Today’s guest post comes from a new friend I met just last week on Instagram.
Immediately, I fell in love with not only the beautiful photography on her blog, but also with her catchy—and often humorous—writing style (see below). Oh, and the fact that she has a recipe for single-serving cinnamon rolls… How can you not instantly love someone who releases such a recipe into the world?
Hi everyone! My name is Kylie and I make up recipes over at Yeah…immaeatthat.
We should just get it out of the way now…I am a complete Chocolate Covered Katie fan. I first realized Katie was an absolute genius when I made her peanut butter cookies. If you read food blogs, you most likely feel the same obsessive love for peanut butter that I do. Have you made those cookies? Goodness, you must.
Since we’re talking about obsessively loving things, let’s talk about something else people tend to obsessively love…cinnamon rolls.
I don’t think I’ve ever met a cinnamon roll that I didn’t like. Some people get critical when there are raisins or pecans involved. I pass no judgment…only unconditional love. I just really tend to love cute food. And what is cuter than an individual cinnamon roll all cozy in its own little ramekin? Very few things…maybe only like chubby Labrador puppies and that panda sneezing video that we’ve all seen by now.
But seriously though, cute-little-single-serving foods are a necessity for me because I live with a husband who says things like “I’ll just have a bite of dessert”…and then does. It’s fascinating to see. How can one just have a single, tiny bite and then stop?! So baked goods in the house tend to get consumed by me and only me. Do you see the necessity for cute, single-serving foods? When we got married, I registered for like 3 cookie jars…none of which are being used now since I’m the only one getting excited about cookies around here. He does fah-reak out over cherry pie though. So there is a sliver of hope.
For me, cinnamon rolls > cherry pie. Mainly because I can barely count all the things that I love about cinnamon rolls. It’s like eating a cake for breakfast. Which is just a happy thing to do every once in awhile. Plus, they’re rolled and wrapped like a little present with a gooey center. (Don’t even get me started on the crunchy vs. gooey cookie debate. Gooey cookies for liffeeee.)
It should also be noted that I tend to like things better if they remotely remind me of cinnamon rolls. For instance, I made salmon pinwheels for dinner the other night and I think I liked them all the more because they reminded me of cinnamon rolls. Not their flavor (obviously), but the whole getting to unravel the food as I ate it. Just like a cinnamon roll. Kind of.
And it would just be wrong on all the levels to talk about cinnamon rolls without mentioning frosting. Now I have improved my healthy frosting making ability since posting this original recipe. So if you’re thinking you want something a little more exciting than a yogurt drizzle as a ‘frosting,’ I completely understand. Just simply combine 1 tablespoon peanut butter + 1-2 tablespoon plain yogurt of choice + a touch of liquid sweetener of choice (if desired). That is frosting perfection. And now you have a cinnamon roll with peanut butter frosting. Sometimes, like this time, the world is such a happy place.
Cinnamon Roll for One
Category: Chocolate Covered Katie Guest Posts
- 1/3 cup + 1 Tbsp oat flour, packed
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- scant 1/8 tsp salt
- 1 Tbsp melted coconut oil or vegetable oil
- 2 Tbsp + 2 tsp ripe banana, mashed
- 2 dates, pitted (should be soft, not super dry)
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- Optional: vanilla yogurt of choice for icing
In a small bowl, combine oat flour, baking powder and salt. Add in coconut oil and mashed bananas. Stir until a dough is formed. Roll dough into a ball. Set aside. For the filling, cut pitted dates into pieces and use the back of a fork to mash them into a paste. Add in cinnamon and continue to mash together until cinnamon is incorporated into the mashed date paste. Sprinkle a flat surface with oat flour and roll out the ball of dough into a LONG rectangle. Make the sides of the rectangle straight by using a knife to slice off the uneven edges. Press the dough you cut off back into the rolled out dough and continue to roll the dough into an even longer rectangle. Spread the cinnamon-date paste over the rolled out dough. Fold the dough in half LENGTHWISE. Now, roll up the folded over dough into a pinwheel so that it makes a cinnamon roll shape.
Place rolled up cinnamon roll into a large, greased, microwave-safe mug or ramekin. If desired, gently press the cinnamon roll down so it takes the shape of your dish. Microwave for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. (CCK note: This cinnamon roll recipe can also be baked in an oven if preferred. Try 330 F for 10 minutes as a starting point.) Remove from microwave and top with ‘icing’ if desired. Serve hot. Serves 1. For troubleshooting or substitution questions about Kylie’s recipe, feel free to visit Kylie’s site and ask her any questions you may have!
