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The Princess and the Cake

Sounds much yummier than The Princess and the Pea, right?

And certainly much yummier than The Princess and the Knee

Happy Birthday, little sister!

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With the pink hue and the princess decoration, it almost looks like a carbon copy of the cake I made for her last year

My sister is a girl who knows what she likes.

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Published on December 22, 2009

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. quix says

    Ok, that is ADORABLE!! Happy birthday to your sis! And I’m a bit embarassed but sometimes I read through my blog archives when I’m bored. So I totally feel ya there. 😉

  2. girlonraw says

    Happy birthday to your sista! You are a very clever cake decorator. And I have a younger sister and I love her dearly, despite being half a world apart we speak almost every day. Get us in the same room though and we are arguing in minutes hehe. That’s what familia are for right?

  3. Meg says

    Happy Birthday to your sister, Katie – you two are definitely beautiful women and I’m glad your relationship has gotten better. I adore my brother, and his wife! She’s pregnant with their first baby!

    Happy holidays!

  4. Amy says

    Beautiful cake! I have a brother but it seems at this point in our lives we have very little in common. We talk a couple of times a year and probably see each other once a year.

  5. Patrick says

    Or maybe it was today. I don’t know. Anyway I saw this woman at the airport that I was like ‘that person looks really familiar’ and now looking at these pics I started thinking it was your sister. Highly unlikely though

  6. Alisa - Frugal Foodie says

    Two beautiful ladies and an amazing cake! I am actually heading out this week to spend Christmas with my wonderful sister and her daughters. We have always got along quite well even though we are a bit far apart in age.

  7. Cindy says

    you and your sis look so much alike! You are both beautiful!
    and your cake is DARLING.

    I couldn’t agree more about the getting attached to older posts. Some just make me smile and I miss them too. haha


    I have a lot..4 brothers and a sis. I love them all but we are all struggling with a lot of childhood family bonding issues and it’s a lot of painful work some days. We all love each other though so it’s good to work on it.

    I am so happy you and your sis are close! warms my heart.

  8. Marina says

    I have a sister, she’s 7 yrs older then me. We fight all the time, and I truly believe I’m more mature then her. But of course I love her 🙂
    Congrats to your sis, she looks beautiful btw.

  9. Heather Eats Almond Butter says

    Trying to catch up before I leave for Arizona tomorrow, and I have so many thoughts. Here is my list:

    1. Happy Birthday Michelle! Yes, she’s beautiful, just like her sister.
    2. I would like to thank Megan as well. The muffin did look perfect.
    3. Yes, I am attached to my old posts. Not all, but some, and it makes me so sad to think that new readers missed out on so many oldies but goodies. I totally get it.
    4. CD just gave me a Magic Bullet for Christmas. When do you use that instead of the Vita?
    5. Last but not least, are you really giving away a WHOLE Vita-Mix? 😉

    P.S. One more…Did you ever do the Wild Bar giveaway?? Did I enter and just not remember. I need some Mountain Mints!

  10. BroccoliHut says

    Happy birthday to Michelle!!
    I used to fight with my middle sister, but now all three girls get along–they’re two of my best friends these days!

  11. Jess says

    My twin sis and I are the same way, we hated each other growing up and now if I don’t talk to her at least once a week I get sad and miss her.

    and you’re both lovelies!

  12. Pure2Raw Twins says

    Your sister has a great name : )

    Love the cake, it looks perfect!!!!!

    You two are both beautiful!!

    Merry Christmas Katie!!

  13. Vanilla says

    I know it’s an old post but I was searching for some recipes to do with Amazing Grass (I won a giveway, can you believe it? Me neither!) and I typed ”Amazing Grass” in the search box and stumbled across this post.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that this picture of you is probably my FAVOURITE!! You are stunning with the pink cheeks and so are your sister 🙂 (Weird that you have brown eyes and she has blue eyes…)


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