Almond Butter Cookies – soft, chewy, sweet, and extra delicious!
The summer after our first year back from college, my best friends and I took a road trip to Austin, Texas.
If you’ve ever been on a road trip with friends, you know that stocking the car with an ample variety of snack foods is of the utmost importance. We made a grocery run the night before, purchasing every flavor potato chip they offered and filling a cooler with fresh fruit, sandwiches, and water bottles. Then we surveyed our inventory and decided it was not yet acceptable; we needed a homemade touch…
After thoroughly talking it through (Important decisions like these must not be taken lightly), we decided a batch of oatmeal cookies would be quick and easy. Plus—bonus!—we already had all of the ingredients in the pantry! The cookies turned out beautifully. We ate way too many and were forced to make a second batch for the car. All of the cookies were eaten by the time we reached our destination. The potato chips, on the other hand… notsomuch.
(Did I mention that a road trip from Dallas to Austin is not even 4 hours?)
Almost 10 years later, I’m still reminded of that road trip every time I make oatmeal cookies. Although the oatmeal almond butter cookies recipe below is quite different from the one we used back in 2006, it’s just as simple… and just as good!
Oatmeal Almond Butter Cookies
Oatmeal Almond Butter Cookies

- 1/2 cup roasted almond butter, softened to a stir-able consistency
- 1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp quick oats or gf-certified quick oats
- just under level 1/4 tsp salt
- 3/4 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 cup xylitol or sugar of choice
- 2 tbsp applesauce
Almond Butter Cookies Recipe: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F, and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. In a medium mixing bowl, stir together all ingredients to form a dough. (Due to the natural oils in the almond butter, the dough can be a bit oily, so have a napkin ready to wipe your hands as you work with the dough.) Form cookie dough balls with your hands, and place on the cookie sheet. Be sure to leave room between cookies, as these will spread as they bake. Bake 8 minutes. The almond butter cookies should still look a little undercooked when you remove them from the oven, but they’ll firm up as they cool. Set the tray aside for at least 10 minutes before picking up a cookie. Makes about 12-15 almond butter cookies.
Link Of The Day:
Jules @ WolfItDown says
A handful of ingredient = One hell of a tasty treat! These look fantasmic 😀 x
Jules @ WolfItDown says
Ingredients* Even, was typing a little too quick for my own good there.
Hope you’re having a lovely week so far! x
Brinley says
My mom LOVES almond butter from trader joes! (She has some weird trader joes obsession!) and my brother loves cookies! This recipe was made for us! Thank you!
anoushe says
These look incredible!! And so simple! Can´t wait to try them 😀
Hollie says
I’ve been looking for a peanut butter cookie recipe for when the mr gets back. He is obsessed with peanut butter cookies so I think that is what I’ll go. Anyways the last road trip I went on was moving from Texas to NJ.
Shan says
Holly! That’s funny. I moved from NJ to TX. Now I wanna go back. Where in NJ? I’m from Fort Lee, but I wanna venture out! I’m thinking Ocean Grove 🙂 right now I’m in Austin. I can’t wait to try these cookies!
Eva says
Looks freakin DELiCIOUS! That of course has nothing to do with me starving ;). I’m getting my blender next week, so as soon as I make almond butter, will do these!
Now gonna go bake some boatmeal!
Sarah says
These look amazing! Is roasted almond butter the same/similar to all natural almond butter?
Erogo Proxy says
A bit they make roasted almond butter with roasted almonds a bit of a deeper nutty flavor, but when they roast them some of the omega fatty acids in the almonds oxidize so you loose some of the health benefits of the raw almond. I personally prefer mine raw, organic, with no oils or salts added. But sometimes that roasted bit of flavor is a nice change up.
Erogo Proxy says
On second thought how would these cook with fresh almond butter without the added oils that you get in the store bought ones? I think they might come out a bit dry, almonds do form a thick paste when crushed/ground into a butter unlike some other tree nuts but it does not soften with heat very well nor spread easily. Bit perplexed here if I should try it with the expensive stuff I made or go out and buy some of that store stuff they load with canola and sunflower seed oil. Perhaps add a bit of coconut oil? Thinking a Tsp. or two would help a bit in fact.
