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  1. sarah marie says

    “I tried to be concise, but it’s just not my strong suit!” — haha, I am exactly the same way! Maybe that’s why I enjoy reading other peoples’ non-concise writings… I love your blog, don’t change a thing!

  2. sarah marie says

    “I tried to be concise, but it’s just not my strong suit!” — haha, I am exactly the same way! Maybe that’s why I enjoy reading other peoples’ non-concise writings… I love your blog, don’t change a thing!

  3. Amy S. of Naturally Sweet Surprises says

    Thank you so much for sharing a little about you. I’ve been reading your blog for just about a week now and you answered so many questions that I had wondered. It was nice getting to know you. I just started my own blog about my health journey and will be adding a resources page today – and adding your link to it. Thank you so much for providing yummy options for those trying to give up sugar and processed chemicals otherwise known as “food”.

  4. Amy S. of Naturally Sweet Surprises says

    Thank you so much for sharing a little about you. I’ve been reading your blog for just about a week now and you answered so many questions that I had wondered. It was nice getting to know you. I just started my own blog about my health journey and will be adding a resources page today – and adding your link to it. Thank you so much for providing yummy options for those trying to give up sugar and processed chemicals otherwise known as “food”.

    • Lauren says

      Would you ever consider preparing and shipping your dishes? I literally want to try them all but Iโ€™m living in a college dorm and donโ€™t have access to baking equipment.

  5. Michele says

    Girl… you are ANYTHING but vain! It amazes me how little credit you give yourself for the AMAZING community you’ve built here! You deserve to be proud of it ๐Ÿ™‚ And there’s a reason people ask you for advice: you’re exceptionally good at what you do! You were the first “healthy living blog” I stumbled upon, so I credit you with my current obsession! Maybe someday I’ll have the guts to make one myself… but honestly, I don’t think the internet really needs another with great ones like yours already out and about!

  6. Michele says

    Girl… you are ANYTHING but vain! It amazes me how little credit you give yourself for the AMAZING community you’ve built here! You deserve to be proud of it ๐Ÿ™‚ And there’s a reason people ask you for advice: you’re exceptionally good at what you do! You were the first “healthy living blog” I stumbled upon, so I credit you with my current obsession! Maybe someday I’ll have the guts to make one myself… but honestly, I don’t think the internet really needs another with great ones like yours already out and about!

  7. Laura Agar Wilson (@keephealthstyle) says

    Great FAQ! I think you’ve answered some great questions there with a lot of grace ๐Ÿ™‚ Yours was one of the first blogs I ever started reading and your recipes are a constant source of inspiration. I love that you appreciate that some of your readers may be trying to lose weight as well as maintain or even gain and that you take that into consideration ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Laura Agar Wilson (@keephealthstyle) says

    Great FAQ! I think you’ve answered some great questions there with a lot of grace ๐Ÿ™‚ Yours was one of the first blogs I ever started reading and your recipes are a constant source of inspiration. I love that you appreciate that some of your readers may be trying to lose weight as well as maintain or even gain and that you take that into consideration ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Ashley says

    I love FAQ pages. I think it’s perfectly okay to talk about yourself in them! They provide a real insight into your blog and person. I just finished reading your posts talking about moving into veganism, and I honestly feel like I am heading that way. My boyfriend is vegetarian, and has been ever since he could remember. When I was studying journalism in college, we watched several food documentaries, including Food, Inc. It breaks my heart.
    I think the most difficult part is that my boyfriend adores cheese, eggs, and dairy– as do I (minus the dairy)! I cannot see changing over, but I feel that I should. I’m torn.
    The other day I ate chicken- and it tasted foreign and kind of gross to be honest. I preferred my vegetables. Maybe I am on a positive track somewhere:)
    Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble- – and I’m off to make your baked banana boatmeal for breakfast! Great FAQ page!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh girl, you sound just like me! Honestly, I probably would’ve made the switch a LOT later if I hadn’t moved to China, all because of how much I loved cheese! But after I hadn’t had it for a while (because they just don’t really eat it there), my tastes changed. And now I can’t even stand the smell. It’s so weird… I used to be a cheese addict lol. No, seriously. My first aim screenname had “cheese” as part of it!

      • Ashley says

        Oh wow! That’s pretty amazing– and honestly, I wonder if I don’t get my headaches from it! Do you use anything in substitution for cheese, that actually has a good flavor? I’d love to try! ๐Ÿ™‚ And another thing– my sweet tooth is actually starting to fade! I notice you mention quite a bit that you don’t have one, really– and I’ve been cutting back, and it’s been working! I made your baked pumpkin oatmeal today, and cut back the sugar (however, I added dark choco chips) haha. Well, enough rambling, have a great night!

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          I don’t sub it because I honestly do not crave it at all anymore… even the smell makes me feel gross, which is so weird because I was a cheese ADDICT before! But I’ve heard that Daiya cheese tastes scarily like cheese, and I believe it because I made this chili for my “normal eater” friends, and they scarfed it down and then said, “Katie, I thought cheese wasn’t vegan!”

          Taste buds are funny things! Sugar… even salt. If I find I’ve been eating things that aren’t as high in sodium for a while, then I go and make a dish with my normal amount of salt I’ve always put in, it’s suddenly too much!

          • Ashley says

            Oh my gosh, I know what you mean! I have a friend who puts tons of salt on everything– you would think he’d have a problem! I’ve definitely noticed that with sugar! Growing up, my mom got diagnosed with diabetes, so we suddenly had to watch out sugar intake! It was nice, because for awhile, we ate pretty much a sugarless diet, and I had so much energy!

            I may try that cheese– but I think it smells horrible as well. Whole Foods Market is the worst on the weekends because for some reason, that’s when I can really smell all the cheese! haha:)

          • Ashley says

            Oh my gosh, I know what you mean! I have a friend who puts tons of salt on everything– you would think he’d have a problem! I’ve definitely noticed that with sugar! Growing up, my mom got diagnosed with diabetes, so we suddenly had to watch out sugar intake! It was nice, because for awhile, we ate pretty much a sugarless diet, and I had so much energy!

            I may try that cheese– but I think it smells horrible as well. Whole Foods Market is the worst on the weekends because for some reason, that’s when I can really smell all the cheese! haha:)

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          I don’t sub it because I honestly do not crave it at all anymore… even the smell makes me feel gross, which is so weird because I was a cheese ADDICT before! But I’ve heard that Daiya cheese tastes scarily like cheese, and I believe it because I made this chili for my “normal eater” friends, and they scarfed it down and then said, “Katie, I thought cheese wasn’t vegan!”

          Taste buds are funny things! Sugar… even salt. If I find I’ve been eating things that aren’t as high in sodium for a while, then I go and make a dish with my normal amount of salt I’ve always put in, it’s suddenly too much!

      • Ashley says

        Oh wow! That’s pretty amazing– and honestly, I wonder if I don’t get my headaches from it! Do you use anything in substitution for cheese, that actually has a good flavor? I’d love to try! ๐Ÿ™‚ And another thing– my sweet tooth is actually starting to fade! I notice you mention quite a bit that you don’t have one, really– and I’ve been cutting back, and it’s been working! I made your baked pumpkin oatmeal today, and cut back the sugar (however, I added dark choco chips) haha. Well, enough rambling, have a great night!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh girl, you sound just like me! Honestly, I probably would’ve made the switch a LOT later if I hadn’t moved to China, all because of how much I loved cheese! But after I hadn’t had it for a while (because they just don’t really eat it there), my tastes changed. And now I can’t even stand the smell. It’s so weird… I used to be a cheese addict lol. No, seriously. My first aim screenname had “cheese” as part of it!

    • Karen says

      @Ashley-Veganism isn’t actually healthy, you know that right? Grains are very low in protein when compared to dairy, eggs and meats. Animal products are a good source of healthy saturated fat. Your body actually NEEDS saturated fat. Vegans worry about getting enough calcium. When you eat grains, legumes (Beans) or nuts (Or a combination) at every meal, you’re consuming millions of antinutrients (The natural protective coating plants put on their seeds to discourage animals from eating them) One of the main purposes of antinutrients is to block the body’s absorbtion of calcium and iron. Not only do animal products have no antinutrients whatsoever, they contain higher levels of calcium and iron than plant products and they contain saturated fat which is necessary for calcium absorption (Otherwise you just pee it all out). Your liver, lungs, brain and nervous system all need saturated fat to function properly!
      And don’t even get me started on cholesterol! People’s cholesterol levels often actually go up when they eat a cholesterol-free diet and their hormones get messed up…

  10. Ashley says

    I love FAQ pages. I think it’s perfectly okay to talk about yourself in them! They provide a real insight into your blog and person. I just finished reading your posts talking about moving into veganism, and I honestly feel like I am heading that way. My boyfriend is vegetarian, and has been ever since he could remember. When I was studying journalism in college, we watched several food documentaries, including Food, Inc. It breaks my heart.
    I think the most difficult part is that my boyfriend adores cheese, eggs, and dairy– as do I (minus the dairy)! I cannot see changing over, but I feel that I should. I’m torn.
    The other day I ate chicken- and it tasted foreign and kind of gross to be honest. I preferred my vegetables. Maybe I am on a positive track somewhere:)
    Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble- – and I’m off to make your baked banana boatmeal for breakfast! Great FAQ page!

  11. Gillian says

    i just have to say- i love your recipes and how creative you are with healthy ingredients! one of my favorite things to do it bake, so i definitely come here for inspiration.

    blondies may be happening this weekend- any tips for lowering the sugar? have you tried with agave or honey?

  12. Gillian says

    i just have to say- i love your recipes and how creative you are with healthy ingredients! one of my favorite things to do it bake, so i definitely come here for inspiration.

    blondies may be happening this weekend- any tips for lowering the sugar? have you tried with agave or honey?

  13. Amanda says

    I love that you updated your FAQ page because it made me look over the questions…I’d been wondering about how your hair is so incredibly gorgeous! I’m already cutting way back on doing “stuff” to my hair (I try not to blowdry it, and I stopped getting highlights! Yay! And recently added more omega-3s to my diet…I can already see a difference! Maybe I’ll try out your awesome shampoo…I have a Sprouts nearby….Of course you’re gorgeous in general it’s not just your hair! Good job on your blog I love it so much! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Amanda, you are such a sweetheart! ๐Ÿ™‚ And oh my gosh, how cool is Sprouts, right? Just be sure to go when they put all their vitamins on sale, 20% off (ask them when it’ll happen next… it’s usually like once a month or so). Haircare is part of vitamins, so the shampoos are always on sale then too :).

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Amanda, you are such a sweetheart! ๐Ÿ™‚ And oh my gosh, how cool is Sprouts, right? Just be sure to go when they put all their vitamins on sale, 20% off (ask them when it’ll happen next… it’s usually like once a month or so). Haircare is part of vitamins, so the shampoos are always on sale then too :).

  14. Amanda says

    I love that you updated your FAQ page because it made me look over the questions…I’d been wondering about how your hair is so incredibly gorgeous! I’m already cutting way back on doing “stuff” to my hair (I try not to blowdry it, and I stopped getting highlights! Yay! And recently added more omega-3s to my diet…I can already see a difference! Maybe I’ll try out your awesome shampoo…I have a Sprouts nearby….Of course you’re gorgeous in general it’s not just your hair! Good job on your blog I love it so much! ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Barb says

    I love your page and I think you are an amazing person/blogger! Keep up the awesome posts, I look forward to hearing your ideas every day!

  16. Barb says

    I love your page and I think you are an amazing person/blogger! Keep up the awesome posts, I look forward to hearing your ideas every day!

  17. Lauren says

    This looks great Katie!! I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into this! ๐Ÿ˜€ I am surel blogging as your career will take you far! You have big plans for some recipes? Please please please be a cookbook!!!

  18. Lauren says

    This looks great Katie!! I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into this! ๐Ÿ˜€ I am surel blogging as your career will take you far! You have big plans for some recipes? Please please please be a cookbook!!!

  19. Rebecca says

    Interesting…I would take strength-training over cardio in a heartbeat (gotta love the pun!). While not with heavy weights or anything, I could easily do strength training waiting for water to boil, watching tv, etc. It is possible to use filled water bottles, soup cans, etc. instead of weights and to either do a whole “routine” or just a few random exercises here and there (calf raises while waiting in line, tensing muscle groups while waiting at traffic lights, squats while brushing your teethโ€”so many options!). Unfortunately, even though everyone seems to say that “women physically can’t bulk up,” I CAN! frustrating. My brother is always trying to gain weight/build muscle (even with a full-time job in his early 30s this is still an obsession of his). I, on the other hand, gain visible muscle within just a few workoutsโ€”and it is not a good look for me, personally. Cardio needs to be my friend but, honestly, I can’t stand it! (So, the opposite problem that you have!) I find it endlessly boring and monotonous. I have tried running outside, inside, doing machines, doing DVDs, taking classes, getting involved in sports and it is just not my thing. I am jealous when people actually *like* running (I ran 5 miles everyday for months to train for a race and kept waiting for that “runner’s high” everyone talks about…or at least for it to get easier…guess what? After EVERY run I always felt sick to my stomach, horrible and angry…literally!

  20. Rebecca says

    Interesting…I would take strength-training over cardio in a heartbeat (gotta love the pun!). While not with heavy weights or anything, I could easily do strength training waiting for water to boil, watching tv, etc. It is possible to use filled water bottles, soup cans, etc. instead of weights and to either do a whole “routine” or just a few random exercises here and there (calf raises while waiting in line, tensing muscle groups while waiting at traffic lights, squats while brushing your teethโ€”so many options!). Unfortunately, even though everyone seems to say that “women physically can’t bulk up,” I CAN! frustrating. My brother is always trying to gain weight/build muscle (even with a full-time job in his early 30s this is still an obsession of his). I, on the other hand, gain visible muscle within just a few workoutsโ€”and it is not a good look for me, personally. Cardio needs to be my friend but, honestly, I can’t stand it! (So, the opposite problem that you have!) I find it endlessly boring and monotonous. I have tried running outside, inside, doing machines, doing DVDs, taking classes, getting involved in sports and it is just not my thing. I am jealous when people actually *like* running (I ran 5 miles everyday for months to train for a race and kept waiting for that “runner’s high” everyone talks about…or at least for it to get easier…guess what? After EVERY run I always felt sick to my stomach, horrible and angry…literally!

  21. Katie @ Nutrition in a peanut shell says

    Hahaha Katie- “I had a hamster once, very strange creatures”.

    People are just too nosy. As long as you’re healthy and have no major health concerns, who cares what you weigh? It’s nothing more than a number ๐Ÿ™‚

    Your FAQ page didn’t sound self centered at alll. Do you have more posts on your photography though? I love the way you do it, and I didn’t know you did some with a p&s! Teach me your ways?

      • Sarah says

        I agree in wanting to see more photography posts. Your photos are some of the BEST in the blogworld, and I really would love to see your ideas!
        I loved reading your new page. It’s very well written, and I loved getting to know my favorite blogger a bit more!

      • Sarah says

        I agree in wanting to see more photography posts. Your photos are some of the BEST in the blogworld, and I really would love to see your ideas!
        I loved reading your new page. It’s very well written, and I loved getting to know my favorite blogger a bit more!

  22. Katie @ Nutrition in a peanut shell says

    Hahaha Katie- “I had a hamster once, very strange creatures”.

    People are just too nosy. As long as you’re healthy and have no major health concerns, who cares what you weigh? It’s nothing more than a number ๐Ÿ™‚

    Your FAQ page didn’t sound self centered at alll. Do you have more posts on your photography though? I love the way you do it, and I didn’t know you did some with a p&s! Teach me your ways?

  23. Tricia says

    Love your faq page, and i totally agree with you. I hate lifting weights because its boring, but I love running long, slow miles because i feel amazing afterwards. Haha, i only lift weights or do push-ups when my coaches make me even though I know it will help me run faster.

  24. Tricia says

    Love your faq page, and i totally agree with you. I hate lifting weights because its boring, but I love running long, slow miles because i feel amazing afterwards. Haha, i only lift weights or do push-ups when my coaches make me even though I know it will help me run faster.

  25. Colleen @ Jimmy Choos on the Treadmill says

    You did a great job answering all of the questions! I appreciate your honesty and I can tell that your answers are sincere. And I totally agree about splurging on healthy food–it’s an investment for the future and triple bypass surgery definitely costs MUCH more than a jar of coconut butter!

  26. Colleen @ Jimmy Choos on the Treadmill says

    You did a great job answering all of the questions! I appreciate your honesty and I can tell that your answers are sincere. And I totally agree about splurging on healthy food–it’s an investment for the future and triple bypass surgery definitely costs MUCH more than a jar of coconut butter!

  27. Aine @ Something to Chew Over says

    This is a great FAQ page! It really gets across what CCK is all about.

    Great job ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Aine @ Something to Chew Over says

    This is a great FAQ page! It really gets across what CCK is all about.

    Great job ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Lenna says

    Agree on hamsters being strange creatures ๐Ÿ™‚ Your FAQ page is great, I love all your responses. I actually use the same camera. And I can totally relate to not getting to “excited” about buying organic stuff. The regulat things may not be healthier, but they work for me. And Iยดd rather buy a new jar of almond butter than one organic banana ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Lenna says

    Agree on hamsters being strange creatures ๐Ÿ™‚ Your FAQ page is great, I love all your responses. I actually use the same camera. And I can totally relate to not getting to “excited” about buying organic stuff. The regulat things may not be healthier, but they work for me. And Iยดd rather buy a new jar of almond butter than one organic banana ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. Kendra says

    Hi Katie, I have been following your blog for a long time (and have sadly never commented), and I wanted to tell you how awesome your recipes are!! I am a 17 year old vegetarian, and I love experimenting with new vegan recipes in the kitchen. Your pancake recipes have made my breakfasts more exciting, and I absolutely LOVE the Fudge Babies!! I usually make some slight changes to your recipes based on what is available in my kitchen, but you have provided sooo much inspiration:) A random note–if you haven’t already tried this, I have found that the banana soft serve recipe from the Oh She Glows blog makes a FANTASTIC pancake topping. Thanks for your great recipes and ideas!

  32. Kendra says

    Hi Katie, I have been following your blog for a long time (and have sadly never commented), and I wanted to tell you how awesome your recipes are!! I am a 17 year old vegetarian, and I love experimenting with new vegan recipes in the kitchen. Your pancake recipes have made my breakfasts more exciting, and I absolutely LOVE the Fudge Babies!! I usually make some slight changes to your recipes based on what is available in my kitchen, but you have provided sooo much inspiration:) A random note–if you haven’t already tried this, I have found that the banana soft serve recipe from the Oh She Glows blog makes a FANTASTIC pancake topping. Thanks for your great recipes and ideas!

  33. Lyza says

    I LOVE your faq, Katie!!! It’s so honest and relatable, and it covers everything I’ve ever wondered!!

    Take care darling ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. Lyza says

    I LOVE your faq, Katie!!! It’s so honest and relatable, and it covers everything I’ve ever wondered!!

    Take care darling ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. Moni'sMeals says

    really great Katie, gosh I have to say though, people sure can be “nosey” with some of the questions asked! hey, I am just sayin…

    I feel 100% confident that I could change your mind with lifting weights/strength training, if you trained with me, it would not seem so dreadful, I promise!


