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The future Mrs. Robert Pattison?

Dear Kristin Stewart,

Until you learn how to act (and smile!), I am replacing you as the object of Edward’s affection. Have a nice day.




Sadly, I’m afraid my chances with Edward are shot, due to the inordinate amount of garlic consumed in last night’s Stir Fry Salad.

It was worth it, though! Above, Stir Fry Salad (with zucchini, bok choy, broccoli, mushrooms, okra, napa, shoyu, and garlic)

Taylor Lautner, you like garlic, right? 😉

Question of the Day:

Have you read the Twilight books?  I finally gave in and read them to see what all the fuss was about.  They were okay; compelling, but not extremely well-written.  Certainly no Tess of the d’Urbervilles (my favorite book of all time).

Published on September 17, 2009

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Michelle says

    Not to offend any Twilight die-hards out there, but Twilight is way overrated in my opinion. However, I am one of those huge X-files, Harry Potter geeks, so the whole vampire thing really isn’t my cup of tea. To be fair, I know plenty of Harry Haters, so there are lovers and haters to everything I guess 🙂 (But come on? Really? Vampire Love? Oh please, there is a way better world of UFO’s, government conspiracies, and aliens out there in the re-run section of town…”I want to believe!!!”)

  2. Kate G. says

    bahaha i love that edward + CCV pic, that is great!

    I definitely read the Twilight books and loooooved them, BUT i am a die-hard HARRY POTTER fan 🙂

    oh and i was in love with robert pattinson when he was in harry potter BEFORE the twilight obsession.

    i haven’t actually gotten into reading anything since i read twilight actually… any suggestions??

  3. Jules says

    I read Twilight, and at first I liked the books, but I just got really annoyed at the last one. You’re right, they definitely can’t hold a candle to Harry Potter! I have a huge crush on him 🙂 Yeah, yeah, I know he’s not real…unfortunately for me.

  4. dewtakeflight says

    She is absolutely terrible! I’ve never seen a worse actress…and I must remain loyal to Harry Potter 🙂


  5. Emily says

    Haha, love your photoshop work, Katie! I love garlic, too, so I’m sure I wouldn’t ever be friends with a vampire. 🙂

    I haven’t read any of the Twilight books, though I recently saw the Harry Potter movies for the first time (I know, I know…I’m a little behind). I really liked them!

  6. Jess says

    I don’t mean to be insulting but I find it absurd when people use Harry Potter as an example of good writing. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t even hold a candle to most great children’s books, let alone good writing in general. I’ve been known to be a bit of a lit snob, though, and I get a little angry that so many good writers get ignored for more “commercial” fare.

    I haven’t actually looked at the Twilight books yet but I doubt I’d like the writing, and I didn’t like the movie so I don’t really feel inclined. Sorry to be such a downer 🙁

  7. Brittany says

    Oh my gosh, somehow I miss the days of yore, when my sister and I would watch cartoon network and Mr. Rogers while visiting our relatives in Ah-meh-ri-ka over the summer. I was just thinking about Reading Rainbow the other day!

  8. Lisa C. says

    I read the first one because my 13-year old niece was coming to visit and she’s Twilight -happy.

    … and I’m close enough to Forks that we would absolutely be making a day trip.

    Meyer knows her audience, writes to them (as she should), and has created compelling characters in an interesting world. She’s a smart woman and I have to respect her for how she’s handling everything.

    That said, the whole teenage angst thing never was my cup o’ tea, so most of Twilight was pretty much a slog for me (I was much more interested in the other characters and their interactions than B&E).

    But I did have a fun time in Forks. Those folks have rolled out the red carpet for the Twilight fans.

    And I’m sorry, CCK, I can’t see the words “Tess of the d’Urbervilles” without thinking of Monty Python.


  9. Marianne says

    I am probably the only person who a) hasn’t read the books and has no desire to, and b) doesn’t find that Robert guy hot AT ALL.

  10. CaSaundra says

    I actually am not a fan of either Harry Potter or Twilight–not my genre of choice unfortunately–but I still think you photoshop pic is adorable! You would make a nice couple! 🙂

  11. Vegetation says

    I’m undecided about whether she the actress drives me nuts or whether it’s the fact that her character annoyed the heck out of me in the book!! You make a much better Mrs Edward!!

  12. Simply T says

    Yum. I love me some garlic too – any recipe that calls for garlic, I tend to add 3-4 additional cloves.

    I also love me some Twilight boys too! So funny that you pasted your head in the place of Kristen Stewart’s grumblepants emoface. Those are both words. Trust me.

    I have to keep my talk about the Twilight boys to a minimum, because apparently it offends my boyfriend! Haha, I put up a facebook status update after watching an oldschool episode of the twilight zone, “I wish I lived in the Twilight Zone…. no, not the one from TV. My version of the Twilight Zone is where I get to sleep between Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson on a nightly basis.” and he was all sad and hurt that I want to sleep between a vampire and a werewolf 🙂

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