

    i hear you on the lack of 5,000 hours in the day! imagine how productive we could be…

  33. Hallie says

    I LOVE the cashew cookie flavor! Though I might have to branch out and try the chocolate coconut flavor ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. Kristine says

    I would love a case of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough! You know, for those days that I’m too busy, or lazy, to make yours. I already subscribe by email!

  35. Katie Pearman says

    Hi Katie :o) I’ve been vegan for 2 weeks and 3 days now!! Very proud of myself and feeling SO much happier and healthier! I LOVE your blog and recipes :oP If I win, I would like the Chocolate-Chip Cherry Torte Larabars please… or Blueberry Pie… or Coconut Cream Pie!! :o) x x

  36. Sonya says

    Honestly, I’ve never eaten a “real” Lara Bar…I’ve only made your recipes ๐Ÿ™‚
    I guess I will say anything with peanuts/peanut butter (and chocolate chips, too)

  37. shannonmarie (rawdorable) says

    Oh yummy. They’re easy to make, but having a stash of premade bars is so convenient. I’d love to try the new flavor, but I’d take anything you’d send me. Hayden and I are sitting here with our fingers crossed. She’s a big (despite her small size) Larabar fan.

    BTW, I just noticed the carrot cake book on the bottom. I didn’t know they made carrot cake ones.

  38. Jessica Jansen says

    I would love nearly any box of Larabars. It’s hard to find treats to unwrap for my kids—we’re gluten free, soy free, dairy free, MSG/chemical free, and I am corn and rice free. I haven’t even heard of some of these Larabar flavors—so I guess that we’re living under a rock. hahahaa

  39. stephocracy says

    Oh my gosh, that new flavour sounds DELICIOUS. They’re not very easy to find in Canada, so I haven’t tried larabars before. Hopefully the General Mills thing will bring it to more grocery stores! And seriously, any flavour with chocolate is a winner ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. Annette (Defiant Vegan) says

    Love Larabars when I’m eating raw I prefer Larabars by far to add a meal into my daily Raw Eats.

    Awesome flavors and yes I’ve made some too and they are very similar.

  41. Brooke says

    To confess, I’ve never actually tried a Larabar before – other than making my own! So I’d love to officially try the real McCoy! I think I’d love the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip flavour! Thanks Katie ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. Erin Eloise says

    Naturally I’m a huge fan of the Cookie dough flavor, but I would love to try the new Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte!! Now I’m off to tweet tweet about this ๐Ÿ˜‰

  43. Jinny says

    Liked and subscribed!
    OMG, NEW FLAVOR? Chocolate + cherry = to awesome.

    Hahaha, I don’t I’ll like it better than my beloved chocolate brownie larabar though!

  44. Jinny says

    Liked and subscribed!
    OMG, NEW FLAVOR? Chocolate + cherry = too awesome.

    Hahaha, I don’t I’ll like it better than my beloved chocolate brownie larabar though!

  45. Tricia says

    There are way too many favorites to choose but I will say the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  46. Lori Green says

    I’ve never tried a Larabar before! Bummer, I know. It’s because I live in this crazy jungle named Brazil!
    But I’m sure like the above fella, i’d looove the PB & Jelly flavor! Or anyone that you suggest me to try, I eat anything. No picky at all.
    I subscribed by email, I already follow you on twitter, just retweeted the post and I like on Facebook!

  47. Sabrina says

    Hi Katie! I have never tried Lara either but I was going to attempt your larabars!!! For my first flavor I think I will try the blueberry muffin one. If you cannot find that one for whatever reason, then I will try the apple pie one. Thank you so much for your great giveaways!

    Oh and I like CCK on Facebook too! ๐Ÿ˜€

  48. Danielle says

    Peanut butter chocolate chip! Wait… that would be dangerous! I try not to keep both of those ingredients in the house at the same time.

  49. Victoria says

    I’ve never tried a larabar, but I think that chocolate chip cookie dough or chocolate brownie sounds awesome!

