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Positive Body Image

But first, food. ‘Cause who wants to talk body-image on an empty stomach?


Mâche with raspberries and walnuts, buttery veggie stir fry, and whole-wheat toast with soy-free Earth Balance. It was my first time trying the eb, and I wasn’t blown away. It just tasted like… nothing. As far as vegan butter substitutes go, Smart Balance Light seems to have much more of a buttery flavor. (Note to vegans: regular Smart Balance has whey.) But the rest of the lunch was delicious. So much so that it deserves another photo:


Now, on to the body-image talk!

I felt sparked to address this after learning I’d upset a sweet reader.

My negative self-talk was made in a joking manner, as I apologized and explained in the comment section of that post. Yes, I was making fun of my appearance. But it was all in good fun. I can’t stress that enough. Maybe it’s because I do have high self-esteem that I’m ok with poking fun at myself. Truthfully, I’m happy with the way I look under normal circumstances… But really, does anyone look pretty when soaking wet? (Umm wait, let’s exclude the Victoria’s Secret models from this question, shall we? Any real people?) Long story short? I’m sticking with my Sphynx-cat comparison ;).

However, the commenter had a point: the more we engage in negative self-talk, the more it becomes ingrained in our minds. Although I’m soooo over uttering juvenile statements such as “Oh, I hate my arms. Oh I’m so ugly. Oh I wish I looked more like so-and-so” by now, I can’t say these words never escaped my lips… especially when I was in middle school! (Come on, I’m not the only one who’s ever said—or thought, “Gosh, I wish I looked like someone else,” am I?) The amazing thing is that once I replaced these negative statements with more positive ones, I stopped thinking them too! Stopped thinking them forever? Wait, I’ll cop up to it: every time I see Alassandra Ambrosio… gah, to look like that! LOL but this doesn’t mean I’m unhappy with my own appearance (nor does it mean I don’t realize that celebs have makeup artists and professional photographers at their disposal to make them look like goddesses). I think I finally stopped the negativity when I realized that there’s no one set standard of beauty. Different things are beautiful to different people. It might be trite, but it’s so incredibly true: what matters most is what’s on the inside. Case in point: would you rather spend 50 years married to the handsomest jerk or a plain-lookin’ guy who treats you like a queen? I’m going with the plain one!

Quick! Name one thing (or two or three!) you like love about yourself.

It can be a physical trait or a personality trait. But it has to be positive!

Published on November 5, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Hannah says

    A year ago I couldn;t some up with one thing I love about myself, now there are so many!!!!
    1. My Arms
    2. My Butt
    3. My laugh

  2. vamptriana4evr says

    I love….

    1. my eyes: I used to wish they were green but instead I have this wonderful shade of golden brown outlined in a rim of darker brown. Honestly they kind of look a little like the amber colored eyes you see on the vampires in Twilight… just the teensiest bit darker!
    2. my outgoing personality: It is very easy for me to make friends pretty much anywhere I go since I am so open and outgoing and I love it!
    3. my boobs!: Ok so I know this one sounds a little strange but I was blessed with an abundnant rack and I have to say that I love the way I fill out my clothes! Plus it helps that my fiancé adores them too!

    Thanks Katie, for making me stop and think about the things I love about myself. There are a lot more but these are my top three….

    • Mary poppins says

      Point 4. Howd that work. Should be proud of your self not your breasts. His new wife is a B cup. Your breasts didn’t hide the personality well enough

  3. Jennifer says

    Hmm…three things I love about myself? 1. That I am a great story teller in the sense that I can tell true stories in a way that makes people really appreciate them. 2. That I remember where I came from and the values that my family instilled in me. 3. That I have no fear of public speaking, which is a very important part of my life and career.

    Katie, thanks for a great post and for inspiring me to do this “exercise.” I can be really good at thinking of things I don’t like rather than things I do. Thanks!

  4. John Dove says

    Katie, I noticed several of the low carb recipes use Whey powder, be it vanilla or whatever.
    I am having a horrible time figuring out which one is best or at least better tasting and still low carb. Can you help me??? Hope so. Love your recipes. I have them printed up everywhere and have tried several and OMG! Thanks, John Dove

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