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The Trick to Melting without a Microwave

Here it is:

A Candle Warmer!

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Looks rather boring, yeah?

But it’s not!  It’s a really cool tool, good for so much more than warming candles.  You can use it to melt or warm coconut butter, vegan butter (yay—no splattering/popping, which is what happens if you try melting vegan butter in the microwave), peanut butter, etc.

While I eat my Chocolate Mudslide Oatmeal (or whatever else I’m eating), the coconut butter does its thing on the candle warmer.


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Then, when I’m ready for it… it’s ready for me too!

But the candle warmer has another use…

Ever get annoyed at how warm beverages lose their warmth rapid-fast?

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Voila!  Keeps your tea, hot water, etc. piping hot while you enjoy the rest of your meal.  How much more could you possibly ask of a gadget that only costs $5 to $10?!

Published on December 17, 2009

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. plamarie says

    I love the candle warmer idea! I hate putting the bottle of coconut butter and raw honey in the microwave to get it soft. Nice work Katie 🙂

  2. Phyl says

    This is such a wonderful and useful idea! I was taking the jar and putting it into a pot of boiling water. But, it sometimes left a oily film in the pot. I love this idea because it’s one less dish to wash. Thank you, thank you and thank you!

  3. The Vegan! says

    Oh my goodness — just the other day my mother bought me that exact panda tea set from Cost Plus World Market. I love it, its so cute! small world huh…
    And what a great trick, i’m a bit skeptical of microwaves too. Thanks for the great blog.

  4. Riley says

    This may sound like a dumb question, but could you melt regular grass-fed butter you buy at the store in a candle warmer just like this? i’ve never used on so i do not know hot they get. Thanks for any feedback if anyone has success with this.

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