  36. Moni'sMeals says

    really great Katie, gosh I have to say though, people sure can be “nosey” with some of the questions asked! hey, I am just sayin…

    I feel 100% confident that I could change your mind with lifting weights/strength training, if you trained with me, it would not seem so dreadful, I promise!


    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Definitely! I adore ethnic food and often eat things I was turned on to rom living in Japan and China, or even vacations. I think my favorite is Thai food :). But Ethiopian is another favorite… and oddly enough, I discovered Ethiopian food in Italy! I really love going to the Asian market and just looking around at all the unusual (to me) ingredients.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Definitely! I adore ethnic food and often eat things I was turned on to rom living in Japan and China, or even vacations. I think my favorite is Thai food :). But Ethiopian is another favorite… and oddly enough, I discovered Ethiopian food in Italy! I really love going to the Asian market and just looking around at all the unusual (to me) ingredients.

  37. Katie @ Peace Love and Oats says

    I had two hamsters! One was great, the other was the devil. seriously. couldn’t pick him up without him biting me and always chewed his way out of his cage! And your about me page isn’t self-centered at all! It’s just covering all the questions people send you. Thanks for blogging, I recently discovered your blog and I love all the great recipes!

  38. Katie @ Peace Love and Oats says

    I had two hamsters! One was great, the other was the devil. seriously. couldn’t pick him up without him biting me and always chewed his way out of his cage! And your about me page isn’t self-centered at all! It’s just covering all the questions people send you. Thanks for blogging, I recently discovered your blog and I love all the great recipes!

  39. Sarah says

    Hi Kate,

    One thing I meant to ask you, just curious really, I used to only eat when watching TV, and always ate through a film. Recently I tried eating without distractions, at first I thought it a dumb idea but I find now that I enjoy my food much better when I give it all my attention. What do you (normally) do? Do you eat to the TV or reading magazines, or are you a full attention kinda girl?


  40. Sarah says

    Hi Kate,

    One thing I meant to ask you, just curious really, I used to only eat when watching TV, and always ate through a film. Recently I tried eating without distractions, at first I thought it a dumb idea but I find now that I enjoy my food much better when I give it all my attention. What do you (normally) do? Do you eat to the TV or reading magazines, or are you a full attention kinda girl?


  41. Darlene says

    You’re right. Not everyone reading is vegan. I’ve thought of doing a blog, but I eat so strangely that no one in the world would follow it. LOL I do lots of raw foods, green smoothies, organic when I can..not so much sometimes. I agree with the bug issue!! I also eat grass fed beef, wild salmon and more tuna than I should. I’ve tried giving up mayo and coffee, but I just don’t want to. LOL I have food allergies…soy, almonds, hazelnuts and crab. (So I like your alternative ingredient suggestions. I tend to use coconut milk instead of almond) OH..and anything white flour or sugar makes me fall asleep and wheat does odd things to my innards..makes me rumbly and bloated..not sure why. I think I’ll stick with reading your blog to supplement my sweet tooth instead of venturing on my own. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      It’s so funny that people think they have the right to call someone else’s eating style “strange.” Really, who decides what’s strange and what’s normal? I’d probably think a lot of your smoothies and raw foods would sound delicious… but then again, many people think I have a strange diet too ;).

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      It’s so funny that people think they have the right to call someone else’s eating style “strange.” Really, who decides what’s strange and what’s normal? I’d probably think a lot of your smoothies and raw foods would sound delicious… but then again, many people think I have a strange diet too ;).

  42. Darlene says

    You’re right. Not everyone reading is vegan. I’ve thought of doing a blog, but I eat so strangely that no one in the world would follow it. LOL I do lots of raw foods, green smoothies, organic when I can..not so much sometimes. I agree with the bug issue!! I also eat grass fed beef, wild salmon and more tuna than I should. I’ve tried giving up mayo and coffee, but I just don’t want to. LOL I have food allergies…soy, almonds, hazelnuts and crab. (So I like your alternative ingredient suggestions. I tend to use coconut milk instead of almond) OH..and anything white flour or sugar makes me fall asleep and wheat does odd things to my innards..makes me rumbly and bloated..not sure why. I think I’ll stick with reading your blog to supplement my sweet tooth instead of venturing on my own. ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. Val says

    First of all I want you to know that you NEVER come off as narcissistic on your blog. And I love hearing about everything (creepy as this may sound).

  44. Val says

    First of all I want you to know that you NEVER come off as narcissistic on your blog. And I love hearing about everything (creepy as this may sound).

  45. Tara says

    I love you FAQ! I also love how your so cute about not wanting to talk about yourself — it’s your blog and we come back because we like you! Your recipes are amazing too, but I don’t know if I would keep coming back if the recipes were posted by a cold hearted meanie!
    You say you have big plans for your recipes… does this mean a cookbook perhaps? I know I’d like that. I’d like that a lot ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Tara says

    I love you FAQ! I also love how your so cute about not wanting to talk about yourself — it’s your blog and we come back because we like you! Your recipes are amazing too, but I don’t know if I would keep coming back if the recipes were posted by a cold hearted meanie!
    You say you have big plans for your recipes… does this mean a cookbook perhaps? I know I’d like that. I’d like that a lot ๐Ÿ™‚

  47. ashley says

    Isnt it weird I actually love strength training over cardio? I guess were all different. Haha running on treadmills really do makes us look hamsters!! I love how honest you are with your answers, definately NOT vain ๐Ÿ™‚ I love all the tips on healthy hair too!!

  48. ashley says

    Isnt it weird I actually love strength training over cardio? I guess were all different. Haha running on treadmills really do makes us look hamsters!! I love how honest you are with your answers, definately NOT vain ๐Ÿ™‚ I love all the tips on healthy hair too!!

  49. Jenny$1983 says

    Thank you for updating this! I think all of your readers appreciate how open, honest and sincere you are ๐Ÿ™‚ Um, did you know you listed peanut butter twice in your grocery list? I’m not complaining, and let’s face it, it’s worth mentioning twice ๐Ÿ˜€ It’s just that you’re always so on the ball with your use of language, grammar, punctuation etc that I thought I’d ask ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Also, I know what you mean about lifting weights – I don’t mind kettlebell workouts as much (although I couldn’t do them more than once a week), but I find sets and reps of lifting weights dull and boring. So I wondered if you would ever consider functional strength bodyweight exercises, such as those on for example? They are excellent for building lean muscle, take very little time and are highly varied and therefore never boring. Given your competitive nature (based on your running games, I mean!) I think you would enjoy the element of setting personal bests, trying to beat the host’s score and that of other BodyRockers!

    Just a suggestion about something that’s worked for me ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks again!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Wow, that’s so funny! See, I told you I had pb on the brain! And one can never have too much peanut butter.
      So… of course I meant to list it twice ;). (No, not really. I’m going to change it now. Thanks for finding my slip-up!)

      I’ve never tried BodyRock. I’ll have to look into it!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Wow, that’s so funny! See, I told you I had pb on the brain! And one can never have too much peanut butter.
      So… of course I meant to list it twice ;). (No, not really. I’m going to change it now. Thanks for finding my slip-up!)

      I’ve never tried BodyRock. I’ll have to look into it!

  50. Jenny$1983 says

    Thank you for updating this! I think all of your readers appreciate how open, honest and sincere you are ๐Ÿ™‚ Um, did you know you listed peanut butter twice in your grocery list? I’m not complaining, and let’s face it, it’s worth mentioning twice ๐Ÿ˜€ It’s just that you’re always so on the ball with your use of language, grammar, punctuation etc that I thought I’d ask ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Also, I know what you mean about lifting weights – I don’t mind kettlebell workouts as much (although I couldn’t do them more than once a week), but I find sets and reps of lifting weights dull and boring. So I wondered if you would ever consider functional strength bodyweight exercises, such as those on for example? They are excellent for building lean muscle, take very little time and are highly varied and therefore never boring. Given your competitive nature (based on your running games, I mean!) I think you would enjoy the element of setting personal bests, trying to beat the host’s score and that of other BodyRockers!

    Just a suggestion about something that’s worked for me ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks again!

  51. Emma says

    Hey Katie! Semi-newish reader has a quick question: can you use coconut OIL instead of coconut BUTTER in any of your recipes (I’m thinking fudge)? What’s the difference? Do either of them actually TASTE like coconut? I read the post where you made your own coconut butter, but saw somewhere else that you are only supposed to use unsweetened– all my grocery store sells is sweetened flaked and while they (surprisingly) carried coconut OIL, there was no butter to be found.

    Thank you! Like you, I don’t really have much of a sweet tooth but I’m not a huge fan of chocolate either– I know, shun the nonbeliever!– but I love your baked and voluminous oatmeals, and baby recipes!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hey Emma!
      A few readers have tried the fudge with oil and liked it… but I honestly think the fudge would be MUCH better with coconut butter than oil! Coconut butter has more of a peanut butter-consistency and tastes like shortbread!
      And lol you go right ahead and dislike chocolate. It means more for me ๐Ÿ˜‰ ;).

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hey Emma!
      A few readers have tried the fudge with oil and liked it… but I honestly think the fudge would be MUCH better with coconut butter than oil! Coconut butter has more of a peanut butter-consistency and tastes like shortbread!
      And lol you go right ahead and dislike chocolate. It means more for me ๐Ÿ˜‰ ;).

  52. Emma says

    Hey Katie! Semi-newish reader has a quick question: can you use coconut OIL instead of coconut BUTTER in any of your recipes (I’m thinking fudge)? What’s the difference? Do either of them actually TASTE like coconut? I read the post where you made your own coconut butter, but saw somewhere else that you are only supposed to use unsweetened– all my grocery store sells is sweetened flaked and while they (surprisingly) carried coconut OIL, there was no butter to be found.

    Thank you! Like you, I don’t really have much of a sweet tooth but I’m not a huge fan of chocolate either– I know, shun the nonbeliever!– but I love your baked and voluminous oatmeals, and baby recipes!

  53. Kristin @ STUFT Mama says

    This page is the perfect addition to your website! Love it Katie! And LOVE your healthy approach to working out, etc. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yay! Now if I could only get my hair to look like yours……. I wish just eating chocolate everyday would do the trick. ha ha ha!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Haha I always wished for my sister’s hair… if I ever find a way to magically get someone else’s hair, I will definitely pass the info on to you, too! But you might want to try eating chocolate every day, just in case. If it doesn’t work, well… you’ll still be happy from all the chocolate, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Haha I always wished for my sister’s hair… if I ever find a way to magically get someone else’s hair, I will definitely pass the info on to you, too! But you might want to try eating chocolate every day, just in case. If it doesn’t work, well… you’ll still be happy from all the chocolate, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  54. Kristin @ STUFT Mama says

    This page is the perfect addition to your website! Love it Katie! And LOVE your healthy approach to working out, etc. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yay! Now if I could only get my hair to look like yours……. I wish just eating chocolate everyday would do the trick. ha ha ha!

  55. Brandi says

    heyyyy! I tried to go vegan for several months but I found myself hungry ALL the time and I just felt unbalanced. My diet was composed of mostly vegetables fruits and some grains. I ended up giving it up and going back to vegetarian. Any tips on making meals that stick to the ribs? thanks!

  56. Brandi says

    heyyyy! I tried to go vegan for several months but I found myself hungry ALL the time and I just felt unbalanced. My diet was composed of mostly vegetables fruits and some grains. I ended up giving it up and going back to vegetarian. Any tips on making meals that stick to the ribs? thanks!

  57. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    This is awesome. I have thought about doing something like this for awhile but haven’t. Yet. I love how you answered the most frequent questions you probably receive and did it matter of factly and without mincing words and while being totally honest and straight to the point. Thank you for sharing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  58. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    This is awesome. I have thought about doing something like this for awhile but haven’t. Yet. I love how you answered the most frequent questions you probably receive and did it matter of factly and without mincing words and while being totally honest and straight to the point. Thank you for sharing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  59. Jo says

    Hi Katie! It’s been so great watching your blog grow over the last couple years. I’ve been reading on and off, but your writing always makes me glow with happiness! I’m so glad you’ve decided to do this full time because the joy you bring your readers is absolutely priceless.

    Much love and chocolate xx

  60. Jo says

    Hi Katie! It’s been so great watching your blog grow over the last couple years. I’ve been reading on and off, but your writing always makes me glow with happiness! I’m so glad you’ve decided to do this full time because the joy you bring your readers is absolutely priceless.

    Much love and chocolate xx

  61. KellyBelly says

    I think it is your great foodie pictures that keep me coming back to your site to drool and your cute sense of humor. You write just the right amount about the food or inspiration for it. Keep up the good work. Glad you can make it your career!

  62. KellyBelly says

    I think it is your great foodie pictures that keep me coming back to your site to drool and your cute sense of humor. You write just the right amount about the food or inspiration for it. Keep up the good work. Glad you can make it your career!

  63. Yolie @ Practising Wellness says

    This is such a great FAQ page, and as an avid reader i just have to reassure you that you have never once seemed narcissitic to me, in any way – that is something I struggle with in terms of blogging too, because that is not what I want or what I am at all! You only seem genuine and warm ๐Ÿ™‚ xyx

  64. Yolie @ Practising Wellness says

    This is such a great FAQ page, and as an avid reader i just have to reassure you that you have never once seemed narcissitic to me, in any way – that is something I struggle with in terms of blogging too, because that is not what I want or what I am at all! You only seem genuine and warm ๐Ÿ™‚ xyx

  65. Danni (Healthy Kitschy Vegan) says

    *poke* I have one question (and I am not sure if you answered it on another page or not) but where did you attend college/what did you go to college for? Just curious, being a girl in her early 20s as well ๐Ÿ™‚

  66. Danni (Healthy Kitschy Vegan) says

    *poke* I have one question (and I am not sure if you answered it on another page or not) but where did you attend college/what did you go to college for? Just curious, being a girl in her early 20s as well ๐Ÿ™‚

  67. Leo says

    Hi Katie ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love the site and I’ve been going down a list of recipes almost nightly !!! I have one question right now… you said no dairy in any of your recipes but I see chocolate chips in a few of them. I made the ultimate chocolate pie tonight w/ real chocolate chips – OH MY GOD GOOD !!! Doesn’t chocolate chips have milk or are you using carob chips instead of real chocolate chips. The pie I made tonight with crust has 15 grams of fat per 1/8 pie slice at about 350 cal – way off your Chocolate Fudge Pie Nutrition Facts. My guess is that you omitted the crust in the Chocolate Fudge Pie Nutrition Facts on your page and you used carob chips instead of real chocolate chips to bring the fat way down… ? Am I right that you only use carob chips instead of real chocolate chips… ? Please do tell… Thanks so much !!!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Leo,

      I am so so glad you liked the pie! I most certainly use REAL chocolate chips in my recipe (and in all my recipes calling for chocolate chips). Many brands of chocolate chips are vegan, including: Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet (the ones in the gold package), Enjoy Life, Whole Foods brand, Sunspire, some generic brands, Divvies, etc. ๐Ÿ™‚

      And yes, I didn’t calculate the crust, since I didn’t give a recipe for one and therefore different people will use crusts that have different calorie amounts. Plus, I like it crustless anyways.

      I’ve had carob chips only once or twice before… I like chocolate better ;).

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Leo,

      I am so so glad you liked the pie! I most certainly use REAL chocolate chips in my recipe (and in all my recipes calling for chocolate chips). Many brands of chocolate chips are vegan, including: Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet (the ones in the gold package), Enjoy Life, Whole Foods brand, Sunspire, some generic brands, Divvies, etc. ๐Ÿ™‚

      And yes, I didn’t calculate the crust, since I didn’t give a recipe for one and therefore different people will use crusts that have different calorie amounts. Plus, I like it crustless anyways.

      I’ve had carob chips only once or twice before… I like chocolate better ;).

  68. Leo says

    Hi Katie ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love the site and I’ve been going down a list of recipes almost nightly !!! I have one question right now… you said no dairy in any of your recipes but I see chocolate chips in a few of them. I made the ultimate chocolate pie tonight w/ real chocolate chips – OH MY GOD GOOD !!! Doesn’t chocolate chips have milk or are you using carob chips instead of real chocolate chips. The pie I made tonight with crust has 15 grams of fat per 1/8 pie slice at about 350 cal – way off your Chocolate Fudge Pie Nutrition Facts. My guess is that you omitted the crust in the Chocolate Fudge Pie Nutrition Facts on your page and you used carob chips instead of real chocolate chips to bring the fat way down… ? Am I right that you only use carob chips instead of real chocolate chips… ? Please do tell… Thanks so much !!!

  69. Jessy (squeezetheday) says

    Hey Katie, I’ve been following your blog for a while now and I love it! I like that they seem simple and you don’t seem to use very rare ingredients. I haven’t actually tried any of your recipes yet, but I definitely will once I get back into baking … I think I’ll start with the deep-dish cookie pie and the chocolate fudge pie. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I was wondering if you take into consideration requests for recipes? I have been trying to find a recipe for a healthy croissant, but with no luck … perhaps that’s a mission impossible, hah. Do you like Speculaas cookies? I hope someday you decide to make a recipe for them! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  70. Jessy (squeezetheday) says

    Hey Katie, I’ve been following your blog for a while now and I love it! I like that they seem simple and you don’t seem to use very rare ingredients. I haven’t actually tried any of your recipes yet, but I definitely will once I get back into baking … I think I’ll start with the deep-dish cookie pie and the chocolate fudge pie. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I was wondering if you take into consideration requests for recipes? I have been trying to find a recipe for a healthy croissant, but with no luck … perhaps that’s a mission impossible, hah. Do you like Speculaas cookies? I hope someday you decide to make a recipe for them! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  71. erika says

    I LOVE your blog, your honesty, your outlook on food and life! I am making your “Not Guilty” Chocolate Chip Cookies for my kids today (and myself too of course!) Just wanted to chime in on the lifting weights thing — I also love running and used to hate lifting weights. But once I tried Jillian Michaels workouts and got over the difficulty (I literally was in tears at the end of the first one because I pushed myself and it was so doggone hard!), I absolutely LOVE it now. I started with the exercises in her book Making the Cut, then went on to her videos (not as intense as what’s in the book) but now I have the exercises memorized, so I can do them anywhere (outside, yes!) Any program that combines cardio + strength is a lot more fun, you get quick results (you can see your muscles!) and there is just something about being a woman and realizing your strength potential. It’s empowering!! Hope you can find something that makes it fun for you! Just going to the gym and lifting is quite a bore. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Okay, I am seriously going to the store and checking out her book (or the dvds)! I really need something, ANYthing to make me like weight-lifting… I am always so jealous when everyone says how much they love it! For me, it’s a struggle to make myself do even twenty (ok, ten!) minutes. Thanks a ton for the recommendation :).

      • erika says

        You are absolutely welcome! Her book has a bunch of nutrition info, but I already had that down (sounds like you do too!) so just skip to the workout stuff. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • erika says

        You are absolutely welcome! Her book has a bunch of nutrition info, but I already had that down (sounds like you do too!) so just skip to the workout stuff. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Okay, I am seriously going to the store and checking out her book (or the dvds)! I really need something, ANYthing to make me like weight-lifting… I am always so jealous when everyone says how much they love it! For me, it’s a struggle to make myself do even twenty (ok, ten!) minutes. Thanks a ton for the recommendation :).

