Ya know, for someone who will never be a raw-foodist, I sure do have a lot of raw recipes. I even have a separate raw recipe tab! And now it’s time for yet another creation that falls under this tab:
Hmmm… I bet these’d be good alongside (or inside) a big bowl of Snickerdoodle Oatmeal!
The perfect compliment to morning tea, coffee, or the aforementioned Snickerdoodle Oatmeal. All the yumminess of a warm snickerdoodle cookie, without heating up the oven!
Raw Snickerdoodles
(a.k.a. Snickerdoodle Babies)
(Yields a bit more than the size of two Larabars)
- 30 grams unsalted, raw almonds
- 80 grams dates (if you don’t know what type of dates to use, see the Baby FAQ post)
- a bit over 1/16th tsp salt
- very scant 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
- heaping 1/8 tsp cinnamon
- pinch cream of tarter (I’m not sure it actually needs the c.o.t. But real snickerdoodle cookies have it, so I sometimes add it.)
Blend in your food processor (I use the Magic Bullet short cup). Smush into cookies, or balls, or bars, or even cookie-cuttered shapes. Enjoy!
Question of the Day:
What’s your favorite type of cookie?
Or, what’s your favorite of the fudge baby flavors?
Although she hasn’t tried any of these yet, I’m thinking the snickerdoodles will be my sister’s favorite fudge baby flavor, because snickerdoodles are one of her favorite Christmas cookies. My favorite cookie… gosh, I dunno. Probably something with chocolate! Maybe plain old chocolate chip? Boring, I know. I like cookies, but they have to be soft. No three-day-old cookies from the cookie jar for me. Straight outta the oven is best! And Oreos may be vegan, but I never liked them. Chips Ahoy were ok if I dipped them in milk to get ’em soft. Hard cookies just makes my tastebuds think “stale.”
And as for fudge baby flavors, I really like the doodle babies. (Mostly, I just like saying “doodle babies!!!”)
But my favorite *might* be the raw Peanut Butter babies .
Don’t make me choose!
Mina says
I know this is super late after you posted this, but I was looking through your raw recipes (all of which look delicious btw) and stumbled upon this fabulous one. I notice that you use cream of tartar in your recipe because you said that the cooked version of the recipes used it.
If you don’t mind me ringing in with my opinion, I am pretty sure the cream of tartar is not for taste. I am a 4th year student at UC Berkeley studying nutritional science, and have taken a food science class in which we learned about the functions of cream of tartar (and all other acids) in baking. Cream of tartar is an acid, so it is used if you ever have an egg foam and want to add stability to that foam, or if there is a starch that you want to prevent from gelling. The acid serves purposes that are primarily texture and stability related, but that only applies when using non-vegan or flour-based baked goods.
Hope that was helpful!
Love all your recipes btw, my non-vegan (and meat-obsessed) brother whom I repeatedly make the deep-dish cookie pie for has been absolutely obsessed with everything I make from your blog and he’s always harassing me to make another recipe from your blog! He even insisted that I make that for his birthday cake rather than ordering one from a bakery!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Thanks, Mina!
I really wish I’d gone to culinary school… there is SO much I don’t know, and I bet if I’d learned it all properly, I’d have quite a few less mess-ups in the kitchen ;).