Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries
So many funny, awkward, or crazy things have happened to me since moving.
I could fill three notebooks with stories of situations in which I’ve found myself–situations with friends, situations with guys, or sometimes even with strangers… and I wish I could figure out a way to write them all here without embarrassing or hurting the people that the stories are about.
Do you ever look back on a decision you made and think, “Why did I not do this sooner?!”
That’s how I feel about moving to Washington, D.C. I should have left Texas much sooner.
This particular post is dedicated to my friend, Jess—one of the many wonderful new friends I’ve been lucky to make this year. When she found out about my website, she asked if I could post a recipe that was super-simple, only required a few ingredients, and did not involve an oven. She then showed me a picture of something she had recently made: Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries. (Her photo was beautiful, by the way.) I decided a twist on the concept of cheesecake stuffed strawberries would make a perfect Memorial Day post.
Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

- 1 container fresh strawberries
- Healthy Cream Cheese Frosting OR vanilla yogurt of choice (such as Wholesoy) – about 2 tsp filling per strawberry
- Optional mini chocolate chips for garnish
- Optional graham crackers for garnish
Wash the strawberries, cut off the stems, and scoop out a well in the middle of each, using a small spoon or knife. If you want the berries to stand up, cut off the bottoms of the berries as well. Eat the unused berry pieces as you work! Fill the hollow section of each berry with yogurt of choice. (If you’d prefer a cream cheese or coconut filling, I’ve listed alternative filling ideas below the second photo in this post.) Garnish with graham cracker crumbs or mini chocolate chips, and serve immediately.
Question of the Day:
Are there any decisions you were initially afraid to make, but that you now look back and wonder, “Why didn’t I do this sooner?”
Link of the Day: Peanut Butter Frozen Hot Chocolate
Erica { } says
Decision I was afraid to make: Quitting a job I hated to do something I love! So much happier now. I also wish I hadn’t put off getting into running for so long. I never ran before two years ago and now I’m addicted.
Be says
I have to try this NOW!!
xx, Be || lovefrombe
Leah says
I like this – it would make a great brunch appetizer that looks elegant but is really simple. I would probably do the mini chocolate chips, or chocolate curls, because chocolate.
Kristi Rimkus says
What a fun breakfast idea. Kids would love these. Sounds like your move was a good plan.
Lea says
I totally agree with you Katie. Sometimes decisions take time because they are scary but in the end, It’s always oh-so-worth-it.
Also: HOW DELICIOUS DO THESE LOOK? I mean, they look so simple to do and yet so beautiful. Yum, I’ll definitely try that recipe when strawberries are in season here. 🙂
Katie says
Decision I was afraid to make: Several… I was accepted as an officer in the Border Patrol/Homeland Security; I wish I would have taken the job because it was a stepping stone to the job I always wanted, to be a FBI agent. I also wish I would have made better decision in college and maybe tried a college that was farther away from home. Right now I am struggling with a decision about my job, applying for school to obtain my doctorate and what that would mean as far as my son and visitation with his Dad. I haven’t found that aha moment, but am wondering if a career change and going back to school is something that could be my game changer and make me happy!
Savannah says
I was afraid to choose to attend the somewhat unconventional college I really loved, and ended up waiting until after the summer orientation at a more prestigious university to make a last-minute switch and enter that preferred college as a freshman. I was so happy with my new decision, and I still am two years later.
The strawberries look great! I can’t wait to finally make your tofu-based yogurt and stuff strawberries when they’re in season here.
Elena says
I didn’t know you lived in DC now! We are so close!
Jules @ WolfItDown says
Aww, if the stories can be a bit too personal, then if anything write them down for yourself to look back on when you get older, hell – even just another year from now you can look back at them and smile 😀
These lovely little bite-sized treats looks perfect! I wouldn’t mind using a bit of light cream cheese too though, and maybe a squeeze of lemon, mmmm. Thank you so much for sharing! Wishing you all the best in the new flat Katie! x
Ceara @ Ceara's Kitchen says
I love that these are so simple Katie! They look like the perfect breakfast, snack or dessert! 🙂
Mia (Mia in Germany) says
How pretty 🙂 I just have some strawberries left and will try it for our anniversary!
