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One death is a tragedy

1000 deaths is a statistic

“Support our Troops”

This message is everywhere: store windows, street signs, even bumper stickers. But have you ever stopped to contemplate its meaning? Have you ever actually thought about the AMAZING sacrifice that our soldiers—many of them not even old enough to drink—are making for you and me?

I can’t even imagine.  Here I am, upset when Whole Foods is out of coconut butter or when a professor gives me a B. At the same time, our soldiers fight for my freedom amidst exploding bombs and guns, without their families by their sides, facing possible death at every turn.  It really makes my complaints feel petty and selfish.

I feel like a warrior when I get back from running 10 miles for fun. At the same time, brave men and women—some of whom are my age—run for their lives, without ever receiving a post-exercise stack of pancakes or relaxing massage as a reward for their hard work. Their reward is simply the fact that they’re still alive.  The amount of courage and dedication they exude is unfathomable to me, and I can never repay the debt I owe them.

For, how can one thank a strangers willing to rise every morning (assuming they were afforded the chance to sleep the night before) and put their lives on the line so that we can know freedom?

Not everyone is so lucky.

I admit, I used to take my freedom for granted. I didn’t understand the true meaning of the word until I moved to a foreign country and discovered that not everyone has the freedoms we Americans take as a given.  I’m not saying our country is perfect, but we’re certainly far better off than many others. (I bet my blogger friend, who lives in a country that censors her blog posts, will agree with me!)

Please remember, today, all of the brave men and women who are willing to give up their lives—and those who have given up their lives—to protect our freedoms. And remember to support our troops, not just on Memorial Day.  After all, they support us every day.

If you do nothing else today, at least take a moment to visit and leave a quick message thanking our soldiers for their bravery and sacrifice.

Question of the Day:

What freedoms are you most thankful to have someone willing to protect? And: What does “support the troops” mean to you?

Honestly, I was against going to war in Iraq.  But whether or not we wanted our soldiers there, the fact of the matter is that they are there, so they need our support (not just the soldiers in Iraq, but around the world).

Published on May 31, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Kristina @ spabettie says

    thank you for this, Katie. a very emotional topic as I wish our troops could come home, yet I will not ever make assumptions as to the what and why. I have immense gratitude for all of our service men and women. I appreciate you posting this, big hugs to you. <3

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