  72. erika says

    I LOVE your blog, your honesty, your outlook on food and life! I am making your “Not Guilty” Chocolate Chip Cookies for my kids today (and myself too of course!) Just wanted to chime in on the lifting weights thing — I also love running and used to hate lifting weights. But once I tried Jillian Michaels workouts and got over the difficulty (I literally was in tears at the end of the first one because I pushed myself and it was so doggone hard!), I absolutely LOVE it now. I started with the exercises in her book Making the Cut, then went on to her videos (not as intense as what’s in the book) but now I have the exercises memorized, so I can do them anywhere (outside, yes!) Any program that combines cardio + strength is a lot more fun, you get quick results (you can see your muscles!) and there is just something about being a woman and realizing your strength potential. It’s empowering!! Hope you can find something that makes it fun for you! Just going to the gym and lifting is quite a bore. ๐Ÿ™‚

  73. Kathleen says

    Hey Katie!!!! I just stumbled upon your blog today for the first time and I cannot even begin to tell you how thrilled I am that I did. I have recently lost 50 pounds over the last 8 months and I am doing everything I can to keep it off while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Dessert is my obsession and for the past few months I’ve lived by the motto that I can be healthy, eat right and still have a dessert everyday. However, lately I’ve been second guessing that theory while trying to convince myself that I don’t need dessert everyday. I try to justify that having dessert while maintaining a healthy diet is okay but sometimes I do feel guilty. After reading so many of your posts today and looking through your amazing recipes, I’m feeling a lot better about splurging on dessert, in a moderate and balanced way of course. Thank you for your great stories and amazing recipes, which I cannot wait to try. I could not have found your blog at a better time and itโ€™s always great to find that someone else out there can relate to being a complete chocoholic! Also, I wanted to recommend to you another blogger whose blog I came across randomly while goggling healthy recipes a few months ago. Her stories and recipes have also been a big help to me on my journey to a healthy lifestyle by reminding me that eating right can still be delicious and fun. You may have already checked her stuff out, I donโ€™t know how things work in the blogging world but anyway her name is Anne and her blog is FannetasticFoods. Seems like you two have a lot in common and I figured there may be some stuff on her blog you would enjoy. Anyway, I am really glad I came across your blog. I’ve already considered cancelling any weekend plans to stay home and try out your incredible recipes ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks again and take care!!

  74. Kathleen says

    Hey Katie!!!! I just stumbled upon your blog today for the first time and I cannot even begin to tell you how thrilled I am that I did. I have recently lost 50 pounds over the last 8 months and I am doing everything I can to keep it off while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Dessert is my obsession and for the past few months I’ve lived by the motto that I can be healthy, eat right and still have a dessert everyday. However, lately I’ve been second guessing that theory while trying to convince myself that I don’t need dessert everyday. I try to justify that having dessert while maintaining a healthy diet is okay but sometimes I do feel guilty. After reading so many of your posts today and looking through your amazing recipes, I’m feeling a lot better about splurging on dessert, in a moderate and balanced way of course. Thank you for your great stories and amazing recipes, which I cannot wait to try. I could not have found your blog at a better time and itโ€™s always great to find that someone else out there can relate to being a complete chocoholic! Also, I wanted to recommend to you another blogger whose blog I came across randomly while goggling healthy recipes a few months ago. Her stories and recipes have also been a big help to me on my journey to a healthy lifestyle by reminding me that eating right can still be delicious and fun. You may have already checked her stuff out, I donโ€™t know how things work in the blogging world but anyway her name is Anne and her blog is FannetasticFoods. Seems like you two have a lot in common and I figured there may be some stuff on her blog you would enjoy. Anyway, I am really glad I came across your blog. I’ve already considered cancelling any weekend plans to stay home and try out your incredible recipes ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks again and take care!!

  75. Sarah Maietta says

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your site and can not wait to make some of your recipes….especially the chick-pea chocolate dip. One little request…please! Can you add the carbs to all nutritional facts? I am doing Weight Watchers and need it to figure out my points value before going overboard.

  76. Sarah Maietta says

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your site and can not wait to make some of your recipes….especially the chick-pea chocolate dip. One little request…please! Can you add the carbs to all nutritional facts? I am doing Weight Watchers and need it to figure out my points value before going overboard.

  77. Jessy (squeezetheday) says

    I’ve noticed you have no recipe for waffles. Are you planning on making some? ๐Ÿ˜€ I bought a waffle maker a few months ago (besides the fact that I’ve never tried waffles, hah) and it can also be used to make ice cream cones, but I haven’t found any healthified recipe yet.

  78. Jessy (squeezetheday) says

    I’ve noticed you have no recipe for waffles. Are you planning on making some? ๐Ÿ˜€ I bought a waffle maker a few months ago (besides the fact that I’ve never tried waffles, hah) and it can also be used to make ice cream cones, but I haven’t found any healthified recipe yet.

  79. Mandrews says

    You may have already answered this somewhere in your blog but I don’t have hours to search for it lol! Anywho can you substitute skim milk in where you use coconut milk and other milk varieties? Also can splenda/sugar replace the natural sweeteners you use? I know it isn’t “good for you” but I have it on hand. Thanks so much! Your recipes are great! BTW I am sitting here typing this while munching on your Cookie Dough Dip! Nom nom nom!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Yes, you can definitely substitute sugar in most of my recipes. (I think I usually give that as an option anyway. If I say “sweetener of choice,” sugar is definitely one of your options.) As for skim milk, I think it’d be ok to sub when I call for nondairy milk. But if I call specifically for coconut milk in a recipe (such as with my 4-minute macaroons), it needs to be the canned coconut milk because that has a completely different taste/fat content from other milks.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Yes, you can definitely substitute sugar in most of my recipes. (I think I usually give that as an option anyway. If I say “sweetener of choice,” sugar is definitely one of your options.) As for skim milk, I think it’d be ok to sub when I call for nondairy milk. But if I call specifically for coconut milk in a recipe (such as with my 4-minute macaroons), it needs to be the canned coconut milk because that has a completely different taste/fat content from other milks.

  80. Mandrews says

    You may have already answered this somewhere in your blog but I don’t have hours to search for it lol! Anywho can you substitute skim milk in where you use coconut milk and other milk varieties? Also can splenda/sugar replace the natural sweeteners you use? I know it isn’t “good for you” but I have it on hand. Thanks so much! Your recipes are great! BTW I am sitting here typing this while munching on your Cookie Dough Dip! Nom nom nom!

  81. Kara says

    Hi Katie!! I discovered your blog yesterday through a facebook post of a friend. Since then, I’ve made the choc chip cookie dough, snicker doodle dip and fresh out of the oven right now is the choc chip pie. I seriously can’t get over the fact that I’m eating beans in my dessert. I never heard of using them in baking before!! Love it! You are just the cutest thing with a spunky personality and I’ve enjoyed going through your blog. One question I have for you is this.. Do you ever get tired of chocolate???
    Thanks so much for the inspiration to make healthy desserts!!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Awww thanks, Kara!! Haha there are definitely times when I want savory foods as opposed to sweet ones… but I can’t ever think of a time when I’ve gone a whole day without craving chocolate at some point! I gave it up for Lent once; that was hard! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Awww thanks, Kara!! Haha there are definitely times when I want savory foods as opposed to sweet ones… but I can’t ever think of a time when I’ve gone a whole day without craving chocolate at some point! I gave it up for Lent once; that was hard! ๐Ÿ™‚

  82. Kara says

    Hi Katie!! I discovered your blog yesterday through a facebook post of a friend. Since then, I’ve made the choc chip cookie dough, snicker doodle dip and fresh out of the oven right now is the choc chip pie. I seriously can’t get over the fact that I’m eating beans in my dessert. I never heard of using them in baking before!! Love it! You are just the cutest thing with a spunky personality and I’ve enjoyed going through your blog. One question I have for you is this.. Do you ever get tired of chocolate???
    Thanks so much for the inspiration to make healthy desserts!!

  83. shanna says

    Hey Katie! I just found your blog yesterday and have the snickerdoodle blondies in the oven. Up next, chocolate chip deep dish pie:) And the dough to the blondies is out of the world…I can’t believe it is chickpeas for the base!! But, I do have a question…do you have a “print” option for your recipes? I find myself copying and pasting the recipes onto a blank Word document…kind of tedious…just wondering! And, I apologize if you’ve already answered this somewhere else. truly are a creative soul, and I am amazed at all the drool-worthy recipes you have come up with!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I don’t :(. It sounds like a really good idea, and it’s on my to-do list. But I am embarrassed to admit I don’t know how to do it! I am so un-technologically savvy! It’s terrible. I’m trying to learn, and hopefully someday soon I will figure out how to get a print button up!

      • shanna says

        I totally understand…thank you for your quick reply! So…I have now eaten a third of the pan of snickerdoodle blondies, which are now out of the oven, and like your previous commenter, I simply cannot get over the fact that I am eating beans for dessert. Unbelievable. I am forwarding your site to some friends of mine who have gone gluten free, and with your recipes, I think I might be tempted to join them. Dessert has always been my “downfall”, and I love the fact that I can now indulge my sweet tooth in a more nutritious, healthy way. Blessings, Katie…thank you so much!

      • shanna says

        I totally understand…thank you for your quick reply! So…I have now eaten a third of the pan of snickerdoodle blondies, which are now out of the oven, and like your previous commenter, I simply cannot get over the fact that I am eating beans for dessert. Unbelievable. I am forwarding your site to some friends of mine who have gone gluten free, and with your recipes, I think I might be tempted to join them. Dessert has always been my “downfall”, and I love the fact that I can now indulge my sweet tooth in a more nutritious, healthy way. Blessings, Katie…thank you so much!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I don’t :(. It sounds like a really good idea, and it’s on my to-do list. But I am embarrassed to admit I don’t know how to do it! I am so un-technologically savvy! It’s terrible. I’m trying to learn, and hopefully someday soon I will figure out how to get a print button up!

  84. shanna says

    Hey Katie! I just found your blog yesterday and have the snickerdoodle blondies in the oven. Up next, chocolate chip deep dish pie:) And the dough to the blondies is out of the world…I can’t believe it is chickpeas for the base!! But, I do have a question…do you have a “print” option for your recipes? I find myself copying and pasting the recipes onto a blank Word document…kind of tedious…just wondering! And, I apologize if you’ve already answered this somewhere else. truly are a creative soul, and I am amazed at all the drool-worthy recipes you have come up with!

  85. grace says

    hey katie!!! I love your blog!!
    Can you give me an idea for a healthy pumpkin rcipe? My friends birthday is coming up and she is obsessed with pumpkin

  86. grace says

    hey katie!!! I love your blog!!
    Can you give me an idea for a healthy pumpkin rcipe? My friends birthday is coming up and she is obsessed with pumpkin

  87. Megan says

    Hi Katie!
    I don’t know if you’ve already posted about this, but where do you typically shop for some of your more “exotic” ingredients that aren’t found in typical grocery stores? Also, I haven’t had the chance to make any of your yummy-looking recipes (darn dorm rooms…I miss my kitchen!), but I was wondering…what do non-vegans think of them? I’m used to non-vegan desserts, and while these all look amazing, some of them just seem too good to be true!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Usually I’ll get the harder-to-find things either in the natural food section of a regular grocery store or at Whole Foods.

      And when I first started making desserts for my friends, I’d serve the dessert first and ask their opinion. Then, after they gave me an opinion that was unbiased by the fact that the dessert was healthy (because they didn’t know it was), I’d tell them it was healthy and vegan. They have figured out by now that healthy/vegan desserts can taste delicious, so they’re not suspicious or wary of my desserts anymore :).

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Usually I’ll get the harder-to-find things either in the natural food section of a regular grocery store or at Whole Foods.

      And when I first started making desserts for my friends, I’d serve the dessert first and ask their opinion. Then, after they gave me an opinion that was unbiased by the fact that the dessert was healthy (because they didn’t know it was), I’d tell them it was healthy and vegan. They have figured out by now that healthy/vegan desserts can taste delicious, so they’re not suspicious or wary of my desserts anymore :).

  88. Megan says

    Hi Katie!
    I don’t know if you’ve already posted about this, but where do you typically shop for some of your more “exotic” ingredients that aren’t found in typical grocery stores? Also, I haven’t had the chance to make any of your yummy-looking recipes (darn dorm rooms…I miss my kitchen!), but I was wondering…what do non-vegans think of them? I’m used to non-vegan desserts, and while these all look amazing, some of them just seem too good to be true!

  89. chelsea says

    i’m a new reader–found your blog through pinterest. it’s been fun to read your FAQ pages. i’m also a runner and a vegetarian, quietly easing my way into full vegan. [i have to be sneaky since my husband had a hard enough time getting used to no more meat in the house. ha.] ALSO i lived in japan in high school, in fukuoka. where did you live?

  90. chelsea says

    i’m a new reader–found your blog through pinterest. it’s been fun to read your FAQ pages. i’m also a runner and a vegetarian, quietly easing my way into full vegan. [i have to be sneaky since my husband had a hard enough time getting used to no more meat in the house. ha.] ALSO i lived in japan in high school, in fukuoka. where did you live?

  91. Jen says

    Hi Katie! I recently stumbled upon your blog and I’m so happy I did, it’s wonderful! I’m a vegan and am always looking for great recipes ๐Ÿ™‚ I have a question I hope you can help with…I have a vegan scone recipe that I have been using but it calls for a cup of oil and a cup of sugar, which isn’t too healthy. I want to incorporate canned pumpkin in it but I don’t know how to do that and cut the oil and sugar out as well. I was thinking maybe applesauce too, but I didn’t know if that would ruin the consistency. Any ideas? Thank you!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I never know how a recipe will turn out until I experiment! Seriously, I have done some very bad experiments… I don’t know specific measurements for how something will turn out… I just make it up depending on how I feel lol. As for scones… I’ve never done them, but I really want to try making a recipe for them. Hopefully this winter!!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I never know how a recipe will turn out until I experiment! Seriously, I have done some very bad experiments… I don’t know specific measurements for how something will turn out… I just make it up depending on how I feel lol. As for scones… I’ve never done them, but I really want to try making a recipe for them. Hopefully this winter!!

  92. Jen says

    Hi Katie! I recently stumbled upon your blog and I’m so happy I did, it’s wonderful! I’m a vegan and am always looking for great recipes ๐Ÿ™‚ I have a question I hope you can help with…I have a vegan scone recipe that I have been using but it calls for a cup of oil and a cup of sugar, which isn’t too healthy. I want to incorporate canned pumpkin in it but I don’t know how to do that and cut the oil and sugar out as well. I was thinking maybe applesauce too, but I didn’t know if that would ruin the consistency. Any ideas? Thank you!

  93. Lora Smith says

    Hi, Katie — found your blog and just love it!! You are adorable and I so appreciate all you are doing! I’m a fitness/nutrition coach and will definitely send people to your site for ideas! I lead a bible study focused on cravings/food/wellness….we do a Christmas party each year with other study groups and I told them WE would take care of sweet stuff/desserts and share your healthy recipes with all:) I have a BIG sweet tooth myself so love your alternatives. This morning I made the pumpkin bread in a bowl and it was easy and awesome:) Thanks again!!

  94. Lora Smith says

    Hi, Katie — found your blog and just love it!! You are adorable and I so appreciate all you are doing! I’m a fitness/nutrition coach and will definitely send people to your site for ideas! I lead a bible study focused on cravings/food/wellness….we do a Christmas party each year with other study groups and I told them WE would take care of sweet stuff/desserts and share your healthy recipes with all:) I have a BIG sweet tooth myself so love your alternatives. This morning I made the pumpkin bread in a bowl and it was easy and awesome:) Thanks again!!

  95. Becky says

    Do you have a list of your favorite blogs?
    I just found your blog about a week ago, and I am in love! I have already tired, the pumpkin bread in a bowl, all of your boatmeal, chocolate oatmeal and Im roasting chickpeas now!

    I was just wondering what your fave sites are?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Becky,

      I actually very rarely read other food blogs because of lack of time and also because reading about food and recipes is just not interesting to me lol (I know it sounds weird, because I have a food blog!) When I am online and browsing, is a favorite because it gives me great ideas for photoshoots. My other favorite sites are more artsy and non-food-related.

      • Becky says

        Ill check out food gawker ๐Ÿ™‚
        One other question, I bought the ingredients for your chocolate chip cookie dough dip [the sugar free one] and I bought fresh dates, not dried….do I still need to soak them in water?

      • Becky says

        Ill check out food gawker ๐Ÿ™‚
        One other question, I bought the ingredients for your chocolate chip cookie dough dip [the sugar free one] and I bought fresh dates, not dried….do I still need to soak them in water?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Becky,

      I actually very rarely read other food blogs because of lack of time and also because reading about food and recipes is just not interesting to me lol (I know it sounds weird, because I have a food blog!) When I am online and browsing, is a favorite because it gives me great ideas for photoshoots. My other favorite sites are more artsy and non-food-related.

  96. Becky says

    Do you have a list of your favorite blogs?
    I just found your blog about a week ago, and I am in love! I have already tired, the pumpkin bread in a bowl, all of your boatmeal, chocolate oatmeal and Im roasting chickpeas now!

    I was just wondering what your fave sites are?

  97. Nancy says

    You mention running, but I don’t see that you have done any marathons/5ks. Have you ran any before? The reason I ask is because I am working on training for a 5k and then a 10k in the spring. I used to run track.

  98. Nancy says

    You mention running, but I don’t see that you have done any marathons/5ks. Have you ran any before? The reason I ask is because I am working on training for a 5k and then a 10k in the spring. I used to run track.

  99. Nancy says

    * sorry for the double post in advance…
    You mention running, but I donโ€™t see that you have done any marathons/5ks. Have you ran any before? The reason I ask is because I am working on training for a 5k and then a 10k in the spring. I used to run track and feel I need to have some goals set for getting back in shape.

    I know some people aren’t competitive…I was just curious!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I actually DO want to run a race! I just haven’t gotten around to it… Ideally, I’d love to find a 10-miler. I’m definitely not interested in a marathon, but maybe a 1/2 someday. I am pretty competitive, which is actually one of the reasons I’ve shied away from races. I’m afraid that I’d get too into the competition part. That’s also why I don’t own a Garmin; I’m afraid of feeling let down if I don’t always make a certain time or something… I don’t want to get caught up in times and PRs. But lol I really ought to stop being afraid of failure and just take a risk. (I’m not always good at risk-taking.)

      In any case, good luck with your training!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I actually DO want to run a race! I just haven’t gotten around to it… Ideally, I’d love to find a 10-miler. I’m definitely not interested in a marathon, but maybe a 1/2 someday. I am pretty competitive, which is actually one of the reasons I’ve shied away from races. I’m afraid that I’d get too into the competition part. That’s also why I don’t own a Garmin; I’m afraid of feeling let down if I don’t always make a certain time or something… I don’t want to get caught up in times and PRs. But lol I really ought to stop being afraid of failure and just take a risk. (I’m not always good at risk-taking.)

