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Gluten-Free Breakfast Pizza

Although I love gluten, I know many of this blog’s readers do not love gluten; or rather, it does not love them.

I try to take this into account when creating recipes, and there is a section of the website devoted entirely to those recipes that are or can be gluten-free: Over 100 Gluten-Free Healthy Dessert Recipes

And now, here’s one more recipe to add to the list:


Readers have been asking if my dessert pizza recipe can be made gluten-free, so I decided to try it out: I’m always up for an experiment if it involves food! Without much any gluten-free-flour experience, deciding which ones to use was a daunting task. Finally, I chose a combination of coconut flour (Are you surprised?) and garbanzo bean flour. I’d read that it’s best to combine flours when cooking gluten-free.


This does have a slight hummus-y taste, which I really liked. But if you’re not a hummus fan, maybe try subbing rice flour or quinoa flour for the garbanzo flour? (If you’re not doing the gluten-free thing, I also really like subbing spelt flour. It’s yummy in conjunction with the coconut!)

Gluten-Free Breakfast Pizza

(Serves 1-2)

  • 45g (1/3 c plus 1 tbsp) garbanzo bean flour (or spelt flour, but that’s not gluten-free)
  • 24g (3 tbsp) coconut flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1-2 tbsp sugar or 1-2 packets stevia (If you have no sweet tooth you can omit, as I like to do.)
  • 1/2 cup water, juice, or milk of choice
  • 2 tbsp applesauce or coconut oil, pumpkin, canola oil, mashed banana, or even baby food!
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • spices or extracts if you wish (I like adding a little cinnamon)
  • A few handfuls: Fill in the blank! Raspberries? Chocolate chips? Chopped apples, walnuts, and raisins?  Anything goes!!  It’s your breakfast pizza!

Combine all ingredients, then pour into a well-greased 8-inch round pan. Cook in an UNpreheated oven at 420F for 14-15 minutes (less time if using spelt flour). Leave out 10 minutes before cutting around the sides and then transferring to a plate. (Note: be sure to spray your cake pan well; my first attempt with the gluten-free pizzert fell apart when I tried to take it out! But it was still a delicious, crumbly mess. UPDATE: If you have trouble with a pizza that sticks to the pan, try putting it onto a sprayed or oiled baking sheet instead, and use a rolling pin to flatten.)

breakfast pizza


I highly recommend this frosting: Secretly Healthy Vanilla Fudge Frosting.

This time, I topped it with… nothing. The coconut flour gave the pizzert an almost custard-like taste. Why am I surprised that coconut flour is so good? It’s coconut, after all!

Published on February 28, 2011

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Mallory says

    Tastes like custard??? I want some!!!

    Like egg custard?
    I haven’t had that since long before becoming vegan. I think I have spelt flour (I’m not gluten free), so all I need to do is get the coconut flour. So excited to make this!

  2. Alaina Rose says

    Hi Katie, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve made a gluten-free version of your pizzert using Pamela’s (gluten-free) Baking and Pancake Mix and it turned out really good! I just didn’t add any baking powder because the baking mix already has it in there. I bet your gluten-free version is super yummy too! I’ll have to try it.

      • Alaina Rose says

        Awww nonsense! You’re not naive. Sometimes we all just need someone to turn us on to something new! You do that for people all the time 😉 Yeah, Pamela’s is a great line of gluten-free products. I definitely recommend them to anyone with a gluten allergy or just trying trying out a gluten-free diet.

  3. Änne says

    yummie, that looks tasty…making a pizzert for breakfast is so on my list, especially after you posted the one with blueberries 🙂
    I just became vegan and I´m still cooking, baking and nibbling myself through vegan cuisine 😉

  4. Mali K (The Mali K Whey) says

    Definitely going to get some Garbanzo Bean Flour – I’ve been curious about it for a while.

    As for coconut flour, I can’t get it over here. Would it work to just finely ground desiccated coconut in a blender or coffee grinder? Or does coconut flour have some special ingredient?