Decisions… My dad used to be a writer, a poet, some say a famous one even amongst exile Romanians, but I can’t judge because neither do I speak and read Romanian nor do I appreciate the kind of literature he wrote. But I was raised with the thought that it was me who somehow had to … well, kind of continue his work. For years I felt insufficient and guilty, and it took me ages to finally decide that I am not responsible for his work, that this was his life, not mine, and that there is no reason on the earth to feel guilty or insufficient just because I’m a different person.
Kim says
I moved from Texas to DC as well! I like living on the East Coast and only wish I could get a better price for tickets to see my friends and family in Texas.
Jennifer Walker says
These look delicious!!!! Can’t wait to try them. So happy for you to love the city that you live. D.C. is a wonderful city with so much to do within walking distance. We recently moved to Richmond, VA from Texas and are absolutely loving it. We are very close to so many great cities with a ton of history, not to mention the beauty all around us just driving down the road.
Ayaka says
I would love to hear your ‘funny, awkward, or crazy’ journey in DC, if that becomes possible 😉 We just moved out from DC and came in Peoria, and I already miss DC soooo much!
As far as the decision talk, I finally decided to quit work completely (I stayed part-time originally thinking to go back some day after my maternity leave), and became stay home mom 2 months ago. I can already feel that I will be able to say ‘that was the best decision that I have made!’ In 5 years later! My little boy is only 17 months, growing so fast, and I wouldn’t want to miss any moment of this right now 🙂
Ilona @ Ilona's Passion says
Easy and delicious dessert! Love it!
Maggie says
Ooh I can’t wait to try these! I just made your single serving blueberry muffin recipe and it was delicious. Thank you for this amazing website! It has made my transition to a plant-based diet so much easier.
Cecily Bell says
Wow Katie these look super yummy and so simple! Can’t wait to make these as soon as I buy some strawberries x
Shonalika says
A simple one would me wondering why I didn’t start food blogging/joining the general blogging network sooner, its so much fun:D These strawberries are so beautiful and delicate! Lovely idea.
EVA says
Just deciding which college to attend was hard enough….it was either graduate at a less-than-stellar yet affordable college, or go 2 years at a great college that costs $40,000 per year. I chose the latter, because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Plus, artists don’t need no diploma.
This is DEFINITELY not enough for breakfast, but might be a good snack or lunch side.
Red says
The first thing that came to my mind was seeing a holistic nutritionist sooner! How much better would my health be if I had this guidance and knowledge years ago?
And those look totally nom.
Bre & Ree says
Every night I think that about my glass of wine – LOL! I wish I had started my blog sooner, but if I had I wouldn’t have completed graduate school. So I suppose the timing of everything happens for a reason as well. Thank you for sharing this recipe. It would be so lovely for a Sunday brunch.
Diane Noland says
Clever idea for those giant strawberries. My little great-grandchildren would love these, especially with ice-cream. Decision I put off and regret was a procedure on my heart called “ablation.” I put it off for two years out of fear and then when I had it I was SO much better. Like 1000 times better. And another one was not flossing when the first dental hygenist told me to! There are others I’m sure, but those two are biggies.
Natalie says
Yum! I recently decided to take a job teaching abroad so my husband and I are packing or selling everything and moving to the United Arab Emirates! Crazy, but we are excited!
alison mason says
I signed up for emails for the contest drawing. And I love this post 🙂
Becca says
As a Texas girl myself, I’m kinda sad that you moved away! Of course, I don’t live there anymore, either, so nevermind. 🙂
I almost bailed on the interview for the job that I currently have teaching high school, just because I thought I wouldn’t like high school. But it turned out to be my favorite age and well, my career! Who knew.
samantha says
What a cute idea! Hmmm…I wish I would have made the decision to be single, and not jump from toxic relationship to toxic relationship through all my teen and 20’s. I was so worried to be alone, but now that’s all I want! (Not that I’ve acted on that decision yet). Good question btw.
Medeja says
Easy, but so cute dessert! Lovely!
Lauren says
Yay! I’m so glad you love living here! In a few weeks when they are ready I highly recommend going strawberry picking. They are SO GOOD!
Monica says
This is going to be an awesome treat for the kids. I can’t wait to try it. Thanks so much! May I repost, with links of course?
Unofficial CCK Helper says
On CCK’s FAQ page at the top of the blog, it says she is ok with photo reposts but recipes should be linked to the original instead of re-copied into a new post.
Amanda says
I was afraid to leave a toxic job to do something totally different and unexpected. And I wound up in the DC area too!