      In any case, good luck with your training!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  100. Nancy says

    * sorry for the double post in advance…
    You mention running, but I donโ€™t see that you have done any marathons/5ks. Have you ran any before? The reason I ask is because I am working on training for a 5k and then a 10k in the spring. I used to run track and feel I need to have some goals set for getting back in shape.

    I know some people aren’t competitive…I was just curious!

  101. Laura says

    Ha! It’s strange to me how you find running to be fun, when I think weight-lifting is incredibly enjoyable. I can’t *stand* to do straight cardio for miles and miles, even if it’s an elliptical machine. Weight lifting is nice because you only do a few reps of one exercise, and move on to the next. It’s also nice to feel sore muscles every now and then to know they’re growing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  102. Laura says

    Ha! It’s strange to me how you find running to be fun, when I think weight-lifting is incredibly enjoyable. I can’t *stand* to do straight cardio for miles and miles, even if it’s an elliptical machine. Weight lifting is nice because you only do a few reps of one exercise, and move on to the next. It’s also nice to feel sore muscles every now and then to know they’re growing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  103. Victoria says

    Hi Katie. I have been following you and your uber-amazing recipes for a while now. Last year I tried to make as many desserts as I could (LOVE the deep dish cookie), but I now have the sad problem of living in a dorm room. Is there an easy dorm room friendly (aka mini fridge and microwave) recipe that you could suggest please?

  104. Victoria says

    Hi Katie. I have been following you and your uber-amazing recipes for a while now. Last year I tried to make as many desserts as I could (LOVE the deep dish cookie), but I now have the sad problem of living in a dorm room. Is there an easy dorm room friendly (aka mini fridge and microwave) recipe that you could suggest please?

  105. Kit-Kat says

    Do you like to use coconut butter over coconut oil? I don’t even know what the difference is. My mom just bought a jar of the oil…..Just wondering!

  106. Kit-Kat says

    Do you like to use coconut butter over coconut oil? I don’t even know what the difference is. My mom just bought a jar of the oil…..Just wondering!

  107. Kay says

    Hi- just a note that the only way to gain weight isn’t through eating junk food. I wouldn’t have asked if you are trying to gain weight why don’t you eat more cake, I’d ask why you don’t just eat more healthy foods and good things for your body like protein and healthy fats (and why you seem to focus on low sugar items when a little bit of sugar is not a bad thing for your body). An important concept for people recovering from ED or those that just need to maintain healthy weights is that gaining weight or getting up to a healthy weight doesn’t mean you have to eat lots of junk, so I think that FAQ you have there is a little misleading…. something to think about.
    Great photos, though!

  108. Kay says

    Hi- just a note that the only way to gain weight isn’t through eating junk food. I wouldn’t have asked if you are trying to gain weight why don’t you eat more cake, I’d ask why you don’t just eat more healthy foods and good things for your body like protein and healthy fats (and why you seem to focus on low sugar items when a little bit of sugar is not a bad thing for your body). An important concept for people recovering from ED or those that just need to maintain healthy weights is that gaining weight or getting up to a healthy weight doesn’t mean you have to eat lots of junk, so I think that FAQ you have there is a little misleading…. something to think about.
    Great photos, though!

  109. Maria Carolina says

    Katie, you have an amazing blog! I have had so much fun reading your posts and making your recipes! You inspire me so much. I would so love to follow a vegan lifestyle but I still live with my parents and they do not support me at all. I love that your recipes are so good yet guilt-free. After going through to years of depriving myself I am finally rediscovering the joy of food–especially healthy food.

  110. Maria Carolina says

    Katie, you have an amazing blog! I have had so much fun reading your posts and making your recipes! You inspire me so much. I would so love to follow a vegan lifestyle but I still live with my parents and they do not support me at all. I love that your recipes are so good yet guilt-free. After going through to years of depriving myself I am finally rediscovering the joy of food–especially healthy food.

  111. Laura says

    When you use maple syrup in a recipe, would I be correct in assuming that you mean real maple syrup rather than Aunt Jemimas?

  112. Laura says

    When you use maple syrup in a recipe, would I be correct in assuming that you mean real maple syrup rather than Aunt Jemimas?

  113. Liz says

    The link to your transition to veganism post isn’t working and I’m curious to read about it, since we are transitioning in our house. We recently watched “Forks Over Knives” and it made quite an impression, as did the book “The China Study.”

    Thank you for your recipes–we make the chocolate chip blondies about once a week, and we just had the buttery berry crumble bars–SO tasty.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      That’s weird… I just clicked on it, and it’s working for me :-?. Can you try it again? Maybe it was a temporary glitch?

      If it still doesn’t work, can you tell me what message you’re getting? Is it an error message, or just a blank screen? Sorry, I don’t know much about technology and don’t understand what could be wrong!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      That’s weird… I just clicked on it, and it’s working for me :-?. Can you try it again? Maybe it was a temporary glitch?

      If it still doesn’t work, can you tell me what message you’re getting? Is it an error message, or just a blank screen? Sorry, I don’t know much about technology and don’t understand what could be wrong!

  114. Liz says

    The link to your transition to veganism post isn’t working and I’m curious to read about it, since we are transitioning in our house. We recently watched “Forks Over Knives” and it made quite an impression, as did the book “The China Study.”

    Thank you for your recipes–we make the chocolate chip blondies about once a week, and we just had the buttery berry crumble bars–SO tasty.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Haha yeah, has a funny sense of humor… or, I guess the people who run wordpress have a funny sense of humor.

      I’m really glad it’s working! If you ever come across another link that doesn’t, please do let me know. I am always grateful when people tell me something isn’t working, because that way I know to fix it :).

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Haha yeah, has a funny sense of humor… or, I guess the people who run wordpress have a funny sense of humor.

      I’m really glad it’s working! If you ever come across another link that doesn’t, please do let me know. I am always grateful when people tell me something isn’t working, because that way I know to fix it :).

  115. muffin says

    What is non dairy milk and where do you find it? I use almond milk so I thought maybe that was what you meant. Thanks…love the recipes….hoping to try a few today.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi muffin,
      I answered you the first time you asked this (on the flourless cookie page), but here’s my answer again: โ€œNondairy milkโ€ just means whatever type you want to use. I really like almond milk (almond breeze or Silk), but soymilk will work too. I find it at the regular grocery store, either in the natural food section or you can usually find Silk in the dairy case.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi muffin,
      I answered you the first time you asked this (on the flourless cookie page), but here’s my answer again: โ€œNondairy milkโ€ just means whatever type you want to use. I really like almond milk (almond breeze or Silk), but soymilk will work too. I find it at the regular grocery store, either in the natural food section or you can usually find Silk in the dairy case.

  116. muffin says

    What is non dairy milk and where do you find it? I use almond milk so I thought maybe that was what you meant. Thanks…love the recipes….hoping to try a few today.

  117. CarmenBerkey says

    Hi Katie! I love love love your page!! So do my kids! ๐Ÿ™‚ I was wondering if you ever would be able to make a grocery page? It would help me to have a list of typical or essential items you have on hand all the time to make your treats. I am new to this version of eating so I need all the help I can get. A grocery list would be awesome! Thanks so much! Keep up the awesome blog!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Carmen Berkey, Dubuque, Iowa

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I am working on one… but I just like so many specific products (and it changes, depending on my mood and the recipe I’m making) that it’s overwhelming! But if you ever want a specific recommendation, feel free to ask what I specifically have used for a certain recipe :).

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I am working on one… but I just like so many specific products (and it changes, depending on my mood and the recipe I’m making) that it’s overwhelming! But if you ever want a specific recommendation, feel free to ask what I specifically have used for a certain recipe :).

  118. CarmenBerkey says

    Hi Katie! I love love love your page!! So do my kids! ๐Ÿ™‚ I was wondering if you ever would be able to make a grocery page? It would help me to have a list of typical or essential items you have on hand all the time to make your treats. I am new to this version of eating so I need all the help I can get. A grocery list would be awesome! Thanks so much! Keep up the awesome blog!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Carmen Berkey, Dubuque, Iowa

  119. catalinamaya says

    Hi, Katie!

    I just have a few quick questions for you!
    1. Do you have a Southern accent – or an accent from any of the places you’ve lived in?
    2. Is your family British or American? (I’m a Brit myself living in America with my family)
    3. I’ve been reading a few posts, and I’ve noticed that you have a very diverse vocabulary and an excellent writing style. As a sophomore in High School, can you give me any tips to improve my vocabulary and writing? (I know that sounds kind of strange, but one of my great pleasures in life is reading well written works!)


    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Haha no, no southern accent… although I do say “y’all” :). My family is American. I was born in London, but I left when I was very little (i.e. not even a year old!).

      As for vocab, here’s nerdy for ya: when I was a senior in high school, I was so intrigued by language and vocab that I bought a little (notecard-sized) spiral and wrote about six words on the front, with definitions on the back. Then I’d quiz myself, have others quiz me, and try to use the words in sentences.

      I gave the notebook to a friend when he was studying for the SATs, and he lost it :(. I really should make another one!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Haha no, no southern accent… although I do say “y’all” :). My family is American. I was born in London, but I left when I was very little (i.e. not even a year old!).

      As for vocab, here’s nerdy for ya: when I was a senior in high school, I was so intrigued by language and vocab that I bought a little (notecard-sized) spiral and wrote about six words on the front, with definitions on the back. Then I’d quiz myself, have others quiz me, and try to use the words in sentences.

      I gave the notebook to a friend when he was studying for the SATs, and he lost it :(. I really should make another one!

  120. catalinamaya says

    Hi, Katie!

    I just have a few quick questions for you!
    1. Do you have a Southern accent – or an accent from any of the places you’ve lived in?
    2. Is your family British or American? (I’m a Brit myself living in America with my family)
    3. I’ve been reading a few posts, and I’ve noticed that you have a very diverse vocabulary and an excellent writing style. As a sophomore in High School, can you give me any tips to improve my vocabulary and writing? (I know that sounds kind of strange, but one of my great pleasures in life is reading well written works!)


  121. Aaliya says

    am new here…cant wait to try one of them….looks so chocoholic…..i used to be an okay size but now after 2 kids…with 20 kgs to lose am so desperate…i just cant resist sweety things….hope this site will help to healthy eating

  122. Aaliya says

    am new here…cant wait to try one of them….looks so chocoholic…..i used to be an okay size but now after 2 kids…with 20 kgs to lose am so desperate…i just cant resist sweety things….hope this site will help to healthy eating

  123. Allison Petro says

    Hi Katie! I’m a new follower–found you on pinterest–LOVE your recipes, your rescue doggie, and your attitude toward life–so fun! I’m a runner, health conscious, dessert loving, and an animal lover and advocate too. Thanks for doing this blog! I’ve tried a couple recipes already, and they are delish. Do you think you could make the Starbucks salted caramel mocha in a vegan and/or low fat option?

  124. Allison Petro says

    Hi Katie! I’m a new follower–found you on pinterest–LOVE your recipes, your rescue doggie, and your attitude toward life–so fun! I’m a runner, health conscious, dessert loving, and an animal lover and advocate too. Thanks for doing this blog! I’ve tried a couple recipes already, and they are delish. Do you think you could make the Starbucks salted caramel mocha in a vegan and/or low fat option?

  125. Chloe says

    Hi Katie, I Love your blogs and recipes! I was wondering how you maintain your body if you run on pavement on a weekly basis. (stretching etc.)
    I love running, but I find myself on a treadmill a lot of the time because the pavement can be a bit hard on my joints.


    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Chloe!

      I actually rarely ever run on pavement… maybe only every four times out or so? I’m lucky to live where there’s a lot of grass, so I run on the grass (next to the sidewalk, not on peoples’ lawns lol). I don’t have knee problems, but I don’t want them.

      As for stretching… I have to admit that I pretty much don’t do it at all. Bad, I know!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Chloe!

      I actually rarely ever run on pavement… maybe only every four times out or so? I’m lucky to live where there’s a lot of grass, so I run on the grass (next to the sidewalk, not on peoples’ lawns lol). I don’t have knee problems, but I don’t want them.

      As for stretching… I have to admit that I pretty much don’t do it at all. Bad, I know!

    • Lara says

      Try Sage Yoga Training podcasts by Sage Roundtree. She is a runner-yogini who focuses on yoga for athletes, so it’s basically great stretching for people who aren’t “into” yoga. I think she has a book, too.

    • Lara says

      Try Sage Yoga Training podcasts by Sage Roundtree. She is a runner-yogini who focuses on yoga for athletes, so it’s basically great stretching for people who aren’t “into” yoga. I think she has a book, too.

  126. Chloe says

    Hi Katie, I Love your blogs and recipes! I was wondering how you maintain your body if you run on pavement on a weekly basis. (stretching etc.)
    I love running, but I find myself on a treadmill a lot of the time because the pavement can be a bit hard on my joints.


  127. Jade C says

    Hi Katie,

    Having read your blog and visiting your site quite a few times, I have to say, I am very impressed!!
    I realise that you don’t weigh yourself regularly but, please could you tell me ((when you do weigh)) how much you do weigh?? I sem to have the same problem as you – can’t gain weight, but for me it’s apparently becoming dangerous. I have tried going crazy-eat-everything-in-sight about it.. and it makes me feel so terrible.
    If you weigh around the same as I do I will probably feel a bit better, as you can seemingly deal with it quite well.

    Please reply ((on my site, if you like))!!

    ((P.S. – I know it’s got nothing on it. My make-do site is a work-in-progress as of yet. I do have quite a few recipes and pics to upload soon’s just getting round to it!!))

  128. Jade C says

    Hi Katie,

    Having read your blog and visiting your site quite a few times, I have to say, I am very impressed!!
    I realise that you don’t weigh yourself regularly but, please could you tell me ((when you do weigh)) how much you do weigh?? I sem to have the same problem as you – can’t gain weight, but for me it’s apparently becoming dangerous. I have tried going crazy-eat-everything-in-sight about it.. and it makes me feel so terrible.
    If you weigh around the same as I do I will probably feel a bit better, as you can seemingly deal with it quite well.

    Please reply ((on my site, if you like))!!

    ((P.S. – I know it’s got nothing on it. My make-do site is a work-in-progress as of yet. I do have quite a few recipes and pics to upload soon’s just getting round to it!!))

  129. Lauriene says

    Hi Katie!
    I know it’s still only Halloween, and I know you’ve touched on this kind of idea before, but this is my first Thanksgiving as a vegan (not just vegetarian). I know there are some items that my family prepares that are vegan (and I’m super excited for those), but the thing I’m going to miss most is my mom’s mashed potatoes with turkey gravy. Mmmm. Anyway, she uses butter, milk and powdered milk in her potatoes, and while I know that all those products are available in a vegan form, I know that she’s not going to want to make them differently (picky family!) so I figured I’d make my own version. Do you have any healthier ideas for mashed potatoes that are maybe a smaller portion? Thanks!!

  130. Lauriene says

    Hi Katie!
    I know it’s still only Halloween, and I know you’ve touched on this kind of idea before, but this is my first Thanksgiving as a vegan (not just vegetarian). I know there are some items that my family prepares that are vegan (and I’m super excited for those), but the thing I’m going to miss most is my mom’s mashed potatoes with turkey gravy. Mmmm. Anyway, she uses butter, milk and powdered milk in her potatoes, and while I know that all those products are available in a vegan form, I know that she’s not going to want to make them differently (picky family!) so I figured I’d make my own version. Do you have any healthier ideas for mashed potatoes that are maybe a smaller portion? Thanks!!

  131. Gerri says

    Hi Katie, I recently discovered your Blog and am dying to try your recipes. I am new to this lifestyle and am still in “transition”. I have ordered a Vita Mix and cannot wait to use it to it’s full potential. I would be interested to know if you ever use Coconut Flour or Coconut Milk (such as Silk Coconut Milk) in your recipes? I have not read them all but so far I have not seen them. I know that I definitely want to stay away from White Flour. Which flour do you feel is the most versatile? I would love to see your regular recipes as well. Not deserts I mean. Lastly, do you have any plans to have a searchable Blog. I found that on a couple other Blogs and it was most helpful. Keep up the good work and thank you for showing me that I don’t have to feel deprived in this new lifestyle choice. You Rock!

  132. Gerri says

    Hi Katie, I recently discovered your Blog and am dying to try your recipes. I am new to this lifestyle and am still in “transition”. I have ordered a Vita Mix and cannot wait to use it to it’s full potential. I would be interested to know if you ever use Coconut Flour or Coconut Milk (such as Silk Coconut Milk) in your recipes? I have not read them all but so far I have not seen them. I know that I definitely want to stay away from White Flour. Which flour do you feel is the most versatile? I would love to see your regular recipes as well. Not deserts I mean. Lastly, do you have any plans to have a searchable Blog. I found that on a couple other Blogs and it was most helpful. Keep up the good work and thank you for showing me that I don’t have to feel deprived in this new lifestyle choice. You Rock!

  133. Tracey Bolton says

    Hi Katie,
    I am not sure if you have already answered this, but what kinds of chocolate chips do you like to use? I haven’t found a great vegan chocolate chip yet so would love to hear your thoughts!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Tracey!

      Usually Iโ€™ll buy whatever vegan brand is cheapest, including: Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet (the ones in the gold package), Enjoy Life, Whole Foods brand, Sunspire, some generic brands, Divvies, etc. Or, I sometimes even use Ghirardelli 100% baking discs or broken up chocolate bars (in different flavors), just for fun.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Tracey!

      Usually Iโ€™ll buy whatever vegan brand is cheapest, including: Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet (the ones in the gold package), Enjoy Life, Whole Foods brand, Sunspire, some generic brands, Divvies, etc. Or, I sometimes even use Ghirardelli 100% baking discs or broken up chocolate bars (in different flavors), just for fun.

  134. Tracey Bolton says

    Hi Katie,
    I am not sure if you have already answered this, but what kinds of chocolate chips do you like to use? I haven’t found a great vegan chocolate chip yet so would love to hear your thoughts!

  135. Benedicte Borchgrevink says

    Hey Katie!

    What a great blog:)

    As a celiac and on my way to become fulltimevegan, this blog is amazing for me!
    But I have a question!
    Where do you get all your chocolate from? Because it doesnt spceifically say in the recipes that they are vegan? Do you buy them online, and if so, are there any brands you can recommend?

    Thanks in advance,
    Best regards

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Usually Iโ€™ll buy whatever vegan brand is cheapest, including: Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet (the ones in the gold package), Enjoy Life, Whole Foods brand, Sunspire, some generic brands, Divvies, etc. Or, I sometimes even use Ghirardelli 100% baking discs or broken up chocolate bars (in different flavors), just for fun.

      I find them at all different grocery stores: Whole Foods, Kroger, Market Street, Sprouts, etc.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Usually Iโ€™ll buy whatever vegan brand is cheapest, including: Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet (the ones in the gold package), Enjoy Life, Whole Foods brand, Sunspire, some generic brands, Divvies, etc. Or, I sometimes even use Ghirardelli 100% baking discs or broken up chocolate bars (in different flavors), just for fun.

      I find them at all different grocery stores: Whole Foods, Kroger, Market Street, Sprouts, etc.

  136. Benedicte Borchgrevink says

    Hey Katie!

