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Molly's Musings

Molly the Scottie could easily be a vegan. Her favorite food is raw carrots! If someone in our family starts to chop or peel a carrot, Molly comes running as fast as her little legs can take her, even if she’s at the other end of the house.

Here, my mom is enjoying some carrots and dip. Molly, meanwhile, is plotting the best way to topple the plate and abscond with the prize.

Moving on to a completely different topic…

At the moment, there’s a very politically-charged atmosphere here in America, and Molly has just one question:

Who would YOU rather have as leader of your country?

Molly’s going with the black one ;o)

****October, 2008 EDIT!!!****
When I wrote this post back in February, I did not know who the presidential candidates were going to be. “The black one” is NOT a racial slur; I’m referring to the Scottie dog! :o)

Published on February 11, 2008

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. T says

    That is the cutest dog! Scotties were my college mascot (Agnes SCOTT college) so I have tongs of t-shirt, pins, stationary, ect, with an exact replica of Molly. She’s adorable.

  2. Rural Vegan says

    Molly is not only FAR better looking than the other candidate, but given her strong veggie-loving tendencies, I believe she is the morally superior choice as well. =)

  3. Bianca says

    I would vote for a dog over Bush any day!!! And my 5-year-old mixed breed has taken a liking to raw veggies too. Any time I eat salad, he begs at the foot of the table…I suspect though it’s more the salad dressing on the veggies that he’s interested in. He seems to love anything with oil in it.

  4. Paulina says

    Thanks for your comment on my blog 🙂 I actually have never taken photography lessons but have always wanted to.

    P.S. Don’t worry, I thought the acai berry was pronounced ah-kai for the longest time!

  5. Karyn says

    I taught my dog to eat carrots when he was a puppy. He still likes them, but he’s not so keen on other vegetables. Oh well.

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