  50. Sigi says

    I know they’re not chocolate, but the Blueberry Muffin Larabars are my absolute favorite. And I already subscribe via email! ๐Ÿ™‚

  51. Michaela says

    what a great giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚
    I havenยดt tried a lรคrabar, either, and I would love to taste the original one and not the homemade-style (although those are awesome). I especially would love to try peanut butter chocolate chip or carrot cake!

  52. Li says

    Awwww… is there a variety box? I’ve tried lemon, coconut, peanut butter cookie, and peanut butter jelly, and I like lemon the best right now, but there are sooooo many flavors I haven’t tried and they all sound delicious that I really just can’t decide!

  53. Alison (Fueling for Fitness) says

    I know exactly what you mean – I love the satisfaction of making my own versions of things..but sometimes, I don’t mind dropping a few dollars for the convenience of buying a pre-made *quality* product. I really do love Larabars myself. ๐Ÿ™‚ The new “Chocolate-Chip Cherry Torte” sounds pretty amazing – I don’t think I’ve seen it in Canada yet. ๐Ÿ™

  54. Aisatsana says

    Great giveaway! That is a lovely pic of you. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I would choose the peanut butter chocolate chip Larabar…

  55. Jillian says

    I would love the peanut butter chocolate chip flavor. I already follow you on Facebook and Twitter and I just tweeted! I will be linking you on my blog tonight. Thanks for this giveaway!

  56. Donna says

    I love Larabars and the new chocolate-chip cherry torte flavor sounds great! I would love to win a case of those!!

  57. Rachelle says

    You’re so kind! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I would love to try the cookie dough larabars. You’ve sold me on them being a favorite, but I have yet to try them! Thank you!

    I also sent one through email!

  58. Kristie says

    I have never tried a real Larabar but I have tried your versions! I would love to try out the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip! Yum!

  59. Charlotte says

    And I would love to win some Chocolate Chip Brownie Lara Bars! ๐Ÿ™‚ sorry my entries got so separated, my service is a little slow haha. Thank you for this AMAZING giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚

  60. Lauren says

    My gosh, I can’t pick just one flavor!! Not right now, at least! I’d say either PB&J or One of the chocolate chip ones. Peanut butter chocolate chip, chocolate chip brownie etc. yum! Such a fun giveaway….I’m not a cherry fan though, which means I don’t know about the new flavor.

  61. Song says

    My favorite is key lime pie!!!! I made my own once with banana, dates and almonds. Very time consuming and when I don’t have time, I have Larabar!

  62. Jennyb says

    Is this open to those of us in England? Oh well i’ll enter anyway. I would have said cherry pie but why have cherry pie when you can add chocolate into that mix too?!! So it would be the new flavour for me please.

  63. Vivian says

    um, the first time I had a chocolate chip brownie larabar, i died. So I would want that FOR SURE!

    I am already subscribed to you by email!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  64. Jennyb says

    I’ve retweeted as i already follow you on twitter – not that i use twitter that much other than for important retweets!

  65. Lori Z. says

    Will have to keep my eye out for the new flavor. Haven’t seen it yet. Wow, really hard to pick a favorite larabar! Maybe the peanut butter cookie…

  66. Jennyb says

    2nd entry for email subscription – someone clever needs to find a easier more ‘convenient’ way for you ๐Ÿ˜‰

  67. Carolyn B. says

    Eeep. I’m torn between Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough or Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip…. I think I’ll go for the dough!

    I’m also subscribed by e-mail and you’ve been ‘loved’ on FB! (;
    Will possibly re-tweet too!

  68. Katie says

    Oh. My. Goodness. I absolutely LOVE larabars. By far, they are my favorite bars due to their short and sweet ingredient list – not to mention their deliciousness and their vegan-ness. My favorites are peanut butter cookie and chocolate chip cookie dough. Although I bet the chocolate chip cherry torte is amazing! I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for that new flavor… I’d take a case of any of those three flavors for sure! I’m drooling just thinking about them!