View Cinnamon Roll Nutrition Facts
More Cinnamon Roll Recipes:
Alice says
I’m gonna try making a pumpkin version of this! I really liked the idea of pumpkin cinnamon rolls and am curious if the twist works on the single serving recipe as well ^^
Stephanie says
Hey Katie,
Thanks for all of the great recipes! I am a chocolate covered convert. I’ve always been a fan of fruity chewy candies, but these days there is a lot more chocolate (and other deliciousness) in my life thanks to your blog. Yesterday, I decided that I wanted to make this recipe, only to find out that my partner had eaten the last banana. Curses! I decided that since it is pumpkin season, I would throw some pumpkin in as a replacement. It wasn’t perfect (I also food processed my own oat flour, which was part of the issue), but it was pretty darn good. I didn’t even tell him that the recipe wasn’t supposed to be that way until after we were most of the way through the rolls. He loved them! For the frosting, since I didn’t have any yogurt around, I used vanilla soy milk, cranberry coconutty yumbutter (local Madison peanut butter) and a little bit of maple syrup.
Beth says
I’m do excited to try this!!! One question though; can I use an oven instead of a microwave?
Katie says
Yum! I didn’t have dates on hand so I substituted apple butter. Turned out delicious!
Lauren says
Is it possible to make this in advance and store it, and then reheat (so that I can make it for my friend’s birthday)?
darlene says
I was hoping (when I googled this) the recipe was for something not-so-healthy( just a normal cinnamon roll), so I’m a little dissapointed…Also because I’m out of bananas and coconut oil , but looks and sounds good, so I definitely will try the recipe when I’m not just craving something sinful but also something sweet 😉 And from a cooking point of view also I have to say adding some butter substitute like “butterbuds” to this recipe might make this work even better since the usual cinnamon roll has that buttery flavor too!
darlene says
“but also something sweet”
meant to say healthy
Neha says
Mine were very dry plz help me?..
Rachel says
This is awesome! Except it just took me a really long time to make. Guess I need more practice. But it was definitely worth trying!
Cat says
OK OK HAPPY ACCIDENT ALERT!!!!!! The microwave broke, so this had to be cooked like a pancake. IT WAS DELICIOUS! (sorry I just really needed to share that)
Rayna says
Hi Kaity!
I’m a huge fan of your recipes. I got sick a while back and have had to switch to a Low FODMAP diet along with cutting out most starches and sugars. This recipe (and many others you’ve done) has been a godsent.
I subbed oat flour for brown rice flour, and subbed the filling for more banana, peanut butter, a bit of stevia and cinnamon. YUM!
Thank you so much for these. I hope I get better soon so I can try even more recipes!
Emily says
Just made this. Didn’t have oats so I used all purpose flour and it came out ok, though a little chewy. Not sure if this is due to the flour or just because of microwave cooking. Will try it with oats next time. I made this in a shallow bowl that didn’t support the sides of my roll at all and it actually worked really well. My usual problem with microwave cakes is that you have to eat it out of the mug, and the sides are always more done than the middle, but this eliminated that problem! Not something you can do with a brownie, but because this cake is mostly self-supporting it does great 🙂
Sana says
Any substitute for oat flour
Lisa Peretic says
This recipe did not work for me, but it may have been my fault. I didn’t have oat flour, so I powdered some steel cut oats I had until they were smooth. I made the dough according to the recipe, but it was extremely dry and crumbly. I added more coconut oil and banana but it still wasn’t the right consistency. I ended up adding 1/8 to a 1/4 cup milk, and it finally came together, but not in a dough form that I could roll out. I layered dough and cinnamon sugar mixture to create a similar taste. It turned out like a baked oatmeal/cookie. I baked mine in the oven at 325 for about 15 mins. I was really disappointed that I couldn’t get the cinnamon roll to work, but what I made with this recipe was pretty tasty.
mads says
i don’t know why but my roll didn’t rise as much as it seems in the pic. Maybe the less of oil? I didn’t have any vegan butter or vegetable oil at home, only the peanut butter my parents love to have for breakfast lol. So i made it with this, and didn’t rise. I got a little upset, but i loved the taste and all the steps of doing it. I Love cooking :)))
Ashlyn says
This turned out really good for me! I had to add an extra tablespoon of whole wheat flour and my cinnamon roll was more like a cinnamon blob 🥴 but it was such a tasty breakfast! Thanks for the recipe!
AJ says
Hi, could this be made ahead or frozen?