  5. HVL says

    Great recipe.

    but… GAH! It really annoys me when people label foods as ‘special diet’ foods. It doesn’t really encourage people to try foods without animal producst etc if they think they’re some ‘freaky’ or ‘special’ food. If food is vegan, then great, vegans can eat it – but so can omnis! It’s just… food.

    Sorry for the mini-rant, but adding labels encourages people to shun foods and think that ’cause they’re labeled ‘vegan’ that they can’t eat them (seriously, friend A asked why friend B was eating soy burgers when B wasn’t vege – err, because he wanted to/liked them? How is that hard to believe?).

  6. Kelsey @ Clean Teen Kelsey says

    Katie, I seriously want some coconut flour now! Hehe. 😛 This gluten-free pizzert looks amazing–almost like a better version of socca! I’ve been playing with socca a little bit recently, which uses garbanzo bean flour. It’s super fun. 🙂

  7. Jennifer JCD says

    Coconut flour?!?! Sounds super yummy! And the chickpea flour will give it that eggy taste. Mmm… sounds delicious!

    As for ‘special diets’ we’ve been vegan for a long time and eat a lot of raw snacks and desserts. Last week I was doagnosed with a life-threatening nut allergy (major sad face), so that threw a screwball into our usual eats. It can be tricky, but education and making yummy food makes up for everything we are ‘missing out on’.

    PS – Silken tofu + melted chocolate + Magic Bullet = very delicious chocolate pudding/mousse/pie (depending on the ratios you use)

    • Lindsey in CO says

      Thank you so much for posting this Jennifer!! My little girl is allergic to dairy and egg products and has really been missing chocolate pudding. I can’t wait to make this for her!!

      • Jennifer JCD says

        It’s horrible, I know!! So far, the dangerous allergy is just hazelnuts and wlanuts (maybe pecans and almonds), but my doctor told me to avoid all nuts until I get an allergy test, which isn’t until July. Ick. Thankfully, our big tubs of PB were almost empty so I gave them to a friend. It’s been like Christmas around my house because I’m giving boxes of nutty things to friends and relatives. (Peanuts should be safe in the end, so those big tubs of PB may return…)

        Thank goodness for NoNuts Peabutter… at least I can make fudge babies with that. (It’s a locally-made nut-free spread that resembles peanut butter.) I’m now on a quest to find good nut-free chocolate… Endangered Species may contain nuts.

        • Amber says

          You should also check out sunflower seed butter. Sunbutter is the common brand (even my Target carries it), but I prefer the store brands from Trader Joe’s or my local grocery chain. I can’t say for sure, but I feel like there are enough brands out there that at least one or two of them shouldn’t have cross-contamination concerns with nuts. As an added bonus I’ve found prices to be much closer to peanut butter (at least when compared to most other nut butters).

  8. Jos says

    I’m currently following Primal/Paleo diet lifestyle..I think you mentioned your sister did that a while back? So far I’m loving it 🙂

  9. christina @ hola raw! says

    Raw foods! But they’re so much more accessible than everyone thinks! Guacamole, salsa, green salads 🙂 I try to stay away from sugar too, even vegan/raw sources. Definitely no high fructose corn syrup going in this tummy 🙂

  10. Sarena (The Non Dairy Queen) says

    This looks delicious! I have to say that the coconut flour has to make that taste incredible. I think rice flour would be perfect with it too! I bet a flax egg would help it hold together a little more too, instead of xanthan gum. I am definitely going to make this one!

  11. Carrie (Moves 'N Munchies) says

    i love me gluten!!! chickpea flour is a good idea for the sans gluten version!.. I eat vegan foods, which is why i worship your recipes page.. and RAW FOODS ARE GOOD.. well ive never tried raw savory foods but like raw bars and balls and FUDGE= happiness in my belly

  12. Anonymous says

    just wondering- is blogging your full time job? i know your in college- what are you majoring in? how do you have time for a full college course load AND trying all these recipes and writing the posts? you must be super busy!!!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Yup, as crazy as it sounds, I’m finding that I AM starting to be able to make a living from blogging and opportunities that are coming my way because of it. It’s truly a dream job! I haven’t written a post about this yet, but I’m planning to do so.

