Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.
Well, I think I hear some celebrity kid’s name was reignbeau. That’s like naming your kid sonrey (sun ray). Ah, I’ve heard worse non-celebrity names. There’s someone named Murquesha in my school, pretty awful. And I heard someone named her kid Le-ah. (Not pronounced Leah, Le DASH ah. That’s like pronouncing Ke$ha like Ke dollar sign ha). But that’s pretty much it. I think some people try to be too unique with baby names. Watch Top 60 Ghetto Names on youtube. It parodies a bunch of names that the stereotypical ratchet ass ghetto queen has.
Trajayjay says
Well, I think I hear some celebrity kid’s name was reignbeau. That’s like naming your kid sonrey (sun ray). Ah, I’ve heard worse non-celebrity names. There’s someone named Murquesha in my school, pretty awful. And I heard someone named her kid Le-ah. (Not pronounced Leah, Le DASH ah. That’s like pronouncing Ke$ha like Ke dollar sign ha). But that’s pretty much it. I think some people try to be too unique with baby names. Watch Top 60 Ghetto Names on youtube. It parodies a bunch of names that the stereotypical ratchet ass ghetto queen has.
Lee says
Hi Katie. I’m interested in making your buckeyes, but don’t see the recipe posted anywhere on your buckeyes page or on your site. ??
Sam says
I don’t understand, where is the recipe?
Lisa says
Where’s the recipe???
melissa says
The recipe seems to be missing