  69. Jenny says

    Although I wish I could say I’d like a case of the blueberry Larabars… I’ve never had the chance to try that flavour, so I’ve no clue if I like them (even if I know for sure I love fresh blueberries)…

    I would love an entire case of apple Larabars though! (I think in the States they call them Apple Pie Larabars…)

  70. Shiloh says

    Hmm… sadly I have never had a Lara bar, being a starving student with only $15-20/week to spend on groceries and food. So I have no idea what flavor to choose. It’s hard to go wrong with chocolate chip cookie dough though, so I’ll go with that ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am already email subscribed, don’t know if that disqualifies me from getting extra entries.

  71. Cathy says

    Hi! I replied to your email instead of the blog, so trying again! Would love to try the chocolate cookie dough – haven’t yet tried the Larabars.
    I’m a subscriber by mail, also.

  72. Maria @ runningcupcake says

    I would go for the peanut butter chocolate chip for sure ๐Ÿ™‚
    I never bought any in the US because the shops I went in only had a couple of flavours that did not appeal to me so much, but they sound amazing.

  73. Christa (@ says

    Hi Katie! I recently discovered your blog. I love it! I write a blog too, ( I am rather new at it and still making my way. I already like you on Facebook. I just subscribed by email, retweeted your post and put your link on my blog (under links). Put me down for a case of coconut cream pie!!!!! Please check out and like my Karmatarian facebook page at I’m on twitter too at twitter @karmatarian.

    I can’t wait to try out some of your homemade larabar recipes!

    ps. I guess I am supposed to leave a separate comment for each? Little confused I guess. Count this as my subscribe by email entry. (I’ll fill out more for the rest)

    Good luck everyone!

  74. GrainFreeGroupie says

    Yum!!! I love to make my own with dried cherries, coconut flakes, and almonds, or apricots, cashews, and coconut. My fave Larabars would have to be either the coconut cream pie or chocolate brownie.

  75. Lindsay says

    What a fantastic giveaway! I would LOVE to try the new Blueberry Muffin or Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip varieties (I like the “fruity” ones for breakfast and the chocolate-y ones for snacks/dessert)! ๐Ÿ™‚

  76. Barb says

    I’d take a giveaway, even though I really want to try making your own larabars! Just haven’t had the time! Finally made your frappacino pops though…yum! My bf loves them as well!

  77. stacey says

    I JUST subscribed for the emails last night!! Does that count? I love Larabars, but unfortunately none of the grocery stores in my area have received the new flavors. I would LOVE to try the Carrot Cake or the Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte!

  78. Brittany says

    I’m all for trying the chocolate chip brownie one! That sounds luscious!

    P.S.: I liked CCK on Facebook already!

  79. Beth says

    What an awesome giveaway!! I would LOVE a case of chocolate chip cookie dough ๐Ÿ˜€ It’s impossible to find in my area. Thanks, Katie!

  80. sonja says

    I’ve never had one before, we cannot get them here (belgium) so i don’t have a favourite, but without a doubt i would love anything peanutty, chocolatey or coconutty, also the carrot cake and the one with cashews. that makes pretty much all of them, right? o, and i forgot the banana bread one ๐Ÿ™‚ i guess i probably won’t win (again so many contenders, your give-aways are extremely popular!!), so i probably don’t have to chose. i can gently dream about all of them ๐Ÿ™‚

  81. Jennie says

    Chocolate chip brownie- insanely good! I already like your page on Facebook, never could figure out Twitter though, lol.

  82. Bethany I. says

    I would probably choose cherry pie or carrot cake because I love cherries, but I also really love carrot cake but am way to lazy to make it!

  83. Molly Armstrong says

    I LOVE Lara bars! You are right–the convienence is hard to pass up when you are a busy vegan! I am a die hard chocolate fan, so Chocolate Chip Brownie sounds like a dream!

  84. Marian @ marianwrites says

    I keep wanting to try the new blueberry flavor but I haven’t gotten around to it yet!! The cherry chocolate flavor looks great too. But then again, I’m always a sucker for ANYTHING containing coconut….

  85. courtney says

    I have been dying to try the Blueberry Larabars ever since I first read about them on your blog, but they are impossible to find ๐Ÿ™ So those are the ones I would try!

