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Nutrition Facts For Almond Milk Ice Cream

Notes About The Recipe:

If you don’t have a high-speed blender or an ice cream maker, there are two options for making the almond milk ice cream without either appliance. While the resulting ice cream isn’t quite as smooth, it still tastes good!

The first option is to whisk all ingredients together, pour into ice cube trays, and freeze. Let the ice cubes thaw enough for a food processor to be able to handle, then blend until smooth. Freeze for about an hour for a firmer ice cream.

Option two is to freeze a large, shallow container. Whisk ingredients together in a bowl, pour into the cold container, and freeze. After a half hour, stir the mixture very well to break up ice crystals, then re-freeze. Repeat this process every half hour for about 2-3 hours. Essentially, you’re doing the same work that an ice cream machine would do, whisking air into the mixture and breaking up ice crystals.

If you do want an ice cream machine for smoother results, I highly recommend this Cuisinart ice cream machine.

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Almond Milk Ice Cream Nutrition Facts


Weight Watchers SmartPoints: 4

Nutrition facts are for a standard 1/2-cup serving of ice cream, made with peanut butter.

The table above shows nutrition facts for the sugar free version, and below is for the version using regular sugar. Because they’re vegan, both versions are 100% cholesterol-free.


Weight Watchers SmartPoints: 6

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