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Sisters by Chance. Friends by Choice.

My sister and I haven’t always been the best of friends. Poor girl; when I was two, I used to bite her! (Not very vegan of me!) As young teens, our relationship wasn’t much better. Perhaps it’s the fact that we’re so close in age. But, thankfully, we’ve matured and have become great friends. When sister dearest ventured off to college, I even discovered that I missed her!

For my sister’s summer homecoming (she attends school in Boston), I baked one of her favorite flavors of cake– strawberry.


I’m naked! Please clothe me!
The finished cake, all decked out in fondant.

Unfortunately, the little sister didn’t make it home until 1:30AM (darn you, plane delays!). Therefore, I was sound asleep when she walked in the door… but apparently my family had a feast while I slept, because this is the sight to which I awoke the next morning:

Notice, they left the girl intact. Nobody wanted to be the one to eat her head!

Speaking of the “chocolate-covered little sister,” I think she needs a new name… But she says that her favorite food is mashed potatoes, so this presents a problem. Mashed-Potato Sister?? 😕
And just in case you were wondering– No, I do not still bite my sister. I know that’s what has been on your minds the entire time you were reading this post.

Published on May 18, 2008

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Vegan_Noodle says

    Wow, Katie!! What a cake! You are gonna have to give me lessons on making characters with fondant!!

    I have had a similar relationship with my older sis. Enjoy spending time together this summer!

  2. Sophie says

    if only I could hire you to make me cakes… I never have time and patience to make vegan cakes but I miiiiisss cakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Vivacious Vegan says

    You are always so creative with your decorations. I’m surprised the restraint your family had. I would have mowed through half that cake just by myself. I love strawberry cakes!

  4. Eric Jaffa says

    RE “As preteens and young teens, our relationship wasn’t much better. Perhaps it’s the fact that we’re so close in age.”

    I think it’s easier for siblings who are close in age to be friends.

    People’s non-relative friends in-the-real-world tend to be close to their ages.

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