Jess @ Gas Stove Girl says
Ok these look AWESOME…do you think they would work with cashew butter as well for a cashew butter cookie? Might be worth a try. All I need is apple sauce and these can be in my belly in no time 🙂
Anna says
I think any nut butter would work or even peanut butter!
Manuela Mejia says
Can I swap out puréed pumpkin for the applesauce?
Judith Ness says
These look great as do many of your recipes. Because of your recipes I purchased a bag of Xylitol to bake with. A week ago a friends’ Healthy 4 year old dog suddenly died. The autopsy showed Xylitol poisoning ! My friend thinks he picked up a piece of chewing gum in the park. Twelve hours later… well.
I threw away the Xylitol immediately. Please help me spread the word how dangerous this product is to our pets!I am starting a campaign to aware people and get this off our grocery shelves and in products we purchase, etc.
Thank you for indulging me.
Madison @ Eating for Balance says
Judith, that really is horrible to hear about the death of your friend’s dog. However, dogs are also allergic (sometimes deathly) to chocolate, and I don’t think everyone will just stop eating that. Same goes for coffee. I do think more awareness needs to be created about xylitol and the effects on dogs, but I don’t think that getting rid of these products is the answer.
Again, really sorry to hear about your friend’s dog. I think I will go give mine a hug right now… 🙂
Sarah says
Chocolate has the same result on dogs…as have grapes and lots of other stuff.
Michael says
It’s true that numerous things we eat are toxic to dogs, such as chocolate and grapes.
However, xylitol is FAR worse. It is absolutely fatal to dogs, even in small amounts. The same is not true for chocolate and grapes. People who keep xylitol in their homes should be aware of this. Moreover, xylitol cannot be digested by humans, which is why it gives many stomach upset. The more you know!
Mitzi says
So sorry about your friend’s dog. I was going to purchase some xylitol, so glad I didn’t if only a tiny bit can be fatal to dogs. I have a little 6# dog and if I even spilled any it would be sad to lose her. Thanks for informing the public. I will have to watch her at other people’s homes too.
Jeff H. says
If you do the research on xylitol you’ll find out that it goes through an extensive chemical processing to extract it. You should also do your own research as to the side affects this product has on humans. This is in the same category as with all chemically derived sweeteners. Take the sweetener issue a step further and do the research on sweeteners used in everyday chewing gum. Just because the FDA approves something doesn’t necessarily means it’s healthy for you. It just means it’s deemed not to kill you. Many medications are deemed safe for you by the FDA if you’re willing to take them and suffer the potential side affects. So sorry to hear about your dog. Unfortunately, chocolate is not chemically derived from a natural product, xylitol is. If you look up acesulfame potassium (found in a lot of products) you’ll find some articles saying it’s safe for you and has no side affects. Dig deeper into the research and try to remain as objective as possible. Phenylalanine is another common sweetener found in a lot of products your children are probably consuming. Again, another chemical based/chemically derived sweetener that does more harm than good, yet it’s approved by the FDA for consumption. Judith, be an informed, educated, objective person in your research. If the FDA says it’s good for you and it’s something that is highly processed then definitely do your homework. If it produces side affects then don’t consume it. You’ll find a lot of people will advocate for food products because one, they believe whatever the FDA says and they don’t think anything they do would or could potentially harm us. Second, is that they’ve been consuming these products for so long that their bodies have adjusted to them. All I’m suggesting is to do your research on your own. Perfect example; I brush my teeth and floss everyday for years and seemed to always have a cavity or some small type of inclusion. I stopped using fluoride toothpaste several years ago after doing the research on fluoride. In four years I’ve maintained my oral health care and diet and have had no cavities since. When I told the dentist that I changed toothpaste, she asked me what I was using. I told her all natural toothpaste. She immediately advised me that it was not a good idea to not use fluoride toothpaste. If you decide to do any really in-depth research on fluoride you’ll know why she advised against me not using fluoride toothpaste. I tell you that because becoming an informed citizen can make you an educated and in most cases healthier one, for you and your family.
Leah @ goodnight cheese says
These look great and simple! Though I think 1 1/4 cup of batter will yield pretty small cookies if you make 12 of them.
