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How to use “brownie batter” and “vegetable serving” in the same sentence

The FDA recommends that people consume 9 servings of fruits and veggies per day, with at least one of those servings being leafy greens. What if I told you that you could knock off TWO servings of leafy green vegetables at breakfast, alone?

And, what if I told you that you could do this by… Eating Brownie Batter?!

You’d think I was crazy, right?

Well yes, I am crazy.  But that’s beside the point. The point is that a person shouldn’t have to sacrifice health for pleasure, nor pleasure for health.  You can have your cake brownie batter and eat it too!

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that I subscribe wholeheartedly to this notion.  No way in heck am I’m giving up the foods I enjoy to start choking down shots of wheatgrass and vinegar.  (Nuthin’ against those few people who happen to like the taste of wheatgrass.  Have at it, peeps!) I’ve written before about my food philosophy. I try to always choose meal components I’m going to be excited to eat.  Life is short, so why waste it eating foods that are boring?  Sure, people who sacrifice taste for health may “live” a few extra years, but can it really be considered “living” at all if they aren’t enjoying their lives?  But on that same token, if one’s diet consists solely of doughnuts and fried chicken, his or her physical health will suffer, and that’s not an enjoyable life either.

So what to do?  Easy peasy!  Eat foods that taste sinful and yet are good for you.  Foods such as:


My 24 Carrot Cake Cupcakes or…


my Chocolate-Covered Berry Ice Cream or even…

my Peachy Green Ice Cream.

And now…

Brownie Batter Pancakes!

brownie pancakes

(Above, with ripe strawberries and Whole Foods unsweetened ricemilk)

And a close up of the chocolate pancakes:

chocolate pancakes

You can get a vegetable serving from these?!

Yup!  And by the way, the eight pancakes you see above constitute one serving of pancakes!  Someone asked me if I could start writing out the nutritional info for my recipes.  I’m not going to do that.  (A recipe should not be defined by numbers.  Also, I don’t usually calculate my recipes, but I did do this one because I was curious).  You can calculate it out for yourselves; I bet you’ll be absolutely amazed by the stats of these eight “brownie pancakes.”

For the recipe, Click here .

Published on July 14, 2009

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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