Question of the Day:
If you could cover anything in chocolate, what would it be?
Published on May 30, 2010

Meet Katie
Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.
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Reader Interactions
eatandrun says
those chocolate fudge sanndwiches look to die for!
Aimee says
Chocolate covered fingernails? You have the most HILARIOUS sense of humor! I was (ahem, AM) a big nail biter, so that sounds good to me!
Ilana says
<3 If I could cover anything in chocolate, I would cover the WHOLE WORLD.
abby says
i would cover… hmmm… well, i like your idea of everything. chocolate-covered everything :).
Inspired says
I would cover FUDGE BABIES 🙂 🙂 :).
In fact, why have I not already done that???
bitesandbliss says
That happened to me yesterday, too! I kept posting and then when I looked at it, half of it was gone! Well- it all kept going into a picture caption..it took about 5 edits and a lot of “ugghs” to get it to stop haha.
and I’d cover a peanut butter banana sandwich in chocolate. Oh man oh man. 😀
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I am so glad to know it wasn’t just me!! I was feeling very bullied!
(Not that I’m happy it happened to you, too… but misery loves company.)
Katie says
Hmmm, that answer could probably change every day…right now I have a hankering for salty/sweet, so maybe a chocolate covered potato chip?? Haha, that’s weird, I don’t even like chips, that just happened to be what my mind created right now. 🙂
Jasmine says
I’ve actually made those before haha While delicious, it was a lot of work, and I think I’d rather just eat a piece of chocolate at the same time as my chips instead of trying to coat each one 😀
Sarahishealthy says
I’d cover oatmeal. Oh wait, I already do! (chocolate peanut butter oats)
Megan @ The Oatmeal Diaries says
I would cover a pecan pie larabar in chocolate! They should probably come out with that flavor soon. Or I should just try to create my own!
Lindsey says
How about… Chocolate-covered PB& J sandwich? Sounds good to me. Maybe, like, creamy PB and grape jelly between fluffy, “plain” pancakes, covered by a hard/stiff dark ganache. Interesting mix of textures and flavors.
Rick says
i’d cover my wife in chocolate 😉
*Andrea* says
i’d cover chocolate chip cookies in chocolate 😉
Damjana says
I’m be chocolate-covered myself 😉 not dark chocolate though but milk chocolate. i heard it’s good for your skin!
Damjana says
..once I bought cocoa shower gel..it smelled like chocolate indeed
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I have a bar of Mexican Chocolate soap! The only problem is that I want to eat it! 🙂
Leslie says
Chocolate-covered mushrooms! Just kidding ;).
I like the suggestion someone said of a pb sandwich. That sounds yummy!
Mary says
Haha I like the fingernail idea. But for me, I’d cover chocolate in chocolate. You can never have too much of a good thing, right? 😉
Meg says
“You deserve to eat what your body really craves”… love this! Its hard to think of anything I want to cover in chocolate that I haven’t already tried…maybe banana soft serve? Like a healthy recreation of a DQ dipped cone…that would be awesome!
bananasforbananas says
Love your about the blog page!! You did an awesome job at showing people can eat stuff they actually LIKE and still have it be healthy…..I mean I’m sure as heck convinced by all that chocolatey goodness! lol
And if i could cover anything i think i would cover myself! jk..but not really 🙂
Ms Alex says
Wahhh! Everytime I click to read your blog I get hungry!
It’s cookie dough babies for me next, definitely!
Shelby says
Hey Katie! I’m not sure if you’re still in the Dallas area, but I live in Plano and I was wondering where you find kabocha squash? I don’t think it’s the right season so it might be harder to find, but I’ve tried Whole Foods and the Asian market and I haven’t had any luck!
Jess says
I love this new page!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I can still find them at the Asian market located in Carrollton (the Super H Mart).
It’s sad that Plano WFS hasn’t been carrying them, right??! 😕
caronae says
I’m not sure there are too many chocolate covered things that don’t taste good. I’m gonna go ahead and say that my favorite thing to cover in chocolate is peanut butter. It’s probably my favorite flavor combo. I like to dip a spoon into the pb jar then roll it in semi-sweet chocolate chips for a fun mini dessert!
littlemisspharmacist says
Hi! I just descovered your blog and I am really pleased to see all your great ideas of recipes…thanks for sharing !!!
I so want to try the “PB babies” or the raw macaron! I just bought the artisana coconut butter, I hope I’ll like it!!
aimee says
well since i was in the kitchen making my vegan truffles yesterday (new pix up at bittersweetonline.net !), i’d have to go with peanut butter…mmm…they’re my favorite creation 🙂
runnerforever says
I don’t know if it is possible to beat chocolate covered strawberries.
Lauren says
Only one thing? That’s too hard to decide…. I’ll have to say….
That way everything is chocolate covered. It’s like getting 1 wish and asking for infinite wishes 😉
Miho says
Nice foodies! The Brownie Batter Pancakes look amazingly deee-lish!!!
If I can cover anything in chocolate, it would be my boyfriend!! XD
Jen says
Chocolate covered almond butter and strawberry jam sandwich… That could be quite yummy-nummy.
Gaby says
Hmm chocolate flavored nail polish…now that would be an idea. Wouldn’t help with my nasty nail biting habit at all though.
I know this exists, but I really love chocolate covered coffee beans. Oo and the chocolate covered apples with sprinkles from carnivals!
Love this post, it mirrors my food philosophy word for word!
Hayley @ Breath of Fire says
Chocolate-covered brownie.
Or a chocolate-covered blondie.
Orrrr a chocolate-covered swirled brownie-blondie.
Lana says
I love all of your chocolatey recipes
I made your chocolate butter yesterday, it’s so good!!!
Keep doing what you’re doing xxxx
pursuitofhealthfulness says
Fun site, Katie! I think life is definitely better when covered in a little chocolate! (;
I’ve covered quite a few things in chocolate, but I’d say my favorite combos continue to be bananas and PB.
Lenna says
That is a really nice post! I especially love this quote: “You deserve to eat what your body really craves” So true!!!
If I could cover anything in chocolate, it would probably be my school books. Then they would be much more used than now :))