Janet says
My last road trip was almost two weeks ago. Myself and three other girlfriends(ages 43-62) went to Bird-In-Hand, PA and also Hershey, PA. We had a blast 🙂 We did fill up with snacks too-chocolate, peanut butter blossoms, oatmeal raisin cinnamon chip cookies, water bottles. Yum!! All gluten-free too 🙂
Shonalika says
These look delicious; I love oatmeal cookies and have been meaning to try some almond butter cookies for a while now. Since this recipe is so simple and only uses 1/2 cup of precious almond butter I may just have no excuse to not make it:D
Mia (Mia in Germany) says
Oatmeal cookies are my all time favourite cookies. These just have won the top place of the to try list…
My most recent road trip … no more than about 50 miles for ages I think.
lesley kim says
yummm!! that looks soooo good =)
Laura O says
My husband and I recently went to California and spent time driving to the mountains, and to the beach…we packed far too many snacks for the amount of time in the car, too! I don’t mind because the preparation is just as fun. Next time, maybe I’ll pack some of these cookies!
EmilyLovesRaisins says
All I have to say is… yum!!
Erogo Proxy says
Thanks for the receipe, turns out much less expensive then what I was thinking of trying. Tempted to make a batch to sell at the farmers market along side my gluten free bread loafs.
As for road trips I never really did cooking for them, but I go to 3-4 day conventions several times a year. We stay awake for days and eat a bunch of baked goods, I normally make protein apple muffins, egg nog monkey bread, oatmeal cookies, dried fruit and nut bars. Pea and rice protein powders actually can be blended into these quite well use them in the raw bars, and make a icing for the GF monkey bread out of them. Great for long periods of constant movement.
Rebekah says
I just made these with dark chocolate almond butter and they were so amazing!!!
Lauren says
These are SO GOOD!
I added a few mini chocolate chips. I got 19 smaller cookies out of the recipe. Everyone make these cookies!!!
Sandi says
Katie, I couldn’t wait and made these this afternoon. They were the best cookies I’ve had in a very long time. I used coconut date rolls for the sugar (I microwaved them so they would be soft enough to mix them with the rest of the ingredients.) Question….are you supposed to flatten the balls before you bake them or bake them round? I flattened them somewhat but wasn’t sure.
Denise says
Could I substitute the applesauce for smashed banana. I’m currently out of apples
EVA says
MMMF, almond butter is the best! I’ve made cookies just like this, but with pumpkin puree instead of applesauce. It was a delicious autumn sensory experience despite the fact that I made them in March.
Well, despite being almost 19, I have NEVER been on a plane. Everywhere I have been in this country has been a road trip since my family drives to every destination. Yep, from WI to Florida, WI to Montana, and all the way to Pennsylvania as well! They say “half the fun is getting there”, and my family continually embraces the phrase!
Karen says
Last weekend my husband and I drove from Wisconsin to New York and back to Wisconsin to pick up my youngest daughter’s “stuff” from college. We left Wisconsin Friday night, arrived in New York Saturday at 4:30, took her and her roomies out for dinner and started heading back a couple of hours later. Arrived home by 7:00 Sunday night. I believe it was a total of 26 fun filled hours bonding with my honey!
And the cookies? Looks like a “must try” for me! I love the simplicity of the recipe!
Abbie @ Needs Salt says
These cookies look wonderful! I love how little sugar there is in them. Totally bookmarking to make these when I return home from traveling!
Pinning for now!
Monica & Daria says
These look amazing! Love both almonds and oatmeal….they are on our “Must Try” list as of right now! Thanks….have been following you for a long time! We are gluten free and love your posts!
Steph says
YUM! Those look soo good! I am the biggest cookie freak! I love them soo much! Especially healthified breakfast ones… I love telling my friends I had cookies for brekky 🙂
Shawna says
ummm these look incredible. i make healthy pb cookies pretty regularly, but i have to try these immediately!
Librarian Lavender says
I love road trips and still go on as many as possible. Why do they always make you so hungry? Home made snacks are a must and those cookies are looking delicious! I’ll save the recipe, so I can make some for my next trip!
Meredith says
I made these last night because I had all the ingredients on hand and I’m eating one as we speak. I did use white sugar, but man, this is one delicious and easy cookie. I will be making these again. Thanks for sharing!
April says
Made a half batch of these tonight. I was lazy and just used the natural almond butter I had, didn’t worry about roasted almond butter and it turned out fine. Next time I might roast some almonds myself and make my own roasted almond butter to see if the flavor is better but it was so tasty I’m of half a mind to skip the extra work. I did 12 cookies to a batch and I found the cookies pretty small but that might not be a bad thing. I was able to eat 3 cookies without guilt. Very good recipe and I’d recommend it to anyone.
