Above, a full plate of Oatmeal Cookie Crepe Cakes
Hmmm, but this looks too neat and tidy…
That’s better.
Above, with little Soyatoo dots and homemade Smashberry Jam. For the jam: It’s so easy! Just boil your berries… and then SMASH them!! That’s it!
After breakfast, it was time for presents!
(Well-fed parents = Much happier parents)
Funny story: As young kids, my uncle and his sisters set their parents’ clock ahead three hours so they could open presents earlier. Evil!
But not all children are evil. The little sister was so helpful, offering to shape Raw Gingerbread Men
And finally… Picture Proof of snow in Texas:
Looks like comets:
Mandie says
mmmMMMmmm! oatmeal and crepes in one?! no way. they sound too delicious to be real. please please please can i have the recipe? i started making pancakes a few days ago (i haven’t had them in at least a year) thanks to you, but now i know i’m ready for some lovely crepes. thanks for always having such amazing posts. you really inspire me to cook! 🙂