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Hats off to the Christmas Season of 2009

You prepare for the Christmas season all year (the stores do, anyway!), and then just like that, it’s over… and you have to prepare again the next year!

But even with all the rushing, the stress, and the mess, it’s hard to not love that time of year. So, until next December, hats off to the Christmas season. Hats such as…

A hot pink hat to match the hot pink Christmas ham Jones soda I did NOT drink. Other flavors included Green Bean Casserole, Mashed Potatoes and Butter, Brussels Sprouts, Salmon Pate, Antacid… seriously, it’s like Bertie Botts (from Harry Potter) of sodas. Who would want to drink Pea-flavored soda? Just a wild guess that one’s not their most popular seller.


How about a mistletoe headband? They make such a thing?


Apparently they do.

Or what about a gift-wrap bow (as modeled by my silly sister)?

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And then there are the puppy hats…

We only left them on long enough to snap a photo. I’m against clothes for dogs (aside from winter coats to keep them warm).



Other fun—albeit strange—Christmas hats:

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If you can find nothing else, the red hat will have to do.

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Published on January 2, 2010

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Amy says

    We put up our decorations near the beginning of December. Never before December 1st, but sometimes we have to wait for the first weekend to do it together. And take them down usually on New Year’s; this year we won’t do it until the 3rd or 4th, though, just because we’re out of town.

  2. elizabeth says

    i adore the hats!!! and i those novelty jones juices gross me out…. but i am tempted just to taste it. what were they thinking??

  3. candice says

    Um… veggie-flavored sodas?! Butter-flavored sodas?! No thank you?! 😯 I bet you got lots of kisses by wearing that mistletoe headband. 😉 We start prepping for the holidays at the beginning of December and normally keep decorations up until after New Year’s Day, or even later if we’re reaaaally lazy. Decorations for local establishments seem to start after Thanksgiving, though (but they come down earlier than ours, haha).

  4. The voracious Vegan says

    I love this post! Everyone looks gorgeous in their hats, even the puppers!

    Hmmm…I start preparing and looking forward to the Christmas season on….December 26th. Seriously, I am perpetually ready to celebrate Christmas, put up trees, hang lights, and sing Christmas carols. I LOVE all things Christmas!

  5. BroccoliHut says

    I usually start a countdown to Christmas embarrassingly early (think September) but don’t start getting in the spirit until after Turkey Day. We (ok, Mom) took down all the decorations yesterday. I guess it’s time to put away my candy cane scented body wash 🙁
    Your comment about the Christmas lights up all year makes me think of that song “Redneck Woman!”

  6. DJ says

    You guys and your hat-love – so cute! I usually put the decorations up in the first week of December and take them down on that traditionally British date of Twelfth night – the 5th of January! One more day to go! 😉

  7. Heather Eats Almond Butter says

    Your sister has the most amazing eyes! Beautiful family. 🙂

    We usually decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving, and everything is put away on January 1. Of course, our tree is still sitting out in the front yard. Need to drag it off before the neighbors start to complain. Hehe.

  8. Cynthia K says

    We took ours down the day after Christmas–the little one had so many new toys strewn about the house we needed every available inch of living area back! I think our babysitter takes the cake, though. We dropped by her house around 3:00 on Christmas day to drop off a present, and she already had her tree down and out by the curb! WOW!

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