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All the Way Arame

The seaweed is always greener…

As a little girl in Japan, I’d often come across Nori, a popular snack food.  Nori is a thin, dried sheet of seaweed used for sushi, sprinkled on foods as a condiment, or just eaten plain.  My sister absolutely adored the stuff.  But me?  I detested it.  When we moved away from Japan, I was sad to leave many things.  Nori was not one of them.

With the bad memories of nori etched in my mind, I had no plans for a reunion. A few weeks ago, however, I decided to grant my nemesis a second chance: in the form of arame.

I found that I really like arame!  The taste is not as “fishy” as nori or hijiki, nor is it as sickly-salty.  It adds a perfect compliment to the veggies in the following salad, which I’ve been chomping non-stop. And it’s so easy to prepare– you don’t even need to cook it!


All the way Arame Salad

(A good source of iron, potassium, and calcium)

  • Dried arame
  • Water
  • Carrot
  • Green pepper
  • Red pepper
  • Zucchini
  • Celery
  • Other veggies of choice (red onion is really good, as is red cabbage)
  • Shoyu
  • Rice vinegar

Soak the arame in water for 5 minutes. Drain. Cut the raw veggies into bite-sized pieces and add them to the arame. Then add the vinegar and shoyu (equal parts vinegar and shoyu), and mix well. Serve cold. Best if first served the next day, to give the veggies time to “marinate.”

Published on May 31, 2009

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Yasmin says

    I tried seaweed once and loved it! This challenge has been fantastic. Today I tried kale for the first time. Thanks for making me push myself out of a rut and to experience new food! I’ve found some new favorites along the way.

  2. snugglebunny says

    Not really in to seaweed either, but will have to try your salad. Looks like it would make a great lunch for work. Have that salad with some rice with furikake, walnuts, some fruit and something sweet.

  3. JB says

    i knew it was arame! 🙂
    i bought a bag of it a week or so ago but haven’t made it yet. i love arame, i’ve just never prepared it myself. your “all the way arame” salad looks really colorful and tasty! i don’t know if i could stomach it for breakfast, but it looks like an appetizing lunch or dinner!


  4. *Andrea* says

    i love when you post pics of meals. they always are so balanced and fun and great for me to TRY to mimic 😉 cinnamon raisin toast is always very comforting for bfast. ezekiel is amazing too – i saw a rerun of oprah this wk (on the biggest loser show and how the contestants are doing Now -from a season or two ago) and even oprah said she likes ezekiel bread hehe.

  5. ellie says

    I was SO close to getting some nori wraps (cone shaped- how cool!) for the last day of the challenge…go out with a BANG, heh. I opted for some awesome purple sprouts though which were GREAT! I blogged and posted in the competition thread!

  6. justine says

    Katie your so creative!! I love your meals. I have never had Arame but thanks for the idea! I will have to look for it next time I hit up a WF.


  7. finsorfeather says

    tried loquat, and sunnut butter, and….hmmm what else. oh, some morelo cherry jam w/o sugar (just applejuice concentrate)…. really liked the loquat. kinda citrucy and appleish. and the stones are fun and would make good playing pieces for a boardgame….oooh and made some molases waver thingermerjiggers by just throwing ingredients. good sandwich cookie biscuit; just need to decide on a filling…maybe morello cherry jam?

  8. Katharina says

    Last night I got back to my place and woke up with no groceries (I’d been out of town for quuuuite awhile). So in search of SOMETHING I found a can of something I totally forgot about! It was a can of gooseberries. I had to rinse them off though because they were canned in an incredibly thick syrup (yuuuck!). I liked them, but I think they would taste better with something vanilla-y. Perhaps I’ll make vanilla oats tomorrow and make a little something-something.

  9. Krista says

    Glad you re-tried nori and found that you liked it! I find that foods I hated as a child are actually pretty good now. Weird how our taste buds evolve! 😉

  10. Meghan says

    I tried starfruit, ugh I had the same opinion as you. Too bad too cause it’s so cute!! I also tried okra, I oven fried it and loooved it!

  11. CurlyTop says


    It’s always a good idea to try foods we thought we hated as kiddos. ;P It can lead to some suprisingly delicious results.

    Have a great Monday!

    With Love,


  12. Kate says

    Ahh! I am so behind-I’m catching up on all your posts! Didn’t even know a/b the New Food Challenge! Close call.

  13. Evey says

    Hey Miss Katie!

    Hmm, arame? This looks like something I need to give a try sometime soon. Thanks for the recommendation and your recipe.

    Hope your summer is going well! 🙂

  14. Monica says

    I spent many a happy year in Japan as a kid, too! I developed a taste for seaweed pretty early on in life 🙂 I don’t know if I’ve ever tried arame though….I’m definitely going to keep an eye out for it.

  15. Bethany @ Bananas for Smoothies says

    Oh my gosh, Katie…I must have printed this recipe out a long time ago and I’ve made it tons of times…I’m blogging about it right now and needed to go figure out where the recipe came from so I could link to it…I couldn’t believe it was from you! Ha! I love it!! I never would have guessed my chocolate-covered friend also liked arame 🙂 This is a great recipe. I also added some wakame, avocado, and dried cherries to it. The avocado is great and adds a little more satiety to it.

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