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The 3000-Calorie Post

2011 Edit:

Recently, I discovered that some people have been using this post as a guideline for how (and how much) to eat. That made me really uncomfortable; I’m not a doctor nor a nutritionist, and I never made any claims that the food from this post represented a balanced daily diet.

Also, as the post is a few years old, it’s no longer even reflective of my current eating habits at all! For these reasons, I’ve chosen to take the post down.

For more on my current eating style, see My FAQ Page.

Published on January 12, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Brittany says

    Wow, your eats look amazing! I’ve recently gone vegan and I was wondering how many nuts a vegan should eat in a day? How many do you eat? Thanks.

  2. Chocolate-Covered Katie says

    Hi Brittany 🙂
    I don’t eat a specific amount of nuts in a day, and it varies day-by-day. Some days, I don’t eat any. Others, I eat a lot.
    There’s also no specific amount that anyone should eat. It depends on the person, his/her activity level, calorie needs, etc.

  3. Emma says

    Man, was that right! I’m a vegan teenage runner/athlete myself and i completely understand! If i looked at my friends lunches it would be like a snack. 🙂 Good advice. Keep it up.

  4. Tricia says

    I actually lose weight when i eat more. I don’t usually need to eat much to maintain my weight, but it seems these days that i need to eat a lot to maintain my weight. Must be cross country season 😉

  5. kay says

    i just have a couple random questions. do you like to drink any tea or coffee in the morning? and i know you were documenting your eats so they were a bit more ‘formal’ if you will, but do you ever just graze on random snacks between meals or get too lazy to make a meal so eat snack-ish things for meals? I feel like my diet is more informal, but everyone is different!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Kay!
      Sometimes I make green tea, but normally (when it’s cold out), I’ll just have hot water. It’s something I learned when I lived in China; they drink hot water a lot, and it’s so comforting.
      I don’t really graze between meals/snacks, since I eat so often. I’m just never really hungry when it’s not formally mealtime or snacktime. Oh, except for when I’m experimenting. Then, of course, I’ll taste the things I make :).

  6. Jennifer says

    A little bit off topic, but I noticed in the picture it appears that you eat the skin on your kiwi fruit. This is the 2nd post I’ve seen that alluded to eating kiwi skin in the last few days. I am just curious if there is a health benefit or if you just prefer the taste? I am not sure I could get past the fuzz. I don’t even like peaches because of the fuzz.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      My main reason for eating it is that I’m lazy and don’t want to have to peel it. But yes, it does have fiber and other nutrients. Just like potatoes, the kiwi’s skin is one of the healthiest parts! But there are obviously other ways to get fiber and nutrients, so don’t force yourself to eat it if you don’t like it! 😉

  7. Anyonymous says

    Is this really 3000 calories? Thats about how much I eat a day and I calculated it on MyPlate and it was in the low 2000s. I didn’t know I ate that many calories!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I’m really not sure how you could have calculated the total, because I didn’t list amounts for anything I ate (such as the coconut butter or peanut butter or even the sandwich). But yes, this is around 3000 calories.

  8. liz says

    Katie, I think it’s something like only 22 out of 127 accredited medical schools even require ONE nutrition course… My health is strongly affected by my diet and I envy your chocolate and legume recipes 🙁 but soon I will enjoy these things again thanks to my amazing will power and the power of nutrition! I’m doing an allergy elimination diet and thanks to your recipes I’ve created/modified lots of healthy treats! To me diet is EVERYTHING! It’s a major part of everyone’s life… I find it cruel that MOST doctors are not taught the importance! A girl with an auto immune disorder stated that her doctor said “it doesn’t matter what you eat it all comes out the same.” Wow… And this was said to someone who’s body is attacking itself! I think every doctor should take nutrition even eye doctors and such so many things are caused/contributed by nutrient deficiencies!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      It’s really scary! I’ll never understand why nutritionists must take organic chemistry classes, but doctors don’t need to take a single nutrition course. Isn’t nutrition the BASIS for good health?! (Glad you feel the same way! I think most people just aren’t aware of this fact; if they were, I think they’d be outraged as well. After all, people ask their doctors for nutrition advice all the time!)

  9. liz says

    I definitely agree. I mean diet is a huge part of everyone’s life… If it wasn’t for a few homeopathic doctors telling me it might be food affecting my health(chronic rashes) who knows where I’d be right now. I didn’t believe them at first but after countless dermatologists couldn’t help me I realized they had to be right and I’ve been researching/learning about nutrition ever since. It’s helped wonders! What are you in school for? They need doctors like you out there. Of course you could always be a chef lol!!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I could be a great nutritionist… but I am so bored by classes like biology and organic chemistry that I didn’t want to go through a science-heavy major. So now I just give people my nutrition advice for free… and sometimes unsolicited ;). (Mom, you need to eat brown rice instead of white! Nag nag nag…)

  10. liz says

    Oh I’m horrible about nagging to my parents! They were both raised on sugar and it seems at times a relentless effort to even try convincing them otherwise! I just wish people could realize how rewarding and easy it is to feed yourself delicious even sweet food without added sugar! I recommend anyone interested to look up “chocolate covered katie” lol. Luckily your name doesn’t scare people away it usually has the opposite effect! My boyfriends favorite recipe name of your’s is the “naughty banana hammock” it must be the slight sexual connotation. You have a knack at making up cute easy names to remember. We love your work 🙂

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      As I said to anonymous above: I’m really not sure how you could have calculated the total, because I didn’t list amounts for anything I ate (such as the coconut butter or peanut butter or even the sandwich). But yes, this is around 3000 calories.

      Also, this is a really old post and doesn’t even reflect how I eat anymore.

      • Liz says

        that’s jealousy speaking… someone can’t eat like you without feeling bad about it or gaining weight. I believe that digestion goes better when you aren’t feeling guilty. This is why I believe blessing your food is a good habit. Also people are afraid of fat and calories… that’s why most people are don’t cook with coconut oil/milk, avocados, butter, lard, and some people even olive oil. I would be sad eating a salad with only lemon juice as the dressing… Instead I make my own with coconut milk AND olive oil + more!! Oh how dangerous!

  11. Rkay says

    When you say that this post is no longer reflective of your current eating habits, do you mean that you eat more or less now? Just curious 😛 .

  12. Olivia says

    I read through a good bunch of the comments, and I just want to say that you needn’t worry about this post effecting people in a destructive way! I think all the people that said how great it is to see an example of a high but healthy calorie menu are just that–happy and delighted to see it! They will not copy it to a t. They will not use it to control their eating habits. I would love to see this post, as I too am very athletic and sometimes it’s hard for me to eat a lot while still eating my veggies. From the comments, it seems like a ‘glowing’ post and if you’d be willing to, maybe you could point out the comment that was particularily unsettling? Maybe then I’d understand. Otherwise, please reconsider removing it. Thank you

    P.s. I completly love your blog! The simplicity of your recipeas makes them amazingly great for someone as busy as me with schoolwork, but still loves healthy dessert!

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