When I wake up in the morning
And the ‘larm lets out a warning
I don’t think I’ll ever make it on time
By the time I get my books and I give myself a look
I’m at the corner just in time to see the bus slide by
It’s alright cause I’m saved by the bell
Reminisce with me: Who else, growing up, loved loved loved Saved by the Bell? I know I can’t be the only one! But have you watched that show recently (super-early in the am, you can sometimes find SBTB reruns)? It’s ridiculously dumb. I mean, in the episode I caught, Zach—who has no dance experience—stars in a ballet so that he can graduate from high school.
Still, I hold nothing but fond memories of my SBTB-watching days. How many of you, like me, wanted to be Kelly Kapowski? How many of you wished to go on a date with cute Zach Morris (or hunky A.C. Slater)? Or participate in a dance-off at the Max, make a video yearbook, star in the school production of Snow White and the Seven Dorks…
But there I go on a tangent again. The only thing today’s post has in common with Saved by the Bell is the title. After receiving a comment asking about my morning routine, I thought it might be a fun topic for a post. Therefore…
My Morning Routine
Most likely, nobody (excluding the commenter and yours truly) cares about this. So hopefully I won’t bore you too much.
I usually wake up naturally, around six or seven. Alarm clocks and I do not get along; I think I was scarred for life by my sister’s old clock—an electric-guitar-playing chicken! I throw on my running clothes—laid out the night before—and head downstairs for “first breakfast.” Lately, first breakfast consists of some fruit (kiwi, peach, grapefruit half, watermelon, what-have-you), nuts, and maybe a cracker or two. Yesterday’s brekkie was the following:
I think cashews are my favorite nuts. And whenever I eat oranges, I’m reminded of playing soccer as a kid. Anyone else remember eating oranges at halftime? Do kids still do that?
Properly fueled, it’s time to get revved up for the day. Nothing beats a good, hard run first-thing in the morning to wake up one’s senses. I don’t wear any of those newfangled gadgets, but I do have a fancy-schmancy $10 watch, and I’m usually outside for a little over an hour.
Then, second breakfast.
According to sources such as Runner’s World Magazine, it’s important to refuel within 15-30 minutes of working out. So I usually do most of the breakfast prep-work the night before.
I knew exactly what I wanted today: Peanut Butter Barley Fusion (with a few modifications, alongside a bursting-with-ripeness peach and sweet blueberries)
And that, dear readers, concludes my Morning Routine.
Lena says
I absolutely loved SBTB!!! esp zack and his geeky friend, forgot his name… so cool!!! 😛
jrsimon56 says
My morning routine? Get up as soon as the hubby leaves (6:30am), check the e-mail to get a gague on what I’ll be dealing with for the day, jump in the shower, eat my flax plus and a giant glass of water and head into the office for another day. I’d love to be a morning worker-outer, but I just can’t seem to pull it together. Maybe I’ll use you as inspiration 🙂
Kristie says
I cared about this! People’s morning routines intrigue me. Maybe because mine is pretty lame and unstructured right now. Aka I wake up whenever I wake up. I think about what I want to eat while hopping on the computer. I then mill around in the kitchen and throw together some food. Then I get back on the computer or go read or go do something else lazy until I have something actual that I need to do later in the day. Oh summer.
However, Saved by the Bell was definitely a huge part of my morning routine back in the day. Every. Single. Morning. I saw every episode more times than I could count. Greatest show ever.
Lauren says
thanks for sharing your morning routine! i agree though, cashews are probably myyy favorite nut as well..they’re just so tasty, and even more delicious when they’re heated up in a frying pan!
my morning routine is completely different right now due to not being in school, but once school starts back up i’ll be in the swing of things again!
dreaminitvegan says
Nice morning routine. Love that barely breakfast, will have to try!
I wake up in between 7:30-8a.m. have some coffee and make smoothies for my husband and I. He drinks his on the way to work. Then I’ll do some kind of workout pilates, bike ride or video after my son wakes up. It’s summer you know, just hangin out!
Sagan says
So now I’m curious… do you think that the vegan lifestyle helps you get a really good sleep at night?
Natalie says
Katie, I love all of your oatmeal recipes and I Cannot wait for winter (or at least fall) to get here so I can try them! Sorry, I just can’t get into hot cereal in the summer or cold oatmeal. Plus, berries are ripe for the eatin’ up in Pennsylvania, so I have been enjoying my fruity breakfasts.
I wanted to let you know I love your dishes (the actual dishes you serve the food on) – they’re so pretty and vivid! Did you get them anywhere I might find in Pennsylvania?
Also, I would love it if you would either email me how to make Kale chips or post it/link it so I can give it a whirl… I’m not a huge fan of kale, but I’m willing to try just about anything (if you visit my blog, you’ll see that!).
Marianne says
Oh, Saved By The Bell. My sister was addicted to that show, so consquently, I ended up watching more than my fair share. We were actually talking about it last night when we saw someone with a total Zach Morris haircut! HA!
chrissy says
Um I just read this post and I HAD THE SAME ALARM CLOCK!!! I HATE THAT PIECE OF CRAP!! A family friend gave it to me when I was little and my parents made me use it all through High School even!! I tried to throw it away when I graduated high school but my mother dragged it out of the garbage and now she and my dad use it to get up in the morning! How horrible is that!? I want to run it over with my car everytime I go home to visit them! It really was the worst invention EVER!
Michelle says
hey! some interesting posts that you have. Having read about your running routine, I’m curious to know what your 5k race time is, assuming that you have ran one before?
Jody at Because I'm Me says
I had that clock. I still sing “Hey baby wake up. Come and dance with me.” to my kids in the morning (especially if we have to get up at the crack of dawn for some reason). Best clock ever.
Just discovered your site and having a look around.
Peanut Butter Bunny says
I’ve gotta ask…what were the modifications, Katie? X3