Ceara @ Ceara's Kitchen says
I love that these cookies on using a few simple, everyday ingredients – these look like the perfect snack Katie! Definitively looking forward to trying these! Pinned 😀
Remy says
My mom and I just made these, but subbed the almond butter with peanut butter and they’re delicious. Thank you! X
Kate @Almond Butter Binge says
Um, yes. These look awesome! I love the idea of combining almond butter with oatmeal — I don’t like using xylitol, but I bet a little honey or maple syrup would go really well in this recipe. Thanks for sharing!
AJ says
Katie, you have done it again! Your healthy recipes are always so yummy and delicious. These taste like the real deal minus the processed white and brown sugars, and no added fat. Better than the unhealthy “original” if you asked me. YUMMM!
Betsy Nicholson says
I absolutely love your recipes. These cookies are fantastic and healthy. I have no hesitation feeding them to children.
leslie @ definitely not martha says
Mmmmmmmm – this looks delicious! I bet it would be good with tiny dark chocolate chips/chunks too. I love simple, clean cookie recipes.
trish says
These are so good! I made them with raw almond butter instead of roasted, added mini vegan chocolate chips and a little more applesauce since I added that one extra ingredient and they turned out great.
Coleen says
The almond butter cookies are awesome!
Sharlynn Ng says
These look so crunchy and full of home made goodness! Awesome recipe!
Jeanette says
Thank you for the recipe, Katie! Once again you managed to make it easy and yummie. I used raw cashewbutter and I added a few broken pecans. The cookies are delicious. Tomorrow, I am going to take them to work. I think about making them again.
Yasmine Hughes says
I was making these the other day, but instead of cookies, I ended up with the most wonderful almond granola!
Of course, I tried again and managed to make equally delicious cookies.
I had the granola this morning with some natural greek yogurt, which made me question whether I had died and gone to heaven. XD
Thank you for this wonderful recipe, the cookies were devoured in minutes.
Marianne says
Just made these with natural peanut butter and regular sugar. So tasty and easy! They fell apart a little while eating them, but they’re still warm and might firm up as they cool more. Next time I might add some ground flax, chocolate chips, or dried fruit to see how it’d turn out, but they were definitely satisfying as is!
Emily says
These are amazing! I don’t normally leave reviews, but I have literally made these cookies every night this week and my entire family loves them! Super easy and delicious. Thanks so much for the recipe!
Amy says
Good gravy, these are delicious! We added chocolate chips and next time I’ll follow another commenter’s suggestion to add a little more applesauce with the chocolate chips. The flavor is so much better than other oatmeal cookies I’ve had with added oil. Great recipe!
Katie says
I made these cookes yesterday and although they are excellent tasting, they are a bit soft and crumbly. I was hoping for a bit firmer cookie like the picture. I doubled the recipe because I was taking them to my sisters for dinner and I used regular sugar as I couldn’t findy Xylitol at the store. Left them on the tray for 10 minutes then the counter after that for about an hour. Next time I’ll just do one batch and see if that makes a difference. Any suggestions?
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Not all recipes can be doubled exactly. I would suggest following any recipe exactly before making changes. That way you will know how a recipe is supposed to turn out.
Tiffany says
Mine are too soft to eat like a cookie as well. Tastes excellent, but unfortunately I was going to send my kids with one each in their lunch this week but I don’t think they will hold up.
Amber @ Slim Pickin's Kitchen says
Yum! This recipe looks super simple and satisfying. My husband goes on work trips a lot, and I always try to make him something homemade for his car ride. It’s usually peanut butter & jelly bars, but I’m probably going to be making these next time (w/ a handful of chocolate chips) 😉
Sarah says
These look delicious! I’ll probably be making them tomorrow. Hmm I haven’t been on a proper road trip for about a year, but I’m planning one from Vancouver Island to the Okanagan (Interior BC) in July. Some of your sweets may make it into our cooler…
Amanda J says
My cookies never spread out…just stayed in little balls. Any suggestions?
