If a banana hammock kingdom exists (scary thought…), blog reader Priscilla should be queen! Are you ready for the Holy Grail of Banana Hammocks? I can assure you that you’re not. Here it is anyway.

Does she define the word “genius” or what?
Priscilla stuffed her banana hammock with marshmallows (vegans can use Ricemallow Cream, Smuckers, or vegan marshmallows), dark chocolate, and a speculoos cookie. Then she took her brilliance a step further and used the Melted Banana Trick.
Published on December 10, 2009

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.
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Reader Interactions
Jessica @ How Sweet It Is says
OK I thought the honey roasted peanuts looked amazing, but then i saw the smores! I prefer just regular smores, but do you know what is awesome? Smores pizza on graham cracker crust. Mmmm…I might make some this weekend.
lz says
Fantastic pictures of those banana hammocks! S’more fudge babies is a brilliant idea! Also, maybe s’more brownies/blondies, like a mix between the two, with marshmallows and chocolate fudge? Decadence…
lexi. says
Love all of the banana hammock photos! I want one now! The grind your own chocolate pb sounds amazing, I wish I had that at my Whole Foods. What food would I want to s’more-ify? Hmm.. fro yo smore style!!
Pam says
Wow! those look great! We have done pancakes…oh so good!
Jessica says
Oh my goodness…I haven’t had breakfast yet, but that is calling my name! 🙂 Love it! S’mored brownies is a favorite…so I would put money on s’mored fudge babies would be a soon replacement for that goodie! 🙂
JCD says
My family makes (unvegan) s’mores squares at Christmas. There are a few variations. I’ve also made s’mores with roasted banana chunks instead of marshmallows because vegan marshmallows don’t exist up here.
Otherwise, apples, oatmeal cookies, granola bars, and cupcakes are all good to s’moreify.
Jessica says
Yum, that s’mores banana looks awesome! I think I’d like a s’more version of dessert pizza…chocolate sauce, Dandies marshmallows, chocolate chips, and maybe some coconut flakes for good measure!
Betherann says
How about a s’mores smoothie/blended banana “ice cream”?
Betherann says
Or perhaps even straight up s’mores peanut/almond butter…yum!
jen says
hey katie,
long time no talk! i’ve been able to carve some time here and there to catch up in blog world. good to see you’re still inspiring so many people. you should really come out with a cook zine called “what’s in your speedo?” and make it all about bananas.
take care, xo jen
Brandi C. says
Smore pudding!
Amanda says
Katie–I just love your sense of humor..it’s just like mine..ha ha ha! Banana hammocks..love it!!
Have you tried Dandie’s vegan marshmellows??ohhh..soo good.
miss v says
that is some serious banana foodie-porn!
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
OK, my jaw dropped when I saw the smores! HEAVEN!!!
Mama Pea says
Grind your own chocolate peanut butter? Are you kidding me?!? I also appreciate the use of the word “grind” and “banana hammock” in the same paragraph.
Janna (Just Flourishing) says
WOW! I was NOT ready for that s’mores Banana Hammock.
What is this “Ricemallow Cream” you speak of? I want to try it!
Hmm I once had S’more-ifed fondue It’s basically just meltier than regular fondue because you already have the melted chocolate in the fondue pot so you just dip the marshmallow into the chocolate fondue and then put in between graham crackers. It was pretttty darn good!
Devan G says
i had the biggest grin on my face reading this post.
so thourouly entertaining.
Bianca- Vegan Crunk says
That smores hammock looks freakin’ amazing. And I have vegan marshmallows, dark chocolate, and bananas at my house right now.
livingfreeforever says
That S’more banana hammock looks sinfully yummy 🙂
Marina says
Banana hammocks look delicious 😀
I have no idea what s’mores are :))
Katie says
I’ve been wanting to try s’more oats for a while…and s’more hot cocoa sounds really yummy! I’m not sure how the graham crackers would do in the liquid, but I’d be willing to try it out. 😉
Nicole, MS, RD, LD says
Haha, you’re cute. Smores…anything? Seriously, your eats look incred!
I think I’d smores up some oats. Oats are already delicious, but why not jazz’em up!
eaternotarunner says
Thanks for the shoutout! I wish I was eating that s’mores banana right now 😀
Daria @ Daria Can Cook says
Oh my, genius indeed! It’s slush snowing right now, so s’mores are making me think of rich hot chocolate with gooey melty marshmallows on top. I know what I’m doing tonight! 🙂
Jenny says
dang, is Priscilla single? I’ll totally marry her – insolong as she makes me banana hammocks all day everyday 🙂
I have a deep and profound passion for s’mores oats — I get all the great taste of a regular s’more.. without the awful campfire smell than lingers in my hair for days.
blueberrymuffins says
Major foodgasm!!!! What a delish combo! I really want one now 🙂
Jessica @ Fit & Clean says
The banana hammocks look amazing!!! I need to make one of those tomorrow 🙂 Anything with chocolate ROCKS!
candice says
Everything is so drool-worthy. I reiterate your question: Why doesn’t my Whole Foods sell grind-your-own CHOCOLATE peanut butter?! And that s’mores banana hammock is a big blob of food porn.
S’more fudge babies sound brilliant. Can’t wait to hear your results 😉 I would s’morify… hmm… nut butter or ice cream. <3 I need to buy marshmallow fluff~
Colleen says
Look at those delicious Banana babies!!! And grind your own chocolate peanut butter? YES PLEASE!
Mona says
my banana hammock is featured on CHOCOLATE COVERED KATIE
hahah thanks so much for putting that up…except that smores banana totally schooled mine
i’m making that tonight for desert
Mona says
plamarie says
Oh yes! smores babies. grahms, shmellos and chocolate. I’m all ears.
monica says
Am I the only one who can never find ricemellow anywhere? I need some! (Or a wearable green banana hammock that doesn’t look awesome on?:) That jjohn mayer thinks he’s the only one who can pull it off well he hasn’t seen me in mine,,,,ha.):)
Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says
The honey roasted peanuts in your hammock look perfect! gosh those look sooo yum! I think I will smore-ify a brussel’s sprout.
Shelby says
Never thought I would say it…but I LOVE banana hammocks! The S’mores idea is genius!
S’mores Fudge Babies?! DO IT!
My ideal S’more concoction would either be ice cream or s’more flavored nut butter! Mmm.
Trail says
The s’mores banana hammock left me speechless. S’mores + banana truly = genius!!! I have bananas and chocolate… I will figure out some kind of less-satisfactory substitute until I can get the mallow creme!
Pure2Raw Twins says
WOW.. smores and bananas what a great combo!! Love it! 🙂
Michal says
that looks amazing.
im just jealous though that you even have a whole foods, im sadly without one 🙁
Jenna says
love the hammock!
*Andrea* says
oooh i starred this on my google reader!!! i want to try them all ;-D
JoLynn-dreaminitvegan says
Oh yum! Bananas with chocolate and peanut butter!!!! I’m smiling right now.
Haylee says
hmm definitely S’more oat bran, maybe even making a s’more green smoothie???
grace says
entry for the food scale!