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Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Bread

I’m not sure what to do:

Should I call for the higher amount of sweetener and chocolate chips, calling this “pb cookie dough bread” and suggesting it be used as a dessert loaf?

Or should I call for the lower amount of sweetener (as seen in the second version) and omit the chocolate chips, calling it “pb sandwich bread” and suggesting one spread on jam or mashed banana or vegan butter?

I’m giving both versions:

Version 1: PB Cookie Dough Bread

  • 2 c spelt flour (If you want to test a gluten free version, please do go ahead!!)
  • 1/3c peanut butter (you can try another nut butter if desired)
  • 2 T applesauce
  • 1 and 1/2c brown sugar (Some of you can test with agave? Or maybe even 1c sugar and 4 stevia packets?)
  • 1 tsp salt (if using salted pb)
  • 1 T plus 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 1/2 cups nondairy milk
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips

Mix the dry ingredients very well. Then mix in wet. (If your pb isn’t super-creamy, microwave it 40 seconds, or until soft.) Pour into a sprayed loaf pan and bake at 375 for 40-45 minutes. Let cool at least 15 minutes before trying to cut.


Version 2: PB Sandwich Bread

(Makes 1 loaf)

  • 2 c flour (I tried spelt. You can test out whatever you want. That’s what this testing is for!)
  • 1/3 c peanut butter
  • 2 T applesauce
  • 1 T agave or sugar (or 2 packets nunaturals stevia)
  • 1 T plus 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt (if using salted pb)
  • 1 1/2 cups nondairy milk

Mix the dry ingredients very well. Then mix in wet. (If your pb isn’t super-creamy, microwave it 40 seconds, or until soft.) Pour into a sprayed loaf pan and bake at 375 for 40-45 minutes. Let cool at least 15 minutes before trying to cut.


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  1. Sondra says

    So I finally got around to making these. I hope its not too late to help out. Anyways first batch I made the sandwich bread. I used 1 cup of oat flour and 1 cup of all purpose (with a bit of wheat germ to boost nutrition). I used 1.5 tsp of Truvia (the equivalent of 2 packets of sweetener). Everything else was to the recipe. The verdict: While the texture was lovely and very cookie like (though crumbles a bit easily) I could taste far more baking powder than peanut butter (I used JIF, btw, what brand do you usually use Katie?)

    Second batch, made a “desserty” version. All all-purpose flour. Didn’t have chocolate chips (I’m not a heathen, just a grazer) so those were left out. This time I increased the PB to 1/2 cup, used 1/4 cup of brown sugar, and 2 TBS of Truvia (or the equivalent of 8 packets of sweetener. However, I’m not sure I would suggest that amount with any other brand as truvia uses Erythitol for their filler instead of maltodextrin, so it doesn’t have that bitter taste) The dough was BEAUTIFUL while I mixed it, fluffy and light, it would’ve made a great pillow. I did sample the dough raw. Usually bread dough has that overpowering flour taste that makes it none to enjoyable to eat uncooked… this however deserved a second (and third) spoonful. Baked it for 40 minutes- the verdict- a beautiful fluffy texture, strong though. Definitely taste the peanut butter. Its sweet, but not overly sweet,with a perfect hint of saltiness to bring out the peanut butter fully, and makes amazing toast if you high broil it for 1 minute or so. Only wish I had had chocolate chips.

  2. Sondra says

    So I finally got around to making these. I hope its not too late to help out. Anyways first batch I made the sandwich bread. I used 1 cup of oat flour and 1 cup of all purpose (with a bit of wheat germ to boost nutrition). I used 1.5 tsp of Truvia (the equivalent of 2 packets of sweetener). Everything else was to the recipe. The verdict: While the texture was lovely and very cookie like (though crumbles a bit easily) I could taste far more baking powder than peanut butter (I used JIF, btw, what brand do you usually use Katie?)

    Second batch, made a “desserty” version. All all-purpose flour. Didn’t have chocolate chips (I’m not a heathen, just a grazer) so those were left out. This time I increased the PB to 1/2 cup, used 1/4 cup of brown sugar, and 2 TBS of Truvia (or the equivalent of 8 packets of sweetener. However, I’m not sure I would suggest that amount with any other brand as truvia uses Erythitol for their filler instead of maltodextrin, so it doesn’t have that bitter taste) The dough was BEAUTIFUL while I mixed it, fluffy and light, it would’ve made a great pillow. I did sample the dough raw. Usually bread dough has that overpowering flour taste that makes it none to enjoyable to eat uncooked… this however deserved a second (and third) spoonful. Baked it for 40 minutes- the verdict- a beautiful fluffy texture, strong though. Definitely taste the peanut butter. Its sweet, but not overly sweet,with a perfect hint of saltiness to bring out the peanut butter fully, and makes amazing toast if you high broil it for 1 minute or so. Only wish I had had chocolate chips.

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