    What a great blog:)

    As a celiac and on my way to become fulltimevegan, this blog is amazing for me!
    But I have a question!
    Where do you get all your chocolate from? Because it doesnt spceifically say in the recipes that they are vegan? Do you buy them online, and if so, are there any brands you can recommend?

    Thanks in advance,
    Best regards

  137. VegAlexandra says

    I enjoy your new recipe page and other organizations, but ever since you’ve re-organized the blog I’ve had a difficult time finding your blog roll! D:

    Please help ๐Ÿ™‚

  138. VegAlexandra says

    I enjoy your new recipe page and other organizations, but ever since you’ve re-organized the blog I’ve had a difficult time finding your blog roll! D:

    Please help ๐Ÿ™‚

  139. jenna says

    Do you ever bake with almond or cocunut flour? I just recently heard about them as a low carb option to white/wheat flour, but I’m not sure how to use them in recipes.

  140. jenna says

    Do you ever bake with almond or cocunut flour? I just recently heard about them as a low carb option to white/wheat flour, but I’m not sure how to use them in recipes.

  141. Amy says

    I sent the pumpkin chocolate chip pizookie to my twins school as their birthday treat and it was a hit (of course). The teachers were grateful for a healthy snack. Thank you for your incredible recipes!

  142. Amy says

    I sent the pumpkin chocolate chip pizookie to my twins school as their birthday treat and it was a hit (of course). The teachers were grateful for a healthy snack. Thank you for your incredible recipes!

  143. Molly says

    Hi Katie! I’m Molly from, and I absolutely love your site! I’ve been an avid reader for a few months now and I think you are one of the sweetest girls on the internet. I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing a guest blog post on my site, I’m sure my readers would be really interested in meeting you and hearing what you have to say! You can email me if you’re interested.

  144. Molly says

    Hi Katie! I’m Molly from, and I absolutely love your site! I’ve been an avid reader for a few months now and I think you are one of the sweetest girls on the internet. I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing a guest blog post on my site, I’m sure my readers would be really interested in meeting you and hearing what you have to say! You can email me if you’re interested.

  145. Bria says

    Many of your recipes call for chocolate chips…i’m on a dairy (and soy) free diet. do you have to buy special chocolate chips? what do you recommend?

  146. Bria says

    Many of your recipes call for chocolate chips…i’m on a dairy (and soy) free diet. do you have to buy special chocolate chips? what do you recommend?

  147. Tory Nolan says

    Hey Katie,
    I’m in charge of the thanksgiving meal and this is my families first year being vegan. What kind of foods do you usually have for thanksgiving? I need ideas and recipes! (:


      • Anonymous says

        Thank you, that link helped a lot. Great ideas!

        Both dishes and desserts. We have about 40 people that are coming over for thanksgiving and only about 5 of us are vegan. But nobody, besides the other vegans, are supportive. So needless to say, I wont be getting help from them. And my mom and aunt, who are vegans wont be getting in until the wednesday before so they won’t be able to help either.

        My goal is to not only have yummy food for me, but also to blow everybody’s socks off with how delicious it can be! ๐Ÿ˜€

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          I’m hopefully going to get some posts up with Thanksgiving ideas. Last year I did my bread-free vegan stuffing, and it was a huge hit.
          As for desserts, the deep-dish cookie pie (or pumpkin pizookie) is always a big hit, as is the chocolate bar pie. Or the pumpkin cream cheese bars.

          Good luck!!

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          I’m hopefully going to get some posts up with Thanksgiving ideas. Last year I did my bread-free vegan stuffing, and it was a huge hit.
          As for desserts, the deep-dish cookie pie (or pumpkin pizookie) is always a big hit, as is the chocolate bar pie. Or the pumpkin cream cheese bars.

          Good luck!!

      • Anonymous says

        Thank you, that link helped a lot. Great ideas!

        Both dishes and desserts. We have about 40 people that are coming over for thanksgiving and only about 5 of us are vegan. But nobody, besides the other vegans, are supportive. So needless to say, I wont be getting help from them. And my mom and aunt, who are vegans wont be getting in until the wednesday before so they won’t be able to help either.

        My goal is to not only have yummy food for me, but also to blow everybody’s socks off with how delicious it can be! ๐Ÿ˜€

  148. Tory Nolan says

    Hey Katie,
    I’m in charge of the thanksgiving meal and this is my families first year being vegan. What kind of foods do you usually have for thanksgiving? I need ideas and recipes! (:


  149. anon says

    Katie, I have a question for you. How can you eat chocolate chips and other forms of chocolate if you are a vegan? Don’t they contain animal fat/cow’s milk?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hehe I also used to think vegans couldn’t eat chocolate! But thank goodness it’s not true!! There are many, many brands of vegan chocolate chips, chocolate bars, and products with vegan chocolate. For chips, I usually buy whatever vegan brand is cheapest, including: Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet (the ones in the gold package), Enjoy Life, Whole Foods brand, Sunspire, some generic brands, Divvies, etc. Or, I sometimes even use Ghirardelli 100% baking discs or broken up chocolate bars (in different flavors), just for fun. For example, I usually use Endangered Species chocolate bars (either the 88% or the chocolate-raspberry, or a combination) for this chocolate bar pie recipe:

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hehe I also used to think vegans couldn’t eat chocolate! But thank goodness it’s not true!! There are many, many brands of vegan chocolate chips, chocolate bars, and products with vegan chocolate. For chips, I usually buy whatever vegan brand is cheapest, including: Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet (the ones in the gold package), Enjoy Life, Whole Foods brand, Sunspire, some generic brands, Divvies, etc. Or, I sometimes even use Ghirardelli 100% baking discs or broken up chocolate bars (in different flavors), just for fun. For example, I usually use Endangered Species chocolate bars (either the 88% or the chocolate-raspberry, or a combination) for this chocolate bar pie recipe:

  150. anon says

    Katie, I have a question for you. How can you eat chocolate chips and other forms of chocolate if you are a vegan? Don’t they contain animal fat/cow’s milk?

  151. Anonymous says

    I love your blog and all the amazing (healthy) recipes you have. Although I haven’t met you, I feel like I know you a little, and you seem like a BEAUTIFUL person on the inside and out (you are gorgeous btw). I made your cookie dough dip… I feel like I may have died and gone to heaven! There was no dipping going on haha I went for it straight with a spoon and didn’t come up for air until it was finished!

    Love your site!

  152. Anonymous says

    I love your blog and all the amazing (healthy) recipes you have. Although I haven’t met you, I feel like I know you a little, and you seem like a BEAUTIFUL person on the inside and out (you are gorgeous btw). I made your cookie dough dip… I feel like I may have died and gone to heaven! There was no dipping going on haha I went for it straight with a spoon and didn’t come up for air until it was finished!

    Love your site!

  153. Elle says

    I am signed up to receive your posts by email, but every once in a while one gets missed. Has anyone else told you this? I wonder if I should unsubscribe and the subscribe again?

  154. Elle says

    I am signed up to receive your posts by email, but every once in a while one gets missed. Has anyone else told you this? I wonder if I should unsubscribe and the subscribe again?

  155. Britta says

    Greetings! I am new to your blog and can’t tell you how anxious I am to try some of your recipes. I am curious as to how to make some of my favorite recipes as sugar free as possible. I am wondering what the ratio is to substitute dates for sugar in recipes. For example, if a recipe calls for 3/4 cup each of brown and white sugar, how might I go about using dates in that recipe? Your input is so appreciated!

  156. Britta says

    Greetings! I am new to your blog and can’t tell you how anxious I am to try some of your recipes. I am curious as to how to make some of my favorite recipes as sugar free as possible. I am wondering what the ratio is to substitute dates for sugar in recipes. For example, if a recipe calls for 3/4 cup each of brown and white sugar, how might I go about using dates in that recipe? Your input is so appreciated!

  157. Carla says

    Your blog is amazing!!!! I can’t do processed sugars and I am having a yummy time trying out all your recipes! Thank you for putting this together and sharing.

    • catalinamaya says

      Same here; my body simply cannot let processed – granulated or brown -sugars through my system without having mild to serve headaches and fever-like symptoms!

      My dad slipped a few teaspoons of brown sugar in my pancakes this morning without my cognizance, and boy, did I suffer! ๐Ÿ™

    • catalinamaya says

      Same here; my body simply cannot let processed – granulated or brown -sugars through my system without having mild to serve headaches and fever-like symptoms!

      My dad slipped a few teaspoons of brown sugar in my pancakes this morning without my cognizance, and boy, did I suffer! ๐Ÿ™

  158. Carla says

    Your blog is amazing!!!! I can’t do processed sugars and I am having a yummy time trying out all your recipes! Thank you for putting this together and sharing.

  159. Anonymous says

    My girlfriend has an addiction to your blog. I will come home from work, or out of the shower, or from the studio and there she is drooling at the Chocolate Covered Katie page. I eventually got sucked in, I dont have much of a sweet tooth myself but the pumpkin recipes I enjoy! As I am a closet star trek nerd, and was watching an episode while SHE was at work, I saw this and HAD to take out this clip to share with you. (I hope the embedding works- if not catch the clip here: )
    Hope you like it!
    — mike

  160. Anonymous says

    My girlfriend has an addiction to your blog. I will come home from work, or out of the shower, or from the studio and there she is drooling at the Chocolate Covered Katie page. I eventually got sucked in, I dont have much of a sweet tooth myself but the pumpkin recipes I enjoy! As I am a closet star trek nerd, and was watching an episode while SHE was at work, I saw this and HAD to take out this clip to share with you. (I hope the embedding works- if not catch the clip here: )
    Hope you like it!
    — mike

  161. *izabela* says

    Dear Katie,
    I have millions of questions; I would like only 1 answered. This may have been repeated, so please don’t get mad with me. So here’s my question: Do you have a boyfriend? I know what you are thinking “ewww! What’s wrong with this person?!” Its my question….and you don’t HAVE to answer it.
    Your blogger,

  162. *izabela* says

    Dear Katie,
    I have millions of questions; I would like only 1 answered. This may have been repeated, so please don’t get mad with me. So here’s my question: Do you have a boyfriend? I know what you are thinking “ewww! What’s wrong with this person?!” Its my question….and you don’t HAVE to answer it.
    Your blogger,

  163. Amanda says


    I can’t remember/find a recipe you had using canned coconut milk. Can you reply with a link for me? Thanks so much!

  164. Amanda says


    I can’t remember/find a recipe you had using canned coconut milk. Can you reply with a link for me? Thanks so much!

  165. Jade C says

    Heyy, I just noticed, on your question:
    ” What foods should I have on hand to make your recipes? ”
    You appear to have missed a very obvious ingredient!! Chocolate-Covered Katie, how on Earth could you ever forget CHOCOLATE!!??
    I am shocked!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      LOL oops! Well of course chocolate… but there are just too many forms to list them all. Chocolate chips, chocolate peanut butter spread, cocoa powder, chocolate bars, baking chocolate… oh darn it, Jade, now you’ve made me hungry!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      LOL oops! Well of course chocolate… but there are just too many forms to list them all. Chocolate chips, chocolate peanut butter spread, cocoa powder, chocolate bars, baking chocolate… oh darn it, Jade, now you’ve made me hungry!

  166. Jade C says

    Heyy, I just noticed, on your question:
    ” What foods should I have on hand to make your recipes? ”
    You appear to have missed a very obvious ingredient!! Chocolate-Covered Katie, how on Earth could you ever forget CHOCOLATE!!??
    I am shocked!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

  167. Janelle Kenyon says

    Hi Katie,
    So I originally saw your wonderful recipe for Pumpkin Bread in a Bowl on Pinterest and I looked at the recipe and was immediately excited about trying it, the whole idea is great and I am drooling just thinking about how it will taste. I am a pastry chef and I love that what you’re doing. As well I’m going to subscribe to your blog!! It is so great to see someone making such a great idea become reality, I really strive to only use natural ingredients in my desserts and I love that you are coming up with healthy recipes and sharing them online!!

  168. Janelle Kenyon says

    Hi Katie,
    So I originally saw your wonderful recipe for Pumpkin Bread in a Bowl on Pinterest and I looked at the recipe and was immediately excited about trying it, the whole idea is great and I am drooling just thinking about how it will taste. I am a pastry chef and I love that what you’re doing. As well I’m going to subscribe to your blog!! It is so great to see someone making such a great idea become reality, I really strive to only use natural ingredients in my desserts and I love that you are coming up with healthy recipes and sharing them online!!

  169. Natalie says

    Hi, Katie! I’ve been a fan of your blog for a few months now, and oddly enough moved to the Dallas area one month ago. Weird, right? Well anywho, I just wanted to say THANK YOU, because your blog is making the transition from omnivore to vegetarian to vegan MUCH easier. Also, I think I saw you tonight (11/20) at Outback in Arlington. I didn’t think it was you because, well, it’s an Outback Steakhouse. Not trying to be offensive! Out of curiosity, was it you? If not, you have a serious doppleganger!

    Cheers and thanks again!

    Natalie C.

  170. Natalie says

    Hi, Katie! I’ve been a fan of your blog for a few months now, and oddly enough moved to the Dallas area one month ago. Weird, right? Well anywho, I just wanted to say THANK YOU, because your blog is making the transition from omnivore to vegetarian to vegan MUCH easier. Also, I think I saw you tonight (11/20) at Outback in Arlington. I didn’t think it was you because, well, it’s an Outback Steakhouse. Not trying to be offensive! Out of curiosity, was it you? If not, you have a serious doppleganger!

    Cheers and thanks again!

    Natalie C.

  171. Amanda says

    Hi Katie,

    I know I’ve told you this before, but your chocolate chip blondies are my favorite snack EVER. My daughter and I make at least 2 batches (each batch is 3x’s what your recipe calls for) each week. I’ve been wanting to try them with nuts so I finally included almonds (ground) in my most recent batch. And they are super awesome! I think walnuts would be great too.

    Also, I’ve finally taken the time to try Pumpkin cheese cake bars and Baked pumpkin oatmeal and they are also excellent. I love your recipes because A) they are extremely easy to make, B) they are inexpensive (one can of chickpeas is the most expensive part of the blondie recipe and that’s just 1.17; or my can of pumpkin made a 4x batch of pumpkin bars plus a 4x batch of baked oatmeal and that’s just 2.29) and c) of course, they are super yummy!

    Keep up the great work! My daughter and I are huge fans.


  172. Amanda says

    Hi Katie,

    I know I’ve told you this before, but your chocolate chip blondies are my favorite snack EVER. My daughter and I make at least 2 batches (each batch is 3x’s what your recipe calls for) each week. I’ve been wanting to try them with nuts so I finally included almonds (ground) in my most recent batch. And they are super awesome! I think walnuts would be great too.

    Also, I’ve finally taken the time to try Pumpkin cheese cake bars and Baked pumpkin oatmeal and they are also excellent. I love your recipes because A) they are extremely easy to make, B) they are inexpensive (one can of chickpeas is the most expensive part of the blondie recipe and that’s just 1.17; or my can of pumpkin made a 4x batch of pumpkin bars plus a 4x batch of baked oatmeal and that’s just 2.29) and c) of course, they are super yummy!

    Keep up the great work! My daughter and I are huge fans.


  173. Mary says

    Hi, can I ask a question about leaving a comment? I left a comment on a recipe (just telling how awesome it looked!) and I checked the box below for followup comments….is there a way to undo that? My inbox is being bombarded by comments. I hope that doesn’t make me sound like a jerk, it’s just overwhelming having so many emails!
    Thanks in advance for your help! And thanks for all the yummy recipes! I haven’t tried too many yet but the ones that I have were delicious!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Mary,

      I am sorry to say I don’t have any clue how to fix it. It happened once before to someone, and I tried to help but searched and searched and couldn’t figure anything out. I know itโ€™s going to sound strange, coming from someone who runs a blog, but I am not tech-savvy at all!

      But I think it’s something YOU have to do, not something I can help with. The other girl found an “unsubscribe” link at the end of the emails and that helped her.

      Good luck! And sorry I can’t be more helpful!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Mary,

      I am sorry to say I don’t have any clue how to fix it. It happened once before to someone, and I tried to help but searched and searched and couldn’t figure anything out. I know itโ€™s going to sound strange, coming from someone who runs a blog, but I am not tech-savvy at all!

      But I think it’s something YOU have to do, not something I can help with. The other girl found an “unsubscribe” link at the end of the emails and that helped her.

      Good luck! And sorry I can’t be more helpful!

  174. Mary says

    Hi, can I ask a question about leaving a comment? I left a comment on a recipe (just telling how awesome it looked!) and I checked the box below for followup comments….is there a way to undo that? My inbox is being bombarded by comments. I hope that doesn’t make me sound like a jerk, it’s just overwhelming having so many emails!
    Thanks in advance for your help! And thanks for all the yummy recipes! I haven’t tried too many yet but the ones that I have were delicious!

  175. Hannah says

    Brilliant website! And so many genius inventions! You know you have to publish a book, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    One question (I checked your FAQ page but it wasn’t there!): The chocolate chips you use.. are they dairy free? Are they special? Health food shop only type thing?

    Thanks so much!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Aww thanks, Hannah! Yes, I definitely am planning to get a cookbook out someday :).

      As for chocolate chips, I usually just buy what’s vegan and available. Brands include: Ghirardelli semi-sweet (which I can find at a regular grocery store), Enjoy Life, Whole Foods brand, Woodstock Farms, etc.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Aww thanks, Hannah! Yes, I definitely am planning to get a cookbook out someday :).

      As for chocolate chips, I usually just buy what’s vegan and available. Brands include: Ghirardelli semi-sweet (which I can find at a regular grocery store), Enjoy Life, Whole Foods brand, Woodstock Farms, etc.

  176. Hannah says

    Brilliant website! And so many genius inventions! You know you have to publish a book, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    One question (I checked your FAQ page but it wasn’t there!): The chocolate chips you use.. are they dairy free? Are they special? Health food shop only type thing?

    Thanks so much!

  177. Kathleen says

    I really would like to try your no-bake pumpkin pie, but I can’t tell from the recipe if you put the chocolate in with the pumpkin as well as drizzling it on top, or just drizzle it on top. Thanks!!

  178. Kathleen says

    I really would like to try your no-bake pumpkin pie, but I can’t tell from the recipe if you put the chocolate in with the pumpkin as well as drizzling it on top, or just drizzle it on top. Thanks!!

  179. Dana says

    Hi Katie!

    Sorry in advance for a long post!

    I really love your blog (so far I’ve only made the deep dish cookie pie, which was AMAZING and fooled a bunch of hard-core carnivores). I was reading your diet/food story and it sounded strikingly familiar. I have kind of a complex struggle going on with my diet and I would love your opinion!

    For the last few years I was living in California, and I had been a kind of wishy-washy almost vegetarian (more recently almost vegan, I still couldn’t give up fancy cheeses haha). I’ve never really been overweight, and I found I got very thin, even though I was eating what seemed like a lot to me. It didn’t really bother me too much, because I wasn’t getting dangerously thin or anything.

