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Build Your Own Pizzert

Wait, what the heck is a pizzert???

Pizzert/ noun.
Dessert pizza. A pizza topped with anything sweet. Bonus points for chocolate.

(Yes, I very much did just make up that definition ;).  But it should be a real word!)

You can use whatever you want for the crust—traditional pizza dough, pita bread, tortilla… Especially for breakfast pizzerts, I really like to use pancake mix! Such as in the below Breakfast Pizzert:


Blueberry Muffin Breakfast Pizzert

You can easily use your own recipe for the pancake crust (or, as I mentioned above, you can use basically any crust), but here is an easy recipe with a hint of sweetness, so it works especially well for breakfast pizzerts: Click for Recipe and Step-by-Step Photos

breakfast pizzert

dessert pizza

blueberry pizzert

Oh my word, this was so good! A blueberry muffin in pizza form: “The Breakfast Pizzert” Recipe

Other flavored pizzert action shots:


The yum-licious Strawberry Shortcake Pizzert
With homemade vegan whipped cream… Definitely not your typical breakfast! And, of course:


The Carrot Cake Pizzert, iced liberally with coconut butter
nom nom nom…

Published on April 12, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Libby says

    Hi Katie
    Love this recipe! I made a pumpkin pie pizzert using mashed pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice and topped with a little yoghurt. Mmmm
    Thanks for your recipes!

  2. melissa says

    all your food looks delicious and I could say I am addicted to chocolate so the fact that I could eat all these for low calories makes them so appealing. I was wondering that even though they are low calorie they still aren’t healthy for you are they?


  3. Juliana says

    I just found this recipe (I’m a little late), and I ended up eating the WHOLE thing tonight!!! Mine turned out total of 230 in calories with my add ins, and it was delicious! I really appreciate all of your hard work. I love to cook and bake, but it usually ends up being for my family (which I don’t mind at all) because I rarely find things that I’m able to bake with my chronic illness. My mom has heard “I love this blog” about 100x now. 🙂

  4. susanna says

    i was wondering if this is meant to be like a pancake.. because it looks crispy in the photos lol although you do say it’s pancake based. still loved it, but i was just wondering if it was right that it was.. not crisp, like a pancake. : P i sound so silly!

  5. Leigh Snyder says

    The breakfast “pizzert” link, “Recipe and step by step photos” and “The breakfast Pizzert recipe” links all lead to a “Not found error 404” message. Are you able to fix that? I made your makeout cookie pie on Thursday, (black bean brownies for my Mom on Friday). I like both versions. I had made the chocolate chip cookie pie previously. I still used brown sugar. It just tastes better :^) You don’t have to post, I would just like to access the recipe ideas.

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