Jess says
Welcome to D.C.! You’ll love it here 🙂
Oh, and the strawberries look delicious!
Christine (The Raw Project) says
That’s how I feel about moving to California from Florida! And this is such a fun and cute idea, thanks!
Erika says
I was afraid to change careers and become a trainer because I thought that leaving my former profession would mean I had failed. I am glad I was finally able to let go of that idea. I found success and happiness in an unexpected place 🙂
Kim says
Hi Katie,
The strawberries look lovely; I just love strawberries and all of the other summer fruit! So, you probably didn’t mean recipes when you talked about putting things off, but when I make a really fabulous recipe, I wonder why I didn’t make it sooner. There are larger decisions I wish I’d made sooner, but I really believe that there were reasons I didn’t or couldn’t at the time and that the timing was perfect for what it needed to be. Perhaps your move to DC happened at the perfect time and moving sooner wouldn’t have taken you on the path you’re taking meeting the people you’re meeting.
Texas is really awesome and I can’t really imagine living somewhere else, but I have a cousin who recently moved to DC and loves it. I’m so happy you love it there.
Btw, I saw this recipe and thought it’d be right up your alley.
I made them tonight and they are really tasty, but the batter was super runny before refrigerated, so I think next time I’ll add the oil slowly and perhaps sub some of the oil with applesauce.
Christina @ The Beautiful Balance says
It is so crazy how we always tend to deny our intuition to make a decision that we know is better for us, and then when we do make the decision it’s always hard to realize why it took so long to make!
Chichi says
Your strawberry cups are so cute. Love it and will be making them this weekend. I really agree with asking yourself why didn’t I make this decision sooner. With me sometimes it’s fear that stops me from making decisions sooner. Afraid of taking that leap
april says
mmm these look yummy! will be doing this for something or other.
a decision: i can’t think of to many at the top of my head.. i quit my job once and went on a trip to africa. that was awesome!! and scary because i knew i was coming home to no job. 🙂 i liked my next job much better.
a decision i’m currently debating: getting a cargo bike and toting my 3 children (4,3,1) around NYC. very scary idea and expensive.. but …. i really really like the idea of mobility.
AlyssaP says
These are perfect for our Memorial Day cookout! They look so yummy and refreshing!
Catherine says
These are great! They are simple, but cute and delicious. I tried several combinations with a vanilla yogurt filling and with some of the leftover cream cheese frosting from when I made your recipe for Tiramisu Pancakes. Both fillings were great, but my favorite combination was cream cheese frosting topped with cocoa powder. Everything’s better with some chocolate! To fill the strawberries, I cut the corner off of a sandwich bag so I could pipe it in. Here’s my blog post about making these:
Leila says
Decision I was afraid to make: Move to the other side of the world (I wasn’t even sure where), being that all that I had was a backpack full of stuff, a nearly empty wallet, a thumb to hitchhike and a heart full of dreams. Now I found my place, am happily married and have a wonderful child.
I wanted to do that for ages, now I know why 🙂
I actually won an airplane ticket on the internet to come here, everything fits so right!
Jennifer says
I made these the other day, and they were amazing!!! I filled them with plain greek yogurt mixed with some honey, and topped them with some home toasted unsweetened shredded coconut. Thank you for sharing your great recipes! 🙂
Paulette says
I received a reply to my comment today. First I didn’t realize my replies would be sent to my personal email address and secondly I had commented on how difficult it was for me to copy a recipe as I am a senior. I do not know how to copy/paste and I find websites with free recipes that let me copy recipes with a “copy recipe” icon. Someone sent me a very rude comment to my reply. I didn’t know that Katie only wants very positive comments and I am not happy to receive an insulting reply telling me I was bad to have sent a negative reply and they assumed I know how to use a computer as they do! I also said that the ingredients, although very healthy, are expensive and I don’t usually buy them. Don’t bother to REPLY TO MY COMMENT AS IT WILL GO INTO SPAM. By The way, I did not say anything about Katie only my opinions stated above about the recipes. As the recipes on this website are not what I would make I don’t intend to visit this website again. There are a lot more websites out there for me.
Maxi says
These look so cute and simple to make! I’ll definitely make them for my next BBQ or picnic 🙂
Miles Linklater says
These look great. I think I will fill them with whipped coconut cream and top them with chopped mint.