It was a dreary Monday here in Texas. Seems like we’ve had a lot of rain this winter. I think rain is my least favorite weather condition. Ugly weather calls for comforting food!
But I didn’t stop with Roll Ups. On another day, I made Strawberry Shortcake Pizza.
A whole dessert pizza, just for me!
And another time, a strawberry shortcake sandwich:
It always makes me think back to those cutey-pie dolls I played with as a kid.
Meredith says
I love Strawberry Shortcake! I have a whole list of toys I loved: cabbage patches, pound puppies, care bears, poppels, littlest pet shop, polly pocket, rainbow brite . . .
catms916 says
Ok I muuust try those pancakes this weekend. They look too insanely good to pass up. Have you invented the machine that allows me to pluck out and eat all the lovely things you make yet?? I was more a fan of stuffed animals and my dog growing up… I think I never sat still long enough to have a favorite toy.
BroccoliHut says
I was a huge fan of My Little Ponies too. Do you remember Poppels? They were another favorite amongst my toy collection:)
Christina says
What great ideas for rolled pancake fillings! Cinnamon roll sounds really good.
I used to love American Girl Dolls when I was little. I had most of them and my entire living room was filled with their furniture!
Kate says
oh my gosh! i had barbies and cabbage patch kids coming out my ears. i also had a ton of troll dolls. i think those were my favorite.
Hannah says
Yum! Though I think I’m still partial to the carrot cake versions 🙂
I didn’t have a lot of toys as a kid, but I did love my cabbage patch doll and – wait, I remember! Polly Pockets!! 😀
EE says
My favorite toys were books…. and My Little Ponies. 😉
Also, love your Etsy shop. What it’s called (minus the “sews”) is what my parents called me when I was little.
Heather Eats Almond Butter says
My gosh Katie, I get a few days behind, and look at all I missed. Pancake roll-ups?!? Have I told you lately how much I love you? Mine would be filled with Trader Joe’s whipped cream cheese, cinnamon, and Artisana Cacao Bliss. Yum!!!
Loving all the strawberry action in this post. Has me looking forward to summer – been a dreary winter here in Nashville as well. I used to love Strawberry Shortcake. I had the big doll that blew strawberry kisses…I think, or did I just make that up?
EE says
Also, I just realized I had the wrong Katie. I’m sorry! Wanted to let you know I’m not that careless!
You should have an Etsy site that sells pictures of your Babies.
Cynthia K says
I was just laughing to myself last night, because one Christmas well over 20 years ago, my mom crocheted a blanket for my Cabbage Patch dolls. I still have that blanket and I use it to cover my small daughter!
We had all the usual assortment of toys: Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, Care Bears, Popples, etc….but some of my favorites were also my brother’s A-Team collection…anyone else have those! We had so much fun playing A-team!
Vegan Valerie says
Hi Katie!
Growing up, I had quite a few girl’s toys, like Strawberry Shortcake Dolls, Barbies, My Little Ponies and even the American Girl Bear complete with many outfits. But interestingly, the toys I played with most were Legos, Transformers, Star Wars figures, and Nintendo games such as Mario and Zelda and the like. My little brother and his friends were my best friends. I did everything with them, even sleepovers! I thought I was just one of the guys! It was a wonderful time! I miss those days…
Thanks Katie, for heading up such a thoughtful discussion. It seems to have overshadowed your fine culinary skills today! 🙂 How do you feel about that?
Well, I always love coming to your blog. And of course, you are welcome at mine anytime. 🙂
The voracious Vegan says
Rain is DEFINITELY the worst of all kinds of weather! I can’t stand rain. One of the many reasons I love living in Saudi Arabia.
Hmmm…honestly, my favorite ‘toys’ weren’t really toys, they were books. Whenever my parents asked what I wanted for xmas or birthdays I would always say books. Luckily they always complied!
I also collected Breyer Horses, but they aren’t really toys either. They are pretty little horse figurines, totally realistic looking and more art than anything. I’ve still got them packed up in a box, if I ever settle somewhere permanently they will be out on display for sure!
melissa says
I have a bunch of old she-ra dolls I’m trying to find a buyer for. Anyone know anyone if so pls email me.
Trish @ MyBigFatBundt says
This posting is a little ‘dated’, but I saw 80’s and started laughing. Born in ’81, I was obsessed with My Little Pony, Care Bears, RAINBOW BRIGHT!!, the Smurfs, Scooby-Doo (but I guess I was watching the one’s that were even older than I was), She-ra (sp?)…and of course movies like Back to the Future, the Star Wars series, and pretty much all things Eddie Murphy. (Okay, I was a bit too young for his comedy, but I still sneaked it in somehow without getting caught…). There are really way too many things to list…Michael Jackson, Madonna, Brite Lite…oh gosh! I liked growing up in the 80’s, lol…but something tells me the 70’s were much cooler. 😉
I am making my first pizzert today, and the strawberries are looking very tasty. I have some super ripe juicy ones in the fridge right now. xx
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Haha oh yes, this IS an old post! I love getting comments on old posts, because I’ve forgotten about them.
I feel like I missed too much of the 80s! I was born in ’86… but I did love Care Bears! And my room was Rainbow Bright :).