  13. Stacey (The Home-Cooked Vegan) says

    My “special diet” is veganism 🙂 I will probably never go raw though!

    Gluten-free baking can be kind of hard! There is a woman that owns a gluten-free bakery in Charlotte,NC. She came to one of our Dietetics state meetings with samples, I tried the carrot cake muffin and the devil’s food muffin, both YUM! You couldn’t even tell it was gluten-free! So delicious 😀

  14. Hannah says

    gosh this looks good. like you mentioned, it reminds me of Socca, which I’ve been seeing all over the blog universe lately. I’m going to HAVE to try it.
    as for your pizzert, I’ve been meaning to try it, but without a kitchen its a bit difficult. When I’m home on spring break, you bet I know what I’ll be doing : )
    Special diet products? I’ll try anything. Just because they’re made from ingredients not widely used doesn’t mean I can’t try’em. heck, they’re often better than the original!

  15. Iris says

    Looks delicious to me! I’ve just started learning to bake gluten-free with stevia, and it’s so much fun! (albeit expensive, yes?)

  16. Maya says


    Since I have celiac disease, I have been gluten free for what seems like 390483209 years (also dairy free, but sometimes I indulge in ice cream). Luckily for me, you made a special section of GF food!

    I love your recipes and I’m so thankful you made a section for those of us with gluten issues!

    As a side note, a lot of gluten-free bakers will tell you that, when combining enough different types of GF flours, the need for xantham or guar gum vanishes. Gluten Free Girl, the queen of GF cooking, talks about it here:

  17. Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says

    YUM! It kinda reminds me of socca….have you tride socca before?? And it reminds me of my coconut flour crepes I made yesterday….SO GOOD! And btw, I have made your pizzert before with brown rice flour and it worked well 😉

    And everything I eat is “special diet” All my food is sugar-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free…..I’m kind of a nut like that 😉

  18. NADIA says

    katie thanks so much for this recipe! I cant wait to try it. I think I have everything on hand, and will use quinoa flour instead of garbanzo. I wonder if it would work with millet flour.. hmm ….
    anyway thanks for making the gluten-free listing!!
    I am gluten & sugar-free but I do eat meat and dairy (Except straight cow milk/cheese – yuck!) I love vegan food and I <3 your blog!

  19. bitt says

    I enjoy when nongluten free folks post GF recipes because it means it’s good even to a regular palate, whereas GF foods can have a different taste and texture to them. But I wouldn’t expect you to be an expert. There’s an art to GF baking that even I have not mastered in my 14 years of being GF! So give yourself some slack. I use a baking mix like Bob’s most of the time because it’s all mixed up for me. Never used coconut flour, but I am curious.

  20. J3nn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) says

    I have just about every flour that they make. From coconut to quinoa flour to whole wheat to chickpea. I also LOVE experimenting with gluten-free AND grain-free baking recipes. Gluten is tasty, but I think gluten-free can be awesome, too. I love variety, so I”m down for trying just about anything!! 🙂

  21. Lisa says

    ahh it hought that was a giant pb cookie when i first saw it. haha. looks yummy! other than eating natural/organic foods (with some exceptions of course, like gum for instance isn’t the most natural thing but I love it!!), I dont really follow any specific diet of GF, dairy free, etc., except that I dont eat beef or pork, nor do I eat fast food (havent had fast food in years!!) it works for me!

  22. Disturbed says

    Well, I am vegan-but other than that I don’t do much. I eat as organic as possible, and I eat a nearly gluten free diet-except for my breakfast cereal it is all gluten free. I like limiting my soy as well-and really I hardly eat it except for the occasional tofu.

  23. Lauren says

    I still need to make a pizzert! I am not vegan, but most days, I eat vegan for at least one meal. I’m willing to try anything, so if there’s a raw or gluten-free or vegan choice, I’ll definitely try it!