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Smush before baking. Problem solved 😉
Teggin says
My son and I made these cookies last Friday, and they are so tasty! Perhaps the best ‘healthier’ cookie I’ve made. I added a capful of vanilla, as I cannot resist adding vanilla to just about everything. Also added a small amount of chocolate chips. I definitely made small cookies, and the balls did not spread out. I used the back of a spoon and pressed them down right when they came out of the oven. Should I have pressed them down before putting them in the oven?
They are just a bit crumbly. I would love any suggestions for making them less crumbly. I am not so great at baking cookies. I was thinking of maybe adding more applesauce. I definitely did not overbake them, as they were still just a bit gooey inside.
Regardless of the crumbliness, they are a-may-zing! Thank you for this recipe! I will be making these again (soon!) and doubling the recipe 🙂
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Either way works. Be sure to let them cool long enough before trying to handle. I did not have a problem with crumbling, but I let mine cool a good half hour before touching them.
Caren says
Did you use xylitol or sugar? I used honey, and it added some moisture. My cookies are very chewy and not crumbly at all.
Amy says
I’d love to try the recipe with honey; did you do a 1:1 replacement? So 1/4 cup honey?
Ali says
These were awesome! Such a simple recipe for a tasty and healthy cookie. I made mine with coconut sugar. I’ve been reading your blog forever and I am curious as to why you are using xylitol more now than in past recipes. Maybe you could do a FAQ on all the sweetener options and your thoughts, favorite products etc.
Unofficial CCK Helper says
I believe she uses xylitol as an option for diabetics and those who cannot process sugar or are on sugar-free diets. Most likely now more than in past recipes because the sweetener was less well-known and is only recently readily available.
tanya says
If i don’t want to add the xylitol or sugar can i just leave it out? The apple sauce will add sweetness won’t it?
Livi Grace says
I made these with peanut butter and they are PERFECT!!! Thank you so much for your amazing recipes, I never feel guilty when I eat these desserts 😀
Tonya says
Can I substitute sun butter for almond butter in this recipe?!
Unofficial CCK Helper says
You can definitely do that. I did!
Frayda says
These are so good! I doubled the recipe because they aren’t gonna last long. Thanks for all your great recipes! My daughter recently found out she has high cholesterol and high triglycerides and your recipes are perfect!
Caren says
Made these this morning! They are very yummy and chewy. I used sunbutter instead of almond butter. I also threw in a handful of 70% chocolate chips, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and a splash of vanilla. Instead of xylitol or sugar, I used 1/8 cup of honey. The consistency was great. Very easy to roll into balls. My cookies did not spread out, so next time, I’ll push them down a bit. I don’t mind eating cookie balls, though. They baked for exactly 8 minutes, and turned out great. My dough made 16 small cookie balls. Thanks!
Angel G says
Great. Better when they are under cooked. Can’t go wrong with these.
Sarah Burns says
I just made these and they are delish! I used Date Sugar and threw in a few vegan chocolate chips. I’ve always had a passionate love for Almond Butter, (I like raw unroasted) so that plus oats and I’m a happy girl!
Autumn says
I just made these. It took like 5 mins to put together. I used gloves and I am glad I did cuz it’s very sticky dough! I used Stevie for my sweetener. I only got 8 small cookies from the recipe. i am not sure how she got 12-15 unless she made mini cookies but i don’t care cuz its so easy to make I can make more in a flash! I added cinnamon because I just can’t leave well enough alone. They are so tasty! They will make a great snack. I will definitely be making these often 😀 The last road trip I took was from St. Louis to South Texas to visit my family.
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Subbing stevia would definitely lessen the amount made. Less bulk. 😉
Autumn says
Mystery solved!! I’m gonna try honey next time like the other user did. These are great!
Louann says
In my second trimester with our first baby and I have been crazing something sweet but moderately healthy that doesn’t make me feel super guilty. These definitely satisfied that craving 🙂 I keep wanting to grab just one more. This is the best almond butter cookie recipe I’ve ever tried. I topped mine with a little pinch of coconut flakes and a tiny pinch of powdered Himalayan pink sea salt. So yummy & healthy with a glass of milk. Baby and I are enjoying the iron, protein, calcium, and dose of fiber 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Louann says
Craving 🙂
Kate says
So quick and easy! I’m Guilty of eating half a batch in one sitting. These are amazing. I used stevia drops x7 = 2 tsp of sugar and they were sweet enough. Definitely adding choc chips to tomorrow’s batch. Thank you!
