(For those who haven’t read Harry Potter, a “muggle” is a person who lacks magical ability.)
Red Pepper Magic Soup
(Makes 1 generous serving)
- 200 grams raw, sliced mushrooms
- 200 grams red pepper slices
- Oil, water, or broth for sautéing
- Milk of choice (I like almond milk)
- Garlic (I use 1 and 1/2 tablespoons)
- Salt to taste
Sauté the peppers over high heat in your sautéing-liquid-of-choice, with a dash of salt. After about a minute, add the garlic. When the peppers are soft, add the mushrooms and a bit more salt. Stir fry for a few minutes more, then transfer to your food processor, blender, or Magic Bullet. Add the liquid and blend. I like to leave some of the mushrooms out of the blender (to be added in after blending, for extra chew).
Speaking of Magic… Harry Potter comes out today. Anyone else excited?
Heather Eats Almond Butter says
I woke up at 3 AM thinking to myself “Banana Hammock” NOT “Banana Boat” Hello, type A… 🙂
Michal says
Love the HP cake!
Coppertopper says
Thank you for this recipe. I can now make tasty and much healthier then store bought soup in 15min!