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Cake Batter Desserts


Time to break out those Funfetti Cookie Dough Balls.

In honor of my birthday (I’m excited and not-so-excited at the same time), today’s post spotlights cake, funfetti, and all things sprinkle!


Cake Batter Pizza

Can you look at this photo and not feel happy? Give me birthday-cake pizza over regular pizza any day. It’s much more fun. And much more pretty-ful (which should be a word, by the way).


Funfetti Cookie Dough Balls

The most adorable little things ever. Almost too cute to eat.  Almost.


Cake Batter Milkshake

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ve probably seen this photo a million times, because it’s one of the most-popular recipes on my site!


Chocolate Cake-Batter Milkshake

Even better than the original… because chocolate is always better!


Funfetti Blondies

I made these for a bunch of kindergarteners, and they ate every last crumb sprinkle.


Cake Batter Ice Cream

Also known as “fairy dust” ice cream or “magic fairytale” ice cream.

Question of the Day:

Do people think you look younger (or older) than you are?

People always mistake me for being younger.  And I know some people find it offensive or annoying when others mistake them for being much younger than they are. But I really don’t mind. (Except for one time when a guy thought I was twelve. That made me mad.) I am secretly hoping it means I can look like Michelle Pfeiffer when I’m 53. (Seriously, what is her secret?)


My birthday dessert is going to be Chocolate Mousse Pie. And yes, I will be posting the recipe this week.

Published on September 4, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Tina says

    I had no idea I was the absolutely oldest person reading your blog! Guess I’m the granny at 35! 🙂 Hope your birthday is wonderful!!

  2. L. says

    D’aw, you are way older than me than I thought!!! (I thought you were 21. LMAO, I can’t believe I had the audacity to just assume you were my age. I’m such a dork.) I have that problem too. Most people think I look a lot younger than my age–actually they are starting to think that my younger sister is older than me (she’s also taller than me so it doesn’t help).

    I loveee Michelle Pfeiffer. So happy you mentioned her. I honestly think with her that it’s genetics. 🙂 Though it could be diet…maybe she loves vegetables and greens….those definitely can stop time! I try to get in as many as I can and I know they help–I can see the results.

    I could cry I am so jealous of your birthday dessert. 😛 🙂

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I think I always imagine people being my age too. There’s some psychology term for that, I think… darn it, I can’t think of the term! AP sychology was too long ago (jr yr of hs!). Maybe I’ll think of it at 3am… 😕

          • L. says

            Lol and it’s not concrete enough for me to find anything about it on google…Hahahaha oh well.

            Confirmation bias–just wikipedia’d that. That sounds close enough to the situation to me!! I’ll google “birthday confirmation bias.”…
            …Okay yeah, that got me nowhere…lol. Anyway, I love this term . Very helpful to know because I feel a lot of people do it.

            Haha do it!! I’d still be curious!

  3. Maya (Dessert is in a Different Pocket) says

    I always get mistaken for being younger. On a flight the other day, the flight attendant said “sweetie you are sitting in the exit row.” When I said that I realized that, she asked if I was older than 15. I’ll be 28 next month…I used to teach 2nd grade and got mistaken for a 6th grader a lot too! Probably because I don’t really wear make up ever?

    I would have guessed you were right around 25, but I can see people thinking you are younger too. I think I just knew that you went to college a few years ago and estimated from that 🙂

  4. Stina says

    Happy *belated* birthday! I’m new to your blog, and I can’t wait to start trying some of your tasty looking treats!

    People always mistake me for being younger than I am. It doesn’t bother me for the most part, but I do start to get irritated when people grossly under estimate my age. The other day, for example, I was signing up for a gym membership, and the guy who was signing me up told me I looked 16! I was a little offended. I may not look 27, and I may not look old enough to buy booze. But I’m fairly certain I at least look old enough to vote or drive a car!

    A funnier story about me being taken for younger than I am is when the front desk guy at a resport in Mexico gave my 22 and 17 year old brothers a “you can drink” wristbands and then asked me how old I was. Once he realized I was way older than he though, he asked both my brothers how old they were. The younger one was bummed when they switch his wrist band for one that meant no booze for him!

  5. Maple says

    Perhaps it’s kinda really late to be saying this…but Happy Birthday!!

    With a flaaaat nose and round eyes, I probably look younger than my age;. I’m 18 but a friend of mine and my sister told me that I look like I’ve just graduated grade school, and I was like, oh, uh, thanks. Actually, I don’t know if that’s a good thing but I suppose they didn’t mean ill. And what matters? I’m still young and looking younger had never done me any harm… though I did wonder at some point if that’s why I don’t have a boyfriend… it has its merits too, like…uh, I think people treat me nicer because I look like a kiddy(and having no sense of fashion, I kinda dress like one too) and they’ll never know exactly how old I am unless I tell them..they treat me like a kiddy.Yuppy.

  6. Nancy says

    This just showed how popular you really are! I was quite curious about your age (you’re right, I did guess you were a bit younger, although I get the same thing from everyone!!), so I googled, and when I had only typed “how old is choc….” and google brought up Chocolate Covered Katie! Nice to be so well known!

  7. Ayanah Hunt says

    Ayanah (7yo) I like the cupcakes. I wish i could make them.
    Amira (5yo) I wish that i could make rainbow cupcakes.
    Jess (25yo) We are looking through your recipes and trying to decide which one to cook today. Both of the girls wanted to let you know how much they like the look of your foods.

  8. Jen says

    Haha this is an almost 3-year late comment, but I know what you mean about the looking younger thing…. I’m 16 and look like 13 or so. Last year, when I was a Freshman in high school, I went with my friend to her teacher conferences (she’s a year younger, so she was at the junior high). One of her teachers asked if I was her little sister, and another asked if I was “in sixth grade now”. Very awkward! When I was around 1 or 2 or whatever, I looked like a newborn, and my parents said that everyone was shocked when I was walking around the store or sidewalk haha! And when I was in fifth grade, this older girl kept insisting that I was in third grade (her little sister’s age). She kept asking a bunch of my friends and still insisted that we were all lying! Haha! But oh we’ll, what can ya do? :-p

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