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My Mother, My Best Friend

With my dad on a business trip and my sister still in school in Boston, it was left to me to care for my beautiful mom on Mothers’ Day. No problem– I could handle it! I told my mom to sleep as late as she wanted and to call my cell phone when she woke so I could bring her breakfast. Little did I know just how long she would sleep!

I got up at 6:10, and I still had plenty of time to run, eat, shower, dress, clean the kitchen, AND make my mom’s breakfast before she called me at 10:15!

For breakfast, I cooked up some of my renowned Oatmeal Raisin Pudding (recipe here), and I served it with a few ripe, organic strawberries, a steamy mug of coffee, and a homemade card.

To exercise my creative side, I often like to make presents instead of buying them. Such was the case for Mothers’ Day this year. I found a wooden serving tray at the craft store, painted it, and spelled out “mom” in chipboard letters. Then I made a collage from pictures of my sister and me (it was so difficult to narrow down which pictures to use!).

Breakfast fit for the best mom in the world!

Published on May 12, 2008

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Vaala says

    That’s a pretty cool Mother’s Day gift (I’m loving the tray). My Dad was out of town as well for Mother’s day…they really should plan these trips better!

  2. trustmyintuition says

    That was so sweet/thoughtful of you! I’m sure your mom loved it! (Both the oatmeal and the card and tray)

  3. Bonnie says

    Aww, I’m sure that made your mother feel very special and happy 🙂 I agree, homemade gifts are often best! and most original, of course.

  4. Lizzy says

    I’m sure your mom considers herself fortunate to have such a sweet, caring and lovely daughter!

    I love the tray, such a great idea!

  5. Irbas says

    that is such a sweeet present! question: what did you paint on top of the pictures so the surface is so shiny and so that you can clean it etc?!?

  6. ChocolateCoveredVegan says

    Thanks everyone for such nice comments! *Smiles*

    Yuck, your final exam does NOT sound fun… but at least your teacher was smart to tell you to use laptops! And that sounds like a much more environmentally-conscious idea too.
    Yay for current-event nerds!!!

    When I first became a vegan, I did monitor my nutrients closely, to make sure I was getting everything I needed. And I made sure to listen to my body. I don’t count calories now; I’m pretty much an intuitive eater in that I eat what I want and enjoy it. I eat a pretty healthy diet, but I also love my snacks. I do eat what may seem like quite a lot to some people, but I have a super-fast metabolism, and am also really active, so I burn a lot too. I make sure to eat extra—even sometimes when I’m not hungry—because of how active I am. I think that as long as you are at a happy weight for your body, there’s no need to count calories. Just make sure you aren’t running and eating vegan for the wrong reasons (i.e. to lose weight if you don’t need to). If you don’t know if you’re at a healthy weight, talk to your doctor. Hope this answered your question.

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