Hopefully this page can answer the questions I most often receive in regards to the future cookbook. As the publishing date is quite far off, I currently have only a limited amount of information to pass along. I’ll be updating the page as I learn more specifics about the chocolate-covered cookbook, its availability overseas, and its scheduled arrival date in stores.
Cookbook Title: Chocolate-Covered Katie
Release Date: Available now!
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
The book will be entirely devoted to healthy desserts and will include mostly brand-new recipes (with a few blog favorites), tips and tricks, nutritional analyses, substitution notes, gluten-free options, and a picture of every recipe.
If you have suggestions, requests, or questions about the book, please feel free to leave them in the comment section below.
Emily says
I’m a bit LTTP, but congrats! And will you be going on a cookbook signing tour??? I don’t know if cookbook writers typically go on tours, but I’d love to meet you and have you sign my cookbook! In fact, I know a few local private owned bookstores that have artists come in for book signings often that would probably be absolutely excited to have you and support your cookbook, if you want some ideas 😉
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I think so! Probably around the DC and NYC areas 🙂
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I think so! Probably around the DC and NYC areas 🙂
Emily says
I’m a bit LTTP, but congrats! And will you be going on a cookbook signing tour??? I don’t know if cookbook writers typically go on tours, but I’d love to meet you and have you sign my cookbook! In fact, I know a few local private owned bookstores that have artists come in for book signings often that would probably be absolutely excited to have you and support your cookbook, if you want some ideas 😉
Kyla says
Hi! I’m SUPER excited about your cookbook! I’ve already made probably 50+ recipes from your blog, believe it or not, and I’m always looking for more. However, I found your cookbook available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble… and it says that the expected release date is supposed to be January, 2015. Is this true? Thanks!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Yes! January 6th, but you can preorder now on Barnes and Nobles if you wish 🙂
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Yes! January 6th, but you can preorder now on Barnes and Nobles if you wish 🙂
Kyla says
Hi! I’m SUPER excited about your cookbook! I’ve already made probably 50+ recipes from your blog, believe it or not, and I’m always looking for more. However, I found your cookbook available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble… and it says that the expected release date is supposed to be January, 2015. Is this true? Thanks!
heather says
Will your cookbook be available on amazon kindle?
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Yes, there is a nook version that can be read on a kindle: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/chocolate-covered-katie-katie-higgins/1119439699?ean=9781455599707
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Yes, there is a nook version that can be read on a kindle: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/chocolate-covered-katie-katie-higgins/1119439699?ean=9781455599707
heather says
Will your cookbook be available on amazon kindle?
I pre-ordered my copy today!
I pre-ordered my copy today!