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Chocolate-Covered Gift Ideas

Afraid of sounding spoiled or show-off-y, I wasn’t planning on writing a post about what presents I got for Christmas. But then Caroline had a good point: it’s fun to see what others receive, because—if you’re anything like me—you have a hard time thinking of gift ideas!

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My favorite part of gift-getting is seeing how well my friends and family know me. Even if I don’t actually need the present they’ve picked out, I’m always touched at the meaning behind the gift. Although nothing can compare to the best present ever :).

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Other Gift Ideas:

  • clothes, makeup, fuzzy socks, and warm sweaters
  • Silhouette digital cutting machine (for scrapbooking)
  • a new camera and a baby tri-pod
  • reusable bamboo utentil set made out of recycled plastic (See? They know me so well!)
  • a donation made in my name to the Catskill Animal Sanctuary
  • A new pair of my favorite running shoes 🙂
  • and the tiniest ipod ever that I can hook to my pants when I run.

sports bra bamboo

Money can’t buy happiness

As cheesy/sappy as it sounds, the real gift was spending time with my family, watching their faces as they opened what I’d picked out for them. At the end of the day, stuff is just that: stuff. Yeah, I’m lucky that my family can afford it. But does that really make me lucky? I feel much luckier to be surrounded by love than by things.

You needn’t go far to see that wealth and happiness don’t always go hand in hand. Just look at the drugs, suicides, and scandal surrounding some of America’s wealthiest families. When my mom asks what I want for Christmas or my birthday, I often tell her—very seriously—not to buy a thing, because there’s really nothing I need. However, she says that would make her unhappy; she enjoys giving us gifts even more than we enjoy getting them. Have you ever experienced this, where you wait excitedly, screaming, “Open mine! Open mine!” as a loved one opens gifts?

One year, whilst living in China, we did receive very little, in terms of material presents. (We were moving soon, and thus didn’t want to cart things back. Plus, China lacks such American-teenage staples as J.Crew and Abercrombie. Oh the horrors lol.) Yet that Christmas was just as merry and bright as any other. We laughed so much, that year, opening package after package of socks—my mom’s attempt at trying to provide her usual crazy number of wrapped boxes under the tree.

Like Cindy Lou Who, I’d be fine giving all the stuff up. Well… maybe not all of it. I’d have a hard time parting with that mini ipod! 😉

Question of the Day:
Best holiday gift you received this year?

Published on December 30, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Katherine: Unemployed says

    my sister came to visit! I’m just so grateful that anyone can stand putting up with me at all that just being a friend/family is the best gift in the world (sappy but true)

  2. Namaste Gurl says

    Glad you had a lovely, family and gift- filled Christmas!
    Best present….hmmm, that’s a toughie. Probably a tie between my 10X zoom camera and garmin 🙂

  3. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    Love the message Katie…that you dont need material things to be happy.

    Our strategy is to travel as a family than to buy each other gifts so bday, anniversaries, random holidays, we keep it extremely small or nothing, and save up for a trip together.

    And during the year, if I see something I want, I buy it. I dont wait til Dec to buy it. Either for me, or the family. We do year round common sense “gifts”, i.e. if we really want/need it, then we get it. Takes the pressure off in Dec.

    Great post and love your ideas!


    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      We’re all like that too, which makes everyone hard to shop for! I try to think of a present for my sister, but seriously she already buys what she wants. So this year I got her a dutch oven with an $80 csn coupon code I had. LOL gotta love those blogging perks, right? 😉

  4. Mandy says

    What camera did you get? The Mr. and I splurged on a Canon T1I this winter and I’m completely in love!

    I suppose that would also be the best gift this year, although last year I got to spend it with my family, which was truly the best gift. 🙂 They live 7000 miles away so it’s hard sometimes.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I needed a new point-n-shoot one (a camera that’s portable-sized). I loooooved my old Kodak, but sadly it broke and they don’t make it anymore. My mom got me a new Kodak for Christmas, but I actually returned it because it’s *too* small and doesn’t have a viewfinder. I am so picky about cameras… so I’m going to have to look for a different one. I wish they still made my old one :(.

  5. Claire says

    I couldn’t agree more with what you said about Christmas being more about family and friends reather than recieving gifts. I find it much more enjoyable giving gifts than recieving them, when I travelled to Vietnam last year I only wanted to come home to give people their presents then I wanted to go straight back! My favourite present this year would be either Dawn French’s autoboigraphy ‘Dear Fatty’ or ‘Grumpy Old Men’, a BBC series inwhich some 35-55 year old public figgures discuss things that make them grumpy (somehow it’s hilarious). I organised everyone in our family to put money in to get mum a Kitchen Aid mixer – she was the most happy and least stressed of us all on Christmas! (Who’da thought?!)

  6. whitney says

    This is really touching Katie. When my dad lost his job 4 years ago, I felt like the only kid in the world not getting presents on Christmas. It made me so sad that my parents were so hurt and worried that we wouldn’t understand. I tried to tell them that I didn’t care about the presents but, it broke their hearts, I could tell. Now, my dad is still unemployed and I could still care less about Christmas presents! I just loving creating new memories with my family and being together. I know they would give me the world if they could and that makes me happy.


    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh Whitney, thanks so much for sharing. I didn’t want to make this too public, but my dad also lost his job (in April). He just got a new one in November, so that’s kinda why our Christmas was over-the-top in terms of expensive gifts this year–we were celebrating, because we really didn’t know when he’d get another job, and living like that is so scary. But there’s sometimes an advantage to your dad not having a job: he has more time to spend at home! hehe I dragged my dad to lots of restaurants, took walks with the puppies, etc. It was fun to have him home, even if the circumstances weren’t ideal. *Hugs to you, girl!*

  7. BroccoliHut says

    Gotta say—I was pretty psyched about all my much need kitchen tools (potato masher, ladle, slotted spoon). Not sure how I survived this long without them!

  8. Amber @ Fitritious Dish says

    You’re right…getting closer to and time with family! Especially since I’m moving 2,000 miles from home in a couple days. On the bright side it’s to warm weather so no more blizzards!

  9. Melissa @ I Never Imagined says

    So true! I feel waaaay better giving gifts than receiving them! Last year I asked my siblings whether we could all donate money to the hospital my little niece was treated at instead of giving each other gifts- so, that was the best gift I received and the best gift I gave 🙂

  10. Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel says

    i couldn’t agree more. i had more fun watching my families faces as we all laughed and smiled versus actually opening gifts. oh but i can help but melt looking at these photos of you opening your gifts and ur sister 🙂 Katie you have such a glow in your eyes/face…like the innocence of a child on Christmas morning. alway hold onto that. too many people lose it 🙁


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