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I don’t know why you say goodbye, I say hello

(My dad would be so proud of the Beatles’ reference in my title.)
A long time ago, I worte a post in which I lamented the fact that my favorite soy puddings were being discontinued.
But oh, the joys of the internet– I recently found a website that still had these puddings in stock. So I quickly ordered a ton (seriously, a TON). Look at ’em all!
Christmas in a box! And they have a nice, long shelf-life, so I’m set for a while.
One of my mom’s favorite snacks is a Jello chocolate pudding cup… so now we can be twins ;o)
On a related note, my mom is getting into the blogging spirit. As I was admiring my puddings, she grabbed the camera (which is never far away) and said, “Here Katie, pose with your puddings, and you can put the picture up on your blog.”

Published on May 6, 2008

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Ruby Red Vegan says

    That pudding looks sooo good! I’ve never tried it, but the Fatfree Vegan blog does have a pretty good chocolate pudding recipe that I’ve tried. 🙂 Buying in bulk is dangerous! I don’t think I’d be able to resist if I had a giant box full of my favorite snack!

  2. eleanor says

    to get me through my horrible writer’s block on my last paper of the year, i picked up a chocolate vanilla swirl ZenSoy pudding from our school coffee shop. i thought it was pretty good..have you tried that brand? if the kind you ordered is better than that, then yours must be realllllllllyyyyy good 🙂

  3. Emma says

    That is one big box of pudding! But I’d definitely do the same thing if they were discontinuing my favourite treat! =)

    And soy cream in a can! Where do you order that from, if you don’t mind my asking? I haven’t been vegan for very long and I haven’t managed to find much stuff like that yet!

  4. Lizzy says

    WOOOOHOOO!!! You cannot believe how excited I am for you! I’m sure it was like christmas and birthday together when you opened these boxes and saw carton after carton filled with chocolate goodness! Awesome =D
    And your mom’s too cute, ha ha!
    I love the vegan/omni picture!

  5. Alice (in Veganland) says

    hahaha, let’s see how long it takes until they’re all gone…

    You look so great!

  6. Liz² says

    hurray! congrats on all that pudding! you even have the soyatoo, ooh. And also congratulations on getting that E for Excellence you deserve it for being such a ray of chocolate covered sunshine! (and for the whole purple food thing)

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