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The difference between Girls and Boys

Boysenberries, that is 🙂

Chocolate-Covered Snack:


Fresh-from-the-garden boysenberries and High-Protein Chocolate Cake

Every year since I can remember, we’ve grown a few fruits and veggies. Tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, and zucchini are favorites. But I definitely wouldn’t say I have a “green thumb.” Once, a cactus even died on me. How do you kill a cactus?!

And often, wild critters that visit our backyard will eat the garden veggies before they’re fit for human consumption. (Those greedy guys owe me a cantaloupe and a butternut squash, among other things. Pay up!)

Luckily, my very sweet neighbors do possess the elusive green thumb I lack. A few days ago, their little boy rang the doorbell and presented me with an overflowing container of dark purple boysenberries. He chattered away, informing me that soon he’d be back with zucchini, blueberries, and tomatoes! With neighbors like that, why even bother to plant my own garden?!

Published on June 20, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Anna says

    I am so excited for this change in your blog! I mean, I love your blog as-is, also, but learning more about you and the fun people and places in your life will be exciting, too! I have also felt that way about adding friends and family to my blog, which is why I’ve given most of them nick-names to sort of shy away from giving out EVERYONE’S personal info, but I’m not sure if it makes much of a difference. I know that my friends enjoy having code names, though, just for fun. I’ve never grown my own food, unfortunately. One day, I hope to live in a place where all types of fruits and veggies flourish and I can have huge ass salads right from my back yard. Obviously, I will have to move out of Arizona for anything to flourish.

  2. Kelsey @ CleanTeenKelsey says

    I love that protein chocolate cake, and I wish I had pumpkin so I could make it tomorrow! Oh well.

    What awesome neighbors you have! How sweet of them to bring you their homegrown fruits/veggies. Now if only I had those kinds of neighbors.. 😛

  3. Marianne says

    We normally don’t have a garden, but have had herbs in the past few years. This year though, mom planted a bunch of tomato plants, as well as a 2 blueberry bushes, rhubarb, and squash. Yay!

  4. Sarah Marie says

    This is my first full summer in my new house, and I fenced in a veggie garden plot and planted quite a bit of stuff – cukes, tomatoes, zucchini, okra, buttercup squash, delicata squash, herbs, strawberries, spinach, golden beets, broccoli, green beans, and garlic! Woohoo! I am really loving watching the plants grow and can’t wait until I can eat my own produce!

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