For most people, mornings are so rushed that they’re lucky if they can find time to gulp down a Carnation Instant Breakfast shake. But every now and then, life surprises you with the gift of leisure. The following is a recipe for one of those rare mornings:
Waffles are so last year.
French Toast? Who’s that? It’s time to make room for the new kid in breakfast:
Pancake Roll Ups!
Above, Carrot Cake Pancake Roll Ups, filled with raisins and Healthy Cream Cheese Frosting, covered with carrots and more raisins and frosting.
Step One: Cook up your pancakes, a bit thinner than usual. In the photos, I used 24-Carrot Cake Pancakes.
Step Two: Top each pancake with lots of yum-licious ingredients
Step Three: Roll up the pancakes. Side note: I *heart* the cute strawberry plate from Pier One.
Step Four: Put more deliciousness on top!
Step Five: Devour your Pancake Roll Ups before other members in your house see them and beat you to it!
Erica says
My “instant breakfast” in the morning is either green juice, a green smoothie, or a bowl of fruit!
idreamoftahini says
My favorite grab and go breakfast is a piece of ezekiel raisin bread with either a nut butter or earth balance. Quick and easy and it’ fills me up. YUmmy!
Kat says
My favorite instant breakfast is a green juice or smoothie… or a dip in the AB jar 🙂 haha
Kathryn says
my favorite quick breakfast is overnight oats!
M.E. says
Larabars (sometimes with extra nut butter on top!) are my favorite when I’m in a hurry!
esther you says
my favorite instant breakfast in a fruit smoothie with nut milk and a handful of greens for energy!
Nicole says
My favourite quick breakfast is yogurt and fruit or better yet yogurt and fruit blended into a smoothie!
katherine says
my go-to “instant breakfast” is an AB&R (almond butter and raspberry) sandwich 🙂 mmmm…
Mara says
My favorite rushed breakfast is a Clif bar! Pretty much any flavor will do.
Jenny R. says
my fav quick breakie is a banana and cashew butter wrap!
Becca says
My instant breakfast? I grab an apple and rush out the door!
Anonymous says
I opt for a fruit smoothie to take with me or some kind of bread/tortilla roll up. If I have muffins on hand, I take a couple of those with a banana to eat on the go.
VEGirl says
Ooops! that was me before– accidentally forgot to enter a name!
Jennifer says
A banana and some fudge babies! Assuming, of course, that I haven’t been too all-around rushed to actually MAKE fudge babies!