You say goodbye, and I say hello…
Note to readers: I am not above giving shout outs in return for chocolate. But just to let y’all know: I don’t sing Larabar’s praises because they sometimes send me surprise packages out of the blue. I’d sing their praises anyway, as I truly love the Jocalats.
This time, the reason they sent me bars was to thank me for being a huge fan and to let me know that they’re retiring the chocolate-cherry flavor. (At first I panicked, thinking they were retiring all Jocalats. But luckily that’s not the case.)
Erica and the amazingly-generous Larabar company want to surprise five of you, too. Read below for details:
EDIT: This giveaway is now over.
Nicole @ Of Cookies and Carrots says
Uh, I kind of forget if I commented, sad right? I know I retweeted it though! lso it’s not midnight my time but it def is your time… oops? lol.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I gotcha entered 🙂
Katherine: Unemployed says
ahhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i want a TShirt haha
Katherine: Unemployed says
but congrats to the winners