It’s time for “Support Your Local Sheriff Fat”
(Eating a Raw Macaroon)
Bobbie (the fat guinea pig)
Carbs are done and fats are done…
What should we hug next????
It’s time for “Support Your Local Sheriff Fat”
(Eating a Raw Macaroon)
Bobbie (the fat guinea pig)
Carbs are done and fats are done…
What should we hug next????
Published on June 9, 2010
Jackie (Peaces of Earth) says
love it!!! 🙂
maxinthegym says
Love the photos!
I especially love the ones of the guinea pig! It’s the most adorable thing in the world!
shesarunner says
This is adorable!
I think Hug a Fruit month should be next!
Damjana says
Thanks for such an amazing work, Katie!
I guess you deserve a big fat fudge baby..or better a whole kindergarden of them 😉
Sarah L. says
Let’s hug our greens! They have quite the bad rep outside the foodie world.
Katie says
omg!The post turned out so AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love all the pics!! Some are soooooo cute and funny!!!! Katie you did an awesome job putting this together!! I love it and so glad I could be part of it! I was out of town yesterday so just got to see it today!! Love it!! xoxo Love u!!!
Michal says
Awww katie thank you for including me 🙂 I never did geta chance to upload and send you my picture of me making out with my tahini sammi 😉
Chris Braunmuller says
It’s Official, I have never seen an ugly vegan, we are such an amazingly gorgeous good looking kind! 🙂