Kristen says
Mine got WWWWWIIIDDDDDEEE. I didn’t roll in hand (not into sticky fingers). I used a spoon to fill a 1/4 cup (twice) with almond butter, then a separate spoon for the sweetener. I mixed the bath with both spoons and spooned out the mix onto the sheet with them. I love the quick, easy recipe.
Kristen says
I also made mine bigger. Just 9 wide/bigger cookies.
Kristen says
They didn’t turn out. They were oily and mush… sadness!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I’m very confused… You said they were good, then two months later you replied again that they didn’t turn out. Can you please explain so I can try and understand what you mean? Thanks!
Kristen says
You caught that, eh? 🙂 I love your recipes. I messed up that time because I only have 2 large cookie sheets that can’t fit at the same time. I made the cookies super big, what did I say 9 of them? So, they didn’t set. I said they were good while sampling the batter, not the finished product. I was eager to reply on the site…. Time passes and I thought ” oh no what if I encouraged someone to double the size?1 (Change the recipe.) They will be doomed too. So, I wrote again.
This is my big problem… I change too much in recipes rather than following them. 😀 I am hopeless at times, lol.
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Haha okay makes sense! 🙂 I was so confused!
Tia says
Excellent Recipe!!!!!!!!! I had all of the ingredients in the house and it was so easy…as well as delicious! Thanks for sharing!
Corinne says
Hi Katie,
Do you have a “printable version” button for each recipe? It would be ‘so’ convenient. 😉
Unofficial CCK Helper says
To print, highlight just the recipe itself and right-click “Copy.” Then open a new Word document and right-click “Paste.” You can easily print this file from there, and also name it and save it in a CCK Recipe folder for future reference.
kimber says
I LOVE this recipe! I’ve followed your blog for a while but had stopped trying some of the recipes because of the more unusual ingredients that I just don’t stock at my house. (Not that they aren’t good, I’m sure they’re great. I just can’t make them when I don’t have the right ingredients and there is a REASON why you used what you used. 😉 (When I see a dessert, I usually want to make it right away!!) This recipe is PERFECT!! Thank you!! Thank you for all you do and all of your incredible edible creations. 🙂
Deb says
These are delicious! My son has a peanut allergy and hasn’t really taken to almond butter and jelly sandwiches, so I was browsing for ways to use up the almond butter. I KNOW he will eat these…if my husband and I don’t eat them all before he wakes up from his nap!
Cady says
Hey Katie,
These look major! How long should I bake them I I want to turn them into blondies?
Tessa says
Delicious!! Added two teaspoons cocoa powder, and some vanilla extract along with using homemade almond butter. These were really good!!
Kate says
I just made these and they were SUPER easy & delicious. Thanks Katie!!
TADav says
Great recipe! Made a “test batch” with another grain-free recipe, and my boys declared these the winner so made more (6 dozen!) for a cookie swap … consistency seems to vary with type of almond butter or could it possibly be larger batches (although first batch was the same as the tester) — the test batch barely spread, dough was not sticky and made nice balls that baked to a more crumbly cookie; dough from cookie swap version very sticky and made a softer, chewy cookie. Both very tasty but still perplexed about the difference — thanks for this grain-free dessert option (and for all the variations from those who commented)!
TADav says
… not grain-free, but certainly healthier than many sugar-filled cookies!
Marc says
These are amazing! Everything from your blog is great so far… Any chance you are single?!?!
Anna says
I just made these today and they are amazing! I used vitacost brand almond butter and xylitol. They are so easy to make and so delicious! I love the fact that they are gluten and sugar free and I feel great eating them! Thank you for another great recipe Katie!
Jules says
Just made these delicious cookies and they taste better than any cookie recipe I’ve ever tried! I added a couple teaspoons of cocoa powder and it was a fantastic addition!
I should mention that although I let them cool for over an hour, they were still very soft. Crumbly isn’t the right word, because they are so chewy! They just kind of fall apart when you lift them, though I was only lifting them to my mouth, so it didn’t really matter!
Will definitely make these again!!! Thanks for the recipe!
Jessica says
Made these cookies last night. SO YUMMY! I used Trader Joe’s Almond Butter and regular sugar and will be making more soon!
Robin says
i never buy quick oats, only regular oats. Should I pulse them for a bit first?