    Recently I moved to New Zealand, and will be here for the next year. I had planned on being completely vegan, but everyone here is so carnivorous! And they drink tons of milk! In CA it was economically efficient to be vegan, but here it seems cheaper to just eat meat. Soymilk and nuts are very expensive. Many of the foods I used to turn to in order to meet my calorie needs are unavailable or really pricey. On top of that, I had set out to gain some weight because I will be doing a lot of scuba diving for my job, and the water here gets COLD! I find myself eating more sugar to compensate, which is not good….

    So I guess my question is, do you have any thoughts on healthy, calorie rich foods that would help me put on weight in the right way, and that might be more available and relatively inexpensive? I feel like the foods I normally eat are so high fiber that I don’t gain weight from eating them, and I’m having to reinvent my whole way of eating.

    As a side question, do you take a B 12 supplement?


    PS If you haven’t already seen it, there is an awesome documentary called “Forks Over Knives” about eating a plant-based diet. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Dana!

      I actually have been meaning to write a post about high-calorie healthy eating. It’s 1/2-written at the moment :). Definitely, oil is your friend! I love veggies, but I make sure to eat them sauteed or roasted, not just steamed without sauce.

      One of my favorite “weight gain” recipes is actually a recipe that I highlight as being low-cal in the post… just instead of eating 1 or 2 T, I eat the whole recipe like pudding or ice cream (which makes it around 500-600 calories?). It’s one of my favorite calorie-dense snacks, and it’s not made with hard-to-find ingredients:
      I highly recommend using a paritally-frozen banana!!

      Try to focus on calorie-dense foods so you don’t feel too full before you’ve gotten in enough calories. And I’ll try to get that high-cal post up soon.
      Oh, and I don’t take a b12 supplement at the moment, but I make sure to get enough in my diet… and every now and then (every few years) I get tested at the doctor’s to make sure my levels are ok.

      • Anonymous says

        Great, thanks for the tips! My roommates will totally laugh at me, because apparently eating pb on a banana is quintessentially American (and delicious!). ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Anonymous says

        Great, thanks for the tips! My roommates will totally laugh at me, because apparently eating pb on a banana is quintessentially American (and delicious!). ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Dana!

      I actually have been meaning to write a post about high-calorie healthy eating. It’s 1/2-written at the moment :). Definitely, oil is your friend! I love veggies, but I make sure to eat them sauteed or roasted, not just steamed without sauce.

      One of my favorite “weight gain” recipes is actually a recipe that I highlight as being low-cal in the post… just instead of eating 1 or 2 T, I eat the whole recipe like pudding or ice cream (which makes it around 500-600 calories?). It’s one of my favorite calorie-dense snacks, and it’s not made with hard-to-find ingredients:
      I highly recommend using a paritally-frozen banana!!

      Try to focus on calorie-dense foods so you don’t feel too full before you’ve gotten in enough calories. And I’ll try to get that high-cal post up soon.
      Oh, and I don’t take a b12 supplement at the moment, but I make sure to get enough in my diet… and every now and then (every few years) I get tested at the doctor’s to make sure my levels are ok.

  180. Dana says

    Hi Katie!

    Sorry in advance for a long post!

    I really love your blog (so far I’ve only made the deep dish cookie pie, which was AMAZING and fooled a bunch of hard-core carnivores). I was reading your diet/food story and it sounded strikingly familiar. I have kind of a complex struggle going on with my diet and I would love your opinion!

    For the last few years I was living in California, and I had been a kind of wishy-washy almost vegetarian (more recently almost vegan, I still couldn’t give up fancy cheeses haha). I’ve never really been overweight, and I found I got very thin, even though I was eating what seemed like a lot to me. It didn’t really bother me too much, because I wasn’t getting dangerously thin or anything.

    Recently I moved to New Zealand, and will be here for the next year. I had planned on being completely vegan, but everyone here is so carnivorous! And they drink tons of milk! In CA it was economically efficient to be vegan, but here it seems cheaper to just eat meat. Soymilk and nuts are very expensive. Many of the foods I used to turn to in order to meet my calorie needs are unavailable or really pricey. On top of that, I had set out to gain some weight because I will be doing a lot of scuba diving for my job, and the water here gets COLD! I find myself eating more sugar to compensate, which is not good….

    So I guess my question is, do you have any thoughts on healthy, calorie rich foods that would help me put on weight in the right way, and that might be more available and relatively inexpensive? I feel like the foods I normally eat are so high fiber that I don’t gain weight from eating them, and I’m having to reinvent my whole way of eating.

    As a side question, do you take a B 12 supplement?


    PS If you haven’t already seen it, there is an awesome documentary called “Forks Over Knives” about eating a plant-based diet. ๐Ÿ™‚

  181. dara says

    Hi Katie,
    There are a few ingredients I am curious about that you may know what to do with.
    First, whole wheat farina.. better known as cream of wheat. I love this stuff in the form as what it is sold for: hot breakfast cereal. I like to cook it with soy or almond milk and then stir in cinnamon, stevia, and dark cocoa powder topped with fruit and nuts BUT there HAS to be another way to eat this stuff. For instance, oats (another favorite breakfast food) can be used in cookies.
    Any ideas?
    Also, yogurt. I just received a yogurt/ice cream maker (Krups) as a gift and I am DYING to make my own homemade vegan yogurt. (I love the store bought stuff but there are too many ingredients for me to completely trust it). I am thinking about using almond or coconut milk with some live cultures but I have no idea where to start, what to look for, or how to put it together. I have searched online but no luck.. all the recipes come up very vague.
    Any ideas?
    Cornmeal. My dad uses it to fry fish and my grandmother uses it in her famous thanksgiving cornbread stuffing.. but those are the only two ways I know to use this ingredient.
    Any ideas on other recipes?
    Quinoa and Amaranth. I an especially interested in these two because they are complete proteins. I have seen a recipe for bean and quinoa muffins on but nothing else. I KNOW these grains are not limited to savory meals.
    Any dessert ideas using these two?

    Thanks for any help. Love what you do.
    Seriously, thank you.
    I have told so many people about your website.


    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Dara,

      You can use cream of wheat in any of my oatmeal recipes :).
      I’ve never actually tried amaranth (I don’t think!). But I love cornmeal. I use it for my “bread-free vegan stuffing” or “Christmas polenta casserole” or “polenta for one” or “brekkie polenta.”

      I’ve never made my own yogurt (except for tofu or agar yogurt). Have you tried or I think they both have recipes, if I remember correctly.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Dara,

      You can use cream of wheat in any of my oatmeal recipes :).
      I’ve never actually tried amaranth (I don’t think!). But I love cornmeal. I use it for my “bread-free vegan stuffing” or “Christmas polenta casserole” or “polenta for one” or “brekkie polenta.”

      I’ve never made my own yogurt (except for tofu or agar yogurt). Have you tried or I think they both have recipes, if I remember correctly.

  182. dara says

    Hi Katie,
    There are a few ingredients I am curious about that you may know what to do with.
    First, whole wheat farina.. better known as cream of wheat. I love this stuff in the form as what it is sold for: hot breakfast cereal. I like to cook it with soy or almond milk and then stir in cinnamon, stevia, and dark cocoa powder topped with fruit and nuts BUT there HAS to be another way to eat this stuff. For instance, oats (another favorite breakfast food) can be used in cookies.
    Any ideas?
    Also, yogurt. I just received a yogurt/ice cream maker (Krups) as a gift and I am DYING to make my own homemade vegan yogurt. (I love the store bought stuff but there are too many ingredients for me to completely trust it). I am thinking about using almond or coconut milk with some live cultures but I have no idea where to start, what to look for, or how to put it together. I have searched online but no luck.. all the recipes come up very vague.
    Any ideas?
    Cornmeal. My dad uses it to fry fish and my grandmother uses it in her famous thanksgiving cornbread stuffing.. but those are the only two ways I know to use this ingredient.
    Any ideas on other recipes?
    Quinoa and Amaranth. I an especially interested in these two because they are complete proteins. I have seen a recipe for bean and quinoa muffins on but nothing else. I KNOW these grains are not limited to savory meals.
    Any dessert ideas using these two?

    Thanks for any help. Love what you do.
    Seriously, thank you.
    I have told so many people about your website.


  183. Lindsay Holland says

    Katie, you use a food processor for several of your recipes. Is there a certain type or brand of food processor you recommend? Thanks!

  184. Lindsay Holland says

    Katie, you use a food processor for several of your recipes. Is there a certain type or brand of food processor you recommend? Thanks!

  185. Ashley says

    Hi Katie! I am looking to make a healthy 3 tiered birthday cake for my daughter’s first birthday..I see you have a chocolate cake recipe would that work for tiered cakes? I typically use 2-9″ rounds together to make one cake with filling in between. I know you are the “chocolate queen” but do you have any other flavors for cakes? I would like to do 1 or 2 different flavors!!

  186. Ashley says

    Hi Katie! I am looking to make a healthy 3 tiered birthday cake for my daughter’s first birthday..I see you have a chocolate cake recipe would that work for tiered cakes? I typically use 2-9″ rounds together to make one cake with filling in between. I know you are the “chocolate queen” but do you have any other flavors for cakes? I would like to do 1 or 2 different flavors!!

  187. Lauren says

    Hello. I have been a vegan for the better part of this year and a vegetarian for 4 years. I am doing my best o educated my mom and boyfriend about the vegan lifestyle. It has been nothing but stressful and frustrating. I have been able to get my boyfriend to eat some of my food, not so out their vegan though. What do you think is a good dessert that will really wow him into seeing that vegan food is amazing?

  188. Lauren says

    Hello. I have been a vegan for the better part of this year and a vegetarian for 4 years. I am doing my best o educated my mom and boyfriend about the vegan lifestyle. It has been nothing but stressful and frustrating. I have been able to get my boyfriend to eat some of my food, not so out their vegan though. What do you think is a good dessert that will really wow him into seeing that vegan food is amazing?

  189. Emma says

    Hi Katie,
    Just came across your website and would like to try out some of your recipes which look great! Slight problem – being a Brit, I can’t work out your quantities…. Could you tell me how much in grammes a cup is of eg. flour etc. and , what is T ? – teaspoon or tablespoon?
    Thanks if you have time to reply!
    Good luck
    (Reading your blog, if you don’t like gyms and weights, you should try Pilates (the authentic type). PIlates is to sweaty gyms as veganism/vegetarianism is to junk food. It changes your life!)

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Emma!

      A T means a tablespoon :).
      As for grams, it depends on what you’re measuring. For example, 1/3 cup of spelt flour is about 30 grams, but 1/3 cup of oats is 35-40, depending on what brand oats you use! If you have any specific questions (i.e. for a specific recipe), let me know!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Emma!

      A T means a tablespoon :).
      As for grams, it depends on what you’re measuring. For example, 1/3 cup of spelt flour is about 30 grams, but 1/3 cup of oats is 35-40, depending on what brand oats you use! If you have any specific questions (i.e. for a specific recipe), let me know!

  190. Emma says

    Hi Katie,
    Just came across your website and would like to try out some of your recipes which look great! Slight problem – being a Brit, I can’t work out your quantities…. Could you tell me how much in grammes a cup is of eg. flour etc. and , what is T ? – teaspoon or tablespoon?
    Thanks if you have time to reply!
    Good luck
    (Reading your blog, if you don’t like gyms and weights, you should try Pilates (the authentic type). PIlates is to sweaty gyms as veganism/vegetarianism is to junk food. It changes your life!)

  191. Lulu says

    Please help. I have tried repeatedly to unsubscribe from the comments. My inbox is full of hundreds of them now. I must be doing something wrong. I meant to only subscribe to the recipes (which i believe I have done successfully!). Sorry to post this here but I cannot find another place to get in touch with you. I love the recipes and the site, but do not want an inbox full of everyones comments! : )

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Lulu,
      I did unsubscribe you, so you should be off.
      But one other commenter told me she was still having trouble until she left another comment on the post without hitting the “subscribe” button, and then she stopped receiving the emails. Hopefully that can work for you, too, if my taking you off didn’t. I am not very tech-savvy, so I can only guess at what could work.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Lulu,
      I did unsubscribe you, so you should be off.
      But one other commenter told me she was still having trouble until she left another comment on the post without hitting the “subscribe” button, and then she stopped receiving the emails. Hopefully that can work for you, too, if my taking you off didn’t. I am not very tech-savvy, so I can only guess at what could work.

  192. Lulu says

    Please help. I have tried repeatedly to unsubscribe from the comments. My inbox is full of hundreds of them now. I must be doing something wrong. I meant to only subscribe to the recipes (which i believe I have done successfully!). Sorry to post this here but I cannot find another place to get in touch with you. I love the recipes and the site, but do not want an inbox full of everyones comments! : )

  193. Erica Selby says

    Hello there! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach and am super passionate about taking a recipe and making it healthier. It’s so much fun & it’s a great way to help people feel like they aren’t letting go of what they enjoy. I try to find healthier SWAPS. My Great Grandma has left our family a recipe for Gingerbread Cookies. It is a family tradition to make these cookies at Christmas and decorate them as a family. I don’t want to change that tradition or her recipe, but for those that are not indulging because of health concerns or weight loss goals I would LOVE to transform this recipe for them. Can you help me?
    Here is the ingredients & recipe please help – 1 cup Lard, 1 cup Brown Sugar, 1 Cup Molasses, 1 cup HOT water (Pour over the previous listed ingredients) 2 large eggs, 1 tbsp baking soda, 1 tbsp ginger, 2 tsp Cinnamon, 1/2 tsp clove, 1/2 tsp salt, 5 cups sifted flour, Mix and sift dry ingredients. MIx first four ingredients and slowly beat in egg. Slowly stir in dry ingredients. Chill dough overnight. Keep dough you are not using in fridge while cookie cutting. For some reason there is no temp or time on the recipe I have so I am assuming 350 or 375 for 7-12 minutes?
    I think most of the ingredients are do-able. I would use sea salt, wheat pastry flour, brown organic cage-free eggs, organic molasses, and all organice spices. What can I substitute for Lard? The other ingredients are some what okay…to not add as much sugar what do you sub for brown sugar? I will sometimes use splenda brown sugar, but I’m sure there is something far better!
    n addition we make icing to put on top- if you can help me w/ that too I would be so appreciative.

    Sorry so long and THANK YOU!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hmm… I have a hard time knowing how something will turn out until I experiment with it! But for lard, you can try Earth balance (or even earth balance shortening), or maybe even coconut butter or oil? For the sugar, you can always try sucanat– it has a nice gingerbready flavor! Or coconut sugar or date sugar.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hmm… I have a hard time knowing how something will turn out until I experiment with it! But for lard, you can try Earth balance (or even earth balance shortening), or maybe even coconut butter or oil? For the sugar, you can always try sucanat– it has a nice gingerbready flavor! Or coconut sugar or date sugar.

  194. Erica Selby says

    Hello there! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach and am super passionate about taking a recipe and making it healthier. It’s so much fun & it’s a great way to help people feel like they aren’t letting go of what they enjoy. I try to find healthier SWAPS. My Great Grandma has left our family a recipe for Gingerbread Cookies. It is a family tradition to make these cookies at Christmas and decorate them as a family. I don’t want to change that tradition or her recipe, but for those that are not indulging because of health concerns or weight loss goals I would LOVE to transform this recipe for them. Can you help me?
    Here is the ingredients & recipe please help – 1 cup Lard, 1 cup Brown Sugar, 1 Cup Molasses, 1 cup HOT water (Pour over the previous listed ingredients) 2 large eggs, 1 tbsp baking soda, 1 tbsp ginger, 2 tsp Cinnamon, 1/2 tsp clove, 1/2 tsp salt, 5 cups sifted flour, Mix and sift dry ingredients. MIx first four ingredients and slowly beat in egg. Slowly stir in dry ingredients. Chill dough overnight. Keep dough you are not using in fridge while cookie cutting. For some reason there is no temp or time on the recipe I have so I am assuming 350 or 375 for 7-12 minutes?
    I think most of the ingredients are do-able. I would use sea salt, wheat pastry flour, brown organic cage-free eggs, organic molasses, and all organice spices. What can I substitute for Lard? The other ingredients are some what okay…to not add as much sugar what do you sub for brown sugar? I will sometimes use splenda brown sugar, but I’m sure there is something far better!
    n addition we make icing to put on top- if you can help me w/ that too I would be so appreciative.

    Sorry so long and THANK YOU!

  195. BeccaG says

    I just made your Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie tonight and oh my goodness, was it ever good!! I honestly didn’t think it would taste great using the tofu, but it was unbelievable! I made it as bars in a 9×9 deep baking dish. I found an easy pie crust recipe using ww flour, canola oil, water & salt (then baked at 375 for 10 min) and spread it in the pan. I added the chocolate mix and put in the fridge. Made very nice tasty little bars! I am going to a Christmas party soon and I am SO taking this…they won’t believe it when I tell them…well, maybe it will be our little secret. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for some great recipe ideas! I am not vegan (love all kinds of food), but I do enjoy eating healthy and putting good things into my body (which of course includes chocolate!) so your site is fantastic!

      • BeccaG says

        So I was asked to bring my low cal trifle to the Christmas party so I won’t get to see the ladies eating my chocolate bars. ๐Ÿ™ However, I did bring these bars to my husband’s Christmas party and I was told by one person that I MUST make them for our cookie exchange next week! So I stocked up on the tofu and purchased some cocoa powder. Yum!!!! I think I’m going to try your pancakes or oatmeal next and see if I can get my 8 and 4 year olds to eat them because who wouldn’t want chocolate for breakfast!!! How cool of a mom am I? LOL

      • BeccaG says

        So I was asked to bring my low cal trifle to the Christmas party so I won’t get to see the ladies eating my chocolate bars. ๐Ÿ™ However, I did bring these bars to my husband’s Christmas party and I was told by one person that I MUST make them for our cookie exchange next week! So I stocked up on the tofu and purchased some cocoa powder. Yum!!!! I think I’m going to try your pancakes or oatmeal next and see if I can get my 8 and 4 year olds to eat them because who wouldn’t want chocolate for breakfast!!! How cool of a mom am I? LOL

  196. BeccaG says

    I just made your Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie tonight and oh my goodness, was it ever good!! I honestly didn’t think it would taste great using the tofu, but it was unbelievable! I made it as bars in a 9×9 deep baking dish. I found an easy pie crust recipe using ww flour, canola oil, water & salt (then baked at 375 for 10 min) and spread it in the pan. I added the chocolate mix and put in the fridge. Made very nice tasty little bars! I am going to a Christmas party soon and I am SO taking this…they won’t believe it when I tell them…well, maybe it will be our little secret. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for some great recipe ideas! I am not vegan (love all kinds of food), but I do enjoy eating healthy and putting good things into my body (which of course includes chocolate!) so your site is fantastic!

  197. Kristina says

    Hi Katie-
    I love your blog! I made your luna bars the other day and they were soooo good. Pretty much anything with peanut butter and chocolate becomes my new favorite ๐Ÿ™‚ I know you’re main blog is about baking but I’ve got a question about soy cheese I’m hoping you can help me with! I have yet to find a really good soy cheese that tastes good and melts well. I just bought Daiya after getting frustrated with my Galaxy mozzarella and still didn’t care for it. I know its never going to be the same, but do you have any advice on cheese substitutes?


