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Magic Breakfast Pudding

I’m loving the beautiful weather. It’s weird to think last week was –4 and today will reach over 80 degrees. Warm weather does not mean I give up my beloved breakfast grain bowls; I just eat them cold! (Actually, I eat cold oatmeal in winter too. I’m strange like that.)


Today’s brekkie was a twist on my Blueberry Muffin in a Bowl.

And I ate it outside, in the sunshine!!


(Yes, I had other foods to go with my bulgur. And no, the fabric flower was not one of them.)

Magic Breakfast Pudding

(serves 1)

  • 1/3 cup dry bulgur (40g) (I use light, as opposed to dark) (You can also make this pudding with oats.) 
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 cup water (240-260g) (Or more, if using oats)
  • 2 tbsp (or more, if desired) nondairy creamer (I use Silk)
  • toppings of choice (today I went with cacao nibs)
  • optional sweetener (When I make this for others, I use 1 pack stevia or 1T sugar)
  • 3 drops coconut extract… a.k.a. magic drops (with oats, I use 6 drops)

Cook your bulgur, with the salt, in the water. (I like to cook mine the day before, so breakfast comes together much more quickly.)

Here’s a good tutorial: How to Cook Bulgur.

Right before eating, add remaining ingredients and stir. I like to pulse mine in the magic bullet a few times. You could also use a blender or hand blender… or omit the blending entirely!)


Question of the Day:

What’d you have for breakfast today?

Yummy thought of the day: Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Dip

Published on February 21, 2011

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Sophie says

    For breakfast I had roasted pumpkin blended into oats with allspice, vanilla, a pinch of brown sugar and coconut oil. Mmmmm

  2. Sarah says

    this is SO good!! i had it before my workout in the morning and it tasted delicious with the coacoa nibs and i felt completely full. i used 1/2cup soy milk and 1/2 cup water. super creamy & dish

  3. Casey says

    Question about the cold oatmeal- Do you cook it and then refrigerate it overnight to get it cold? I had some cold oatmeal when I was in Guatemala and it was DELICIOUS. Made with real apples and cinnamon. I say “real” because those were fresh chunks of apple, not some dried stuff from a box. It was SO good. But it was also cold! I was served it in someone’s home and took a bite expecting it to be hot and yet it was cold. Not room temp, but actually cold. At first I found this odd, then found i really liked it. Plus the texture was a bit different, but I’m certain it was oats. I’ve tried to find a recipe for it every since I returned, but no such luck. Do you ever eat apple cinnamon oatmeal? Do you prefer rolled oats? Steel cut (still not tried these myself.) Love the blog! 🙂

  4. Carolyn says

    I had nothing.
    Bad I know but I’m sick and my appetite’s way off.
    Essentially all I’ve eaten for four days is soup…

  5. Nancy Nurse says

    Katie or anyone??? Does anyone know where I can buy Archer Farms Coconut Flavoring? I live in Ireland but will be coming to the states (Naples, Fl) in ten days. Desperate to find it! Thank you!

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