  86. Jill says

    Anything with chocolate! Chocolate/ PB is even better! I have already liked you on FB and I subscribe to your email! I love this site!

  87. Kelly says

    I’ve never actually had a real Larabar before! This needs to change! Hmm now what flavor..? I love coconut.. and i love chocolate.. soo.. let’s go with the chocolate coconut chew! ๐Ÿ™‚

  88. Linda says

    I love larabar bar’s! Favorite are in order: chocolate chip cookie dough, coconut cream pie, and cashew cookie.

    I would love case of chocolate chip cookie dough!!!

    I’m also new to your site and am looking foward to trying your recipes. thank you for sharing. ๐Ÿ™‚


  89. Shannon says

    Um, I’ve never had a larabar before… so I could basically go for trying any flavor! Though I’d love to try carrot cake.

  90. Theresa Helligar says

    Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte sounds amazing. BTW, I love making my own homemade larabars using your recipes. They’re delicious. Thanks.

  91. Beth Gay says

    I like peanut butter chocolate larabars (and your blog, but I feel that is a given because I subscribe to it) ๐Ÿ™‚

  92. Jill says

    ahh! I would love a box of the chocolate chip cookie dough Larabars!! I basically eat one everyday when I need a quick snack in school!

  93. Jasmine says

    Ahhh I’ve only had one larabar in my entire life while on a trip to Canada ๐Ÿ™ would luv to get a case of carrot cake flavoured ones! Thanks Katie ๐Ÿ™‚

  94. Alison says

    I’ve actually never had a larabar before (yea I know, I’m behind the times), and after seeing just how many flavors they do…well, it’s tough. I think I remember you saying Chocolate Chip cookie dough was one of your favorites (or maybe I’m making that up!), and I do love me some cookie dough, so I’ll go with that one…though…coconut cream pie sounds amazing as well!

    I’ve already subscribed via email and liked you on facebook:)

    And by the way…I made the flourless chocolate chip cookie recipe last night quickly (was out of oat milk so had to use water) and they came out AMAZING!!!! I couldn’t believe how great they were with so little in them. I think I’ll be adding some pumpkin seeds in to make a more fall-like one at some point:)

      • Alison says

        I’ll be making cinnamon raisin ones for the boy next. Believe it or not he’s not a huge chocolate fan (but he’ll eat it haha). Just can’t get over how good they are though! You’ve really done it this time! I’ve been telling everyone about them, I think they are the best oatmeal cookies I have ever had! And I do love me some cookies;)

        On another note, I was finally lucky enough to find some coconut oil (after doing major research on good brands and totally impulse buying on my lunch break). I’m so excited that I don’t even KNOW where to start! Haha! Any suggestions? (Yes I’m bearing in mind you are a busy lady!) Otherwise I’ll just have to scour your site…been liking the thought of a cake batter smoothie with the stuff…mmmmm. I wanted to spend the rest of my work day just staring at the jar thinking of what to make! haha

          • Alison says

            Coconut oil…always wanted to try it (especially in roasting vegetables…mmm). I was totally eying the fudge daddy brownies!!! And I thought the latest pics you took of the raspberry marzipan cupcakes looked so cute and delicious (cute? not sure why, maybe the pink haha). I might setting on the chocolate fudge frosting tonight since I have some ripe bananas to get through…it was a toss up between that and a chocolate cake batter smoothie, but then I was getting sidetracked by non-coconut oil recipes…easily done on your site!:)

            Thanks for taking the time to give me some suggestions! Not sure if everyone else gets this feeling…but since you’re totally blog celebrity (so I think haha), it’s pretty awesome when THE chocolate covered Katie is actually taking time from her busy day to give tips to little ole me! You rock! I’ll be making this next batch of flourless choco chip cookies in your honor (yup, totally making them tonight as well, haha).

  95. PT says

    I would love to try the new flavor!

    My current obsession is the blueberry muffin, I buy them by the sleeve at Whole Foods for 10% off!

