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Pancakes for One

znyc 921

24-Carrot Cake Pancakes

(Makes 1-2 servings)

All you have to do is mix the dry ingredients for 24-Carrot Cake Cupcakes. This can be done days in advance if you wish. Divide the mix into 4 equal servings. In one of those servings, add 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, level 2 tbsp applesauce , and 1/4 cup shredded carrot.  Then add 4-6 tbsp liquid to the mix and stir.

The best part?  You still have three more servings with which you can make cupcakes, pizza, bread, or… more pancakes!

Other topping ideas:


Of course, there’s coconut butter.


And then there’s also: Maple syrup, agave, Soyatoo & jam, raisins & apples, vanilla icing, pineapple juice, strawberries and tofutti cream cheese… I could go on and on.

Published on January 27, 2010

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. caronae says

    Your carrot cake with the fence is adorable Katie! I like to eat everything in loaf forms, so I think my favorite would probably be a carrot cake bread made in a loaf pan.

  2. erintakescontrol says

    I have a carrot bar recipe that has been in the family for generations now. My Great-Grandmother used to make it when she didn’t have the ingredients to make carrot cake w/ raisins, walnuts, etc. during the Depression. I’ve tried to vegan-ize it, but it was disastrous, so I’ll have to keep playing with it! But I have succeeded in eliminating the dairy, so it gets 2 thumbs way up from me ‘n my kiddo!

  3. Jessica says

    I’m a big carrot cake fan myself! Personally, I don’t think it gets enough love. You know what I think would be really good? Carrot cake banana butter! I’d use almond butter, banana, shredded carrot, a shake of cinnamon, and maybe some coconut too. Yum! 🙂

  4. JCD says

    Mmmm… carrot cake pancakes are a great idea! I love carrot cake too – in it’s natural form without icing, in muffin form, and in salad form! (shredded carrot and raisin salad is a HUGE favourite in our house)

  5. Mae (OhhMay.Wordpress) says

    Miss Katie, I know EXACTLY what I’m sending you in your package!! 😀 😀 Ill give you a hint: you just might love it.

    These pancakes look amazing!! Vegan thursday may have to involve carrot cake waffles. (I’m obsessed with waffles. Is that strange?)

  6. Evan Thomas says

    Carrot cake is by far my favorite cake. It always has been. I asked for it for my 6th grade graduation! I love carrot cake cookies–they taste the same as the full thing but are nicely portable.

  7. theemptynutjar says

    Carrot Cake pancakes? I think I love you 🙂
    I . Love. Coconut. Butter.
    I love all Artisana…but there is only one store that sells it and its kinda far away, so i dont go there often…plus Artisana is WAY too expensive for my poor body 🙁
    Love the pics.

  8. Stefanie says

    You can’t go wrong with carrot cake. All of your ideas sound sooo good. I like plain carrot cake muffins but may be trying some of your ideas/recipes.

  9. welshsarah says

    I’m addicted to carrots, a salad just doesn’t feel right without them! I’ve never tried american-style pancakes; think I’m going to have give these ones a shot.

  10. Chrysta says

    aaahhh so good. I have a weakness for carrot cake too and to make it in pancake form. LOVE it! how awesome. Would be amazing with the coconut butter or the cheesecake mousse like you suggested. I gotta get on this and start making me some pancakes!=)

    I hope you are having a rockin day!

  11. Monica says

    Those pancakes just brought little teardrops to my eyes. I wish that were an exaggeration, but I’m totally not kidding! I’m seriously craving some pancake lovin’ at this very moment! Since I will probably be making these tonight for dinner, I’ll most likely top them with chocolate chips…call me crazy, but that sounds delish.

    Thanks for setting off my pancake cravings,

    Monica 🙂

  12. Diana (Soap & Chocolate) says

    OMG Carrot Cake = dessert love of my life, just behind ice cream. Thank you for coming up with cake-alternatives that are still carrot cake flavored. 🙂

    And in a twist of irony, I was just catching up on your last couple posts about stressing out about not commenting as much as you’d like…and here I am like 5 posts later just now commenting on that! Suffice it to say I hear ya, and my blog doesn’t get half the hits yours does, so I can only imagine the pressure you feel to return comments! Please, it should be the last thing you worry about. but I’m sure everyone else has echoed that thought!