Ann says
I just made these with a few tweaks and they are so delicious- thank you! I doubled the recipe, added 2 eggs because I wanted some protein in them, added 1 tsp vanilla, 1 tsp cinnamon, and 1/3 c raisins. I also lowered the xylitol a smidge because my almond butter has some sugar in it already (Maranatha maple syrup almond butter). This made 38 cookies for me when I used a tsp scoop, and the cookies are a nice size.
I love that you use xylitol, it doesn’t have a bad aftertaste like Stevia can and it helps to keep my sugar addiction at bay.
PS- In response to other readers below, I have dogs but I just make sure that they never eat anything with xylitol- including gum.
Vendz says
So easy yet really tasty! Thank you 🙂
Leeanne says
Can I sub the sugar for maple syrup I’m making these for little ones and if I can do I still use 1/4 cup?
becauseHeloves says
I just made these with crunchy peanut butter in a dorm room, and they are SO GOOD. And easy. And almost gone! Love them
Theresa Nightingale says
Greetings from South Africa! I made a variant of this scrumptious healthy cookie as a tribute to one of my favourite (very wicked) chocolate bars. Using cashew nut butter instead of almond, topped with a sprinkle of shredded coconut & a few dark chocolate chips. Thanks for the inspiration!
Carina and Clara says
We decided to try this recipe and it is really delicious! We added some cranberries and almonds which made it even better and gave it fruity touch ^^ thanks so much for the recipe <3♧
Tiffany says
The taste of these cookies is fantastic (I used 1/2 xylitol, 1/2 brown sugar) but they won’t stay together. It seems maybe the brand of almond butter has something to do with it?
Tiffany says
Actually, I just tried my 2nd batch which I added chocolate chips and dried cherries to. I flattened each ball (I got 16 1 tbsp balls) and I cooked them for 14 minutes. They still had a hard time holding together but were a little more firm. Next time I will do all xylitol and maybe a drop or two of molasses to get the brown sugar flavor as they were super sweet, and I’ll try to find some ingredient that binds everything together in a solid cookie form. Thanks!
Kim says
I threw these together quickly this morning to bring to church fellowship time. They were a hit! I almost didn’t get to eat one. They were chewy on the outside and moist and tender inside. Wonderful flavor. Sweet, but not overly so, which I love. I did, however, make a number of changes.
I added flaked coconut, broken up a bit, and
chopped, dried cranberries.
I also added a couple teaspoons of flax meal
and about 1/2 t, or so, of psyllium husk powder.
I added probably another T of apple sauce
as well as about 1 t vanilla and maybe 1/4 t, ir so, of almond extract.
I didn’t have quick oats, so I used rolled oats pulsed a couple times in the blender.
I think I might add almonds or pecans to the mix next time.
They were delicious!
Kim says
Forgot to say that I used coconut sugar. Also, I flattened the cookies before baking.
Lisa says
I would just suggest RAW almond butter to make them even healthier!!
Debby says
I usually love your recipes, but when I doubled this recipe and tasted them straight out of the oven they tasted too baking soda-ey…perhaps I will try them when they’re cool…
Julie Dove says
Hi, unfortunately directly doubling a baking recipe is not usually (or at least not always) a good idea
Sara says
KATIE!!!! These cookies are AMAZING!!! I am going to a dinner party this evening and needed something chocolate free (I know crazy… but some people can’t tolerate it!)… so I was browsing through your recipes and found this one. I almost always have all these ingredients on hand (except I had to make the almond butter in the vitamix)… and I just made them now. DELICIOUS…. my husband and I thoroughly enjoyed sneaking a few, and my kids loved them too. I am excited to share them tonight at the dinner party.. your instructions were so precise, they turned out perfectly. Thank you for all that you do…you make it possible for families like mine to stay health conscious without missing out on important social stuff too. Lots of love!
Sara says
Also I doubled the recipe and had no problems with the taste!
Ashley says
Made these with my 7yo daughter yesterday. We all loved them! We used maple syrup to sweeten and added a couple extra tablespoons of oats (we used old fashioned rolled oats) to offset the increased liquidity. She added a little bit of cinnamon and vanilla. She also piped a little maple-sweetened cream cheese on top. So delicious. Thank you!