  24. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    The pizzert looks great! I have so much coconut (and almond, peanut, and oat) flour on hand but still have not tried garbanzo bean flour. I am the only blogger who hasnt yet tried a socca-variation.

    Your pizzert looks delish and makes me wanna get some garbz flour, asap!

    And “special”? I guess very much so…vegan/plant-based, GF, soy moderate, sodium avoidant, raw seeking. 🙂

  25. Beth says

    Katie: here is the chocolate raspberry cookie recipe I mentioned on Twitter. It’s from Veganomicon.

    Chewy Chocolate Raspberry Cookies

    Makes 2 dozen

    1/2 cup raspberry preserves
    1 cup sugar
    1/3 cup canola oil
    1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
    1 tsp. almond extract
    1/2 cup plus 2 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder (sifted if clumpy)
    1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
    3/4 tsp baking soda
    1/4 tsp salt

    Preheat the oven to 350 F. Lightly grease cookie sheet. In a large mixing bowl, stir together the raspberry preserves, sugar, canola oil, vanilla and almond extract. In a separate bowl, sift together the other ingredients. Add the dry to the wet in three batches, mixing well after each addition. When you get to the last batch, you may need to use your hands to work the batter into a soft and pliable dough. Roll the dough into walnut sized balls and then flatten them with your hands into a 2 1/2″ diameter disk. Place on a cookie sheet (they need be only 1/2 inch apart because they don’t spread out when baking.) Bake for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Transfer to a cooling rack to cool completely. You can also serve these cookies still warm.

  26. Christin@purplebirdblog says

    I made my GF pizzert with the Bob’s Red Mill GF all purpose flour which has garbanzo flour, potato starch, tapioca flour, sorghum flour, and fava flour. It was so delicious! 😀

  27. Shannon S. says

    This sounds like a great recipe. I am not gluten free, but this is something I would definitely try if I could get my hands on the right flour.

    Question…have you tried adding wheat bran to your pizzert? I mixed 1/3 cup ww pastry flour + 2T wheat bran (plus pumpkin and cinnamon) and it turned out really good. A little bit thicker texture than your original version, but I found the added fiber made the pizzert a little more filling.

    Also, that coconut banana butter looks awesome – you have the best ideas. Keep up the good work! 🙂

  28. Kat @ Cupcake Kat says

    My mom has a gluten allergy so I’m very happy you are showing off your gluten free recipes. I may make this for her.
    Gluten free and vegan food sounds so yummy to me. In fact I just posted a gluten free vegan recipe on my blog the other day. What a coincidence

  29. Hannah says

    I’m guessing that it doesn’t work with just coconut flour? I bought coconut flour for the first time recently and aren’t sure what to use it on! Maybe I could to coconut flour and normal flour here?

  30. Tara says

    I love trying foods from different diets. It’s a fun way to vary the nutrients you get as well as flavors and textures! Fudge babies are a perfect example! I mean, fudge is good and all, but fudge babies are awesome and way more unique, not to mention easier to make and customizable!

  31. Pure2raw Twins says

    Yum yum looks great, reminds us of our socca! Coconut flour is one of our favorite gf flours to bake with!
    We don’t really like to look at the way we eat as a special diet because we feel we just eat yummy foods that make us feel great, which they happen to be plant based items and mostly raw. Though I know using terms like dairy free, gluten free etc helps people understand things better. We definitely feel our best when we eliminate the top 8 allergens 🙂

  32. Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says

    I am so glad you’re making a gluten-free page! I’m not gluten-free, but I do think it is a good idea to have a low-gluten diet… and I have several friend who are gluten-free and I’m always trying to find dishes to bring to parties that they can eat.

  33. Moni'sMeals says

    yum Katie, I need to get some garbanzo bean flour, I keep forgetting. Thanks for the reminder. This really looks like something I would love…and your raw lasagne and fudge recipe too! yum yum

  34. Jenny says

    I am totally in agreement with the first line of your post: “Mmmmm I love gluten.”

