Looking over my past blog posts, it seems I may have a *slightly* unhealthy (not to mention vain!) obsession with crowning myself queen of just about everything. Perhaps there is a support group I could join? (Narcissists Anonymous?)
But really, it’s quite fun “queenifying” oneself. You all should try it.
Moving on… I have to admit that I’ve been sorely missing the “Chopstick Queen” crown my cousins stole. So when Bianca went ahead and called me the “Fondant Queen” I felt I had no choice but to give myself this new crown, being the very modest, humble CCK that I am (cue You’re so Vain to play in the background).
sweetpotato says
I’m loving the crown, lady!
I think I’m the Queen of Hula Hooping! I am so good at it, for real!
newcitygirl says
I know this isn’t food related, but I think I’m the Queen of Embracing Awkwardness, haha. Oh and on a foodie note, I’m the Queen of Salsa!
Janet says
You are definitely the undisputed Queen of Cupcakes! Your crown is fabulous too, by the way 😉
I’m the Queen of Avocados. I attribute my “junk in the trunk” to eating one amost every day!
The Vegan Snorkeler says
You’re so funny! Yes, you’re definitely the queen of fondant and cute cupcakes. I’m not sure what I’m the queen of…I’ve been kind of obsessed with blueberries lately, so maybe I’m a blueberry queen!
eatingbender says
You are hilarious, I love it! You definitely deserve all of your past and present queen titles, madam!
Hm, can I be the queen of Coffee Cocoa?
Nikki Douglas says
I would like to assail my own kingdom and be Queen of Smoothies!
Veg-a-Nut says
How sweet to give your fellow bloggin buddies crowns! You hit the nail on the head with all of them. Congrats to all!
Your cupcakes are perfect! I love them all.
alaina says
you have some mad photoshop skills 😉
Astra Libris says
You are definitely the queen of cupcakes – it’s a well deserved title, especially with the evidence of those incredibly gorgeous cupcakes right in your hands!
Can I be the Queen of Bok Choy, please? 🙂
Cody says
A few nights ago, after watching videos on YouTube from Hoku, M2M, LFO, Vitamin C and S Club 7… I referred to myself as the Queen of Forgotten Pop, which is really just a jewel in my overall Crown of Useless Knowledge.
Caitlin says
Lol, that’s awesome. You definitely deserve to be the cupcake/marzipan queen. You make the cutest cupcakes ever!!
Sanja says
Well, this is one I rarely talk about on my blog, because, well… I’m the dough queen. I don’t think there are many people out there who have eaten as much cookie, bread, pie crust, cake, cupcake (etc etc) dough as I have. But it isn’t exactly photo-worthy, hehe…