Debby says
I made this recipe and I love these cookies! So does my family. If I want to double the recipe, should I also double the quantity of baking soda, or adjust some other way?
Julie Dove says
I would just double all ingredients. Hope it works!
Pilino4ka says
I just made it with blended old fashioned oatmeal and Brown sugar. It turned out really great. Not so sweet and my 3 kids loved them.
De says
These are delicious! I decided to make them like thumbprint cookies with a dab of jam (blueberry ginger) on top. It flattened the cookie a bit, but it’s such a good combo!
eliza says
Can anyone give me apple sauce advice? I don’t like buying it because purchasing the single serving cups feels too wasteful. I get groceries by foot and don’t like purchasing jars because they’re heavy to carry home, not to mention I doubt I would get through a jars worth before it went bad. Making my own each time I want to use a recipe that calls for it seems overly laborious.
Tzipora says
Hi Katie-my family loves this recipe! I would love to figure out how to make it with a natural sweetener. So far I’ve tried maple syrup and also tried none at all-both tasted pretty off. Any suggestions?
eliza says
Does anyone have any tips regarding apple sauce? I typically don’ t have it around because I can’t go through a jar of it in 7-10 days, buying the individual cups seems wasteful, and making it myself adds another layer of complexity to the recipe. Any secrets?
Karen Becker says
I just made theses cookies on the weekend and they turned out pretty good. I only got 11 cookies total. I used regular white sugar, but I may try brown sugar next time. I found they never spread out on their own for some reason, so after they baked for 8 minutes I used a spatula to flatten them out to look more like cookies rather than balls.
Betty Scott says
RE: Oatmeal Almond Butter Cookies
Hi, I’ve used several of your recipes, and usually find them excellent. However, I cannot tolerate xylitol, and usually use stevia instead. Any way to do that with this recipe?
Sarah says
I used only a bit of liquid stevia and it came out great.
Nicole says
These are delicious! I used quick cook steel cut oats from Trader Joe’s (I’ve never quite understood what “quick cooking oats” are…are they the same as instant oatmeal?), which might be why mine were very delicate even after they cooled, so next time I’ll avoid steel-cut. They are delicious cookies, though, and I will definitely make them again and maybe with xylitol chocolate chips next time.
Estefania says
I have tried a few of your recipes and I absolutely love them all! This almond butter cookies are my number one favorite without a doubt!! I am obsessed with almond butter and I really love the combination of the flavors in this recipe. I love that I can eat these as a dessert or even breakfast without my tummy feeling bloated or feeling guilt of eating sugar!! My only question is that every time I make these I struggle to get them to stay in cookie shape, they always seem to crumble apart and I really don’t mind because they still taste delicious but any advice on how I can make them to not fall apart?
I use all natural roasted almond butter no added oils or salt, and the rest of the ingredients exactly like the recipe. Thanks!
Kathleen Casey says
I’ve made these before, adding Lily’s chocolate chips and using regular rolled oats and coconut sugar. Loved them, absolutely simple and delicious (chocolate chips didn’t seem necessary). This time I tripled the recipe, and replaced about a quarter of the almond butter with tahini, used half xylitol, half coconut sugar, regular rolled oats and Lily’s chocolate chips. They were very crumbly to get onto the pan, I flattened with the heel of my hand, they spread out, and after cooling for 10 minutes I froze them. This way they held together well, though they were okay at room temperature, just a bit fragile. Really delicious, I think partly because of the bit of tahini. I’ll maybe replace the half xylitol with honey next time, and I’m glad people like it with peanut butter.
Sarah says
These are great— homemade almond butter did seem a little dry so I’m subbing an extra TBSP of applesauce for one next time. My AB is salted and I’d cut some salt for that reason. I left eM in for an extra minute since I only formed 8, and it didn’t need it, will stick to 8 minutes. They are quite small so I can’t imagine making more than 8 in a batch. Love it overall!
Tahira Akhtar says
What can I use to replace applesauce? Flax egg or milk? Thanks
Tahira Akhtar says
I don’t have any applesauce can I use oil instead?
CCK Media Team says
Hi! Sorry we have never tried it. Perhaps it would work, or it might be too oily. If you try it, be sure to report back!
Hungry Heather says
I subbed peanut butter for the almond butter. The cookies taste very strongly of baking soda. I’ll have to use less next time and see how they turn out.