    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Honestly, I never found one I liked either… but I kinda lost my taste for cheese after a while. A few months ago, I tried Daiya and was creeped out because I DID think it tasted like cheese. (Another one I’ve heard people like is Teese.) Sorry I can’t be more helpful!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Honestly, I never found one I liked either… but I kinda lost my taste for cheese after a while. A few months ago, I tried Daiya and was creeped out because I DID think it tasted like cheese. (Another one I’ve heard people like is Teese.) Sorry I can’t be more helpful!

  198. Kristina says

    Hi Katie-
    I love your blog! I made your luna bars the other day and they were soooo good. Pretty much anything with peanut butter and chocolate becomes my new favorite ๐Ÿ™‚ I know you’re main blog is about baking but I’ve got a question about soy cheese I’m hoping you can help me with! I have yet to find a really good soy cheese that tastes good and melts well. I just bought Daiya after getting frustrated with my Galaxy mozzarella and still didn’t care for it. I know its never going to be the same, but do you have any advice on cheese substitutes?


    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I do try, as much as possible! I absolutely HATE wasting food. But when you’re doing photoshoots, it often means poking and prodding the food, adding disgusting amounts of syrups (to have enough time to shoot pouring shots), or leaving food out in the heat for too long.

      So another thing I often do is photoshoot in miniature (i.e. only taking a small portion of the food and making it look bigger by filling up the camera frame). Or I’ll save a previous not-so-great experiment and use that for the photoshoot so I can keep the good experiments fresh and untouched so they’re still consumeable :).

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I do try, as much as possible! I absolutely HATE wasting food. But when you’re doing photoshoots, it often means poking and prodding the food, adding disgusting amounts of syrups (to have enough time to shoot pouring shots), or leaving food out in the heat for too long.

      So another thing I often do is photoshoot in miniature (i.e. only taking a small portion of the food and making it look bigger by filling up the camera frame). Or I’ll save a previous not-so-great experiment and use that for the photoshoot so I can keep the good experiments fresh and untouched so they’re still consumeable :).

  199. Nikki says

    Hello Katie,

    I just found your blog and I love it. I have had 13 surgeries on my gastrointestional system so I really have to watch my diet. Well, not really, because I ate very healthy even before the surgeries so I didn’t have to make a big change. The main thing I have to do is eat very very low fat because I have some birth defects in my pancreas, and bile ducts and alot of other digestive problems. Because of that, high fat foods are hard for me to digest and I have extreme pain.

    Also, I eat healthy because I want to BE healthier with less chemicals, cholesterol, and fat. I don’t do it to lose weight, although I would like to drop 10 more! I just like the taste of whole foods instead of processed foods. And now when I go to someone else’s home and cook something from a box, it tastes so salty and not fresh to me. I am not vegan or vegetarian but I don’t eat alot of meat and hardly any red meat. So, I love your recipes!

    Anyways, I cannot wait to try some of your recipes. My question is… do you have a pantry list for some of the essential ingredients to keep on hand. I would like to get a few items every time I grocery shop to stock up but not spend so much all at once. If you don’t already have a list, would you consider writing one?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Yup lol here:

      Itโ€™s difficult for me to give a short list, since every recipe is different. I do try to keep my recipes as simple as possible (i.e. no hard-to-find flours or other obscure ingredients you likely donโ€™t have on hand). Some items called for in many of my recipes: cocoa powder, rolled oats, spelt flour (or ww pastry or oat flour), almond milk, bananas, coconut butter, pitted dates, nunaturals stevia (or agave or maple syrup or regular sugar), applesauce, and peanut butter.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Yup lol here:

      Itโ€™s difficult for me to give a short list, since every recipe is different. I do try to keep my recipes as simple as possible (i.e. no hard-to-find flours or other obscure ingredients you likely donโ€™t have on hand). Some items called for in many of my recipes: cocoa powder, rolled oats, spelt flour (or ww pastry or oat flour), almond milk, bananas, coconut butter, pitted dates, nunaturals stevia (or agave or maple syrup or regular sugar), applesauce, and peanut butter.

  200. Nikki says

    Hello Katie,

    I just found your blog and I love it. I have had 13 surgeries on my gastrointestional system so I really have to watch my diet. Well, not really, because I ate very healthy even before the surgeries so I didn’t have to make a big change. The main thing I have to do is eat very very low fat because I have some birth defects in my pancreas, and bile ducts and alot of other digestive problems. Because of that, high fat foods are hard for me to digest and I have extreme pain.

    Also, I eat healthy because I want to BE healthier with less chemicals, cholesterol, and fat. I don’t do it to lose weight, although I would like to drop 10 more! I just like the taste of whole foods instead of processed foods. And now when I go to someone else’s home and cook something from a box, it tastes so salty and not fresh to me. I am not vegan or vegetarian but I don’t eat alot of meat and hardly any red meat. So, I love your recipes!

    Anyways, I cannot wait to try some of your recipes. My question is… do you have a pantry list for some of the essential ingredients to keep on hand. I would like to get a few items every time I grocery shop to stock up but not spend so much all at once. If you don’t already have a list, would you consider writing one?

  201. alissa says

    Hi ! I Love your recipes! You have amazing recipes that seriously make me drool! LOL
    I was wondering can you make something that tastes like an oreo shake? I would be in heaven !!
    Thanks so much and keep living your dream and making these awesome blogs! ๐Ÿ™‚

  202. alissa says

    Hi ! I Love your recipes! You have amazing recipes that seriously make me drool! LOL
    I was wondering can you make something that tastes like an oreo shake? I would be in heaven !!
    Thanks so much and keep living your dream and making these awesome blogs! ๐Ÿ™‚

  203. Kit-Kat says

    Quick question:
    I know you said you usually runn between 8 to 10 miles, but how long (time wise) do you usually run? You said you run in the morning, and I was just curious about the time difference from start to finnish.

      • Kit-Kat says

        Just wondering, since you said you run before breakfast and all…. I find that in the mornings I have to exercise on a near-empty stomach, but for no more than abot an hour and a half, or I start to lose it.

      • Kit-Kat says

        Just wondering, since you said you run before breakfast and all…. I find that in the mornings I have to exercise on a near-empty stomach, but for no more than abot an hour and a half, or I start to lose it.

  204. Kit-Kat says

    Quick question:
    I know you said you usually runn between 8 to 10 miles, but how long (time wise) do you usually run? You said you run in the morning, and I was just curious about the time difference from start to finnish.

  205. Callea says

    Hi Katie!
    I just made a variation of your “pizza”! I used pumpkin, and it came out great. I’m wondering if this would work in a cupcake form?? I haven’t done much (any) baking yet…so is there anything different I’d have to do? Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  206. Callea says

    Hi Katie!
    I just made a variation of your “pizza”! I used pumpkin, and it came out great. I’m wondering if this would work in a cupcake form?? I haven’t done much (any) baking yet…so is there anything different I’d have to do? Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Sorry to be confusing! It just means whatever type of milk you want to use. I usually use almond milk–either Blue Diamond or Silk. But you can use soymilk, ricemilk, or ANY milk you choose. I think from now on I should just say “ilk of choice” because you’re not the only one to be confused by my wording.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Sorry to be confusing! It just means whatever type of milk you want to use. I usually use almond milk–either Blue Diamond or Silk. But you can use soymilk, ricemilk, or ANY milk you choose. I think from now on I should just say “ilk of choice” because you’re not the only one to be confused by my wording.

  207. Rita Bingham says

    Hi Katie,
    What a delight!!! it was to find your website tonight – referred by a friend.
    I have a cookbook I think you would love and would be glad to send it to you. It’s mostly vegan, but clearly not enough chocolate! I’m sure you could change that and hope it gives you more wonderful ideas. Your “Chocolate Babies” are the same as my “Sugarplums” which my great grandmother made in England many years ago. I have a lot of variations I think you may enjoy.

    Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send it to you free of charge.
    Thanks for your efforts! I can’t wait to try some of your recipes.

  208. Rita Bingham says

    Hi Katie,
    What a delight!!! it was to find your website tonight – referred by a friend.
    I have a cookbook I think you would love and would be glad to send it to you. It’s mostly vegan, but clearly not enough chocolate! I’m sure you could change that and hope it gives you more wonderful ideas. Your “Chocolate Babies” are the same as my “Sugarplums” which my great grandmother made in England many years ago. I have a lot of variations I think you may enjoy.

    Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send it to you free of charge.
    Thanks for your efforts! I can’t wait to try some of your recipes.

  209. Whitley says

    Hej (I live in Sweden, lol but I am American), Katie

    I love your blog it is so inspiring. I am also quite a healthy eater, I have stopped eating most meats (I eat fish from time to time) and this transition was super easy but I would like to go vegan and i have attempted this but kinda fell off the wagon. lol A few reasons, one being i moved to Sweden and i am a student so my budget is small and i don’t have the best cooking area but they bigger thing was everyone making such a big deal about me trying this. I don’t care what people think but their constant questions got to me and i got tired of talking about it and it made going to get togethers hard and not so fun. Do you have an advice? Oh and i made your chocolate chips cookie dough dip for a party tomorrow… wonder what they will thing! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Keep blogging, i love it!

  210. Whitley says

    Hej (I live in Sweden, lol but I am American), Katie

    I love your blog it is so inspiring. I am also quite a healthy eater, I have stopped eating most meats (I eat fish from time to time) and this transition was super easy but I would like to go vegan and i have attempted this but kinda fell off the wagon. lol A few reasons, one being i moved to Sweden and i am a student so my budget is small and i don’t have the best cooking area but they bigger thing was everyone making such a big deal about me trying this. I don’t care what people think but their constant questions got to me and i got tired of talking about it and it made going to get togethers hard and not so fun. Do you have an advice? Oh and i made your chocolate chips cookie dough dip for a party tomorrow… wonder what they will thing! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Keep blogging, i love it!

  211. Jackie says

    Hi Katie,
    I am trying to get your Vegan Cookie Dough Dip recipe on your website and it keeps giving me an error message. I tasted it at a friends today and I loved it! Can’t wait to make it.


  212. Jackie says

    Hi Katie,
    I am trying to get your Vegan Cookie Dough Dip recipe on your website and it keeps giving me an error message. I tasted it at a friends today and I loved it! Can’t wait to make it.


  213. Heather Purdin says

    These recipes are amazing. Katie, have you considered selling the Vitamix blender from your website / blog? I was looking into it for our non-profit, but it looks like you actually have the prefect market here! You could earn 15% commission. Might be worth looking into! One day, I look forward to having a Vitamix! I love coconut milk based ice-creams, but they are $6 pint!

  214. Heather Purdin says

    These recipes are amazing. Katie, have you considered selling the Vitamix blender from your website / blog? I was looking into it for our non-profit, but it looks like you actually have the prefect market here! You could earn 15% commission. Might be worth looking into! One day, I look forward to having a Vitamix! I love coconut milk based ice-creams, but they are $6 pint!

  215. Sarah says

    Hi Katie,

    I came across your blog from Pinterest and I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot! Thank you so much for posting your recipes! My daughter is allergic to dairy (severe) and gluten and sugar, so this seems like a life savor for us. She is 14 and extremely busy with many different sports so keeping calories in her is a challenge for us. Once I cut out the other “crap” from my diet (aka: dairy, sugar and gluten) I now get sick when I eat those items and I’m not even allergic to them. That just tells me how bad it is for most people. Thank again, Katie. I can’t wait to dive in and start baking! You’ve made me look like a Super Mom!

  216. Sarah says

    Hi Katie,

    I came across your blog from Pinterest and I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot! Thank you so much for posting your recipes! My daughter is allergic to dairy (severe) and gluten and sugar, so this seems like a life savor for us. She is 14 and extremely busy with many different sports so keeping calories in her is a challenge for us. Once I cut out the other “crap” from my diet (aka: dairy, sugar and gluten) I now get sick when I eat those items and I’m not even allergic to them. That just tells me how bad it is for most people. Thank again, Katie. I can’t wait to dive in and start baking! You’ve made me look like a Super Mom!

  217. Dawn says


    So I’ve been following you for a while, and even though I’m no where near being vegan (huge meat eater), I really like your recipes!

    I also was wondering if you are interested in an online store in which you can purchase some of the stuff you have been promoting (ie Artisana). My boyfriend purchased a “founding trust” membership to it and can give out 5 reward memberships free each year. (Basically it’s an online version of Costco or Sam’s Club and they only have healthy organic stuff on there) The problem is, we don’t really have anyone to give those reward memberships to! None of our friends seem interested in healthy/organic foodstuff (even if we gave a membership to them they won’t use it). So I was wondering if you are interested in having one of those free memberships since you were the only person I thought of who would actually put it to use.

    I won’t give you any links because I don’t want it to seem I’m promoting something on your site, and I really don’t know a better way to contact you (since you said your email may not be reliable). Anyway, if you are interested, shoot me an email and I’ll provide you with the link and such! Thanks!

  218. Dawn says


    So I’ve been following you for a while, and even though I’m no where near being vegan (huge meat eater), I really like your recipes!

    I also was wondering if you are interested in an online store in which you can purchase some of the stuff you have been promoting (ie Artisana). My boyfriend purchased a “founding trust” membership to it and can give out 5 reward memberships free each year. (Basically it’s an online version of Costco or Sam’s Club and they only have healthy organic stuff on there) The problem is, we don’t really have anyone to give those reward memberships to! None of our friends seem interested in healthy/organic foodstuff (even if we gave a membership to them they won’t use it). So I was wondering if you are interested in having one of those free memberships since you were the only person I thought of who would actually put it to use.

    I won’t give you any links because I don’t want it to seem I’m promoting something on your site, and I really don’t know a better way to contact you (since you said your email may not be reliable). Anyway, if you are interested, shoot me an email and I’ll provide you with the link and such! Thanks!

  219. Kat says

    There are so many comments, I’m not sure if you touched on this – why do you prefer almond milk over soy milk? Everything looks so great! I can’t wait to try all of it!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      When I first became a vegan (so many years ago!), I did drink soymilk. But they discontinued my brand, and I found that I liked the taste of almond milk more than any of the other soy flavors I tried. So I settled on Almond Breeze… and now Silk. But every now and then, I’ll try a new flavor/brand/milk, so who knows what I’ll be drinking in the future :).

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      When I first became a vegan (so many years ago!), I did drink soymilk. But they discontinued my brand, and I found that I liked the taste of almond milk more than any of the other soy flavors I tried. So I settled on Almond Breeze… and now Silk. But every now and then, I’ll try a new flavor/brand/milk, so who knows what I’ll be drinking in the future :).

  220. Kat says

    There are so many comments, I’m not sure if you touched on this – why do you prefer almond milk over soy milk? Everything looks so great! I can’t wait to try all of it!

  221. Maria Carolina says

    Hey Katie I just had a recipe suggestion….I just finished making–get this—banana hazelnut larabars! The hazelnuts overpowered the banana but they were scrumptious either way. Anyway I was wondering now that hazelnuts are being sold at my regular grocery store….how about you make a healthy, decadent version of a Ferrerro Rocher chocolate hazelnut candy? Im sure you can work your magic to make it happen. A hazelnut surrounded with cocoa bliss (or something along those lines) covered with a hard chocolate shell and rolled in chopped hazelnuts.

  222. Maria Carolina says

    Hey Katie I just had a recipe suggestion….I just finished making–get this—banana hazelnut larabars! The hazelnuts overpowered the banana but they were scrumptious either way. Anyway I was wondering now that hazelnuts are being sold at my regular grocery store….how about you make a healthy, decadent version of a Ferrerro Rocher chocolate hazelnut candy? Im sure you can work your magic to make it happen. A hazelnut surrounded with cocoa bliss (or something along those lines) covered with a hard chocolate shell and rolled in chopped hazelnuts.

  223. Brittney says

    How do you put the chocolate bar pie on top of the cake? Do you make and cool the pie first in a separate pie pan, or do you pour the pie mixture on top of the cake to set? Thanks so much for your amazing recipes!

  224. Brittney says

    How do you put the chocolate bar pie on top of the cake? Do you make and cool the pie first in a separate pie pan, or do you pour the pie mixture on top of the cake to set? Thanks so much for your amazing recipes!

  225. Sondra says

    Hey Katie, I just wanted to say that I love your blog! I really wish you would put more of your meals up though, even if they aren’t photogenic, I’m getting chubby eating all these wonderful deserts! LOL, jk. I was wondering though, could you please post how many bars/ cookies are in each recipe? I know you’ve done it with some, but I have trouble figuring out if I make the desert, will it be enough for the family?

    • cck says

      LOL I will try to show more savory recipes next year! As for amounts of cookies, it’s hard to list an amount because it depends on how big you roll the cookies. To answer your hot chocolate cookie question, I actually forgot to count how many I gotโ€ฆ and I also ate some of the raw dough. Iโ€™ll have to make them again and count this time! (But another commenter said she got 16 balls from the recipe.)

    • cck says

      LOL I will try to show more savory recipes next year! As for amounts of cookies, it’s hard to list an amount because it depends on how big you roll the cookies. To answer your hot chocolate cookie question, I actually forgot to count how many I gotโ€ฆ and I also ate some of the raw dough. Iโ€™ll have to make them again and count this time! (But another commenter said she got 16 balls from the recipe.)

  226. Sondra says

    Hey Katie, I just wanted to say that I love your blog! I really wish you would put more of your meals up though, even if they aren’t photogenic, I’m getting chubby eating all these wonderful deserts! LOL, jk. I was wondering though, could you please post how many bars/ cookies are in each recipe? I know you’ve done it with some, but I have trouble figuring out if I make the desert, will it be enough for the family?

  227. Carine says

    Katie I really like your blog. I read your blog almost everyday.
    You look gorgeous and pretty, seriously !! You’re naturally skinny, and have shiny hair ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m skinny too, but not naturally, I over dieted. ๐Ÿ™ I’m recovering anyways. ^^
    Anyway, Can you post some recipes that are Fat-free? That’s because my mum had a gal bladder surgery last week, and she’s not allowed to have food that contains fat.She’s really struggling(she only can eat fruits,boiled vegetables and some fat-free crackers.)Yesterday she cried. ๐Ÿ™
    Please? do you have any fat-free but great tasting recipes?? THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!

    • cck says

      Hi Carine!

      A lot of my recipes already ARE fat-free… or they have a fat-free variation that you can use. For example, you can use applesauce in place of the oil in the single-lady cupcakes. Most of the vita-mix ice creams can be pretty low fat as well. And the milkshakes, frappuccino, frozen hot chocolate, etc etc etc. Give your mom a hug for me!! My mom had that surgery too, a few years ago.

    • cck says

      Hi Carine!

      A lot of my recipes already ARE fat-free… or they have a fat-free variation that you can use. For example, you can use applesauce in place of the oil in the single-lady cupcakes. Most of the vita-mix ice creams can be pretty low fat as well. And the milkshakes, frappuccino, frozen hot chocolate, etc etc etc. Give your mom a hug for me!! My mom had that surgery too, a few years ago.

  228. Carine says

    Katie I really like your blog. I read your blog almost everyday.
    You look gorgeous and pretty, seriously !! You’re naturally skinny, and have shiny hair ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m skinny too, but not naturally, I over dieted. ๐Ÿ™ I’m recovering anyways. ^^
    Anyway, Can you post some recipes that are Fat-free? That’s because my mum had a gal bladder surgery last week, and she’s not allowed to have food that contains fat.She’s really struggling(she only can eat fruits,boiled vegetables and some fat-free crackers.)Yesterday she cried. ๐Ÿ™
    Please? do you have any fat-free but great tasting recipes?? THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!