    Just go have a fun “real” life. 🙂

  13. Kristie says

    Katie, these pancakes look amazing!!! I have to say though that good old carrot cake in its original form will always be my favorite – and the only way I like cake pretty much 🙂

  14. Lexi says

    I love carrot cake! Your pancakes look amazing.

    Favorite form of CC: the real thing, actual cake, with cream cheese frosting, or a carrot cake muffin!

  15. Susan says

    Katie all your recipes always make me drool!! I love your pictures.

    Unfort, I lack many of the ingredients and equipment to make your amazing concoctions while I’m at school, so I guess I’ll have to wait and indulge when I go home on breaksie!

  16. Cindy says

    oh those pancakes look and sound delish! I do like carrot cake but don’t make it often…don’t know why. I should!

    and I would have to agree that using chopsticks makes eating just plain FUN!

  17. Stef @ moretolifethanlettuce says

    brilliance! i love that you divide up the base into 4, so nice to have something to work with for other yummy creations!

  18. Danielle says

    Yessss I was waiting for this post 😀
    Thanks for the recipe! Carrot Cake cereal? Um…expect to see this in the NEAR future

  19. Hannah says

    Maybe a carrot cake ice cream, with finely grated carrot, cinnamon, and nutmeg mixed into that frozen-banana icecream trick, sprinkled with some cacao nibs?

    It’s only an idea, but I kind of want it right now…

  20. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    carrot cake pancakes…nice job!
    homemade syrup…I make a few concoctions myself. I adore carrot cake but as a GF vegan, I havent had it in ages…need to work on that!

  21. jqlee says

    My favorite carrot is definitely carrot cake. So bad for you but soooo good.

    Is that ONE serving that you have pictured Katie? That’s a whole lotta pancakes. My belly would enjoy all those pancakes 🙂

  22. Megan says

    Good ol’ standard carrot cake is my favorite. My mom has this carrot cake recipe that is beyond out of this world. It is so good it should be illegal.

  23. Heather Eats Almond Butter says

    I love carrot cake pancakes myself. So yummy filled with plumped raisins and topped with coconut love in a jar. 🙂 Dying to know about this “homemade syrup”. Why you always teasing us Katie??? 😉

  24. Shelby says

    As you know, my favorite dessert is Carrot Cake so these past couple posts have been amazing! Love all of your creations!

  25. Caitlin says

    Oh, wow. I found this linked over from a post about the pancakes, but as I scrolled down and see pizza, and muffins, and theeen the pancakes. Oh, wow. I’ll be needing lots of carrots this week…!

  26. Heather says

    delicioussss! totally obsessed with three of these ideas: 1) pancakes, 2) carrot cake 3) recipe for one serving! (i’m a college student, and my roommates and i don’t quite share the same tastes :-)) i would love to win! i’ve never tried any of the artisana butters!

  27. Demelza says

    Hmm, I think the carrot cake pancakes sound best.
    I may actually whip out my Hello Kitty waffle maker for some action…;P
    Thanks for hosting another giveaway, Katie <3

  28. Molly says

    I haven’t tried the agave syrup yet, but we made some sweet tea last night and used agave to sweeten it. I find that I have to use a lot of it to get it as sweet as sugar, but I do enjoy the taste a little better. I’m excited to see what your syrup recipe consists of!

    Antique Jewelry

  29. Rachel W says

    hi katie! ive been following your blog for almost a year and finally decided to jump on the commenting crew 🙂 your recipes are amazing!! i am snowed-in here today in freezing NJ and just made a batch of your carrot cake pancakes topped with coconut butter & a little maple syrup.. MMMMMM they were STELLAR!! thanks so much for doing what you do!

  30. Patricia says

    I just made these for lunch, with extra carrot, topped with cream cheese. I think they are my new favorite food.

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