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The Ugliest Food You'll Ever Love

I’m in love… with my food processor. We’re together almost every day, having an exhilarating time by choosing random ingredients, hitting the switch, and seeing (and eating!) the results. But our relationship wasn’t always this good…

When I first met Mr. FP, I didn’t like him at all! He was messy, he was scary, he was confusing. (Sound like any other men you know?) However, as the years have passed, I’ve grown to appreciate him a great deal– he’s so helpful in the kitchen!

One of my most recent food processor successes is something I’ve named “Awesome Aspara-dip”. If you aren’t a vegan, this dip will most assuredly NOT convince you to become one. I’ll admit, it’s not very pretty to look at. But don’t judge a dip by its cover, because this stuff tastes terrific– as a dip, as a side dish, even eaten plain, with a spoon! It’s so healthy, too.

I’m not posting a recipe, because I really do just throw a bunch of stuff in the food processor… but if you want to know how to make this dip, just email me and I’ll be happy to share.

Meanwhile, here are three more food processor ideas I’ve come up with:

1. Katie’s Nut Butter and Banana Pudding– Blend 2-3 tablespoons nut butter of choice with one banana. Eat as a pudding, or spread on bread, crackers, waffles, etc.

2. Katie’s Peanut Butter and Banana Oatmeal Fusion.

3. Little Vegan Tofu Quiche Dip– Be on the lookout for a future post with this recipe 😉

Before I sign off, here’s a bit of relationship advice for all of you out there in Blogland: Start paying more attention to your own food processors. They’re really great guys!

Published on February 18, 2008

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Lizzy says

    Just mailed you 😉

    And I gotta say that I think it doesn’t look that ugly on the plate next to other foods. Mhhh, can’t wait to try it!

  2. mustardseed says

    I LOVE MY FOOD PROCESSOR!! It saved me from a whole 20 minutes crying over chopping onions. Just zip zip zip and it’s done! Good for making pie fillings too! Chopping nuts, everything! Just process it!

    One pain is just washing that thing…nasty.

  3. Astra Libris says

    Your food processor description is terrific – so witty! I love Mr. food processor too… Can we share him? *giggles* 😉
    I think your dip is gorgeous! Look at that beautiful bright color! and your banana nutbutter idea sounds divine… I now know what I’ll be spreading across bread for lunch this week! 🙂

  4. Rural Vegan says

    OO, it kind of looks like pesto!

    I am still learning how wonderful the food processor can be. Last week I made seitan in it for the first time. Who woulda thunk it?!

  5. vegetalion says

    I’m not quite ready to commit to a food processor yet, but I have a hot and steamy affair going with my blender ^_^

    the asparadip is lovely!

  6. Liz² says

    1 million puddings! you should so do that, I’d love to see the look on their faces when you calmly and sweetly try to declare a truckload of soy! X)

    I can’t wait to try them now, I feel so lucky! I think I’ll go for chocolate first, cause I miss chocolate pudding cups so much. I wish I could send you some!

  7. Happy Herbivore! says

    I’m in love with my food processor. I tell him on a daily basis. My best friend received one of those high-end kitchenaid mixers for christmas (the $400 kind) we call her “Mixey” and we both love her to pieces!!

    My spinach and artichoke dip comes out a funky green color too – it may be ugly but green foods are yumm

    ps did you make the meatloaf?

  8. Ruby Red Vegan says

    The dip does not even look gross! It looks a lot like guacamole, a green food most people are familiar with anyway. 🙂 I just e-mailed you about it, but I’m really curious as to what it tastes like! I don’t give Mr. Food Processor much love. He’s actually in my sister’s dorm room across campus, and he’s quite heavy and it might be a week before I decide to haul him to my room. I have a blender in my room though, and I’m ashamed that I don’t use it more!

    And you gave me your Nut Butter and Banana Pudding recipe ages ago. It sounds so, so delicious, but I still haven’t tried it because I have to think of the absolute perfect thing to try it with! Maybe waffles… 🙂

    AND you must tell what that is on your dinner plate! I can’t quite identify the other items (besides the dip and maple syrup, of course).

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