    Honestly, though, I’d like to try a gluten-free diet to see if it would actually make me feel ‘better’, but I think I’m too scared to actually go all-out and do just that. Plus, I’d feel bad if I did actually feel better! I’d feel like I actually SHOULD give up gluten… But I still think it’s super wonderful and thoughtful of you to create gluten-free versions of your recipes for those that do adhere to that diet – either due to actual allergies, intolerance, or other reasons or conditions.

    I imagine the slight chickpea flavour from the flour might throw me off if I make this for breakfast… but hey! Everything’s worth a try at least once, and your breakfast recipes are ALWAYS fabulous. Thanks for another recipe, even if it’s just an alternate version! 😀 I may just start trying to make breakfast pizzerts with other flours just to see how they turn out…

    I haven’t dabbled much in special diets… I try not to be concerned with food limitations since I’m trying to pack on some pounds, but I’d like to try veganism one day – but only because you make it look easier and tastier than some people would have me believe. 🙂 (And your blog is a great guide to actually going vegan, IMO!)

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I’m always curious about elimination-type diets too! Whenever someone says, “Oh I gave up ___ and felt so much better,” I’m intrigued. But then ya never know if it’s really thanks to a diet change or just the placebo effect. And I would never (voluntarily, without a medical need) give up my gluten or cooked foods or soy foods!

  35. Renée says

    I really need to get around to making a pizzert!
    I’ve never not liked one of your recipes so I don’t know why I haven’t tried this one yet!

    As for special diets, I always eat vegetarian foods, and I make sure a good bit of them are vegan too. I also limit my soy consumption with the exception of my protein shakes which are soy protein and the occasional tofu dish!

  36. Heather Eats Almond Butter says

    Coconut flour – how I love thee. I can eat it by the spoonful straight from the bag. Garbanzo bean flour…not so much. That stuff needs to be cooked.

    I really need to make coconut banana butter. That sounds so tropical and yummy. 🙂

  37. kaila @ healthy helper! says

    This totally looks like apple pie crust! YUM-O! I definitely wouldn’t mind a hummus-y flavor because I love hummus and have actually had coconut lime hummus so the combo of coconut flour and garbanzo bean flour sounds wonderful to me!

  38. BroccoliHut says

    I definitely dabble in special diets–raw, vegan, etc. What can I say? I like to play with my food.

  39. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

    Well I love me some gluten, but I think it’s so SWEET and KIND and KATIE of you to think of your gluten-free readers!! Love you girlie 🙂

    Well I’m a vegan, and I’ve had a few raw foods before, and what I’ve had I’ve LOVED!! Like fudge babies…I think I’ve had some every day since I first made one!! You know what they say…a fudge baby a day keeps the doctor away! 😛

  40. Cat says

    Hmm I’ve never tried baking with coconut flour, but now I want to try it! I have a recipe for gluten-free biscuits using coconut oil, g-f baking flour, salt, baking powder and hot water. I made them for Thanksgiving and they were a hit… I feel like using coconut flour and having it alongside some kind of curry would be amazing!!

    I like experimenting with raw cooking in addition to soy-free & Gluten-free cooking. It’s always so interesting what you can come up with when you challenge yourself with new ingredients and cooking methods!

  41. Ali says

    I’m intolerant to salicylates and sulphites so I don’t come under the ‘special diet’ section of shops and books but I do have to be careful what I eat!

  42. VEGirl says

    Yay for GF pizzerts! I really enjoy the taste of garbanzo bean flour, so this sounds fantabulous! I am gluten-free out of necessity, vegan from ethics, and (mostly) sugar-free by choice. Also, since I eat very little processed food and sort of dislike soy milk, I eat mostly soy-free, too. I do love my occasional tofu, however :).


  43. Heather @ kissmybroccoli says

    Ohhh, I love custard! I am definitely trying this! I’m so excited about all the coconut/garbanzo bean flour recipes popping up all over blogworld…and you used BOTH! Yay!

