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My Vegan Christmas

365 days until Christmas!

I might need every one of those days to put away all the decorations, food, and boxes from last Christmas. (By the way, it’s 365 days because next year is Leap year.)

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, if you celebrate. Mine was busy, but really fun. On Saturday afternoon, my roommate and I met up with a bunch of friends to watch Love, Actually and eat Christmas cookies.


I brought lots of these: Cookie Dough Babies.

(I also made some chocolate pixies! I’ll try to get the pixie recipe up soon.) Later, Emily and I went home for dinner: Christmas Lasagna. Emily’s not a vegetarian, but she’s trying to cut back on the amount of meat she consumes (for her health, and because she’s an animal lover). So I was really excited when she suggested we make a vegan entrée.

vegan eggplant lasagna

It was delicious!

Another recipe I’ll try to publish soon. I know this is supposed to be a dessert blog, though… maybe you can throw a few chocolate chips in, and then the recipe can qualify? (No, not really. Please don’t!)

After dinner, I drove to my parents’ house so I could spend Christmas day with them (and with the puppies). My sister flew in, too. Holidays are the best.

Published on December 26, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. lisa says

    Hi, I just came across it recently and can’t wait to try the recipes. I also love that you are vegan but still girly and down-to-earth. The stereotype of what many people think a vegan is scared so many away from even sampling vegan treats. there are a lot of vegan stereotypes that we need to disprove. Another one I work hard to dispel is that vegans can’t eat delicious food and that we eat salads all the time. Salads are good sometimes… but the world needs to know that vegans most definitely.

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