  229. Sarah R says

    Hi Katie,

    Could you come up with a low fat chocolate chip scone recipe? I know your blondies have somewhat of the consistency, but it isn’t exact. (and those are amazing by the way!)



  230. Sarah R says

    Hi Katie,

    Could you come up with a low fat chocolate chip scone recipe? I know your blondies have somewhat of the consistency, but it isn’t exact. (and those are amazing by the way!)



  231. StephensSensei says

    Hi Katie,
    I stumbled upon your blog tonight, I couldn’t be happier to find it. I myself also enjoy chocolate at least twice a day. I’m going to start my day tomorrow with the Brownie Batter Pancakes.I’m also heading out to see if I can find coconut butter.
    Just thought I’d put in a recipe request: mocha brownies with frosting. I’ve linked a traditional recipe, but thought it would be interesting for you to try a lower cal, lower fat, healthy version.If you decide to try it, I’ve got other recipes that could use your help too.

  232. StephensSensei says

    Hi Katie,
    I stumbled upon your blog tonight, I couldn’t be happier to find it. I myself also enjoy chocolate at least twice a day. I’m going to start my day tomorrow with the Brownie Batter Pancakes.I’m also heading out to see if I can find coconut butter.
    Just thought I’d put in a recipe request: mocha brownies with frosting. I’ve linked a traditional recipe, but thought it would be interesting for you to try a lower cal, lower fat, healthy version.If you decide to try it, I’ve got other recipes that could use your help too.

  233. Ann W. says

    Katie – I absolutely love your recipes! I stumbled across one on Pinterest (can’t remember which recipe was my first), but I have pinned so many more of them! I’ve tried the cookie dough oatmeal cake, chocolate chip cookie dough dip, and the pumpkin bread in a bowl. They’ve all been fantastic. You’ve introduced me to a new world of oatmeal – and I’m loving it! I cannot wait to try more and more of your recipes. You’re such an inspiration in the kitchen. Thank you for sharing your blog with us so we can enjoy healthy foods. I am an Ironman athlete trying to lose a few pounds (5-10) and these foods will satisfy my cravings while also allowing me to still lose the weight. You rock!

  234. Ann W. says

    Katie – I absolutely love your recipes! I stumbled across one on Pinterest (can’t remember which recipe was my first), but I have pinned so many more of them! I’ve tried the cookie dough oatmeal cake, chocolate chip cookie dough dip, and the pumpkin bread in a bowl. They’ve all been fantastic. You’ve introduced me to a new world of oatmeal – and I’m loving it! I cannot wait to try more and more of your recipes. You’re such an inspiration in the kitchen. Thank you for sharing your blog with us so we can enjoy healthy foods. I am an Ironman athlete trying to lose a few pounds (5-10) and these foods will satisfy my cravings while also allowing me to still lose the weight. You rock!

  235. Peggy McNutt says

    How do i print some of these wonderful recipes. I am diabetic and use the eat right for your bloodtype diet and many of your recipes work GREAT !!!! I would like to share with friends that don’t have computers ๐Ÿ™‚

  236. Peggy McNutt says

    How do i print some of these wonderful recipes. I am diabetic and use the eat right for your bloodtype diet and many of your recipes work GREAT !!!! I would like to share with friends that don’t have computers ๐Ÿ™‚

  237. Kitt says

    It’d be great if you made a special diets category that includes recipes that don’t have any grains…
    No flour, oats, etc. I know it’s a big favor, but it’s just an idea I had.
    I can’t eat grains so it would be awesome! I love all the recipes I’ve tried of yours, you are really an inspiration! Being a young girl who has multiple intolerances, it’s hard to satisfy the occasional sweet-tooth. Hopefully I can get the hang of these “alternative” recipes so I can free-hand and do some successful experimenting myself!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I can put it on my list of things to add! But honestly, I don’t know much about a grain-free diet. I’ll try to remember to come up with more grain-free recipes in the future, because I know you’re not the only one who follows such a diet.

      Thank you so much for such a kind comment :).

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I can put it on my list of things to add! But honestly, I don’t know much about a grain-free diet. I’ll try to remember to come up with more grain-free recipes in the future, because I know you’re not the only one who follows such a diet.

      Thank you so much for such a kind comment :).

  238. Kitt says

    It’d be great if you made a special diets category that includes recipes that don’t have any grains…
    No flour, oats, etc. I know it’s a big favor, but it’s just an idea I had.
    I can’t eat grains so it would be awesome! I love all the recipes I’ve tried of yours, you are really an inspiration! Being a young girl who has multiple intolerances, it’s hard to satisfy the occasional sweet-tooth. Hopefully I can get the hang of these “alternative” recipes so I can free-hand and do some successful experimenting myself!

  239. Jess says

    Hey Katie, I don’t know if you saw my comment on your Sugar Cookie Oatmeal post, but I tried the oatmeal with the Cinnamon Apple Spice tea and it came out AMAZING! I followed your recipe and just added 1 tsp. of cinnamon after reheating it in the morning. I might blog about it today (and link back to your Sugar Cookie Oatmeal post) if that is ok with you. Thanks for the idea; I have tons of other tea flavors I want to try this out with! ๐Ÿ™‚

  240. Jess says

    Hey Katie, I don’t know if you saw my comment on your Sugar Cookie Oatmeal post, but I tried the oatmeal with the Cinnamon Apple Spice tea and it came out AMAZING! I followed your recipe and just added 1 tsp. of cinnamon after reheating it in the morning. I might blog about it today (and link back to your Sugar Cookie Oatmeal post) if that is ok with you. Thanks for the idea; I have tons of other tea flavors I want to try this out with! ๐Ÿ™‚

  241. K.Lorenz says

    Hi Katie!
    Happy New Year! I’m an American writing to you from Central Germany! I just wanted to send out a HUGE thank you for your wonderful blog! I am always searching out gluten-free and grain-free recipes for sweets for my family, as I am gluten-intolerant, and my husband doesn’t eat any grain. My entire Gluten Free Pinterest board is made up almost entirely of your recipes!

    I just made “Samoas” and “Choc Chip Cookie Dip” dough for a big shindig tonight, and I know everyone will love them both!


    Oh, and next week, when I volunteer for the Wounder Warrior Project, I’ll be bringing them some of your goodies as well. I’ll thank you on their behalf in advance!

    Have a great year!

    ~ Kimberlee

  242. K.Lorenz says

    Hi Katie!
    Happy New Year! I’m an American writing to you from Central Germany! I just wanted to send out a HUGE thank you for your wonderful blog! I am always searching out gluten-free and grain-free recipes for sweets for my family, as I am gluten-intolerant, and my husband doesn’t eat any grain. My entire Gluten Free Pinterest board is made up almost entirely of your recipes!

    I just made “Samoas” and “Choc Chip Cookie Dip” dough for a big shindig tonight, and I know everyone will love them both!


    Oh, and next week, when I volunteer for the Wounder Warrior Project, I’ll be bringing them some of your goodies as well. I’ll thank you on their behalf in advance!

    Have a great year!

    ~ Kimberlee

  243. Julie says

    AAHH! I wanted to find the cookie dough recipe, but your website isn’t showing it! I knew I should have written it down! Ugh. Can you check to make sure all is well on your end so I can remake that recipe? It’s too good not to share! Thanks.

  244. Julie says

    AAHH! I wanted to find the cookie dough recipe, but your website isn’t showing it! I knew I should have written it down! Ugh. Can you check to make sure all is well on your end so I can remake that recipe? It’s too good not to share! Thanks.

  245. Jessica says

    Hi! I just found your site today via Pinterest and your Cookie Dough Dip recipe but the link seems to be broken, can you repost that recipe or send it to me via e-mail? I’d LOVE TO have it and I’m LOVING you blog in general!

  246. Jessica says

    Hi! I just found your site today via Pinterest and your Cookie Dough Dip recipe but the link seems to be broken, can you repost that recipe or send it to me via e-mail? I’d LOVE TO have it and I’m LOVING you blog in general!

  247. Kelly Corona says

    Here’s a challenge for you Katie! My son will be a year old March 20th and we’d LOVE to let him rip into a birthday cake like the tradition calls for but he has several food allergies. We are getting him retested on February 20th but as of right now he’s allergic to:

    banana, barley, blueberry, carrot, cashew, celery, chicken, corn, cow’s milk, cucumber, egg white, egg yolk, grapefruit, halibut, lobster, mushroom, oat, pork, sweet potato, salmon, strawberry, tomato, walnut, almond, and pistachio

    I realize some of these ingredients won’t be a problem for a cake (I haven’t heard of many “chicken cakes”, lol) but it was easier to cut and paste everything!

    Thanks for any help you can give me!


  248. Kelly Corona says

    Here’s a challenge for you Katie! My son will be a year old March 20th and we’d LOVE to let him rip into a birthday cake like the tradition calls for but he has several food allergies. We are getting him retested on February 20th but as of right now he’s allergic to:

    banana, barley, blueberry, carrot, cashew, celery, chicken, corn, cow’s milk, cucumber, egg white, egg yolk, grapefruit, halibut, lobster, mushroom, oat, pork, sweet potato, salmon, strawberry, tomato, walnut, almond, and pistachio

    I realize some of these ingredients won’t be a problem for a cake (I haven’t heard of many “chicken cakes”, lol) but it was easier to cut and paste everything!

    Thanks for any help you can give me!


  249. Claire says

    Hi Katie,

    This is my favourite chocolate brownie recipe that I made as Xmas presses for my loved ones:

    Great site and I love your creative flair with food.

  250. Claire says

    Hi Katie,

    This is my favourite chocolate brownie recipe that I made as Xmas presses for my loved ones:

    Great site and I love your creative flair with food.

  251. Anna Lynn says

    Hello, Katie!!

    I just wanted to thank you for your awesome blog! I found it one day while searching for recipes for healthy desserts and I was completely impressed by your recipes. They’re simple and they’re DELICIOUS! I started with the cookie dough dip and have since made several other of your recipes including banana bread for one and a pizzert (peanut butter and jelly version :D) and have loved it all. I am not a vegan or a vegetarian (although I rarely do eat or buy meat), but I’d consider mysel to be a very healthy eater and extremely active so I really enjoy that you are the same way! I have always had the biggest sweet tooth and I love to make sweets but I hate recipes laden with butter and eggs and white flour so when I’d make stuff, I’d pawn it off to roomies and my boyfriend. I am SO HAPPY that now I can eat the desserts I make and not feel so guilty! Thank you so much, again! I’ll definitely be sticking around this blog making everything I possibly can, especially the chocolately ones ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great day,
    Anna Lynn

  252. Anna Lynn says

    Hello, Katie!!

    I just wanted to thank you for your awesome blog! I found it one day while searching for recipes for healthy desserts and I was completely impressed by your recipes. They’re simple and they’re DELICIOUS! I started with the cookie dough dip and have since made several other of your recipes including banana bread for one and a pizzert (peanut butter and jelly version :D) and have loved it all. I am not a vegan or a vegetarian (although I rarely do eat or buy meat), but I’d consider mysel to be a very healthy eater and extremely active so I really enjoy that you are the same way! I have always had the biggest sweet tooth and I love to make sweets but I hate recipes laden with butter and eggs and white flour so when I’d make stuff, I’d pawn it off to roomies and my boyfriend. I am SO HAPPY that now I can eat the desserts I make and not feel so guilty! Thank you so much, again! I’ll definitely be sticking around this blog making everything I possibly can, especially the chocolately ones ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great day,
    Anna Lynn

  253. Heather says

    Hi Katie!
    Love the site and recipes! I have shared with many women I know! I wanted to ask if you have ever made desserts with Glucomannan Powder? Thanks and I can’t wait for all the new recipes!

  254. Heather says

    Hi Katie!
    Love the site and recipes! I have shared with many women I know! I wanted to ask if you have ever made desserts with Glucomannan Powder? Thanks and I can’t wait for all the new recipes!

  255. Lisa says

    Only recently discovered your blog after a friend referred me. Looking forward to trying all the delicious looking recipes with my kids (new years resolution to get them in the kitchen with me more). I am making dessert for a baby shower in a few weeks (momma has requested a full fat red velvet cake) but I am looking for a dairy free healthy dessert to make as well. One of my friends is a nursing momma and baby is allergic to dairy. Any recommendations???

  256. Lisa says

    Only recently discovered your blog after a friend referred me. Looking forward to trying all the delicious looking recipes with my kids (new years resolution to get them in the kitchen with me more). I am making dessert for a baby shower in a few weeks (momma has requested a full fat red velvet cake) but I am looking for a dairy free healthy dessert to make as well. One of my friends is a nursing momma and baby is allergic to dairy. Any recommendations???

  257. Sharon says

    I am wondering if there is a way you can add a “Print” function to your recipes. They look great and I want to try many of them, but it gets tiresome to have to retype the recipe. Thank you so much for giving us chocolate!!!

  258. Sharon says

    I am wondering if there is a way you can add a “Print” function to your recipes. They look great and I want to try many of them, but it gets tiresome to have to retype the recipe. Thank you so much for giving us chocolate!!!

  259. Cheryl says

    Hello Katie, I love your site. Just made the peanut butter ice cream. How long does it take before it’s no longer a liquid and more like an ice cream? Thanks.

  260. Cheryl says

    Hello Katie, I love your site. Just made the peanut butter ice cream. How long does it take before it’s no longer a liquid and more like an ice cream? Thanks.

  261. Emily says

    Hi Katie,
    Do you have any recipes for a healthy carrot cake? I would like to use a cream cheese frosting. I’m not sure if there is a way to “healthify” that, but i thought it was worth asking!
    I just recently came across your blog via and it was love at first site! I can’t wait to experiment with some of your recipes!

  262. Emily says

    Hi Katie,
    Do you have any recipes for a healthy carrot cake? I would like to use a cream cheese frosting. I’m not sure if there is a way to “healthify” that, but i thought it was worth asking!
    I just recently came across your blog via and it was love at first site! I can’t wait to experiment with some of your recipes!

  263. Crystal says

    Great site!!!!!! I have been very interested in trying to get my family on a gluten free diet for months now! I have a 13 yr old step son that was “labeled” with ADD at a very young age and a 5 yr old daughter who is a very active….full of energy little girl:). Staples in their diets are chocolate and strawberry milk……Im wondering if anyone has suggestions on making these gluten free. Also, suggestions on lunches for school that are fairly easy to make? Love this site Katie…..and you are beautiful just the way you are!

    I’ll be trying some of these dessert recipes ASAP! We love love love sweets!


    • Anonymous says

      Cold Chocolate Milk
      11 ounces milk
      1 ounce water
      1 1/2 teaspoons cocoa
      2 tablespoons sugar (or 1 tbsp honey)
      Put sugar, cocoa, and water in microwavable 12 oz glass. Microwave for 30 seconds or until sugar and cocoa dissolve, add cold milk and stir.

      I believe chocolate milk is gluten free from the store…You can Adjust the sugar and cocoa in the above recipe to your liking.
      I’m not sure about strawberry milk, maybe you could find a powdered strawberry protein supplement or something?

    • Anonymous says

      Cold Chocolate Milk
      11 ounces milk
      1 ounce water
      1 1/2 teaspoons cocoa
      2 tablespoons sugar (or 1 tbsp honey)
      Put sugar, cocoa, and water in microwavable 12 oz glass. Microwave for 30 seconds or until sugar and cocoa dissolve, add cold milk and stir.

      I believe chocolate milk is gluten free from the store…You can Adjust the sugar and cocoa in the above recipe to your liking.
      I’m not sure about strawberry milk, maybe you could find a powdered strawberry protein supplement or something?

    • Kitt says

      You can pack apple slices, sometimes there are predone ones you can buy from the store that just have a calcium spray to keep them fresh. Or slice your own in the morning and dip them in a little lemon juice to maintain the color. Also, meat roll ups and some mustard packets do the trick. Try making some homemade fruit and nut snack bars, flourless peanut butter cookies, or chocolate dipped meringues for a sweet. Natural unsweetened apple sauce is good too. You could make your own applesauce at home and put it in mini tubs. Cupcakes and Muffins are good too!

    • Kitt says

      You can pack apple slices, sometimes there are predone ones you can buy from the store that just have a calcium spray to keep them fresh. Or slice your own in the morning and dip them in a little lemon juice to maintain the color. Also, meat roll ups and some mustard packets do the trick. Try making some homemade fruit and nut snack bars, flourless peanut butter cookies, or chocolate dipped meringues for a sweet. Natural unsweetened apple sauce is good too. You could make your own applesauce at home and put it in mini tubs. Cupcakes and Muffins are good too!

  264. Crystal says

    Great site!!!!!! I have been very interested in trying to get my family on a gluten free diet for months now! I have a 13 yr old step son that was “labeled” with ADD at a very young age and a 5 yr old daughter who is a very active….full of energy little girl:). Staples in their diets are chocolate and strawberry milk……Im wondering if anyone has suggestions on making these gluten free. Also, suggestions on lunches for school that are fairly easy to make? Love this site Katie…..and you are beautiful just the way you are!

    I’ll be trying some of these dessert recipes ASAP! We love love love sweets!


  265. Logan Grimes says

    Hello Katie! I’m sure you get this kind of stuff all of the time, but I think you are AMAZING! I’m a 19 year old male in the DFW area, I’m not living a 100% vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, but I do try to make the best decisions for my health and the environment. You are truly an inspiration, and I love reading your blog! Not only are your recipes FANTASTIC, but the way you write is also wonderful. Your blog has surely changed my life for the better. Anyways, I am a huge fan of your white bean blondie recipes, I have successfully fooled all of my family and friends into thinking they are eating a typical dessert laden with butter and white flour ๐Ÿ™‚ I was just wondering if there was any way to use dry beans instead of canned beans. I’ve tried to look in other questions readers have asked, but I haven’t had any look finding this info. I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend and are off to a fantastic new year! Keep up the great work!

  266. Logan Grimes says

    Hello Katie! I’m sure you get this kind of stuff all of the time, but I think you are AMAZING! I’m a 19 year old male in the DFW area, I’m not living a 100% vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, but I do try to make the best decisions for my health and the environment. You are truly an inspiration, and I love reading your blog! Not only are your recipes FANTASTIC, but the way you write is also wonderful. Your blog has surely changed my life for the better. Anyways, I am a huge fan of your white bean blondie recipes, I have successfully fooled all of my family and friends into thinking they are eating a typical dessert laden with butter and white flour ๐Ÿ™‚ I was just wondering if there was any way to use dry beans instead of canned beans. I’ve tried to look in other questions readers have asked, but I haven’t had any look finding this info. I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend and are off to a fantastic new year! Keep up the great work!

  267. Jo says

    Hi Katie, I love your website. I came upon it by accident and I am glad I did. I tried the receipe for the 1 minute cake and it was delicious. Zapped it in the microwave for 35 seconds. It doesn’t even need frosting. For sweetener I used only 1 packet of Stevia and for unsweetened almond milk. Could you give me the nutritional stats for this? Thanks Katie.