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Frozen S’mores on a Stick

This is how we make s’mores in Texas, where it’s much too hot for campfires:


















No, not really.

Really, I made these frozen s’mores pops for a friend’s Labor Day party, for all the kids in attendance. Someone else had brought a package of those red, white, and blue rocket pops (or bomb pops) often found on ice cream trucks. But guess which pops all the kids chose.

To be fair, one kid did choose a rocket pop over the s’mores. And one sneaky kid chose both! I wonder where his mother was… 😉

smores popsicles

Inspired by Marshmallow Ice Cream recipe.

smores on a stick

S’mores Popsicles


  • 1 cup milk of choice (such as almond milk)
  • 1/2 a container Ricemellow Crème (You could probably use 5 oz Smuckers marshmallow fluff, which—albeit high in artificial ingredients—is vegan.)
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • tiny pinch salt
  • optional: melted chocolate or Hot Chocolate Butter
  • optional: crumbled graham crackers

Combine first four ingredients in a microwave-safe dish (or small saucepan if you prefer the stove), and microwave 1 minute. Stir so there are no lumps, then pour into paper cups or popsicle molds. If desired, dip in chocolate and sprinkle on graham cracker crumbs once pops are frozen. (If using the hot chocolate butter option, sprinkle the graham cracker crumbs quickly- the chocolate shell hardens fast!)

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marshmallow pops

Did you ever buy anything from the ice cream truck?

When I was little, that annoying ice cream truck song was the best sound in the world! To my sister, it meant Good Humor strawberry shortcake popsicles. To my friends, it meant rocket pops, snow cones, and sherbet pops in the shape of Scooby Doo. To me, it meant one thing and one thing only: chocolate.

Be it a Chipwich, a chocolate éclair, or a neopolitan ice cream sandwich, you can be sure my order was always chocolate. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever tried a rocket pop in my life!

Link of the Day:

pumpkin oatmeal

…….Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal

Published on September 4, 2012

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Erica says

    Katie, I really love your site! It is officially one of the best websites I have ever found. 🙂 I really like how all of your posts ask a question at the end and share another link – you’re so thoughtful.

    As for me… the ice cream truck sometimes had popsicles that had pop-rocks on the outside. Those were my favorite!

  2. Cosette says

    Hey, Katie! I actually had a question for you, do you normally count calories daily? Or what is your opinion on calorie counting? I’ve been calorie counting lately, trying to take in more calories, but it is just so stressful.

  3. Sarah says

    My ice cream truck favorite was the banana fudge bomb pop, or occasionally those obnoxious neon cartoon character pops (such as tweety bird) with the gumball eyes.

    Thanks for the vegan-friendly marshmallow tips!

  4. Maggie says

    lol I love the rocket pops, in Ontario they are “Space Jets”. I also liked creamsicles, and the ghost pops (with the gumball nose, because all ghosts have noses)… My mom always got a Fudgsicle 🙂

  5. Steph says

    This sounds AMAZING. I must try it as soon as I find out if it’s possible to order the marshmallow cream online. (El Paso, TX isn’t super vegan friendly- no Whole Foods- but we get by.)

    Speaking of ice cream trucks- I’d love to see a vegan Choco Taco recipe! Those were always my favorite! 🙂

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