  96. Emma says

    Thank you SO MUCH for doing this! I’ve never had a Larabar (i’ve only made my own. It would be so nice not to have to go through the *delicious* mess to make them .

    I love raw carrot cake, but it’s a lot of work to make it; i’m lazy I know. Carrot Cake larabars would be amazing:)

  97. Megan says

    Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip would be awesome if i happen to win
    You’re amazing with the contests you do and all the lovely blog entries
    May lots of great things happen to you and lots of happiness come your way

  98. Steph says

    OMG, sooo many flavors how to choose!! I decided to go with a flavor we can’t get in Canada, Blueberry Muffin. I hope I win!!

  99. Kelly says

    Found the new Torte flavor today but haven’t tried it yet! Had a vegan chocolate chip cookie instead, it was a tough decision.

    My favorite flavor is pretty boring actually – I really like the Cashew Cookie. I almost never get the chocolate flavors…I like the regular classic ones like Apple Pie and Lemon.

  100. Kj says

    Oooh, exciting….im desperate to try larabars! Pretty much all of them…but if I had to choose it’d be the chocolate brownie flavour…mmmmm.

  101. Miriam says

    cashew cookie is my favorite standby! They are such a good snack and I agree, I enjoy making my own but the convenience of the pre-made ones is useful.

  102. Danielle says

    My favorite larabar product is the Jocolat – Chocolate Hazelnut…. oooh they’re so good.
    From the Larabar series (other than the chocolate flavors) I love the lemon but for a free box I would totally want to try the new flavor the chocolate chip cherry torte.

    I also just subscribe via e-mail

  103. Iridium says

    Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip sounds too good to be true! But… Can I still take part in this give away although I don’t live in USA?
    By the way, your blog is deliciously awesome! ๐Ÿ™‚

  104. Angela B says

    Seriously, I have to pick just one? I have not yet tried any of the flavours because I found your website first. I like knowing that I can make them a lot cheaper. I would love to try anything chocolate, so maybe the chocolate chip brownie.

  105. Nikki says

    Chocolate chip cookie dough!
    I haven’t tried making my own yet, but will definitely try some of your recipes to do so..

  106. Amy L. says

    I love the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough flavor but I really want to try Cashew Cookie. I can’t find it in stores here!

  107. Kendra says

    Wow, what a great giveaway:) I have never had a Larabar (and will probably not be able to afford them in the near future…), so it would be great to try one!! I would like the carrot cake flavor if I won:)

  108. carrie says

    mmm the new chocolate chip cherry sounds good! also the chocolate chip cookie dough and chocolate brownie… yum! (i also already subscribe by email, and follow you on twitter). thanks for great giveaway!

  109. Cellabella says

    I agree, it’s wonderful to make your own bars, but sometimes convenience trumps that! Thanks for the giveaway, I’d love to win a box of the peanut butter cookie flavor ๐Ÿ™‚

  110. A Tablespoon of Liz says

    Yum larabars are one of my favorite thing ever! There are so many good flavors but I’d have to say right now I’m really digging the peanut butter and jelly ones… so good!

  111. Taylor says

    I would love a case of the tropical fruit tart larabars! I am absolutely unable to replicate them, and they are my friend’s favorite (she is at a military academy and they don’t exactly serve healthy desserts).

  112. christina says

    already “follow” you and “like” you – all that was left was email ๐Ÿ™‚

    fun giveaway, for a great product!

  113. Julie @ Shining From Within says

    I just ate the PB&Jelly flavor and it’s AMAZING. I’d love to win a case of them for during school time when I can just grab and go a quick snack!

  114. Sarah Cowett says

    I love Larabars! If I were to win, I would like Chocolate Chip Brownie!! Very cool website, I just happened upon it on Twitter!!

  115. Bekah says

    To be honest I have never tried a larabar before but they sure do sound amazing! The flavor i would have to choose would be chocolate chip brownie! They sound so amazing!

  116. Emma says

    Chocolate chip brownie sounds amazing- I am thinking extra tasty if warmed in microwave for a few secs and served with some vegan ice cream mmmm

  117. Heather G says

    I love, love, love Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough! Also….I really love your site. You make me laugh and your recipes rock!

