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Recipe: Snickerdoodles for Breakfast!

The recipe post: A few months ago, I posted a tribute to a favorite breakfast: Snickerdoodle Oatmeal.


But in my exuberance to highlight an amazing concoction, I left out the most important part of my post: the actual recipe!  I didn’t even realize it until a reader brought it to my attention. And speaking of reader questions, I’ve also been asked:

How can you manage to run for over an hour in the mornings, make a gourmet breakfast, and still get to class on time?

Answer: I do a lot of the breakfast prep-work the day/night before.  As an example, here’s a Quicker-Snicker(doodle) recipe:


Serves one hungry CCK or one and a half normal people.

Snickerdoodle Hot Cereal

  • 3/4 cup (60g) kamut flakes or oats
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp pure vanilla extract
  • salt
  • 2 tbsp almond milk – plus extra if you cook your cereal in milk
  • Sweetener to taste (sugar, stevia, maple syrup, etc…)

Microwave times may vary due to wattage. This used a 1000-watt microwave. In a large Pyrex measuring cup, combine the flakes with 1 ¼ cups liquid and salt (I use ¼ tsp plus 1/8 tsp). In other words, use the Voluminous Oatmeal Trick! Microwave 4 minutes.  Then microwave for another 30 seconds to 1 minute, watching to ensure it doesn’t spill over. Leave out for 10-15 minutes, then stir and cover completely with cling wrap. Put in the fridge.  It’s ok if the flakes are liquidy—that will evaporate. (If it’s watery soup, however, you might want to stick it uncovered in the fridge for a few hours before covering). The next day, your breakfast is ready for you to play! Stir in the vanilla, cinnamon, sweetener, and milk.  I also add 1/4 tsp more salt, but taste and decide.  Stir. Now I like to use a hand blender, only for 4-5 pulses so the Snickerdoodle cereal will keep its chewy texture.  If you like your cereal hot, you can microwave it again.  But I actually prefer this cold.  Especially after a run, the coolness is really refreshing.

Published on May 1, 2009

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. linds says

    Hm… Despite your warnings, I think I will find myself another half person to share this breakfast with me. 🙂 Mmm snickerdoodles…

  2. melomeals: Vegan For $3.33 a Day says

    While the cereal sounds great, the grapefruit is calling my name! I just adore them so much lately.

  3. shepidemic says

    Do you know how much, roughly, you spend per week on groceries? I’m trying to figure out how to spend as little as possible while still having variety. And I’m thinking about going back to veganism! Hooray!

  4. Cecilia says

    I just planned out my next week’s meal plan and I’m having THIS for breakkie tomorrow 😀 Purrrfect after my morning walk/run – can I heat this up a little?? MMMmmm cookie-meal *hawr hawr hawr*

    Oh yea i forgot to ask u sumthing, are kamut flakes – kamut berries rolled into flakes?? I just bought a bag of kamut PUFFS (powerpuff!!! tsk tsk tsk, sorry!) from the store the other day, it’s so nutty-licious!! :mrgreen: i like to make up words, haha!

    OHHHH for my veg of choice this week for the challenge (i wanna try one every week) is >>>> ZUCCHINI – yup, I don’t like that vegetable … (i don’t like eggplant, brussel sprouts, celery (yurh) and squash (the watery ones) too, so I guess I can try those veges out for the next few weeks) any suggestion on how to make dem yummy?? Oh yea Katie, one question for ya – is there any vegetable that you don’t like?! I have a sneaky feeling that you love all vegetables!

    one LAST question, sorry – my brain is in ‘essay’ mode atm … what are the symptoms for Low blood pressure? Is it anything serious? Most of the time when I get up from a resting position too quickly, i see stars (fuzziness) for a while, then i can see clearly again (or am i going blind 😯 and oh! sometimes i get really really shaky and sweat a ton for no reason!!! GAH!! My body is just as old as a granny!!!


  5. mihl says

    How awesome that you added the recipe. I’ll definitely make this (although we don’t have kamut flakes over here).

  6. DJ says

    This looks SO delicious!!! I love cinnamon-spiced breakfasts too – everything tastes sweeter with a teaspoon of cinnamon stirred through! Now I just need to keep my eye out for kamut flakes…

  7. Veggie Runnr says

    I made this today and it was so good! I posted a pic on my blog with a link to your site- I hope that’s ok! I used oats- I’ve never had kamut flakes before but I’ll be buying some to try them out. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

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