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Butter Obsessed

I sure do love butter.

Peanut butter, coconut butter, even Chocolate Butter :).

What I don’t eat of the dairy stuff, I make up for in all the other butters that find their way into my happy tummy. My newest obsession is gingerbread butter.

gingerbread jar

After requests, I wrote specific ingredient amounts.

You can see the updated recipe here: Gingerbread Butter

Even though the Christmas season is over, I have no plans to give up my gingerbread butter any time soon. In fact, I just made a double batch yesterday:

gingerbreadgingerbread vegan

If you see a weirdo eating Gingerbread Cookie Dough Balls at the beach this summer, it is me.
As I said, these things are way too good to be relegated only to Christmas.

In other “obsession” news, my dog is a pyromaniac. Take a look:

NYC2010 1740

As soon as the fire goes on, Henry plants himself in front of it and does not move a hair until it goes off. If anyone can recommend a good doggie therapist, I’d be very much obliged.

Question of the Day:
If you had to live at the grocery store, what aisle would you call home?

My best guy friend would set up an apartment on Beer Street. Daddy Dearest could does get lost in the wine/cheese section. And my grandma owns the pasta aisle. I don’t think little sister has a favorite aisle, because she hates grocery shopping. (She also hates bananas. Are we really related?)

Me, I could spend hours and hours staring at all the chocolate bars. But I love the nut-butter aisle too. Other butter recipes with which I’m obsessed:

I’d say “I’ve never met a (vegan) butter I didn’t like” but honestly almond butter and I don’t get along too well. It’s not that I hate the stuff, but if I’m going to be eating nut butter, there are others I love more. (Psst vegans: Justins now makes a chocolate-hazelnut butter that tastes like Nutella!)

Published on January 8, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. hiyamamommy says

    PLEASE oh, PLEASE, could you, would you create & share your own APPLE BUTTER recipe??? I am very much missing my late beautiful grandmother that used to serve this to me every time I would visit her if she hadn’t baked that day… I would love to make a healthy homemade one to share with my children for their snacks! 🙂

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