    I like trying raw desserts…but mainly because I’m an “instant gratification” type of gal when it comes to my sweets and lets face it, most raw recipes are done in no time…or you can always eat the “batter” straight out of the food processor!

  44. Emily says

    Hey! I only just started reading your blog and I saw your comment calling for gluten-free ideas! I’m sure you’ve already heard of black bean brownies, but it turns out you can substitute pureed beans (not just bean flours) for any recipe that calls for flour. So far I’ve used beans for pancakes, cakes and crepes and I’m going to attempt muffins next! As a sidenote, you don’t have to just use black beans, white beans work as well and it gives the final product an “I used white flour,” look. 😀

  45. Heather says

    I tried subbing almond flour mix (I bought this product) for the garbanzo flour and subbing sorghum flour for the other flour…it is looking too wet…not sure what to do with it 🙁

    • April says

      Hey Heather I just wanted to let you know that you have to be really careful when subbing for coconut flour. Coconut flour is really absorbent, so if you replace it with something else you’ll have to significantly adjust the liquid amount in the recipe as well. That’s probably why your pizzert looked too wet.

  46. ~Jessica~ says

    Has anyone made this with peanut flour as opposed to coconut flour? I have loads of peanut flour and would like a higher protein pizzert, but I’m pretty clueless about baking things and don’t want to risk it going wrong!


    • April says

      If you replace the coconut flour, take caution when adding the liquid! Coconut flour is REALLY absorbent, so if you replace it with any other flour you’ll have to significantly change the liquid amount in the recipe. It would probably be better to just stick with the CF!

  47. Jane says

    Just became “gluten free” and i really enjoy all your ideas. Thank you so much for all your great recipes. I made the pumpkin chocolate chip muffin and loved it. You have a great site! God bless you as you continue to help people eat healthy and enjoy foods in different ways.

  48. Tami says

    Could you use tapioca flour instead of the garbonzo bean flour? I bought it to sub for almond flour (hubby is nut allergic). I seem to not use it now. Would it work?


  49. Kathleen says

    Hi Katie! I was wondering if this pizza taste good on its own? And if half the pizza is a good part of a breakfast. How big is just half the pizza?
    Thnx 🙂

  50. Tessa says

    Katie, there’s no instructions other than how to bake it. I assume you just mix everything together?

  51. Ally says

    Hi Katie, I just wanted to tell you about what I’ve been up to with your recipes this summer! I’m 14 years old and am really into baking. One of our family-friends told us about this website and we decided to check it out. Ever since then, I have made at least 1 new recipe a day, (which has pretty much been my main summer goal) and have made everybody I know taste try things! From my picky sister to my health conscious parents, everyone has loved them, including me, and has started eating much healthier thanks to you, and without even trying! Thank you so much for your fabulous recipes, and keep them coming! 🙂 I love testing them out and seeing what I like, and I’ve learned a lot of new baking skills that I didn’t know before finding out about this recipe! Thank you again! -Ally

  52. houston locksmith says

    I’m not sure exactly why but this blog is loading incredibly
    slow for me. Is anyone else having this problem or is it a problem on my end?
    I’ll check back later and see if the problem still exists.

  53. Daisy Villa says

    As a health consultant, you might want to consider going gluten free. Gluten is a protein which is used as a filler in food which the body cannot assimilate properly. Gluten contributes to dementia, Alzheimer’s and many other diseases….it is also bad for the gut.

    I love your creativity!!! I might post your gluten free quinoa cookie recipe on my blog and of course give you credit. Love the breakfast pizza idea as well.

  54. Florencia says

    I love this recipe, I always come back to it hahaha its inevitable!!! Last time I made it with out flour and coconut flour it was delicious 🙂 Where I live is impossible to find spelt flour so I have to improvise

  55. Jacqueline Christensen says

    this came out delicious!! a little crumbly as you said, but so delicious. i topped it with a peanut butter chocolate frosting (my recipe) and raw cherries 🙂

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