I’ve never really taken seriously the tradition of making new year’s resolutions. However, I have a friend who is serious about her Resolutions. And this year she called me, all excited, to tell me about her idea:
After reading my post, Help for Omnivores interested in Veganism, she decided that one day a week, she’s going to be a vegan. Obviously, her news made me super-happy. But it also got me thinking…
Vegan Thursdays
You can make this challenge whatever you want.
It doesn’t mean you have to have a whole vegan day. It could mean trying just one vegan meal or snack that day. Or maybe not even a whole meal; maybe you just want to try a new vegan recipe or main dish. It doesn’t even need to be gourmet; pasta with tomato sauce is vegan, as are bean burritos, fruit salads… and you can find lots more Vegan Recipe Ideas..
For someone like me, maybe Vegan Thursdays can mean trying out a new vegan recipe (as opposed to something in our usual repertoire) or a new food. Maybe you’re a vegan who’s always been afraid to try seitan, for example.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it…
I’m going to start this coming Thursday. Anyone want to join me? You don’t have to participate every Thursday. Like I said, you can make this challenge what you want it to be. 🙂
Kate says
I am in! I’ve found that since I’m making less money now, I’ve been eating vegan more frequently 🙂
Shelby says
I’m going to be an overachiever and eat vegan everyday 😉
Naomi says
great idea! I will TRY my best to do this 🙂
Heather Eats Almond Butter says
I’m up for some vegan love every Thursday. 🙂
BroccoliHut says
Great idea! I already make two of my three meals vegan every day, so maybe on Thursdays I’ll go for all three!
Annie says
I definitely want to join! Ive been toying with the idea of vegan for a while, Im already a veggie, but giving up my fage & all yogurt actually is just so hard, everything else I dont find a problem with tho.
Should be fun!
Bekah says
This is a great idea! Since I already eat my FAIR SHARE of veggies and raw food, stay away from dairy and whatnot.. I think what I’ll do is try and make a vegan recipe! Like an actual sit down, follow a recipe, type of recipe. 🙂 hehe
River - The Crafty Kook says
What a great idea! I’m all up for expanding one’s culinary horizons, and I am sure lots of foodies will join your Vegan Thursdays challenge. Three thumbs up! Hey! Whose thumb was that?!
There is a sort of challenge brewing up at my blog too, though it’s not all sorted out yet. Oooh mysterious! 😛
Amy says
I’ll do it! Thursday is tomorrow…..
21mph says
I think this is a great challenge to get people to branch out and try new things! I’ve currently been vegan for a little over a month, in attempt at trying to get rid of an H. Pylori bacterial infection in my stomach 🙁 (Unfortunately I’ve also had to be sugar and coffee free too… which means no chocolate!! ahhh) I get tested again on Monday, but I may continue on this vegan journey even if I’m bacteria free… at least for Thursdays!
Gelareh @ Orange Truffle says
I love the idea. I am a vegetarian and have been thinkinga bout become a vegan and I think this is a great way of slowly making the transition.. but I have to start next thursday.. I had milk this morning.
Just Audrey says
I’m with ya! I try to eat vegan everyday, but sometimes I slip-up; mostly with processed food that contains a little milk or baked goods that contain butter–stuff I probably shouldn’t be eating anyway. Anyway, I’ll make an EXTRA effort on Thursdays to eat vegan…and maybe even to try an extra recipe. Great idea, btw. I always love these challenges.
Lisa Rasa Devi says
Ok, next week will begin Raw Vegan Thursdays in my house. It’s an adventure guaranteed not to get me into any trouble.
Aqiyl Aniys says
Are you still doing vegan Thursdays? I also do vegan Thursdays everyday. 🙂