    • natalie @ southern fit foodie says

      Ohhhh that one is hard to find! Whenever I come across them, I try to stock up because they are SO delicious!

  118. Mirkat says

    It’s hard to choose, because I love so many Larabar flavors, but I’m definitely curious about the new Chocolate-Chip Cherry Torte flavor, so that’s my choice. ๐Ÿ™‚

  119. Corey says

    What an awesome giveaway! Your versions of larabars look much better ๐Ÿ™‚ But I’d love the peanut butter chocolate chip!

  120. Jenny$1983 says

    If Larabars are nearly as good as your versions, I understand the fuss … I made your Girl Scout version the other day and it was absolutely delicious! I think I’d like the peanut butter chocolate chip flavour – I have to pick carefully as I’m in the UK and can’t get hold of them! ๐Ÿ˜€

    I’ve subscribed to you by email a week or so ago ๐Ÿ™‚

  121. Jenny$1983 says

    I liked your Facebook page a couple of months ago. Still peanut butter chocolate chip flavour please ๐Ÿ™‚

  122. Jillian @ sprinkle massacre says

    I would love a box of the chocolate cherry torte. Sounds amazing, I love when Larabar comes out with new flavors. I get super excited lol

  123. Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says

    If cinnamon roll was still around I would for sure love a case of that!! If not, I love carrot cake or apple pie ๐Ÿ˜‰

  124. Heather @ Get Healthy with Heather says

    I love chocolate so much too! Chocolate chip cookie dough pretty pretty please ๐Ÿ™‚

  125. Kayla says

    I just started school and Larabars would be the perfect take-along snack! I would want a variety box because all the larabars I’ve tried have been soo good! I really think blueberry muffin is my favorite though! that or key lime pie!

  126. Dyanna Jones says

    Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, (annoyed yet?) lol. I have actually never tried larabars, but I think if I was to win a case of them, this would be the flavor I would most want to try.

  127. Sue says

    I love the lemon and lime flavors. I haven’t seen the blueberry ones yet but heard about them from cck.
    I would live to try the blueberry one, because blueberry is hard to find in food products and so healthy for you.

  128. Lisa says

    Oh I love me a Laurabar. Sadly it is hard to find all of the great flavors where I live – most stores just sell a few kinds. I would love to try any of the new flavors such as carrot cake and chocolate cherry torte. If I had to choose a box to get for free, I think I would ask kindly (that is ‘pretty please with a cherry on top’) for a box of the Chocolate Coconut chew.

  129. Frida says

    I found out about your blog with the last giveaway, and I’m already addicted to it! I’m a chocoholic myself and must therefore go with chocolate chip brownie ๐Ÿ™‚

  130. Jessy (squeezetheday) says

    I’ve never tried a Larabar, but I think I would love the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (!!!) or the Coconut Cream Pie flavour. They sound really delicious!

    PS: Have you announced the winner of your previous giveaway yet? I’ve been away for a few days, so I might have missed it.

  131. Sue says

    I love about lara bars is, I was a raw vegan for several years and was able to buy these at Costco.
    I have transitioned to a
    paleo diet lifestyle and lara bars fit in very well with that as well.
    My favorite flavor is ginger snap.

  132. Aja says

    I just discovered my love for Larabars and yes, my favorites are the ones that contain chocolate. Peanut butter chocolate chip would be my choice!

  133. Kianni says

    I also have never had a Larabar before D8<
    Not sure which flavor would be the best, but Chocolate Chip Brownie tastes like a safe bet!…Which would you recommend? ^_^""

  134. Katie says

    OOH so excited for this new flavor! Definitely my kind of thang. I’d love to try this one, and I also am obsessed with the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough flavor! (I made my own recipe for these, but as you said, convenience is key!)

  135. Laura E says

    Thanks for the opportunity Katie! I wish I could get a variety box because I’m pretty sure I love all their flavors! I would probably choose the Key Lime Pie flavor..I can’t find it as often! And I’m already subscribed to you