Mountain Mint Wild Bars
Mountain Mint Wild Bars and I first crossed paths a few months ago in New York City. But part of me wishes we’d never met. Is this because Wild Bars don’t taste good? Heck no! It’s because they taste so incredibly over-the-moon, turn-your-world-upside-down delicious that my poor wallet is having apoplexy trying to figure out how to support this new addiction. Wild Bars, you see, are $5 each! (Foolishly, I neglected to look at the price when I purchased my first bar.) Is there a certain product that—due to its high cost—you wish you’d never discovered?
I can think of quite a few… like Chocolate Coconut Butter!
Back to the story: Just one unassuming green package combines velvety, bitter chocolate, intense, cooling mint and rich, chewy macadamia nuts for a truly-tantalizing flavor explosion. They’re heaven if you’re a hard-core chocolate or mint lover. (I happen to be one of both.) And if you heat them up in the microwave for a few seconds? There are no words.
All that flavor and a healthy dose of fiber (14g per bar), Omega 3s, vitamins such as B12 and Phosphorous, and antioxidants—it’d be pretty darn perfect, if one could only solve the nagging problem of that high price. Apparently, the bars are so expensive thanks to one of their ingredients: blue green algae. Wha??? Are you kidding me? Algae, as in the algae that grows at the bottom of my pool??? (CCK’s mind is going a hundred miles a minute right now, trying to figure out how she can market the crap in her pool…)
If you’re Donald Trump and you are reading this post, go out right now and buy caseloads of these bars. (And send some to me, please!). Otherwise, stay far, far away so as not to get addicted to the wildly-delicious, wildly-pricy Mountain Mint Wild Bars. (I wasn’t keen on the orange-flavored bars, hence their absence from this post.) To the chagrin of my tummy and delight of my aforementioned wallet, I can’t find Wild Bars in Texas. But you can bet your (tempeh) bacon that I stock up every time I go to NYC. *Sigh* What else is a chocolate-addicted girl to do?
Wild Lovin’
To summarize: If money is no object, get thee to a grocery store to buy up some Wild Bars! And please don’t forget your favorite chocoholic, whose birthday is September 6th. 😉
I’m working on homemade Wild bars, based on this recipe: 3 Ingredient Chocolate Bars.
Christian Bates says
Hey Chocolate-Covered Katie,
This is Christian Bates, co-creator and formulator of the WildBar with Ancient Sun. Excellent post and thank you for the rave review! May your success afford your the biggest truck load of cacao ever delivered!
-CB 🙂
Christian Bates says
Oh, I’d really like to take the liberty to put a link to this on WildBar’s Facebook fan page. I think it would a great connection.
P.S. I don’t recommend putting WB in the microwave. Instead, if you want it warm, leave it your pants pocket for 20 minutes on accident. 😉
Thanks again,
Christin says
Larabar PB&Jelly! Mmmm mmmm good!
Naomi says
I’m still for Larabars…esp. Apple Pie
Amanda says
My favorite bars are larabars, but I am always looking for something with less sugar and more protein.
Sallie says
My favorite bars (at the moment) are Kind Fruit and Nut bars (also too expensive so I just get them as a special treat). Also good are Chocolate Brownie Zbars and Kashi Cherry Dark Chocolate, for a quick pick-me-up.
maren says
hmm that’s tricky! ive always loved the gnu foods banana walnut and cinnamon raisin.. also holiday seasonal bars are delish (clif pumpkin/gingerbread)
Amy says
My favorite bar is Cliff nectar cherry pomegranate.
Nagore says
I dont live in USA and maybe thats why i cant find in my country all those bars i read about in your blog. Anyways, my favourite ones are “Marie Lu bars”, apple& cinnamon flavour.
I would loooove to try new bars … 😉
happy new year!
Linda says
I like Lara bars and bumblebars and my own raw bars ( I make one called lemonysnickett that’s really really good. I would love to try your mint bar. Mint is my irrestible temptation.
Angela K. says
my fav bar is maple nut clif bar
Ellie says
My favorite bar is kashi chocolate almond!
zippsgal says
Cashew Cookie Lara Bars rule!!!!!!
Miranda says
Mint honey patties by Heavenly Organics. 3 ingredients: honey, peppermint extract, and cocoa. DIVINE! Sold at my local health food store for $0.50/patty…. doesn’t sound like much but then my hubby wants one and so do my kids….. and then I want another….